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2011: The year of change

With Jupiter going from Pisces to Aries, this year will see some strong changes in the law and the institutions. Its opposition to Saturn will lead to the disappearance of obsolete systems and will allow the implementation of new ideas, previously required by the Saturn - Uranus opposition, once it enters Aries. Neptune coming in the sign of Pisces will strengthen the core values to be regained, will lead to a quest for personal balance and to a mutual support to face the deep changes that will occur. Pluto will still progress towards Capricorn to deeply change and purify the thoughts and reach a better balance and a greater unity. Superficial things will matter less for everyone. Every signs of the Zodiac will feel the need to get back to a true benevolent spirit towards the other, and that will be particularly strong in the signs of Pisces, Aries, Capricorn, Aquarius and Libra. Happy new year !

All about you You


Uranus, the planet of radical changes and assertiveness, will still be there to stimulate you more and to lead you to take your decisions more directly. It might have an effect on your nerves. Beware of your brusque reactions when you are facing delicate circumstances. Jupiter will sort out your papers, and might also bring some sanctions. Saturn will require you to be very patient..

You will rely on the energy of Neptune and the strong intuition that it brings you to make the right choices in your most difficult decisions. You will be more understanding and will seek to strengthen your ties with your relatives. They are waiting that for a long time. You can finally say STOP to superficiality! Passion will predominate in your love life, and you might start relationships with new people along the year. You will learn from what you have been taught.

Your Pros

Your cons
The first month of the year will be characterized by strong impatience. You will be quite irritable, subjected to intense fit of angers followed by periods of low spirits, despondency and depression, mostly because of the wrong choices you might make inconsiderately. Your faults and lies will be apparent. This time, you will have trouble hiding behind your usual tactics, even though they are usually quite effective!

Now, and you will learn how to achieve your goals !

Order your tarot reading


Be careful, passion doesn't always rhyme with happiness, and your couple will be severely tested. You might even take the decision to split up or to divorce early in the year if the previous years weren't positive for you. Your decisions are critical and final, and your mind is very clear. The most important thing in your opinion is to use the proper form so that your partner handles the content better..

if you are in couple

Your Love barometer

The curve shows you your monthly note,notes go from 1 to 5 5 being the maximum.

Your relationship harmony

Your sensuality



rch ril May ne uly ug Ma Ap J A Ju


. . c. Oct Nov De

. . rch ril May ne uly ug J a n Fe b M a A p J A Ju

. . c. . Sep Oct Nov De

If you are single


You are all for a fresh start, to forget about the past and to start a new romantic life. You will seek your soulmate with determination and carefulness to avoid being mistaken. The beginning of a relationship will see you overly excited, but you will take a step back after that. You might start several memorable and interesting relationships this year. Your need and desire for stability will be stronger when the year nears its end.culty.

Your Love barometer

Hot dating
The curve shows you your monthly note,notes go from 1 to 5 5 being the maximum.

Your sensuality

. . . h r c h r i ll ay y e e p . ct . J a n . Fe b . M a r c A p r i M a y J u n e J u ll y A u g SS e p . O c t . N o v. D e c O M Jun Ju Aug J a n Fe b M a A p

. . h r c h r i ll ay p. t. y e c. . J a n . Fe b . M a r c A p r i M a y J u n e J u ll y A u g S e p . O c t . N o v D e M Jun Ju Aug Se Oc J a n Fe b M a A p

Your job


You have several good ideas to put forward to your superiors or your associates. The trouble lies in the way you are presenting them. This might result in a simple misunderstanding that results in you missing a major achievement. You will finally see your hopes being fulfilled at the end of the year thanks to the strong support of new people in your relations!

Each of these bar graphs shows a change in data over time. Notes go from 1 to 5 5 being the maximum.













Your Projects
Your finances


Several annoyances early in the year: unexpected big expenses and remainders from last year that are resurfacing. You must really control your awful habit of throwing money down the drain because this will be a very difficult period for you! Everything will be fine eventually thanks to the intervention of your bank to spread your schedule of repayments for the important debts. Your income will increase in the Autumn.

Each of these bar graphs shows a change in data over time. Notes go from 1 to 5 5 being the maximum.













Your winning Duet in 2011

Side heart


You will get along really well with Sagittarius and Aquarius people: romantic plans will unfold within happiness and joy, influenced by a burning passion. So-so relationships with Aries and Leo people: you'll see them as too aggressive. And as for the other signs... it's best to avoid them!

