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Staphylococcus Aureus (Phylum: Firmicutes)

Saprophy0cus, epidermis, haemoly0cus, hominis

General Morphology Gram-posi*ve 0.5-1.0m Singly / pairs Irregular grape like clusters AbovewriOen

Morphology on culture media Tolerate rela*vely high c. of sodium chloride Coagulase posi*ve usually Coagulase nega*ve

Pathogenesis common diseases Human nasal cavity Or skin Causes pus lled inamma*on: abscesses various

Systemic infec*ons include sep*cemia Produce enterotoxin: food poisoning Produce TSST-1 (shock syndrome)


(one by one below) 0.5-1.0 m in pairs or (Phylum: Firmicutes) chains

Beta Streptococci Gram-posi*ve

Isolated on blood agar


classica*on based on Hemolysis and Lanceeld system

Group A beta gives also rheuma*c fever and acute glomerulonephri*s, exotoxin B: necro*zing fascii*s

Streptococcus Pyogenes Streptococcus Pneumoniae Streptococcus Viridians

Refers to the Beta group

Serologic group A Shows beta hemolysis

Pharyngi*s, respiratory tract in general, skin infec*on Normally found in nasopharynx, triggers pneumonia

Gram-posi*ve 0.5-1.2m lanced shaped, typical diplococcus Ten species

Require enriched media and increased CO2 tension OPTOCHIN sensivity Shows alpha hemolysis or no H, No Lanceeld Class.

Capsule serves as virulence factor, enabling resistance

Dominant normal ora of upper resp. tract

S.Mutans primary cause of dental caries

Genus Enterococci

General Morphology
Gram posi*ve Pairs or short chains Gram-nega*ve diplococci 0.6-1.5m With adherens pili

Morphology on culture media

Lanceeld group D

Pathogenesis common diseases Normal ora of intes*nal tract Nosocomial urinary and wound infec*on

E. Faecalis is the most common Most an*bio*c resistant

(Phylum: Firmicutes)

Neisseria meningi0s
(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

MTM Chocolate agar, selec*ve for Neisserie forms small

grayish-white to colorless, mucoid colonies

Cause epidemic Whaterhouse- meningi*s, infects Frederichsen the nasopharynx, can syndrome is the fatal cause sep*cemia, skin form
rash and shock cascade

Neisseria gonorrea

Gram-nega*ve diplococci 0.6-1.5m With adherens pili

MTM Chocolate agar, selec*ve for Neisserie, abovemen*oned

1. 2. Oxidase nega*ve Fermenta*on of glucose 3. No pigmenta*on 4. Rather foul smell Red colonies, black centers

Cause gonorrea, infects all sexual apparatus invade urethra, cervix, rectum Salmonellosis and enteri*s, by foods Bacteriemia

Produce endotoxin, resist destruc*on within phagocytosis, may cause pharyngi*s, ophthalmia, proc**s or others.

Enterobacteria Salmonella
(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Gram-nega*ve If mo*le, peritrichous arrangement of agella Faculta*ve anaerobes Oxidase-nega*ve Ferment sugar glucose

(contaminated by animal feces)

Urinary Tract infec*on (UTI)

Normal ora of intes*ne, intes*nal infec*on or Urinary Tract infec*on (UTI)

Severe contamina*on in blood cause typhoid fever

Enterobacteria Escherichia coli

Abovemen*oned Pathogenecity factors: 1. K capsule an*gen 2. LPZ protein

Abovemen*oned + Flat yellow colonies

ETEC: travellers diarrhea EPEC: diarrhea/mal- adsorp*on EAEC: diarrhea EIEC: dysentery-type syndrome EHEC: coli*s, bloody D.


General Morphology

Morphology on culture media

Pathogenesis common diseases



Gram-nega*ve, non- fermenta*ve, rods or coccobacilli, the human pathogen is the pseudomonas aeruginosa, oxidase posi*ve

Red colonies without black center, pseudosel agar is specic, s*mulate the bacteria to produce a pyocyanin pigment (green- blue), fruity grapejuice-like odor due to the aminoacetophenone.

Ogen inhabitants of water and soil, common cause of nosocomial infec*ons, could spread in other sites, low incidence of cases but 60% mortality M. Tuberculosis is the most important, typically inhaled as par*cles, 1 infec*on may be asymptoma*c, 2 could spread ager 2 years.

