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C.Sahaya Anbarasu, M.E Computer Science & Engineering, Sun College Of Engineering & Technology, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu. ABSTRACT
Wireless Sensor Network has the potentiality to connect the physical world with the virtual world by forming a network of sensor nodes. As sensor nodes are battery driven, an efficient utilization of power is essential in order to use networks for long duration hence it is needed to reduce data traffic inside sensor networks, reduce amount of data that need to send to base station. Sensor nodes need less power for processing as compared to transmitting data. Energy saving in these approaches can be obtained by cluster formation, cluster-head election, data aggregation at the cluster-head nodes to reduce data redundancy and thus save energy. For this purpose, a data aggregation tree, rooted at the sink, is constructed in the network. Node clustering can be employed to further balance load among sensor nodes and prolong the network lifetime. The main goal of data aggregation algorithms is to gather and aggregate data in an energy efficient manner so that redundant data are avoided and network lifetime is enhanced. It is preferable to do an energy efficient hierarchical cluster-based data aggregation scheme which is a bottom-up clustering approach by grouping similar nodes together before the cluster head (CH) is selected inside the network and reduction of packet size. To achieve the goal, an energy efficient HAC (Hierarchical Agglomerative Clustering) algorithm for WSNs is to be proposed . HAC uses simple numerical methods to make clustering decisions. In addition, HAC provides flexibility with respect to input data type (e.g., location data or connectivity information) and weight assignment to different factors (e.g., connections or power strength).

Mrs.A.AntonyViswasa Rani M.E.,(PhD) Assistant Professor, Sun College of Engineering and Technology, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu. mailto: using some kind of grouping of nodes such that data from sensor nodes of a group can be combined or compressed together in an intelligent way and transmit only compact data. This can not only reduce the global data to be transmitted and within each individual group, but reduces the traffic and hence contention in a wireless sensor network. This process of grouping of sensor nodes in a densely deployed large-scale sensor network is known as clustering [1]. The intelligent way of combining and compressing the data belonging to a single cluster is known as data aggregation. Routing protocols [4] providing an optimal data transmission route from sensor nodes to sink to save energy of nodes in the network. Data aggregation plays an important role in energy conservation of sensor network. Data aggregation methods are used not only for finding an optimal path from source to destination but also to eliminate the redundancy of data, since transmitting huge volume of raw data is an energy intensive operation, and thus minimizing the number of data transmission. Also multiple sensors may sense the same phenomenon, although from different view and if this data can be reconciled into a more meaningful form as it passes through the network, it becomes more useful to an application. 1.2 Need for Data Aggregation

Keywords : Redundancy, cluster , head rotation , data fusion , data aggregation . 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Data Aggregation It is widely accepted that the energy consumed in one bit of data transfer can be used to perform a large number of arithmetic operations [10] in the sensor processor. Moreover in a densely deployed sensor network the physical environment would produce very similar data in nearby sensor nodes and transmitting such data is more or less redundant. Therefore, all these facts encourage



Fig :1 Data aggregation model and Non data aggregation model

The compulsory requirement for data aggregation in wireless sensor network can be visualized from the above fig : 1.The basic idea of anytime and anywhere computing leads to the new field called mobile computing. The advances in the wireless technology are also one of the major stimuli for the growth of mobile computing. But here in this ubiquitous computing environment we cant follow the normal architecture and protocols which have been used in the fixed network due to its battery powered devices involved in the computing and transmission of the data. The advancement in these miniature computing model and wireless transmission techniques lead to the development of the wireless sensor networks. Sensor networks are needed in the applications like environment monitoring, industrial control units, military applications and in the context aware computing environments. In this paper, we propose an energy efficient hierarchical data collecting algorithms for heterogeneous sensor networks. Algorithms include two phases: the cluster head arrangement phase and the routing phase. For the cluster head arrangement, algorithms adopt the head node on the basis of the distance (how far the Base-station is located from the head node) and its energy level. After the cluster head arrangement phase, algorithms constructs a routing tree over the set of head nodes but only the higher residual energy nodes can communicate with the Base-station by single-hop communication. The remainder of the paper is prepared as follows: In Section 2, some related work is presented. In Section 3, the network radio model for energy calculations and problem statement has been discussed. In Section 4, the details of centralized algorithms for hierarchial data aggregation have been provided. We present simulation results and discussion in Section 5. Section 6 concludes the paper. 2. RELATED WORK Heinzelman et al. [1] propose LEACH, a substitute clustering based algorithm. In order to save energy, LEACH deals with the heterogeneous energy condition is the node with higher energy should have larger probability of becoming the cluster head. Each sensor node must have an approximation of the total energy of all nodes in the network to compute the probability of becoming a cluster head but it can not make decision of becoming a cluster head only by its local information, so the scalability of this scheme will be influenced. Sh. Lee et al. suggest a new clustering algorithm CODA [8] in order to mitigate the unbalance of energy depletion caused by different distance from the sink. CODA divides the whole