Love connections Legend

=5 =4 =3 =2 =1 If you are in search of your soul sister, Observe attentively this table to put all the chances From your part! Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Ar ies Ta s uru Ge i min Ca r nce Leo n s ius io ittar ricor uariu ces go Libra corp ag Aq Pis Vir S Cap S

Side work

Your winning Duet in 2011

Virgo and Sagittarius will bring you stability, an attentive ear and energy, whereas Aries, Taurus, Leo, and Gemini will spur you on your goals with several strong ideas. Don't waste your time with Cancer and Pisces people, they will only hamper your motivations.

Work connections Legend

=5 =4 =3 =2 =1 If you are in search of your soul sister, Observe attentively this table to put all the chances From your part! Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces
Ar ies Ta s uru Ge i min Ca r nce Leo n s ius io ittar ricor uariu ces go Libra corp ag Aq Pis Vir S Cap S

Your family


You will be in serious need of a family support during the first half of the year. That might even be extended to the financial level. Your carelessness and your lack of maturity will be criticized. You will understand that the others shouldn't have to pay for your stupidity and your compulsive buying behaviour. You will eventually find a way to make it up and you promise to yourself to never fall again into such careless actions in the future.

=5 =4 =3 =2 =1

Your friendly relationships

You will be very concerned, and have little inclination to confide in friendship in the beginning of the year. You will try to find a refuge where you'll ask yourself the right questions and think about your future plans. You will appear different to your friends, but they will eventually accept it, knowing that it never lasts long! You will slowly come back to them in the middle of the year, with kind gestures and nice promises. Will you keep them? That's another story altogether!

Your social forecast


5 being the maximal note !

Jan. Feb. Mar. April May June July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec.

Your Body

Your Vitality


The most important points to watch will be your stomach and your circulatory system. Your pains are certainly caused by stress. You must find relaxation elsewhere, far from everything for some time so that you can come back rejuvenated and completely relaxed. You will either be completely fidgeting or will be completely worn out and mentally drained. You will have trouble finding the right balance, always switching from one extreme state to its opposite without smoothing things over.

Your spirit

On the spiritual matters, you will be brimming with ideas and will be seeking new visions of things. You will be more open to some doctrines or subjects that didn't really interest you in the past. You will be very attracted by psychology, you will even try to talk about it and about everything you've learned during your outings and dinners. That will indeed impress some people! While for others, you'll just be a know-it-all!

Your body forecast


Your spirit forecast

. ct. . . v. e c . e . rch ril y y D J a n Fe b M a A p Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep O No

. ct. . . v. e c . e . rch ril y y D J a n Fe b M a A p Ma Jun Jul Aug Sep O No

Advices throughout the year

You are quite a bundle of nerves, and you will have to make a serious effort regarding your past commitments, whether on the financial level or on the administrative one. Your mind isn't inclined to romantic games, but you need to be more affectionate and gentle with your partner, or he might make himself/herself scarce without prior notice! You must be aware that unfortunately you aren't the only person with problems! You have been warned, don't go complaining that he or she left you overnight without any explanation. The pressure has been rising for a long time now and your actions led to the final explosion! Don't think that stirring things up will help: it won't! You must realize that you are now to the point where you must assess where you are. You will be inclined to turn towards friendship. Always make sure you are turning to the right person, sometimes when one is desperate, one tends to go to the wrong direction. On the professional level, you will be very inventive and resourceful, and you will find the right people to help you achieve your goals, even if they are multiple. Fortunately, that helps you to hold your course and to not collapse. You will even be congratulated for that.



Beware, having your head in cloud nine might lead you to miss a good contract. And even more so because you had been waiting it for long time now. Don't be distracted, learn to tackle several things at the same time!

You aren't listening to the ad-

vices you received and are still eating junk foods, anywhere and at any time. Be careful, that might lead to a sudden increase in your weight! On the professional front, you will be perfectly ready to go soon on an important trip. You will probably be offered a transfer, but that suits you and your partner perfectly.


JUINE : Whew! Chances are that you have never been so happy in your entire life! Your partner brings you love and joy, and you are ready to take off with them towards other sceneries more favorable to your blossoming love. Don't forget however that work is a human activity devoted to creating, producing and maintaining something. Yes, you need this reminder because you have already forgotten what it was!
too fidgety. You are full of ideas, but every one of them is unachievable because you don't have the financial means to implement them. This month, the most important thing is to take the time to try to know your partner better. You've heard it all before, and you saw the results! I'll leave the rest to your imagination.

