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1 | INTRO ODUCT TION : The Im mpact o Typog of graphy on y Web Design D

Thisresearchseekst tolearnsometechniq quesofma akingtheb bestwebdesign. izedthetypographyi isthemost timportan ntastheele ement Theauthorwasreali eb.Hopefu ully,thisresearchtha attheauthormadeis sthe ofdesignineverywe urcestohelptoimpro ovetheski illofanyde esignerwh hohavebeen bestresou workingonweb.Itp possiblyma akessenseouttomo oreclarityt their ementsoftypograph Typogra hy. aphyisone eofthemo ost understandingonele rcanhave. . importantskillsthatadesigner hyonthew webisasm muchabout torganizingtypeinto oeffective, , Typograph meaningfu ullayoutsa asitisabou utusingag greattypef face.Theid deaofdesigning typetobe emorethan njustlegib ble,buttoa alsobeme eaningfulis spartofwhat confusesa alotofpeo opleaboutwebtypog graphy.An nyonecant typeouta paragraph hoftext;fe ewerpeopl lecanuset thingslikeletterspacing,lineh height, andfonts sizetogiveitasenseofcharact terbutthebestwebdesignersc can organizety ypeacross sanentirelayoutina awaythatimpartsmeaningtor readers andhelpsguidethem macrossan nentirewe ebsite. Inaconclu usion,thew webdesign nrequireseveryonet tomastera anumbero of thingsino ordertoma akeareally ygreatlayo out,andty ypographyisdefinitelyone oftheseth hings.


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

o Methodsofm makingtheattractivetextandla ayoutinwe ebdesign o Des scribehow wtomakethebestwe ebdesignw withtypography o Des scribewhattherulesoftypogra aphyinwe ebdesign o Helptoimpro ovetheskil llofwebde esigner o Con nsisthowtomatchth hetypographyonwe ebsitewitheveryconcept and dtheme o Makethegoo odsenseinelemento oftypograp phyontheweb o Insp piredthed designermorepassionoftypography


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

3 | FINDI INGS 3.1 In ntroduct tion of Resear rch

Theressomethingth heauthorneedstogainmoreo opinionsth hattheview ws everyonebasedont theImpactoftypogra aphyonW WebDesign. .Itsonlytheway dquestionnairewithhiscontrib butionwho o abouthavingtheinterviewand theauthor rsresearch h.Bydoing gtheresea arch,sofar ritcoversa an participlet investigati ionwhicht theauthor rcancollec ctmorethe ebetterresultandth he understandingofthe eprinciples softypogr raphyinwe ebdesign. Firstly,ast theresearc chfindings s,theautho orhastob branchoutspecificm methods inorderto oachievev varietyinfo ormation.T Theauthor rwasusedtheprimaryand secondary ysourcesfo orhisresea arch.Firstly y,hewasu usingthep primaryres search insuchasquestionnaires,inter rviewsand dselfandp publicobse ervationwh hile yresearchi isjustfort theliteratu urereview. .Besidesth hat,the secondary secondary yresearchi isliterature erevieww wherebytheauthorfi indsthe informatio onfromthe earticlesa andconclud dedit.

ontoobser rvetheund derstandin nghimselfb byreading gthearticle eson observatio internetw whilepublic cobservationisthein nformation nsourcedf fromthearticles too.Insho ortterm,th heauthorh hadtoenh hancethec clarityofex xplanationabout theeffects softypogr raphyinwe ebdesign. Inotherw way,theaut thorhadto oconductthequestio onnairewi iththe participantinhissur rveryinord dertospec cifictheop pinionsthey yfeedback ktothe whichthea authoraske ed.Itllhig ghlightsthe eresultfromthebargraph questionw thatidenti ifytheadv vantagesan ndthedisa advantages softhetyp pographyin nweb design.


However,thebasico ofprimaryresearch,t theauthor rhadusedtheself

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

Fortheint terviewsec ction,itsa acondition nthatthea authorshouldhavean intervieww withthemthroughth hechatting gonlinean ndtheface etofaceby y writingonpaper.Purposely,he ewasdoingthismethodforgainthewor rth heysharedaboutthetypograph hyhadaffe ecttothew webdesign n. opinionth


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

3.2 Ta arget A Audience

Theauthorwantstotargetthe estudentsaroundLim mkokwingUniversityand nerforcolle ecttheirre esponsesto othedatawhichrela atingtothe e thedesign researchthattheauthorhasbeenworkin ngon.Inotherreason,itseasy yfor rtomeett thepeoplespossiblyatLimkokw wingUnive ersity. theauthor TargetAud diences: o Lim mkokwingS Students(F FromFDIandFMC) o Lim mkokwingLecturer o The edesigner(outsidean ndwhowo orkingonrealcompany)


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

3.3 Pr rimary Resear rch 3.3.1

30 25 25 20 15 10 5 0 Male Male Female male Fem 18

Ques stionna Fee aire edback Summ mary

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt thattotally y43people eswereres spondedto othis questionnairewhichrelatingto otheresea archtheau uthorhasb beenworki ingon. dsdisplaya areinbetw ween25ma alesand18 8females. Theamountrespond Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofrespo ondsfromthemalep peoples thanfemalepeoples s.Thereaso oncouldbebecauseoftheauthorjustha ave muchmor remalefrie endsthanf female.