network into a small number of groups based on the distance from the base station and the strategy of routing and each group has its own number of cluster members and member nodes. The farther the distance from the base station, the more clusters are formed in case of single hop with clustering. It shows better performance than applying the same probability to the whole network in terms of the network lifetime and the dissipated energy. In [7] authors report an algorithm based on chain, which uses greedy algorithm to form data chain. Each node, aggregates data from downstream node and sends it to upstream node along the chain and communicates only with a close neighbor and takes turns transmitting to the base station, thus reducing the amount of energy spent per round. In [9], the authors discuss a HEED clustering algorithm which periodically selects cluster head based on the node residual energy and node degree and a secondary parameter, such as node proximity to its neighbors or node degree. The clustering process terminates in O(1) iterations and it also achieves fairly uniform cluster head distribution across the network and selection of the secondary clustering parameter can balance load among cluster heads. In [10] the authors introduce a cluster head election method using fuzz logic to overcome the defects of LEACH. They inquired that the network lifetime can be prolonged by using fuzz variables in homogeneous network system, which is different from the heterogeneous energy consideration. In [3] the authors propose an EDGA algorithm to achieve good performance in terms of lifetime by minimizing energy consumption for in-network communications and balancing the energy load. It is based on weighted election probabilities of each node to become a cluster head, which can better handle the heterogeneous energy capacities and adopt a simple but efficient method to solve the area coverage problem in a cluster range. Recently, in [2,4], authors suggested the impact of heterogeneity of nodes in terms of their energy that are hierarchically clustered in WSNs and initiate an energy efficient heterogeneous clustered method for WSNs based on weighted election probabilities of each node to become a cluster head according to the residual energy in each node. For this they suppose a percentage of the population of sensor nodes is equipped with the additional energy resources.

3. MODEL NETWORKS 3.1 Assumptions



cluster-head and other simple node work as clustermember only. Considering the above issues, many protocols have been proposed which deals with each individual issue. 4. ALGORITHM FOR HIERARCHIAL DATA AGGREGATION (HDA) 4.1 Explanation of Proposed Algorithm The existing energy efficiency model for the sensor network shows considerable improvement in one or more objectives to suite the specific application, still there needs a lot of work to be done on energy efficient model in terms of low clustering overhead, distributed cluster heads, continuous packet delivery, reduced data fusion cost. In this project a new hybrid protocol model is to be proposed which considers all these factors in the routing mechanism for the wireless sensor network. The following are the steps involved for adopting the proposed hybrid model. 1.Formation of network with suitable number of sensor nodes and a single sink. 2.The network topology is composed of tranceiving nodes placed between the sink and sensor nodes. 3.The sink node sends a request message to all sensor nodes inorder to acquire their configurations . 4.The sensor nodes response to the sink and hence the sink node attains the global knowledge about the system especially the energy levels. 5.The lower level nodes that are capable of sensing the data are allowed to perform data gathering. 6.After the sensor nodes complete data sensing, clustering occurs. 7.The sensor node with maximum residual energy is elected to be the cluster head. 8.If single cluster members sense a data,then data fusion is employed to obtain the best data. 9.If two or more cluster members sense a data,then data aggregation is employed at the cluster heads to obtain the best data. 10.The cluster heads send the fine data to the next level of tranceiving nodes. 11. At each transceiver level, the node with maximum energy is selected to be the routing path inorder to avoid packet loss. 12. Cluster head rotation is effected for each subsequent cycles of data sensing based on the existing residual energy levels available at each clusters at that instance.