JULY : It's the perfect time to relax, but you are

NOVEMBER : You will experience a true

and psychologically painful questioning. The past will be back to haunt you, including one of your exes that you don't want to hear anymore. The problem is that you didn't really settle things and they are resurfacing. It is time to think about what you really want: a strong, powerful passion or a simple, clear and peaceful love story?




You will soon discover that patience is always rewarded. Something is in the offing around you, but today you still have no idea what it is. Things will combine themselves to trigger an amazing and surprising encounter at work. The most important thing is to stay levelheaded because you are well-known to get carried away too quickly. Slow down! This promises to be a wonderful period on the romantic front! Love takes center stage, but that doesn't mean that you can't work efficiently too!

Things are gently slowing down, and that helps you to have clearer ideas. You are entering a more mature stage with your partner. That's very good, because the story between Barbie and Ken has ended long ago, and Sleeping Beauty didn't need Prince Charming to wake up! You have learned your lessons and will have positive and constructive talks! Finally!

DECEMBER : Your mind is very confused and you need the help of a knowledgeable person to find the right solution. Indecision will prevail over construction except at work where you have doubled your efforts to make up for lost time. You will come close to a break-up or a complete commitment. You decide!

SEPTEMBER : You seem to have less


energy even when everything seems perfect in your life. That might be the result of nutritional deficiencies out of a bad diet. Your stomach will complain, and you would be well-advised to start a strict diet if you don't want to consult a physician very shortly. I suggest you to rest and to try activities that go easy on your body while also invigorating it.

Aries : This year, you will enjoy an exceptional potential of achievement. Saturn opposite to your Sun will slow you down, but you have so much energy that it will be envied, and so are the rewards you'll receive. Be prudent with your rivals. A wedding is also possible, and/or a baby. Taurus : Thanks to a renewed spirit of optimism, you will be extremely charming this year! Your planning and organizing skills will allow you to make money from your current assets, and your dynamism and ability to tackle heavy workloads will be fantastic. Beware of jealousy on the love front. You'll get the opportunity to buy a property together with your partner. Gemini : You will be more understanding towards the other and will try to strengthen some ties. Your intuitions will be particularly heightened. There are some strong partnering opportunities in your work. On the love front, you will meet several and very interesting people. Cancer : Beware of the periods of depression that might become more frequent because of your bad choices. Your intuitions will however prevail when it comes to distinguish the frauds from the real deals. You are full of energy at work. Your love life will be characterized by unattainable things, and the past might resurface again.


Leo : The romance of your life might happen this year and become something more concrete. You will surround yourself with the best people in the professional front, with great success! You will be enthusiast and determined to take the first place whatever the costs. Your determination will be absolutely unflinching! Virgo : You will be able to implement firmly the projects that matter the most to you despite some serious setbacks. Your self-confidence will increase and that is helpful in stabilizing your romantic relationship. You will have the occasion to purchase a property and you will not miss the opportunity! Libra : Don't give way to impatience! It won't be easy with your planet Saturn, yet you will be a real warrior and you will clearly assert yourself! Your choices are final and definitive. There might be some break-ups on the love front, but they might be necessary to make a fresh start. Scorpio : You will be delighted by an amazing material success, and without much effort to boot! You will be in peak form and with an alert mind. You will be able to make long-term investments thanks to your professional activities. On the romantic side, passion is present whether in your current couple or in a new and memorable encounter!

Sagittarius : This year, you will display an exceptional enthusiasm and will do your very best to fulfill your ambitions. Humanitarian or social works are the recommended choices. On the love front, you will meet a very important person. For those already in couple, watch out for unfaithfulness and sudden break-ups! Capricorn : This year isn't very positive for your finances because you will face some slowing downs. You will be attracted toward group works and will agree to listen more closely to the advices that you will receive. On the love front, there will be some strong, intense and destructive passions, and there will be no place for lies.v Aquarius : You have a stronger sensitivity this year, and will be more effective on your businesses. You might hope for a thriving success and a good income, but for that you must control your capricious nature, which might play tricks on you. You will experience powerful and passionate feelings and emotions in your love life. Pisces : Your business is doing very well; and if you are an employee, you might expect a promotion. Your finances are quite secure and you have nothing to worry except from your gullible and naive nature that might play tricks with you. On the love and romantic front, everything is perfect, and you will be able to make your longtime dream a reality.ce dont vous rviez depuis

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