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<center>Tweaked by yours truly</center> <br><br> </div> <div id="center"> {block:Posts} <div id="post"> {block:Title}{Title}{/block:Title} {block:Text}{Body}{/block:Text} {block:Photo} <a href="{permalink}"><img src="{PhotoURL-500}" width="493"/></a> {/block:Photo} {block:Photoset} {Photoset-500} {/block:Photoset} {block:Quote} {Quote} <div align="right"> {block:Source}-{Source}{/block:Source} </div> {/block:Quote} {block:Video} {Video-500}<br> {PlayCountWithLabel} {/block:Video} {block:Link} <a href="{URL}" class="link" {Target}>{Name}</a><BR> {block:Description}{Description}{/block:Description} {/block:Link} {block:Chat} {block:Lines} {block:Label} <br>{Label} {/block:Label} &nbsp;{Line} {/block:Lines} {/block:Chat} {block:Audio} {AudioPlayerGrey} <br><div align="right">{block:Artist} Artist: {Artist}</div> {/block:Artist}<br> {block:Caption}{Caption}{/block:Caption} {/block:Audio}

{block:Answer} {Asker} asked <b>{Question}</b><Br> {Answer} {/block:Answer} {block:PermalinkPage} {block:Caption} {Caption} {/block:Caption} <br> {block:NoteCount} {NoteCount} notes {/block:NoteCount} <Br> {block:PostNotes}{PostNotes}{/block:PostNotes}</div> {/block:PermalinkPage} </div> {block:IndexPage}<center><div class="meta"><a href="{Permalink}"><font style="color: #fff;">{NoteCount} </a></font> <font style="color: #fff;">&middot; </font><a href="{ReblogURL}" target="_blank"><font style="color: #fff;">reblog</font></a></div> </center>{/block:IndexPage} {/block:Posts} </div> </body> <div id="02" class="popup_block"> <center>PLEASE READ</center><br /> Q: What theme are you using?<br /> A: <a href=""><i>Fly beyond</i></a> by french-b elle<br /><br /> Q: What are the songs playing and where'd you get them?<br /> A: <i>"Butterfly Fly Away"</i> by Miley Cyrus,<i>"Samson"</i> and <i>"The Call"< /i> both by Regina Spektor,<i>"Paperweight"</i> by Joshua Radin.It's on shuffle mode.I got it from here --> <a href="">HYPSTER</a><br /><br /> Q: Where'd you get your cursor? A: From cursors-4u.Click <a href=" all-grey-outline-pointer.html">HERE</a> for the code.<br /><br /> I love receiving messages.Send me one if you like...please? You could also send me hate messages.Can't blame you if you hate my blog. <Center><iframe frameborder="0" scrolling="no" width="100%" height="150" src="ht tp://" style="background-color :transparent; overflow:hidden;" id="ask_form"> </center></div> </div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div></div> </html>

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