A Fixed network which includes in mobile sensor nodes and base station is considered in our study with the following assumptions . The network is considered homogeneous and all of the sensor nodes have the same initial energy. 2. Each sensor node knows its own geographical position. 3. All nodes measure the environmental parameters at a fixed rate and send it periodically to the receiver nodes. 4. The radio channel is symmetric such that energy consumption of data transmission from node A to node B is the same as that of transmission from node B to node A. Each sensor nodes can operate either in sensing mode to monitor the environment parameters and transmit to the base station or cluster head mode to gather data, compress it and forward to the BS. ETx = Eelec * l + Efs * l * d2 , d < d0 ETx = Eelec * l + Emp * l * d4 , d d0 and for receiving this message respectively is: ERX =Eelec * l where Eelec is the energy spent to operate the transceiver circuit, Efs and Emp are the energy expenditure of transmitting one bit data to achieve an acceptable bit error rate and is dependent on the distance of transmission in the case of free space model and multipath fading model . If the transmission distance is less than a threshold d0, the free space model is applied; otherwise, the multipath model is used. The threshold d0 is calculated as d0 = (Efs)1/2 / Emp 3.2 Data Aggregation - Issues There are some issues involved with the process of clustering in a wireless sensor network. First issue is, how many clusters [5] should be formed that could optimize some performance parameter. Second could be how many nodes should be taken into a single cluster. Third important issue is the selection procedure of cluster-head in a cluster. Another issue that has been focused in many research papers is to introduce heterogeneity in the network. It means that user can put some more powerful nodes, in terms of energy, in the network which can act as a 1.

By incorporating small changes in each step, we hope this hybrid model will improve the efficiency of routing protocol for Wireless sensor networks. 4.2 Design Modules Module 1: Formation of network with the required specifications.. Module 2: formation. Energy estimation and Cluster Head

cluster heads . From the available set of active nodes , given number of clusters to be formed based on Kmeans algorithm using the associated distance metric based on the Euclidean distance formula. For each cluster formed , a head node called cluster head is to be identified which encompasses the maximum of the residual energy of all the nodes in each of the respective clusters. In Module 3, based on the environment , the type of data and the type of constraints specified in the query the active nodes start gathering of data. The received data at all the children nodes are fused with the data available at their parent nodes. This fusion process continues till the sink node is reached. Further data correlation is done at all the parent nodes for matching the attributes given in the query string. The sensor nodes that act as the interface nodes between the cluster heads and the sink node are called gateway nodes where the aggregation process is done using aggregator functions and the final refined data is received by the sink. 5. SIMULATION RESULTS We have implemented our proposed protocol in NS2(ver. 2.31) [12]. We considered a 20 node random network deployed in an area of 360 X 360 m within which suitable number of sensing clusters are formed along with their respective cluster heads and 12 tranceiving nodes are deployed in a tree based hierarchical manner for routing the sensed data to the sink. The type of MAC used is 802.11 The only Sink node is assumed to be situated 100 meters away from the above specified area. At the same time, we considered specified area that is divided into 90 X 90 m square area called cluster and each cluster is divided into 30 X 30 m area called virtual grid. Obviously, the first set of cluster heads are taken randomly. The initial energy of all the nodes assumed as 5 joules. The radio range is varies from 30m to 130 m,each data packet has 64 bytes, and the others are 32 bytes long. The screenshots of hierarchical network formation and cluster formation are shown in fig 2 and fig 3 respectively.