Opportunis*c pathogen, especially dangerous to debilitated or immunocompromise d pa*ents. It also release endotoxin and R-plasmids Diagnosis of TBC: PPD test on skin, Chest X-rays, acid- fast stain of sputum.


Rod shaped, 0,4-3.0m, stained by acid-fast procedure.

Acid-fast stain is an important procedure, Lowenstein-Jensen agar for M.tubercolosis

Obligate Anaerobes

Bacteroides fragilis 2. Bacterioides melaninogenicus 3. Fusobacterium nucleatum 5. 4. Clostridium perfrigens 5. Anaerobic cocci

Anaerobic, or fermenta*on. Normal ora of the body.


1. 2. 3. 4.

Most common, predominant in intes*nal tract, cause wound inf. Normal ora of UP resp. tract, gastrointes*nal, urinary. Normal ora of UP resp. tract, gastrointes*nal, urinary. Intes*nal tract, may cause gas gangrene, C.Tetanus causes tetanus, C.botulinum causes botulism.(Isola*on: direct microscopic examina*on of
exudates, isola*on on blood agar, iden*ca*on in Litmus Milk medium)

Such as peptostreptococcus, peptococcus, Veillonella, normal ora of the body.

Genus Bacillus Anthracis

General Morphology Couples or long chains, 1x3-5m, gives spores. Capsulated.

Pathogenesis common diseases

Skin, most common, gives edema, 20% mortality. Respiratory, rare but fatal. Gastrointes*nal, very rare, by spores inges*on. Toxic infec*ons in food, gives nausea and diarrhea. Gives two enterotoxins: Heat-labile and thermo-stable. Mortality without treatment 25%, gives sepsis, and various sep*cemias.

Treatment, PrevenBon, Control


(Phylum: Firmicutes)

Penicillin. For allergic Transmission human by human has not been pa*ents, tetracicline, reported, it happens by cloranphenicol. air, or ea*ng inf. Meat. It Vacina*on of animals is an herbivores disease in endemic areas.
Penicillin resistant. Normal treatment in gastroenteri*s or special in an*bio*c resistant bacilli (vancomicine). Combina*ons of An*bio*c, complica*ons are: meningi*s and blood poisoning. Food hygiene is essen*al form of preven*on. Food hygiene

(Phylum: Firmicutes)

Bacillus Cereus

Uncapsulated, Gram +, beta hemoly*c, gives spores. Gram+, short chains or withstands. No spores. Mo*le by agella, not synthe*zed above 37. Gram +, uncapsulated, nonmo*le, pleiomorphs, no spores

(Phylum: Firmicutes)

Listeria monocytogenes

Can be found in soil, milk, vegetable, meat. Also refrigerated foods, e.g. sh. Fish, unpasteurized milk Food in general (kept not in appropriate condi*ons)

(Phylum: AcBnobacteriae)

(e*ological agent)


Mycobacteria Tubercolosis (AcBnobacteria)

General Morphology Rod shaped, 0,4-3.0m, stained by acid-fast procedure.

Pathogenesis common diseases Acid-fast stain is an important procedure, Lowenstein-Jensen agar for M.tubercolosis Leprosy, transmission respiratory, incuba*on 2-10 years
Strains with capsule: virulent=meningi*s, epigloo*s, sinusi*s, ear infec*ons in children.

Treatment, PrevenBon, Control M. Tuberculosis is the most important, typically inhaled as par*cles, 1 infec*on
may be asymptoma*c, 2 could spread ager 2 years.

Diagnosis of TBC: PPD test on skin, Chest X-rays, acid- fast stain of sputum.

Mycobacteria Leprae (AcBnobacteria) Genus Haemophyllus

Acid fast resistant bacilli. No cul*va*on on media, but detectable on slides with special staining. Polymorphic coccobacilli, Gram-, anaerobic, capsulated, obligate parasites There are 3 types: B.pertussis, parapertussis, bronchisep*cal. Coccobacilli, 0,2-0,5x1m, Gram-, no spores, no mo*les, aerobes'.

Dapsona treat. Two forms, lepromatus and tubercoloid Treatment: ampicilline, amino- glycosides, tretraciclyne PRP Vaccine

Most cases in Asia, Africa, Sud-America. Not animal sources. Present in mucous membrane of respiratory tract in human and animals

(Phylum: Proteobacteriaceae)

(Phylum: Proteobacteriaceae)

Genus Bordetella

Culture media: starch Bordet-Gengou, blood and glycerol (CO2 presence). An*gens: O, K. Vaccine: DTP.