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2.Occupat tion
40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 t Student Stud dent Prof fessional Profe essional Lecturer Lecturer 3 2 38

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt thenumberofrespon ndentswhopositione edin occupation n.Theauth horidentifiedtheocc cupationfo ortherespo ondentsin n Student,P Professiona alandLecturer.Thisb bargraphw wascameuptheamount

Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthat themajori ityofrespo ondsfromthestuden nts thanprofe essionandlecturer.T Thereasoncouldbeb becauseof ftheautho orstill havebeen nstudyingw withalots studentsin nhisclassa asitseasyforhimto odo researcha aboutthef feedbackfr romthestu udents.


thatareth he38stude entssince3professio onalworke ersand2le ecturer.

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3.Country y
30 25 20 16 15 10 5 0 Local Local Asian Asian 0 Middle eEastern MiddleEastern M n Other 0 Othe er


Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt thatthenu umberresp pondentsw wereanswe ered thisquesti ionnairein ncountry.Itwasdisplayedthec countryfor rtherespo ondents wholivedineveryco ountry.Itm madeupth hetotalnumberof43 3responde ents,

sincenonumberformiddleeastern. Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofrespo ondsfromthelocalp peoples thanAsian npeoplesa andmiddle eeastern.T Thereason ncouldbebecauseof fthe surveyslo ocationinM Malaysiaw wherethem majorityof fpeoplewh holivethere consistofthelocalp peoples.Th herefore,th heauthorj justpreferstowardsthe plesbecaus seofhisco ommunicat tionandso omeways. localpeop


opleswholivedinloc caland16peopleswholivedinAsian andthereare27peo

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1520 1520 2 2025 20 25 above25 above25 8 5 30

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt theagegro oupfromth heageof1 1520,202 25and above25y yearsold.I Itrepresen ntstheamo ountofthe eresponde entsintheage thatare30 0responde entsin202 25yearsoldsince8respondent tsaged15

Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthetopofrespondsfromthe2 2025yearsold responden ntsthanot ther.There easoncouldbebecau useoftheoptimuma agein whichalotresponde entshaveb beenpursu uedtheiruniversitye educationw with ratthesam metime. theauthor


20yearsoldand5respondents sagedabov ve25years sold.

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25 20 20



10 5 3 1 0 FABE FBMG FABE FB BMG FDI FDI FICT FICT FM MC FM MC Outside er Outsider O 1

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove erepresent tthatamountofeachfacultyw which responden ntsstudied dinsuchas sFABE,FBM MG,FDI,FI ICT,FMCA ANDOUTSIDER. Accordingtothebar rgraph,the ereare20studentfro omFDI,13 3studentsfrom

FICT.Othe er,theouts siderwhon notstudied datLimkokwingUniv versityare5 responden nts. Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofrespo ondsfromtheFDIstu udents andnexttotheFMC Cstudents. Thereasoncouldbe ebecauseo oftheauth horhas thesurveyonFDIstu udentswho owasmost tfamiliarto otypograp phy. conductst Theyareo oftendoing gthedesignwithtypo oforbroch hure,poste er,nameca ardand more.ButfortheFM MCstudent tsonlyvery yfocusedo onmultime ediaareat thanart fields.


udentsfrom mFABEwh hilesamen numberof1studentf forFBMGa and FMC,3stu

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

6.DoyouloveTypog graphy?
45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes Yes s No No 3 39

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt thattotally y39respon ndentswho oliketypog graphy while3res spondentswhodoes sntliketyp pography. Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofrespo ondsfromtherespon ndents wholovet typography y.Theythinktypogra aphyismos stimportantinthe communic cationasth heartlanguage.Ever rythingofte enrelating gtotypogra aphy thathassu urrounding gacrosstheirlifesuchasposter,tshirtde esign,logo o& brandandmore.


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

7.Sinceyo ourehapp penedtopassionfortheaweso omewebd design,didyou everthink kitsallbec causeofty ypography y?

