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The internationalization of social work and social policy in theory and practice!

INDOSOW SUMMER SCHOOL 2012 St. Poelten, Austria

Theory Module Abstracts

Prof. Dr. Silvia Staub-Bernasconi Prof. Dr. Vesna Leskoek Prof. Dr. Aila-Leena Matthies Prof. Dr. Maria Maiss |

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Silvia Staub-Bernasoni: Theories of Global Distributive Justice Social Justice Beyond Rawls and Action Priciples for Social Work Tuesday, June, 12th, 2012 Afternoon Session

In the International Definition of Social Work and the International Code of Ethics of Social Work Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work. But till to-day social justice, institutionalised in social politics and social policies is limited to the nation state in fact a quite ethnocentric version of justice, considering world society as a more and more interdependent structure of social, economic, political and cultural structures and processes and social work around the world as a part of these structures. According to the Global Agenda of Social Work and Social Development social work is among other issues - committed to make a contribution to abolish poverty in the world, including the rich countires. As discipline and profession social work has to discuss and evaluate different theories of social justice. The most prominent social philosopher/theoretician which started the discussion is John Rawls with his Theory of Justice (1972). But the discussion of it has brought in many critical points as well as new aspects and justice concepts which will be discussed. In the second part we shall discuss some action theories of social change and an empirical study about the conditions of success and failure of social movements.

Reader: Armstrong, Chris (2012): Global Distributional Justice, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge//UK, p. 11-39 IASSW/IFSW/ICSW: Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development 2012, Staub-Bernasconi, Silvia (2012): Partnering with the United Nations, Celebration of the World Social Work Day at the United Nations in New York and Geneva, March 26th 2012 (Typoscript)

Further References: Alinsky, Saul D. (1971): Rules for Radicals, A Pragmatic Primer for Realistic Radicals, Random House, New York Brunkhorst, Hauke (2010): Cosmopolitanism and Democratic Freedom, In: Thornhill, Christ/Asenden, Samantha (eds.): Legality and Legitmacy: Normative Approches, Nomos, BadenBaden : p. 171-196 Campfens, Huber (ed.) (1999): Community Development Around the Worlk, Pracitce, Theory, Research, Trainign,University of Toronto Press, Toronto/London, 2nd ed. Gamson, William A. (1975): The Strategy of Social Protest, Dorsey, Homewood Ill. Lavalette, Michael/Erguson, Iain (eds.): International Social Work and the Radical Tradition, Venture Press, Birmingham/UK McGillivray, Mark/Clarke, Matthew (eds.) (2006): Understanding Human Well-Being, United Nations University Press, Tokyo/NewYork/Paris

Silvia Staub-Bernasconi and Aila-Leena Matthies (Joint Teaching) Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development of IASSW/IFSW/ICSW and its Implications for Social Work Theory and Social Policy Wednesday, June, 13th, 2012 Afternoon Session

International Social Work Policies implementing the Global Agenda What about the claimed Globalization of Social Work? Relevance of the Global Agend fr my Dissertation Project? (Group Discussion and Plenum)

Reader: IASSW/IFSW/ICSW: Global Agenda for Social Work and Social Development 2012,

Maria Maiss Ilse Arlt A Universal Theory of Social Work Science and its Methodological Approaches Thursday, June, 14th, 2012 Morning Session

Ilse Arlt, Austrian pioneer of scientific social work has not only contributed to the theoretical groundwork of professional welfare and care, but also to the body of empirical research on poverty and wellbeing. Based on her research she developed a social work method how to deal with life planning and poverty processes in an individually, socially, and environmentally sustainable way. The focal point of this method is the precise definition of degrees and ways of achieving satisfaction of core, complex, and connected needs of the individual (Gedeihenserfordernisse). The goal of effective help is, according to Arlt, the empowerment for the processes of personality development and education in order to achieve needs satisfaction, a prosperous lifestyle and creative consumer behavior. This individualistic approach to welfare the only acceptable form for Arlt is embedded in a concept of general life care, welfare and people care. The ongoing processes of life and social reform should be organized in such a way that they [serve, M.M.] A new lifestyle satisfying everybody's physical needs to such an extent that there is sufficient time, money and energy for mental activities and pleasures... (Arlt 1921: 3). Arlts concept of an empowerment towards conscious, creative need satisfaction (consumer behavior) is aimed at helping for self-help to enable a more independent and prosperous life for everybody here and now without neglecting the need for structural political, economic and judicial reforms.

Reader: Maiss, Maria (2011): Ilse Arlt - The Austrian Pioneer of Poverty and Welfare research based Social Work Theory and Practice. Historical Portrait. Social Work & Society, 9(2), [online] URL: Unknown Author (1948): News of Ilse Arlt. In: Social Work. A Quarterly Review of Family Casework, 4 (5), 136138 Recommended further reading:
Arlt, Ilse (1921): Die Grundlagen der Frsorge. Wien: sterreichischer Schulbcherverlag. Arlt, Ilse (1925b): Armutsforschung. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Wohlfahrtspflege, 145153. Arlt, Ilse (1928): Frsorge im Auslande. Anmerkungen zur Sozialen Doppelwoche. Paris 1.13. Juli 1928. In: Zeitschrift fr Kinderschutz, Familien- und Berufsfrsorge. Wien, Nr. 10 (20), 163165. Arlt, Ilse (1929b): Klima und Armut. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift fr Wohlfahrtspflege, 4 Jg., Berlin, 11, 567571. Arlt, Ilse (1932a): Exakte Armutsforschung als Hilfsmittel in der Frsorgekrise. In: Keller, Franz (Hg.) Jahrbuch der Caritaswissenschaft 1932, Freiburg i. Br. 6575.

