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Adv Math Lab *(Nelson) 7:45-8:45am 9 am

St. Philip Neri

St. Theresa of Jesus

St. Francis De Sales

St. Thomas Aquinas

St. John Baptist de LaSalle 8th Gr Med Hist & Geog/Lit *(Hawkins) 7th Gr Ancient Hist & Geog/Lit *(Truss) Basic Lang Principles with Latin B **(Rita B) --------------------------------Algebra (Gentile) General Science *(Nelson)

St. Ignatius of Loyola

Chemistry (Webb)

Music Sacraments Appreciation & (Mettner) Apologetics (Williams) Biology (Schulte) Ancient Hist & Geog and Ancient Lit (Rachel B./Webb) Medieval Natural Hist Hist & Geog/ (Schulte) Medieval Lit (Williams) and lunch P.E.----------- ----------------Intro to Latin IB Bible **(Rita B) (Falbo) Algebra 2 Geometry *(Bolte) (Gilliam)

Latin IA **(Rita B.)

10 am

Catholic Doctrine (Williams)

Algebra 1 (Gentile)

Health: Casti Canubii1st semester (P. Brown) Math Lab: Algebra Algebra 1 *(Hawkins) Yearbook *(Huffman) Time to be determined `-------------------------------Journalism (Lassiter) Grammar & Comp (Lassiter)

11 am

Am Gov & Econ (Webb) Angelus ----------------Brit Lit (Rachel B) Adv Latin Lab **(Fischer) Performing Arts 2nd semester (OBrien/ Bolte)

12 pm 12:30 pm 1:15 pm

2:15 pm

US Hist & Geog and Am Lit (P. Brown) ----------------` ----------------Earth Science (Gilliam) Faith & Morality (Falbo)

3:15 pm

*no fee for class, but one time supply fee may apply **reduced fee Commons: A portion of the Commons area will be designated as Study Hall where students not in classes may work quietly on their assignments while supervised by an adult. The other portion of the commons area may be used for a structured activity, such as a book club, art, etc. PE may be held in the Commons during inclement weather, otherwise PE will be outdoors. When held indoors, activities will be limited to board/card games and other non-physical activities.

Private music lessons for piano, guitar, flute and voice will be available during the course of the day. Contact Ann Therese Mettner, (636) 219-6493, for more information and cost. Teachers: Jason Bolte: Algebra 2, Performing Arts assistant Paula Brown: Health, US History & Geog/American Lit Rachel Brown: British Lit., Ancient Hist & Geog/Ancient Lit (possibly) Rita Brown: BLP, Latin IA, Latin IB Deacon Tony Falbo: Faith & Morality, Introduction to the Bible Audrey Fischer: Latin Lab for Latin II and III Cindy Gentile: Algebra , Algebra I Cassy Gilliam: Geometry, Earth Science Lisa Hawkins: 8th Grade Medieval History/Lit, Math Lab (Algebra , Algebra 1) Dawn Huffman: Yearbook Julie Lassiter: Grammar & Composition, Journalism Ann Therese Mettner: Music Appreciation *Ms. Mettner also will offer private piano, voice, guitar or flute lessons during the course of the day. Melissa Nelsen: General Science Walter Nelsen: Advanced Math 1 Chris OBrien: Performing Art Jeanie Schulte: Natural History, Biology Barb Truss: 7th Grade Ancient History/Lit Mr. Webb: Chemistry, Am Govt & Econ, Ancient Hist & Geog/Ancient Lit (possibly) David Williams: Catholic Doctrine, Sacraments & Apologetics, Medieval History & Geography/Medieval Lit

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