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Induction Machines Asynchronous Machines

Induction Machines Asynchronous Machines

Induction Machines Asynchronous Machines

Induction Machines Asynchronous Machines

terminal box stator frame

end shield fan rotor


stator winding stator

cage winding

Induction Machines Asynchronous Machines

the three-phase windings are displaced from each other by 120 degrees in space a phase coil produces a sinusoidally distributed mmf wave centered on the axis of the coil alternating current in each coil produces a pulsating mmf wave mmf waves are displaced by 120 degrees in space from each other resultant mmf wave is rotating along the air gap with constant peak

Rotating magnetic field

balanced three-phase currents

ia = I m cos t ib = I m cos( t 120) ic = I m cos( t + 120)

Rotating magnetic field Graphical method

at time t0

at time t1

ia = I m Im ib = 2 Im ic = 2

Fa = Fmax 1 Fb = Fmax 2 1 Fc = Fmax 2

ia = 0,

3 3 ib = I m , Fb = Fmax 2 2 3 3 ic = I m , Fc = Fmax 2 2

Fa = 0

3 F = Fmax 2

Rotating magnetic field Graphical method

the resultant mmf vector retains its sinusoidal distribution in space

3 F = Fmax 2
it moves around the air gap one revolution per period

120 f 2 n = f 60 = p p
reversal of the phase sequence of the currents change the direction of rotation

Rotating magnetic field Analytical Method

analytical expressions for the mmf waves

Fa ( ) = Nia cos
Fb ( ) = Nib cos( 120)

Fc ( ) = Nic cos( + 120)

the resultant mmf wave

F( ) = Nia cos + Nib cos( 120) + Nic cos( + 120)

ia = I m cos t ib = I m cos( t 120) ic = I m cos( t + 120)

Rotating magnetic field Analytical Method

F( , t ) = NI m cos t cos + NI m cos( t 120)cos( 120) + NI m cos( t + 120)cos( + 120)
cos A cos B = 1 1 cos( A B) + cos( A + B) 2 2

1 1 F( , t ) = NI m cos( t ) + NI m cos( t + ) 2 2 1 1 + NI m cos( t ) + NI m cos( t + 240) 2 2 1 1 + NI m cos( t ) + NI m cos( t + + 240) 2 2 3 = NI m cos( t ) 2

Induced Voltages
sinusoidal flux density distribution in space

B( ) = Bmax cos

flux per pole

p =



B( )lr d = 2 Bmax lr

B = Bm cos( t ) = Bm cos t cos + sin t sin

flux linkage

a ( t ) = N p cos t
induced voltage

p =

( B

cos t cos + sin t sin ) lrd

= 2lrBm cos t

da ea = = N p sin t = Emax sin t dt

Induced Voltages

ea = N p sin t = Emax sin t

eb = Emax sin( t 120) ec = Emax sin( t + 120)

Erms =

N p

2 f N p = 4.44 fN p = 2
K w 0.85 0.95

for distributed winding with winding factor Kw

Erms = 4.44 fN ph p K w

Standstill operation phase shifter

rotor open-circuited rotating field in the air gap speed ns field induces voltages in stator and rotor windings same frequency

E1 = 4.44 f 1 N 1 p K W1 E2 = 4.44 f 1 N 2 p K W2

E1 N 1 K W1 N 1 = E2 N 2 K W2 N 2

stationary wound rotor induction machine can be used as a phase shifter

Standstill operation - induction regulator

variable polyphase voltage source continuous variation of voltage no sliding connection

+ Continuous variation of the output voltage + No sliding electric connections - High leakage inductances - High magnetizing current - high cost

E1 = Vin V0 = E1 + E 2

Running operation
rotor circuit is closed induced voltages produce rotor currents that interacts with air gap field to produce torque rotor starts to rotate relative speed decreases - induced voltage decreases torque balance


ns n s= ns

frequency of induced rotor currents induced rotor voltage

p p f2 = (ns n) = sns = sf 1 120 120

E2s = 4.44 f 2 N 2 p K W2 = 4.44sf 1 N 2 p K W2 = sE2

speed of induced rotor field with respect to the rotor is


120 f 2 120sf 1 n2 = = = sns p p n + n2 = ( 1 s ) ns + sns = ns with respect to the stator is

Running operation




Equivalent Circuit Model

a three-phase wound-rotor induction machine the cage winding can be represented by an equivalent three-phase winding

in steady-state the produced magnetic fields rotate at the synchronous speed resultant air gap field will induce voltages in both stator and rotor windings supply frequency f1 in stator; slip frequency f2 in rotor form of the equivalent circuit appears to be identical to that of a transformer

Equivalent Circuit Model

stator winding per-phase quantities V1 R1 L1 E1 Lm Rc terminal voltage winding resistance leakage inductance induced voltage magnetizing inductance core loss resistance

Equivalent circuit similar to transformer primary Magnetizing current can be 20 50 % of stator current (1 5 % in transformer) X1 larger than in transformer due to airgap and distributed windings

Equivalent Circuit Model

rotor winding per-phase quantities E2 R2 L2 f2 induced voltage at standstill (f1) winding resistance leakage inductance = s f1

at given slip s rotor circuit (f2 = s f1)

I2 =

sE2 R2 + jsX 2

2 P2 = I 2 R2

Equivalent Circuit Model

rotor current can be expressed as

E2 I2 = ( R2 / s ) + jX 2
although the amplitude and phase are the same the frequency is different !

power associated with the equivalent circuit (air-gap power)


2 I2

R2 P2 = s s

Equivalent Circuit Model

complete equivalent circuit - same frequency in stator and in rotor - turns ratio has to be taken into account to stator referred quantities

