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Peer Feedback and Review Sheet: ARCH7111





My understanding is that remains of transportation vessels from a not to distant past are altered to be used. Its a great starting point and the imagery is compelling but I am struggling to complete the picture with a story. I do not mean to tell a whole story put small fragments of it to guide the viewers imagination You are yet to explain the viewer what it does in relation to the brief. What is a Town Hall in your scheme? Noahs Ark? A temporary shelter? The scheme reminds of the old theme of Noahs ark, the vessel that will provide the shelter for a sample of humanity to survive and rejuvenate. Again, it is an interesting premise but it comes across as if you were doing what you want to do without considering the brief. If these cavities are abandonned, what was happening before? And if they are currently occupied, youll need to show which activities are taking place there. Compelling imagery. There is a lot of potential in exploring what the insertions are from the inside and the interstitial spaces that they generate. Also, in terms of light, looking in and looking out are completely different experiences.

1. Clarity What is the compelling idea

discovered/addressed/resolved by your project?

2. Rigor Have you contested your idea in

the dened context of your project, be it social, cultural, environmental, political, economic or philosophical?

3. Imagination Is your idea inventive? Or

have you creatively reassessed the context of an old idea from the past?

4. Inhabitation and Program How do

you dene the narrative of your inhabitation? How is such program accommodated, or even enshrined, by your architecture?

5. Artice and Formal Conguration

How ingenious is your organization of cavities, solids, walls, skins, rooms, circulations, columns, beams, ceilings, doors, windows, openings, enclosures, roofs, outdoor and indoor spaces, as well as through its various forms of Architectural representation?

6. Construction and Structural System

In what way have you materialized the above aspects of your project?

It seems to me that the narrative that will link the imagery with the theme is more important than the resolution of construction details unless your insertions are a made from a module which would then need to be well resolved.

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