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes Yes s No No 13 30

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt theamountoftheres spondents swhoacceptand dontacce epttheopinionasked dbytheauthor.Ther reare30re espondent tswho

Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofrespo ondsfromtherespon ndents whosuppo orttheopinionthatt thetypogra aphysone emakethe ewebdesig gn looksinter resting.Becausethey yhavetheexperience esaboutth hewebdesign sincetheystudiedin nartfieldo orwebcourse.Orthe eydidhave eother esthrough hsurfacingontheinte ernet. experience


dontacce eptwhile13responde entdonta accept.

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

8.Howwe elldoyouknowabou utthetypo ography?

30 26 25 20 15 10 5 0 PoorKnowle edge Poor rKnowledge Average eKnowledge AverageKnowledge GoodKnowled G dge GoodKno owledge 10 7

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedt theamountofrespon ndentsine eachlevel knowledge eabouttyp pography.Thereare26respondentswho oonlyhasa average knowledge einthetyp pographyf fieldwhile10peoples sverygood dfamiliart to

Anaysis: Theresultofthisbar rgraphthe eauthorca anfigureou utwhymanyrespond dents geknowled dgeabouttypographyinthissu urvey.Itsb becausetheyare hasaverag actuallystudentstha attheauth hordoingq questionnairewith.Therefore,1 10 ntshasgoo odknowled dgeatitthataresom melecturer randworke er. responden


typograph hyfieldand d7peoplesnotgoodaboutthat tfield.

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

9.Whicht typocanim mpactyouthroughth hewebde esign?

35 31 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Logo Logo Contents C Contents C Fontsize Fontsize TextLayo out TextLayout TypoD Design TypoDesig gn Colour C Colour r 20 16 14 23 24

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedh howmuchresponden ntsgivepointsonwhats withthety ypocanim mpactonwebdesign.Theresre espondents sanswered dfor typodesig gnis31poi intwhile24 4pointsfo orcolorand d23points sfortextla ayout.

with14points. fontsizew Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthatthemajori ityofansw wersfortyp podesignT The reasoncou uldbebeca auseofthe eresponde entsthinkt thetypode esigncanb be awesomelookingwithvariousdesignins shape,colo or,stylean ndlinesasmulti design.


Andotherthreethin ngsarelogo owith20p points,con ntentswith h16pointsand

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

10.What skindoft thelooking gtypothat tyouliked dthemost? ?

25 20 20 21



9 6

4 2

0 Sim mple Modern Simple e Modern Traditional Traditional Curve Curve Graffiti Graffiti Cartoon Cartoon C

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedh howmuchresponden ntsgivepointsonwhats kindofthe elookingty ypothatth heylikethe emost.Atleasttherespondent tsgive theresultthatMode ernis21po oints,almos stnextto2 20pointsfo orSimplew while

4pointsan ndCartoonwith2points. Anaysis: Thestatist ticsheresh hownthem majorityof fpointsgiv venbytheresponden ntsthat isModern.Thereaso oncouldbebecausetherespon ndentsstill lyoungandoften verycoolty ypoasmod dernstyle.Besidethis,theyalso olikeSimp pletypo likeseeev becauseit tsveryclea anandspa aceasfeeleasyread.


aditional.Le essthanth hem,there eareGraffitiwith6po oints,Curvewith 9pointTra

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

11.Didyo oucreateyourownty ypo/fontb before?

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Yes Yes s No No 13 30

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedtheamount tofrespon ndentsdiddesignthe eirown typograph hyandfont tis30peop ples.While e13respon ndentsadm mitthatthe ey neverexpe eriencedaboutcreat tingtypoandfont. Anaysis: Intheresu ultofthisb bargraph,t theauthor rhasfigure edoutther rearealot t responden ntsthathasbeenstudiedinartfield.That tswhythe eyhave typograph hybasicmo oduleastheyhaveth hechancet todesignthelogowithfont ordrawing gastheiro owntypogr raphy.


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

12.Whats skindofd designtypo othatyouoftenread dthrought thewebsit te?

30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Unique Simple S Unique e Simple Style St tyle Il llustration Illustra ation 18 13 3 24


Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedh howmuchresponden ntsgivepointsonwhats kindofdes signtypot theyoftensawthroug gheveryw website.Th herearefirs stly24 pointsforSimple,ne extto18po ointsforUn niquewhile eStylewith12points sand

Anaysis: Thisbargr raphgivetheresultthattheres spondentsoftensaw wthemostSimple typothrou ugheveryw website.So ofaritssu uchasFace ebookandMyspacea always usedthes simplefont tfortheirlogoandco ontents.


nwith13points. Illustration

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

13.Whichtypoyouprefertolookatwebatveryf first?
30 25 20 15 15 10 5 0 Easytoread Easytoread d Interestedlooking Interestedlooking Moodcolo or Moodcolor 28


Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedh howmuchresponden ntsgivepointsonwhich typotheyprefertor readoneve erywebsite.Theresthetopres sultmadeupfor ngLookingis28poin nts,almost t27points sforeasytoreadw while Interestin

Anaysis: Accordingtotheresultofbarg graph,theauthorhas sfiguredoutthatma any ntsprefert toreadthe etypoweb bintheinte erestedloo okingandt the responden easytorea ad.


moodcol lorhas15 5points.