Symptoms: Catarrhal Isolated from warm blood, have anity for stage, paroxysmal RS mucosa. Staining with coughing period, convalescent phase. toloudine (blue), 35-37 C . Catalase+, not Tetracycline, carbohydrates macrolides, fermenta*ons cloranphenicol used.

Genus Shigella (Enterobatceriae)

General Morphology

Pathogenesis common diseases

Treatment, PrevenBon, Controll

Dysentery, sick convalescence carrier, faecal-oral transmission, direct contact with food. Incuba*on 2-4 days. Diagnosis: based on stool, dead intes*ne, bile, foods, water.

(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

Mul*ple iden*ca*on Lactose-, splits Factors of glucose to acid assay adherence: mbriata, (e.g. SD media colorless colonies) Treatment: (MR+) LPZ, Microcapsule. Tetracycline, ampicilline, Toxines: Shiga, sulphamide cytotoxine, endotoxine. Ag: O\K

(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

Legionellaceae, Genus Vibrio

2-3x0,8m, no spores, no capsule. Mobile, Gram-, op*onal anaerobes.

Vibrio Cholerae is oxidase/catalase ++, lactose nega*ve, ferment glucose.

Neuroaminidase enzymes, mucinase. Gives an acute gastroenteri*s. Stages:

1. 2. 3. 4. Incuba*on, 2-5d Enteri*s cholera Gastroenteri*s Algydus cholera

A*bio*cs (tetracycline, sulphanilamide) Rehydra*on, vaccina*on.

(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

Legionellaceae, Campylobacter

Path: C.Fetus, C.Jejuni, C. Coli

Gram-, comma- shaped, S curved. Mobile. Three species

Enteri*s, diagnosis by selec*ve media with blood + various an*bio*cs at 37. Factor of pep*c ulcer, gastri*s and can lead to gastric cancer. Virulence factor: Urease.

Eritromicine, tetracycline.

Contamina*on by meat consump*on

Helycobacter Pylory
(Phylum: Proteobacteria)

Gram-, 2,4x1m, helical or spiral with agella. Acid resistant. Low oxigen

Study of Vaccina*on in progress.

Genus Genus Clostridium

(Phylum: Firmicutes)

General Morphology Anaerobes Esogenes, sporules, toxigenic, Gram+,

Pathogenesis common diseases

Treatment, PrevenBon, Control

Disseminated on ground, intes*ne of animals and humans, vagina and upper RS as spores.

C. Botulinum

Synthe*ze 6 types of Toxines.

Food intoxica*ons ager 18-96h incuba*on, toxin gives accid paralysis Present in soil and some animals. Agent of Taetanus (tetanospasmine, tetanolizine) Two virulence factor: toxinA and cytotoxinB Produce: vasoconstric*on, reduced blood ux causing local ischemia. Toxin: phospholipase, leci*nase

Iden*ca*on in serum and feces, treatment an*bio*cs and intensive th. Treatment: tetanus toxoid serum and surgical wounds. Plus Vaccina*on. Pseudomembraneou s with vancomycin, metronidizole An*bio*c like: cefoxi*n, metronidazole, eritromicin and others. Surgical treatment or oxygenoterapy

Communicable disease.

C. Tetani

Spores tennis- racket like.

Incuba*on period 6-15d. Dead by spas*c paralysis of upper RT.

Symptoms: intes*nal infec*ons, diarrhea, fever, abdominal pain

C. Dicile

Cons*tuent ora of intes*ne. Mul*ply in post- surgical\trauma*c *ssue

C. Perfringens

Severe toxic eects untreated: 100%fatal Symptoms: muscle disorders, blood coagula*ons, hypotension, gaseous gangrene.

Gram-, anaerobes nonsporules bacilli

Examples Bacteroides Prevotella Fusobacterium Porphyromonas Propionibacterium Acnes

Diarrhea, abscesses, meningi*s Respiratory inf., o**s, abscesses of oral cavity, osteomyeli*s P.gingivalis aOack the periodontal space Childhood Acnes, in combina*on with other microorganism, produce propionic acids. Also give endophthalmi*s and Blephari*s Produce lesion and inamma*on of skin and mucosae, supercial infec*ons of thorax, abdomen and oro-facial region. Treatment by an*bio*cs: amoxicillin. Can give alveolary piorrea Inamma*ons, tooth alveoli abscesses, sep*c arthri*s. Suscep*ble to ethanol. Cerebral abscesses, necrosis of lung *ssues. Treatment with aminoglycoside an*bio*cs, quinolone and so on.