Arlt, Ilse (1932b): Planmige Armutsforschung. In: Soziale Praxis. Centralblatt fr Sozialpolitik. Berlin 51/52 (41), 16331638. Arlt, Ilse (1933): Armutskunde. In: Fortschritte der Gesundheitsfrsorge. Monatsschrift der deutschen Gesundheitsfrsorgeschule. Berlin. 3 (7) 6573. Arlt, Ilse (1934): On the Way to a Scientific Analysis of Poverty. In: Charity Organisazion Quarterly. A Journal of Case-Work and Social Effort. Edited by Robert Webb. Vol. VIII. London, (1) 221. Arlt, Ilse (1948b): The social Worker as an Expert. In: Social Work. A Quarterly Review of Family Casework. London, Vol. 4, No. 5, 134136 Arlt, IIse (1953/2010): Ilse Arlt: mein Leben. In: Dies.: Wege zu einer Frsorgewissenschaft. 2. Auflage, herausgegeben und mit einem Nachwort versehen von Maria Maiss, Mnster: LIT, 2010, 125128. Arlt, Ilse (1958): Wege zu einer Frsorgewissenschaft. Wien: Verlag Notring der wissenschaftlichen Verbnde sterreichs. Frey, Cornelia (2005): Respekt vor der Kreativitt der Menschen Ilse Arlt: Werk und Wirkung. Opladen. Hunold, Martin (2010): Wirklichkeitshorizonte. Ilse Arlt und der Capability Approach, Marburg. Maiss, Maria (2009): Sozialarbeit im Dienst der Ermglichung substanzieller/materieller Bedingungen von Freiheit und Wohlleben. In: Pantucek, Pantucek, Peter/Maiss, Maria (Hg.) (2009): Die Aktualitt des Denkens von Ilse Arlt, Wiesbaden: VS, 6174. Maiss, Maria/Pantucek, Peter (2009): Theory with Passion: Ilse Arlt and Current Questions in Social Work. In: Leskosek, Vesna (Ed.) (2009): Theories and Methods of Social Work. Exploring different Perspectives. Ljubljana: Faculty of Social Work, S. 45-59 Maiss, Maria/Ertl, Silvia Ursula (Hg.) (2011): Ilse Arlt (Auto-)biographische und werkbezogene Einblicke. Werkausgabe Ilse Arlt Band 3, Wien: LIT. Nussbaum, Martha C. (1986): Nature, Function and Capabilities: Aristotle on Political Distribution. In: Oxford Studies in Ancien Philosophy, 145184. Unknown Author (1948): News of Ilse Arlt. In: Social Work. A Quarterly Review of Family Casework. Vol. 4, No. 5, 136138

Aila-Leena Matthies: The eco-social approach: Theoretical approaches to connect Social Work to the issues of Global and Local Sustainability Friday, June, 15th, 2012 Morning Session

The connections of ecological and economical perspectives with social work have become an agenda in the current world wide debate of sustainability (sustainable development, social sustainability, Global Agenda). The aim of this part of the Theory Module is to strengthen the theoretical understanding of sustainability in the particular context of social work as a science, as a profession and as a social movement or ideology. We will discuss with the students ! ! ! ! a conceptual and historical overview of the roots of ecological traditions in social work in different parts of the world (ecological social work, the systems theoretical approach and the eco-critical approach) how to understand sustainability in social work at the global and local level and how to work towards it (Group works with the Global Agenda) two case studies are referred shortly: participatory development of rural welfare services and situation of young men facing poverty and unemployment in Finland how the perspective of sustainability can be integrated in the doctoral theses of the students

It is wished that the students have an opportunity to read the provided Readings for this topic, so we can start with shared discussions.

Reader: THE GLOBAL AGENDA FOR SOCIAL WORK AND SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT: A COMMITMENT TO ACTION (Accra, Ghana November 2011). Kati Nrhi and Aila-Leena Matthies: What is the Ecological (self)consciousness of Social Work? In: Matthies. A-L, Nrhi,K. & Ward, D. (eds.) (2001) The eco-social approach in social work. SoPhi. Jyvskyl, 16 53 Jennifer McKinnon: Exploring the Nexus Between Social Work and the Environment. Australian Social Work. Vol . 61, No. 3, September 2008, pp. 256_268

Further References: Special Issue on Social Work and Sustainability, International Journal of Social Welfare Coates, John (2003). Ecology and social work. Toward a new paradigm. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing Lena Dominelli (2012) Green Social Work. Sage Publication Elsen, Susanne (Hrsg.) (2011) kosoziale Transformation. AG SPAK Bcher Zurich, May 1st, 2012 / StB

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