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

14.Whichisthebes stsoftware efordesign ntheweblayout?

30 25 20 15 10 5 1 0 Flash Fla ash eamweaver Dre Dream mweaver 5 IndesignCS5 IndesignCS5 Illustrato or Illustrato or Photo oshop Photoshop Co orelDraw Core elDraw 28 24 22 22


Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove ewasconsi istedhowmuchpoin ntstheresp pondentsm marked onwhicht thesoftwarebetterf fordesignw weblayout t.Theymarkedoneb bestof thesesoftw warewith28pointsisFlashand dnextseco ondresulti isPhotoshop

is22point tswhileInd designCS5with12po ointsandC CorelDrawwith1poi ints. Anaysis: Thisbargr raphgivestheresultthatmany yrespondentshastho oughtFlash hisone bestsoftw wareindesignweblay yout.Itsb becauseFla ashstoolscangivem more interactive eandanim matedthed designobje ects.Other rwise,ifsta artdoingthe roughdesign,itshou uldbePhot toshoporIllustrator inthefirst tstep.Beca ause warehasb bettertooltomaketh hedesignm moreawes someande effect. thesesoftw


with24po oints.There esthesam mepointsf forDreamw weaverand dIllustrato orthat

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

15.Accord dingtoyou urknowled dge,whatssoftware ethatthed designerusedfor createthe etypeface? ?

25 21 1 20

15 12 10 8

0 FontLab FontLab Ty ypeTool TypeTool Font tForge FontForge Dontkno ow Dontk know

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove ewasconsi isthowmu uchtheres spondentsknowthe softwarew whichforc createthet typeface.T Theres21responden ntsadmitte edthat

knowthissoftware,thatare12 2responde entsknowTypeTool, ,8respond dents tLaband7 7responde entsknowFontForge e. knowFont Anaysis: Throughth hestatistic cshere,the eauthorre ealizedtheresmanypeoplesdo ont knowwhatssoftwar reforcreat tetypeface ealthough htheyares studyingin nart fieldande evenworke er.Theaut thorfigured doutthatthesesoftw wareisarare driver.The eresonlyt theprofess sionaltypo ographyde esignerhas sbeenused dthem


theydont tknowabo outthesoft twarecrea atetypefac cewhilesomeofthem m

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

16.Whats smostimp portantele ementsoftypograph hythatma akethebet tter webdesig gn?

35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Stylea andConcept Style eandConcept t Visualdesign Visualdes sign Color Color C Arrangementand A t Alignment Balance(size) Balance(size) 19 17 14 12 29

Arrangeme entandAlignm ment

Descriptio on: Thebargr raphabove eshowedh howmuchresponden ntsmarked dpointsonwhats mostimpo ortantelem mentsofty ypographythatmakethewebd design.Atleast

Whilethey ymarked1 19pointsfo orvisualde esign,otherare17po ointsforth he arrangeme entandalignment,14pointsfo orthecolor rand12po ointsforthe balance(size). Anaysis:T Throughout ttheresult tofthebargraphy,it tconsisted dthatthe responden ntswouldliketochoo osethesty yleandcon nceptforth hefirststepin doingdesigntheweb.Itsbeca ausetheco onceptisth hemostim mportantw wayto designwith hthethem melayout.T Therefore,thestyleo of matchtheelementd ededinthe ewebdesig gnthatwil llbemoreattractiveandcreative. designnee


thetopres sultmadeupthebiggestnumb berof29po ointsinStyleandCon ncept.