N1 a= N2

E2 = E1 = aE2 I2 I2 = a

R2 = a 2 R2 X2 = a2 X2

Equivalent Circuit Model

air gap power crosses the air gap it includes rotor copper loss P2 as well as mechanical power developed Pmech

P = Pag =

2 I2

R2 R2 2 = I 2 R2 + (1 s ) = P2 + Pmech s s

2 P2 = I 2 R2 = sPag

2 Pmech = I 2

R2 (1 s ) = (1 s )Pag s

Pag : P2 : Pmech = 1 : s : 1 s
a fraction s is dissipated in rotor resistance P2 the fraction (1-s) is converted into mechanical power Pmech

Equivalent Circuit Model

approximate equivalent circuit

IEEE-recommended equivalent circuit

Equivalent Circuit Model

Thevenin equivalent circuit

due to small resistance

Vth =

2 R1 + ( X1 + Xm )2

V 1/2 1

Xm V1 = K thV1 X1 + Xm


jXm ( R1 + jX1 ) = = Rth + jX th R1 + j( X1 + Xm )


Xm 2 R1 = K th R1 X1 + Xm



due to large magnetizing inductance

Equivalent Circuit Parameters

no-load test at nominal voltage and frequency, no load blocked rotor test at nominal current, reduced voltage and frequency, rotor blocked DC-resistance measurement no-load power blocked rotor core losses + windage and friction losses reactances

the equivalent circuit is used to predict performances characteristics at steady state: efficiency power factor current starting torque maximum (pull-out) torque, etc

Performance characteristics Torque

torque per phase Tmech

Pmech = Tmech mech =

2 I2

R2 (1 s ) s


2 n = 60


120 f 4 f 1 = 2 = p60 p

mech = (1 s ) syn =
2 I2


2 (1 s )

Tmech syn =
Tmech = 1

R2 = Pag s


Pag =


2 I2

R2 1 2 R2 I2 = s syn s

Performance Characteristics Torque profile

Tmech =


R2 ( Rth + R2 / s )2 + ( X th + X 2 )2 s

2 Vth

5 % difference in torque prediction depending on the kind of equivalent circuit

torque is proportional to the square of the voltage total torque is obtained by multiplying the per phase torque by the number of phases


R2 ( X th + X 2 )2 s Tmech

2 Vth

2 1 Vth s syn R2

Performance Characteristics Maximum Torque

maximum torque corresponds to:

dT =0 ds
2 1/2

Tmax =


2 syn R + R 2 + ( X + X ) 2 th th th R2 = 2 2 1/2 Rth + ( X th + X 2 )

2 Vth

1 2 syn

2 Vth X th + X 2

R2 X th + X 2
maximum torque independent from rotor resistance corresponding speed depends on rotor resistance effect of rotor resistance on torque characteristics

Performance characteristics Torque ratio

( Rth + R2 / s )2 + ( X th + X 2 )2 Tmax s = T ( Rth + R2 / sTmax )2 + ( X th + X 2 )2 sTmax Tmax T ( R2 / s )2 + ( X th + X 2 )2 s ( R2 / sTmax )2 + ( X th + X 2 )2 sTmax

R1 small

Tmax = T

( R2 / s )2 + ( R2 / sTmax )2 2( R2 / sTmax )

s sTmax

2 sTmax + s 2

2 sTmax s

1 sTmax s = + 2 s sTmax

Performance characteristics Current and Power factor

stator current typical starting current 5 8 times rated current

R Z1 = R1 + jX 1 + X m // 2 + jX 2 s = Z1 1
V1 I1 = = I + I 2 Z1
power factor

PF = cos 1

Performance characteristics Efficiency Pin = 3V1 I1 cos 1

Pout Eff = Pin
ideal efficiency = only rotor resistive losses

Pin = Pag P2 = sPag Pout = Pmech = Pag (1 s )

Eff( ideal) = Pout = 1 s Pin

Power flow



plugging mode rotor losses !

Effects of rotor resistance

small rotor resistance + high efficiency + small nominal slip - small starting torque - large starting current

large rotor resistance - poor efficiency - large nominal slip + large starting torque + small starting current in wound-rotor external resistance can be connected to the rotor windings through the slip rings

Effects of rotor resistance Deep-Bar Squirrel-cage

rotor frequency changes with speed effective rotor resistance changes with frequency if the shape of rotor bars is adequate (skin effect)

Rotor Resistance - Double-Cage Rotors

two rotor cages each with its own end ring outer cage with small cross section and high resistivity material inner cage with larger cross section and low resistivity material at standstill most of rotor current flows in outer cage large resistance at small slip (full-load) current flows in both cages smaller resistance equivalent circuit formed by additional branches in the rotor

Speed Control
speed is determined by supply frequency, number of pole-pairs and slip


f p 2

(1 s)

pole changing synchronous speed can be changed in discrete steps motor is more expensive normally speed changed in ratio 2:1 cage induction machine only

line voltage control torque is proportional to the square of the terminal voltage increased slip inefficient operation method is used with fans and pumps

Speed Control Line Voltage Control

auto transformer

solid-state controller

closed-loop operation precise speed control

Speed Control Line Frequency Control


f p 2

Speed Control
E p f

V p f

below the nominal speed voltage-frequency proportion is kept constant to avoid saturation constant flux / torque above the nominal speed voltage is kept constant to avoid electric breakdown constant voltage / power

Speed Control Rotor Resistance Control

efficiency ?

open loop

closed loop

Speed Control Rotor Slip Energy Recovery

open loop

closed loop

Starting of Induction Motors

usually started by direct connection starting current 58 IN line voltage drop long starting time overheating reduced-voltage starting

step-down autotransformer star-delta method reduced torque

solid state voltage controller

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