Large number colonies Non-mo*le, colonize oral cavity Colonize oral cavity Aero-tolerant, treatment with an*bio*cs like peroxide and tetracycline and benzoyl. Long-branched shape, found in colon, vagina. Gives a characteris*cs yellow-grains in the center of the lesion.

(Phylum: acBnobacteria)

Gram+, anaerobes, nonsporules bacilli

AcBnomyces Israeli

Gram-, anaerobes, coccae Gram+, anaerobes, coccae

Veillonella Peptococcus

Normal ora of oral cavity Normal ora of intes*ne and oral cavity, arranged in tetrads or regular form. In short chains, normal ora of oral cavity, vagina and urinary tract

Able to penetrate deep into the /ssues, with purulent infec/ons.

Peptostreptococcus (like P.Magnus, Anaerobius, SaccarolyBcus)

Treponema Pallidum (Phylum: Spirochaetes)

General Morphology Gram-, 0,5x10m, spiral shaped 6-12 coils, mobile, no spores. Spiral, aerobic, Gram-, 6-20m, very thin, enveloped, no spores, two agella at opposite sides Gram-, 4-30m, 4-30 spirals, essible, mobile, no spores, anaerobic or microaerophylic

Pathogenesis common diseases Responsible of syphilis (3 stages)

Treatment, PrevenBon, Control Penicillin

Lipid an*gen (Wassermann), protein specic an*gen (Reiter) 200 serotypes, typically animals aected.

Leptospira interrogans (Phylum: Spirochaetes)

Human are infected by animals urines or feces direct contact or by water. Gives inuence, meningococcal disease, Weil disease, liver and kidneys, jaundice. Also by blood transmission.

Penicillin, tetracycline, chloranphenicol

Borrelia burgdorferi (Phylum: Spirochaetes)

Relapsing fever Amino-penicillin: (recurren*s) ampicillin, Lyme disease amoxicillin. (burgdogferi): hosted by Tetracyclin. birds and mammals, by bi*ng, aOack joints, heart, CNS.

Main pathogens: B.recurren*s, B. burgdorferi, B.duOonii Major risk between May-October More common in underdeveloped countries

RickeRsiaceae Gram-, 2x0,7m, Chloramphenicol (Phylum: types: , tetracycline. They all have natural Proteobacteria) pleiomorphic, hull infec*on cycles, except for Obligate intracellular form, coccobacilli, epidemic typhus and trench fever. parasites rods and laments. Non-mobile.

Chlamydiae trachomaBs

General Morphology Gram-, intracellular obligate, outer \inner membrane, no own ATP prod. As above men*oned

Pathogenesis common diseases Infects non-ciliated epithelial cells. Lymphocytes involvement, results in cell destruc*on and inammatory response Respiratory tract, by blood to liver and spleen. Gives edema, necrosis and inammatory response. Occupies surfaces of airways epithelium. Gives pneumonia. Produce cough sore throat, mild fever, discomfort. Urogenital tract of men, inammatory disease, producing non-gonococcal urethri*s. In Women cause cervi*s, pelvic inammatory disease (PID) and bacterial vaginosis (BV)

Treatment, PrevenBon, Control Tetracycline, erythromycin, sulphonamide

May aOack the conjunc*va, can leads to blindness.

(Phylum: bacteriodes)

(Phylum: bacteriodes)

Chlamydophila psiRaci

Tetracycline, erythromycin

TransmiOed by parrots (natural host) Mucous plugs can develop in cells causing cyanosis and anoxia Requires essen*al compounds presents in the hosts mucosal epithelia Can be sexually transmiOed

(Phylum: acBnobacteria)

Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Filamentous and spherical, no cell wall, obligate host depending Gram+, ball shaped, no cell wall

Tetracycline, macrolides

(Phylum: acBnobacteria)

Mycoplasma genitalium

Macrolide an*bio*c group is the most eec*ve

This is the bacterial nal table, a sort of mini-bible, denitely the most dicult and long term complicated work we made Hope it would be useful as usual And also remember that we are sharing it with you! Your Beloved colleagues, Alessandro MoFa & Luca Serena, may the force be with you!

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