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Inter rview Feedbac Sum F ck mmary

Theauthorhasmade euptheap ppointmen ntwiththre eepeoples sfortheint terview hy.Thethreepeople aretwost tudentfrom m abouttheimpactofTypograph esignInnov vationandalecturernamedMr rColinfrom mFaculty FacultyDe Multimedi iaCreative ewhoteach htheautho orinthew webclass.T Theauthor rwas quitehapp pythatthe eyratherdo oingthein nterviewwithhimashisfirst experience e. Firstly,the eauthoras skedthemforthefirs stquestion nthatwasaboutto introduced dthemwh hichtheyne eedtodescribetheir rname,pro ofessionan nd backgroun nd.Theaut thorsques stionwasa aswellasa answeredb bythem. Thesecondquestion naskedbytheauthor rwas,whic chorwhat tgottheym more yfortheirgoodtypographywit thoutonlin neblogsan ndgalleries s.As inspiredby theirfeedb backtothisquestion n,therewassomebestwaytod drawinspir ration aremagaz zinesandshowcases.Moreover r,someofthemsaidtheinspira ationis fromanyw whereasit sallaroun ndwiththe emlikelyitskindsom mehappenedto

gnershoul ld otherthings.So,theyhadgivensomeadvisesthateverydesig rneytotherealsituat tionbythe eirowneye esastheyw will maketheirownjour eelementfromcultu ures,archit tecturesan ndliving. learnsome Inthethird dquestion n,itsabout taskingwh hatstheth hingthatth heycantlive without.T Theyhasgiv venthesameanswersthatisP Photoshopbecauseitsthe powerfult toolonthe efirstbasethattheycaneditph hotos,desi ignthelayouts andetc.M Moreover,P Photoshop pcanbethe efirstsoftw warethatw wouldbea applied fromothersoftwaresuchas3d dsmax,Ind design,Flas shandDre eamweaverfor otoshopiso onebestfo ordesignin ngtypobypaintingan nd editthepicture.Pho withbrushe estoolswh hileitalsog givethetyp powithaw wesomeeff fects. drawingw


interactwiththeirlif feinsucha ascurrentevents,ma agazines,m music,andlotsof

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

Forthefou urthquestion,theau uthorhasa askedwhat tsthethingthatthey y preferdes signinthew webdesign n.Thelectureranswe eredhisqu uestionbytelling thathepre eferstheq qualityofcontentbec causeever rywebsites sneedprov vided theinform mationwhic chtheuser rsreallyne eedtoknow waboutth heirservice e, product,n newsandb blogging.Th heusersalsoneedto ogainthet trustybyre eading thespecifi ic,principle eandpersonalinform mation(company).Byother,th heres onegirlstu udentwho oaregoodateverydesignfieldthatalsoa answeredt this sameques stion.Shet toldthatsh hepreferschoosetherightcolo orsandthe e simple&c cleanands styletypob becausethecolorsca anmaketh hebackground designmo oreattractive,thesim mple&clea angivethebackgroun ndlooksve ery comfortab bleandhar rmonywhilethestyle etypoappearedthelayoutwith hthe veryuniqu ueandcrea ativedesign. Finally,the eauthorha asfinished dtheirinterview,hew wasimpres ssedwitht the worthkno owledgean ndexperien nceswhich hsharedby ythem.Sofartheaut thor hascollect tedtheseu usefulinformationto ofillhisdat taresearch hasthisresearch willbeone ebestsour rceofresearchforth heImpacto ofTypographyonWe eb Design.


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology



Therer remanyar rticlesthea authorhas sbeenread dthrought thatisalla aboutthet typoon webde esign.Inad daily,there esthepeo oplesalway yshasdow withintern netshopp ping online,mediasoc cialwebsites,mediamassandd downloadstorages.H However,t theres tlysomew websitever ryattracted dthepeop plesthatistohavetheamazing g current functio onal,theinterestinginteractive,theniced designons surfaceand dthegood d conten ntinformat tion.Notonlythis,bu utitsalsoneededtosatisfypeo oplestheb best waytodosimplygoodarrangement,contrastandbalance easitcand domuchhelp esgeteasyonreading gtheconte entonweb bsite.Thet textisthec contextthat people people ealwaysreadatthev verybeginn ningandth hatswhyit tbethemostimport tant tooltodesignedinwebdes sign.Inafa act,typographyissom methingca animpacta and onthepeo oplefeeling gasthecon nvergenceofartandlanguage.Thismake esit moveo hugelypowerfulasatoolandamean nsofexpres ssion.Simp ply,itscalledwhat ke.Manyd designersh hasbeende esigningth hetypobas sedonwha at languagelookslik on.Itisavisualvoiceforallthecommunic cation wordsmeant,conceptandimaginatio rgecorpora ation.Itiss supposedt toexpresstheiridentitybelegi ible,pleasa antto ofalar lookat t,worktech hnicallyacrossplatfo orms,andb beapplicab bleacrosst theworld. Everyth hingcanbe einspiratio onal.Thety ypedesign ncurrentlybecamem moreappro opriate, fashion nable,legib bleandcoo olatthede efinetime.Typedesignhasalw waysbeen eclectic c.Typehas salwaysm mirroredwh hatwentoninthevis sualworld.Theseday ysit doesso oasquickly yasmusicdoesandevenmore equicklyth hanliteratu ureandfilm m becaus setheycan ndesignan ndproduce easinglety ypefaceinafewdays s,allonthe eir own. Bythisresearch,theauthor rwasgettingclosert tothegood dsenseson ntypoelem ment eblayout.T Theauthor rhadlearn nedthever ryusefulm methodtom maketheb best andwe webde esign.Inco onclusion,t thetypographyismo ostkeyforthecomm municationinweb


