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Which of the following is not likely to see in mitral valve prolapse A. Stroke B. Arrhythmias C. Infective endocarditis D.

Mitral stenosis E. Embolism of leaflet thrombi Disorders predisposing to cor pulmonale include all of the following except: A. Cystic fibrosis B. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease C. Left-sided heart failure D. Kyphoscoliosis E. Pulmonary embolism Which of the following is less likely to be a manifestations of ischemic heart disease A. Myocardial infarction B. Chronic ischemic heart disease C. Sudden cardiac death D. Myocarditis E. Angina pectoris

A 56 year old male has a history of aortic stenosis. Which of the following is associated with aortic stenosis? a) atrial fibrillation b) systolic ejection murmur c) increased pulse pressure d) diastolic murmur e) right heart failure 1. In which of the following situations would it be neccessary to use a defibrillater? A. B. C. D. ? ? ? ? As a treatment for angina pectoris. To correct valvular defects. Atherosclerosis treatment. During cardiac arrest.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true, with regards to Ischaemic Heart Disease? A. ? It is also known as Coronary Heart Disease.

B. C. D.

? ? ?

It is more frequent in the right ventricle. It can lead to the disease Angina Pectoris. It is the most frequent cause of death in the western world.

3. Which of the following statements is true with regards to Myocardial Infarction (heart attack)? A. B. C. D. ? Cardiac muscle supllied with blood via the blocked artery bagins to die after 20 minutes. ? ? ? It is most commonly found with the right ventricle. It is usually painless. It has no association with Coronary Artery Disease

4. What is an atheroma? A. B. C. D. ? ? ? ? A deviation of the heart's normal sinus rhythm. Fatty plaque on the wall of an artery. The blockage of an artery due to a clot. A weakness of the artery wall, that can cause them to burst.

5. Which of the following factors is NOT associated with essential hypertension? A. B. C. D. ? ? ? ? Lack of exercise. Predispostion. Obesity. Disease of the kidney

6. Which of these statements is NOT true with regards to Angina Pectoris A. B. C. D. ? ? ? ? It is caused by ischaemic heart disease. It usually presents as chest pain occuring on exertion. An exercise ECG is useful for diagnosis. It usually requires surgical treatment

7. In which of these diseases is hypertension NOT a risk factor? A. ? Aneamia. B. C. D. ? ? ? Stroke. Heart Failure. Renal Failure

8. When the narrow lumen of an artery is causing restricted blood flow, what technique can be used to increase its size? A. B. C. D. ? ? ? ? Administering anti-hypertensive drugs. Balloon Angioplasty. Defibrillation. There is no such technique

9. Which of these statements is NOT true with regards to Heart Failure? A. B. C. ? ? ? It causes the simultaneous depolarisation of all cardiac muscle cells. Failure of one ventricle often leads to failure of the other. It can be caused by hypertension.


It is caused by insufficient contractility

10. Which of these statements is NOT true with regards to Ventricular Fibrillation? A. B. C. D. ? ? ? It can be fatal if not quickly reversed. It cannot be detected using an ECG. It can be treated with defibrillation.

? Venticular fibrillation is the uncoordinated contractions of ventricular muscle cells

11. Beta-blockers should be given to all patients

True as first line therapy in the treatment of heart failure in combination with ACE inhibitors where tolerated require regular monitoring of renal function once initiated and at each subsequent titration should be given in preference to digoxin in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation False Don't Know

14. The mechanism of action of candesartan is:

True inhibition of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibition of reabsorption from the ascending limb of the loop of Henl inhibition of reabsorption at the distal convoluted tubule antagonism at angiotensin II receptor sites False Don't Know

Chronic heart failure: A is incorrectly diagnosed in only 10% of cases B often occurs when ECG and chest X-rays are completely normal C has been shown not to respond to ACE inhibitors in large epidemiological studies D should be routinely investigated using thyroid function tests E in the elderly, if treated with ACE inhibitors may be complicated by a deterioration in renal function