Module 3: Transmission of aggregated data to the sink. 4.3 Specification of Modules In Module 1, a well defined network is to be formed considering the following parameters like the number of nodes to be deployed, nodes localization i.e, their positions , the nodes intial energy levels etc. Further the sink node floods the entire network requesting their current status , thereby the sink node gains the global knowledge about the whole system. This acquirement of global knowledge avoids the sinks request to the unable nodes to gather the data to be sensed. This strategy avoids the energy wastage for requesting those unable nodes to face the overhead for sensing the data. In Module 2, the energy spent for reception , transmission , computation etc, during the network initialization phase is to be found and hence the residual energy level at all the nodes are determined . The sink node establishes a threshold energy level that must be sufficiently present in a sensor node so that it is capable of sensing the particular event Hence it is a must to distinguish the nodes into two types namely the nodes which have residual energy greater than the threshold are called active ones and the nodes which have residual energy lesser than the threshold are called dormant ones. Depending upon the application and the environment , the amount of energy spent by a sensor node is to be dealt in two scenarios. Under scenario 1,all the active nodes may spend equal amount of energy for sensing a specific data and hence there is no need for reclustering the system in the next cycle. Under scenario 2, all the active nodes may spend varying amount of energy for sensing a specific data and hence it is essential for reclustering the system in the next cycle. Now comes the central region of the project, i.e, selection of suitable clusters and the respective

optimizations at the topology management and scalability phases pose a number of challenges. REFERENCES [1 ] Using hierarchical agglomerative clustering in wireless sensor networks:An energy-efcient and exible approach -Chung-Horng Lung , Chenjuan Zhou - Elsevier -Ad Hoc Networks 8 (2010) 328344 Fig: 2 Hierarchical network formation [2] A QoS Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks - Mirela Fonoage, Mihaela Cardei, and Arny Ambrose -IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MOBILE COMPUTING, VOL. 10, NO. 5, MAY 2011 [3] A Sensor Network Data Aggregation Technique -Mohamed Watfa, William Daher and Hisham Al -International Journal of Computer Theory and Engineering, Vol. 1, No.1, April 2009 Fig 3 : Hierarchical cluster formation 6. CONCLUSION One of the most important constraints in wireless sensor networks is the energy consumption. Aggregation algorithms have a considerable role in decreasing the energy consumption due to the reduction of the transmitted data volume. Aggregation reduces power consumption on avoiding the communication directly between sink and sensor nodes. The idea is to combine the data coming from different sources, eliminating redundancy, minimizing the number of transmissions and thus saving energy. In this work, an energy efficient hierarchical cluster based algorithm to construct the aggregation tree is presented. The algorithm considers both energy and distance to construct the aggregation tree. Furthermore, an energy-driven method to rotate cluster-head instead of time-driven cluster-head rotation is also adopted to balance the energy consumption. It is expected that the simulation results show better performance than the existing algorithms and also, the algorithm decreases the number of failure nodes and provides higher network lifetime and better coverage. It is believed that this algorithm can offer significant improvement on the performance and energy-efficiency of mobile sensor networks if further research on mobility model is carried out. There are several interesting and challenging questions that yet remain to be answered here. For example, modeling and quantifying the savings in data aggregation that result through the [4] An Multi-hop Cluster Based Routing Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks - Qi Yang, Yuxiang Zhuang, Hui Li - Journal of Convergence Information Technology, Vol 6, No. 3. March 2011 [5] Wireless Sensor Network: A Review on Data Aggregation - Kiran Maraiya, Kamal Kant, NitinGupta - International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 2, Issue 4, April -2011 [6] An Energy Efficient Data Gathering Scheme in WSN Using Spannig Tree Kaushik Chakrabarty,Abhrajit Sengupta - IEMCON 2011 organised by IEM in collaboration with IEEE on 5th & 6th of Jan,2011. [7] Efficient Cluster Head Selection Scheme for Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Network -Kiran Maraiya Kamal Kant Nitin Gupta -International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 8887) Volume 23 No.9, June 2011 [8] An unequal cluster-based routing protocol in wireless sensor networks - Guihai Chen Chengfa Li Mao Ye JieWu - C Springer Science + Business Media, LLC 2007 [9] DATA GATHERING ALGORITHMS FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS: A SURVEY K.Ramanan and E.Baburaj - International Journal of Ad hoc, Sensor & Ubiquitous Computing (IJASUC) Vol.1, No.4, December 2010 [10] An Adaptive Traffic Aware Data Aggregation Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks - M.Y. Mohamed Yacoab ,V. Sundaram - American Journal

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