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design. .Certainly, ,thetextc canbeimag gewhichcanexpress sedthefee elingasitll lmuch possibl lyreachon nthesense eofpeople es.Itneeds sgoodconc cepts,style elayoutsa and colorsinorderto omaintaintheweblo ookmorein nteresting.Sincetheystartwith hthe nwebdesig gn,theyjustdesignit twithstyle eandcolor rasitlltur rnsinrealt typo texton design. . Whilet tutorialsan ndlistpost tsareindeedusefulr resources,thedesign nermustta akethe timeto oreflecton nthefinertheoretica alintricacie esofdesign nsoastof furtherdev velop ourapp preciationandunder rstandingo ofthiswon nderfulcraf ft.Putsimp ply,theauthor wouldlovetosee emorecon ntentbaseddesignw websitesinthedesign ncommuni ity.


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Throug ghthisrese earch,ther resmanys stuffsverypleasedth heauthort toobserved dthe publicabouthow wdidthew webpossiblyimpacted dthepeop pleswithth hetypo.Th he emethodstomoveth hesenseof ftypoasit tllpossibly yreachonthe authorfoundthe gofpeoplesaboutho owmuchth hetypocan nimaginet theirimage e.Duringt the feeling authorsobservat tion,theauthorreali izedthatm manywebsitesgoterrorlayoutand eoplesdoe esntknow wwhatmaintainthew weblookin nteresting. sometimesthepe dingtotheauthorsm mind,many yreasonst thattheychoosetheunsuitable efonts Accord andthe eydontba alancethetextconte entonpara agraphand dalignment. Theauthorpragm maticthatw wheneverpeoplevisitawebsit te,chances saretheyw wont picturesorsounds,pe eoplewilli immediate elylook caremuchabouttheillustrationsorp text.Peopl lesearchtheinternethopingto ofindtheinformationtheynee ed. atthet Theyarelookingforinformationand thisinform mationcom meinthefo ormoftext t nt.Howelsearewesupposedto ocommun nicatethem messagew wewantwh hile conten integra atingitino ourdesign? ?Regardles ssofhowm manyspecialfeatureswasbuilt tinto thewe ebsite,ever ryonewilla alwaysdep pendontextcontent ttoobtainwhateverthey wantw whenvisitin ngthesite. .Thisalone eshouldm maketypographyasuitablewife efor thewe ebdesign.F Foralltype esofcomm munication, ,themostimportant tthingisto obe ableto ofullytrans smitthemessagetot thereceivi ingend.Inotherwor rds,inweb b designi ing,themo ostimportantthingis stomakeourreader rsundersta andwhatev veritis wearetryingtoc convey.Thisiswhere etypographycomesi in.Ifthete extinourd design smalltorea ad,ortooc crampedu up,orifitir rritatesthe eaudience ewhileview wing istoos thedes sign,thepa agewontgetasecondglance.Now,95% %oftheinf formation commu unicatedontheinter rnetiswrittenlangua age.


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3.4.1 L Literatu Rev ure viewing

Theresear rchcarried doutbythe eauthorw wasmainlyinfluenced dbytheart ticles

relatingtotheImpac ctoftypographyonw webdesign n.Theresm manyarticlesthe whichr authorhasreadt togetalot tinformatio onthatwillmighthe elpinhisdo oingresear rch. sthemainpointsthe eauthorwanttodesc cribedasfo ollowsbelo ow: Theres 1. Typogr raphyismo ostimporta antinWeb bDesign 2. MarriageofTypo ographyandWebDes sign aboutWebDesignLay yout 3. Factsa

Typographyism mostimpor rtantinWe ebDesign LUANN NE(2010)T Throughou uthistory,b beitintern netorrealworld,typ pographyhas alwaysbeenvery yimportant.Itisasim mportantto odayasitw wasbackthen.Typog graphy ntegralpart tofwebde esign,from mheadlines stosubhe eadlinestosmallersized isanin textintheconten nt,typogra aphyisapu urecombin nationofartandscie enceanditisa eofwebde esign.Perfe ectingtypo ographymeansperfe ectingread dability, verycrucialpiece usability,an ndallinallgraphicha armonyforreaders.Bydoingso o,weachie eveour ease,u goalas swebdesig gnerstoco ommunicat teclearlyw withourreadersandtheyintur rn, enjoyo ourwebde esigns.Foralltypeso ofcommun nication,themostimportantthingis tobea abletofully ytransmitthemessagetother receivingend.Inothe erwords,inweb designi ing,themo ostimportantthingis stomakeourreader rsundersta andwhatev veritis wearetryingtoc convey.Thisiswhere etypographycomesi in.Ifthete extinourd design smalltorea ad,ortooc crampedu up,orifitir rritatesthe eaudience ewhileview wing istoos thedes sign,thepa agewontgetasecondglance.