A 32 year old male is admitted to the emergency departmentsuffering from multiple gunshot wounds to the abdomen. Surgeryresults in removal of the all of the jejunum. Several monthslater, the patient complains of being tired. A CBC indicates anincreased MCV of 125, decreased Hb and Hct. Which of thefollowing is consistent with these data? a)iron deficiency anemia b)anemia of chronic disease c ) V i t B 12 Deficiency d)Folate deficiency e)Sideroblastic anemia

Features seen in hemolytic anemia are all except a) Tear drop and Burr cells b) Decreased Haptoglobin c) Reticulocytosis d) Hemoglobinuria

1. The majority of patients complaining of ease of bruising are going to have. a. von Willebrand disease b. Factor VIII deficiency c. Aspirin induced platelet dysfunction d. Grackelgubers disease

1. When considering underlying possibilities for a bleeding tendency (such as platelets or proteins), one must keep in mind categories of abnormality, such as : a. Quantity b. Quality c. Both d. Neither 2. Which of the following is/are true statements? a. Arterial thrombi tend to form because of platelet activation or endothelial injury. b. Venous thrombi tend to form because of blood stasis and factor activation. c. Both d. Neither 3. Which of the following is/are true statements? a. Bruises and petechiae tend to imply platelet problems. b. Deep muscle and joint hemorrhages tend to imply clotting factor problems. c. Both d. Neither.

4. All of the following are appropriate options in the treatment of an acute myocardial infarction, EXCEPT A. B. C. D. E. 5. A. B. C. D. E. nifedipine enalapril nitroglycerin aspirin metoprolol

Regarding DKA, the following statement is true: coma is commonly found with a serum osmolarity of < 340 mOsm/L the use of bicarbonate is not associated with an improved clinical outcome occurs only in Type I diabetes mellitus the nitroprusside reagent used to detect urine ketones only detects b HB the total body potassium is increased

An HIV patient with a CD4 count of 300 cells / mL presents to your ED with pneumonia. The least likely organism responsible is: A. B. C. D. E. pneumocystis carinii streptococcus pneumoniae M. Tuberculosis cryptococcus neoformans histoplasma capsulatum

Bronchial asthma is likely to be relieved by: (a) Stimulation of cholinergic receptors (b) Stimulation of beta adrenoceptors (c) Histamin aerosols (d) Drugs which stabilize mast cell membranes (e) Glucocorticoids

what is the main mode of action of beta-blockers in controlling hypertension ?

a) decrease cardiac input b) slow the heart rate c) increase the cardiac force of contraction d) increase cardiac output e) decrease plasma volume what is the main mode of action of beta-blockers in controlling hypertension ? a) decrease cardiac input b) slow the heart rate c) increase the cardiac force of contraction d) increase cardiac output e) decrease plasma volume Elderly woman develops sudden onset of a right sided partial ptosis and a divergent squint , there is no pupil asymmetry. When asked to raise both arms and she has weakness of the left arm in comparison with the right arm. The likely cause is : a) pontine lesion b) lesion at cerebellpontine angle c) Weber's syndrome d) mid-brain vascular lesion e) diabetic third nerve palsy Aspirin inhibits platelet function by acetylating : a) prostaglandin reductase b) thromboxane synthetase c) cyclooxygenase d) succinic dehydrogenase e) NADH-cytochrome-c-reductase
A 25-year-old female with diabetes mellitus presents with hypertension. The ideal target BP for pharmacologic control of hypertension is: a- 150/95

b- 140/90 c- 135/85 d- 125/75 e- The lower the better

Anaphylactic reaction involves: a. Langhan's giant cells. b. histamine. c. basophil. d. mast cells. e. Ig E.

HIV: a. is a single-stranded RNA. b. gains entry into cells with CD4 cell-surface receptor molecules. c. core protein p24 can be used to monitor progression of AIDS. d. can be passed from mother to foetus. e. causes a drop in the CD4/CD8 ratio.
The best duration of treatment to ensure 90% duodenal ulcer healing with H2 receptor antagonist is: A. 1 week B. 2 weeks C. 4 weeks

D. 8 weeks E. 1 year

Effective ulcer treatment which works without any action on gastric acid secretion is: A. Lactulose B. Aluminium hydroxide C. Sucralfate D. Lactitol E. Magnesium trisilicate


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