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

Therefo ore,itsjus stlogicalto osuggestt thatawebdesigners shouldpref ferablyget t effectiv vetraining ginthekey ydisciplineofshaping gwrittenin nformation n,puttingit simply: :Typograp phy. Marria ageofTypo ographyan ndWebDe esign LUANN NE(2010)Whenever rpeoplevisitawebsi iteyouhav vedesigned d,chances sare theywontcarem muchabou uttheillust trationsorpicturesorsounds,p peoplewill l diatelylook katthetex xt.Peoples searchtheinterneth hopingtofi indthe immed informationtheyneed.The eyarelookingforinfo ormationa andthisinf formationc come formoftex xtcontent.Howelsearewesup pposedtocommunic catetheme essage inthef wewan ntwhileintegratingitinourde esign?Rega ardlessofh howmanyspecial feature esyouhave ebuiltinto othewebsiteyouvedesigned,everyonewillalways s depend dontextcontenttoo obtainwha ateverthey ywantwhenvisitingthesite.T This alones shouldmak ketypographyasuita ablewifefo oryourwe ebdesign. Factsa aboutWeb bDesignLa ayout GRAVE ERIS(2008)Youmaya alsonotice eforsuchd designsitsmoreabo outgrid,harmonic

colorfu ulphotos,im magesoric cons,crazy ybackgroundsorexp perimentation.Almos stallof thosed designsare everyclean n,slightlyi increasingwebpageloadingtim me,sometimes itscrucialtohaveaslightd designsasp possible,fo orexample ereddit,di igg,stumbleupon networksa alsoconsist tofveryfe ewimagesandwhere eispossiblejustcolorand socialn CSSisu used.


distribu utionthrou ughwholepageandv verysilent,eleganta accents.Its snotaboutmany

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

Throug ghthecour rseofthism modulean ndresearch htheautho orhascom metogathe eralot ofinfor rmationre egardinghistopic.Am majorityof ftheresearchwasba asedon unders standingth hetypograp phyelementsonthewebdesig gn.Through hsurveysr results authorremarkedthatthese eelements sneedtob bepresentinorderfo orpeopleto onwheret thetypogra aphyisbas sedonweb blayout. realizethelocatio esearchwa ascompiled dalltheda atagivenb bytheLimk kokwingstu udentsand dthe Thisre lecture erthenitllsofarmig ghtbecome ethereview wtotheau uthorabou uthissurve ey. Fromit tgetmorethingstha attheauthorhasbee ensearchin ngmanyarticlesasithelped himtocompletethisresear rchwithth heveryuse efulinformations. sresearchhascovere edalltheto opicsthek keyresearc chquestion nsthe Conclusively,this ofindansw wersrangin ngfromallareasofty ypographyelementw with authorwantedto yout. weblay Theauthorwould dliketothankfulMsAnis,them module(Re esearchMe ethodology y)and

methodofresear rching.Itllbeonlyth hewaycanhelpmed donextthe ebestresearch.


ssmateswh hogivenhimguidesa andtasksindoingthisresearch htolearnt the hisclas

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology


Bram,T T.(2009)10 0WebTyp pographyR RulesEvery yDesignerS ShouldKno ow[Online e] Availab blefrom:http://www w.webdesig gnerdepot. .com/2009 9/02/10we ebtypogra aphy rulese everydesig gnershould dknow2/ [Accessed d23thNove ember201 11] Graver ris,D.(2008 70Typog 8) graphic,Cle eanAndM MinimalistC ColorSchem meWebDesigns [Online e]Available efrom:htt tp://www.1stwebdes m/inspiratio on/70 typogra aphicclean nandminimalistcolorscheme ewebdesi igns/[Acce essed23th Novem mber2011] Noack,S.(2010)ABasicLoo A okatTypog graphyinW WebDesign[Online]Availablef from: /sixrevision abasicloo okattypog graphyinw webdesign n/[ http:// Accessed23thNo ovember2 2011]

http:// /ilovetypog m/2008/02/28/aguid detoweb typograph hy/[Access sed 23thNovember2 2011] Mirza,A.(2011)W WebDesignBasix:W WhyTypographyMatters[Online e]Available efrom: /webdesign n.tutsplus.c com/article es/typogra aphyarticle es/webde esignbasixwhy http:// typogra aphymatters/[Acce essed23thNovember2011]


Boardle ey,J.(2008 Aguidet 8) toWebtyp pography[ [Online]Av vailablefro om:

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology


QUEST TIONNAIR RE:TheIm mpactofTy ypography yinWebDesign

Hi!MynameisLoh hSengFong gfromLimk kokwingstudentwhom majoringinBachelorCr reative Multimedia.Itspu urposelyaboutdoingthissurveyinordertou understandandcompr rehend moreab boutwhatp peoplethinkofthetyp pographyon nwebdesig gn,andalsofromapointof viewofanexpecta f ationhowth heylookattheircreati ionsandthe eirevolutionthrougho outtime. Yourco ooperationismuchappreciated.P Pleasetickt theappropriateboxbe elow:

Person nalDetail
1. Gender: Male Female urer Lectu

2. Occupation Student n: t Other:____ ________ 3. County: Local

Pro ofessionals


Midd dleEastern

Other:____ __________ __ 4. Age: 15to20 0 20to25 above25 FBMG G Outsider FDI I FICT T

5. OnlyifyouareaLimko okwingstud dent:FABE FMC

Resear rchQuest tions Generalknowle edgeonTy ypography y

6. Doyoulove eTypography?: Yes No

7. Sinceyour rehappened dtopassion nfortheaw wesomeweb bdesign,didyoueverthink itsallbeca auseoftypo ography?: Yes No


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology
LohSengFong109072212BACM4A 8. Howwelldoyouknow waboutthetypography y? Poorknowledge nowledge Averagekn Goodknow wledge

ocanimpac ctyouthrou ughtheweb bdesign?(cantickmor rethanone) 9. Whichtypo Logo Color Contents Fontsize TextLayout TypoDe esign

doftheloo okingtypoth hatyoulike edthemost? 10. Whatskind Simple Modern Traditional Curve Graffiti Cartoo on

eateyourow wntypo/fon ntbefore? 11. Didyoucre Yes No

dofdesigntypothatyouoftenre eadthroughthewebpa ages? 12. Whatskind

oyouprefer rtolookatwebatvery yfirst?(cantickmorethanone) 13. Whichtypo Easytoread Interestinglooki ing Mo oodcolor

hebestsoftw wareforde esignthewe eblayout?(cantickmo orethanone) 14. Whichisth Flash Dreamwea aver InDesignCS5 Illust trator Photoshop p


toyourknowledge,wh hatssoftwa arethatthedesignerusedforcrea atethe 15. Accordingt typeface?





illust tration

BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology
LohSengFong109072212BACM4A Fontlab Typetool Fon ntForge Dontkn now

16. Whatsmostimportan ntelements softypographythatmakethebet tterwebdesign? Styleandco oncept VisualDesig gn Colo or

Arrangeme entandAlignmentlayo out


websitewhic chveryattra activeyoub bysometec chniquesex xpect 17. Haveyousawsomew typo?ifyes s,pleaseyouexplainab boutit..(ifd donthavea anyinforma ationyouha ave,just leaveablan nk) _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______ _________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______


BCM2912|Researc B chMethodology

INTERV VIEW:The eImpacto ofTypographyonW WebDesig gn

Hello.H Howisyourtoday?MynameisLo ohSengFongfromLimk kokwingstu udentwho majorin nginBachel lorCreative eMultimedia.Iamhere etoconduc ctinganinte erviewwith hyouin orderto ocollectthe einformatio onaboutth histopic.An nditmighth helpmeund derstandan nd compre ehendmore eaboutwha atyouthink kofthetypo ographyonwebdesign n.Hopefully y,your is informa ationwillca arryoutmyresearchan ndachievemyobjectiv ves.Yourco ooperation reallym muchapprec ciated.

Intervi iewQuest tions:

1. Canyouint troduce/te ellusabitaboutyourse elf? eusualonlin neblogsandgalleries,fromwhatorwhered doyoudraw w 2. Besidesthe inspiration? ? portantinth hedesignof fyourweblayout? 3. Whatsthethingthatisleastimp dnameone etool/applic cation/softw ware/hardw warethatyo oucan'tlive e 4. Ifyoucould without(fro omadesign nperspectiv ve),whatw woulditbe,andwhy? youverypr referdesign ninyourwe ebdesign? 5. Whatsthethingthaty toftypothatyouliked dthemosta asyourfavo oriteone?W Why? 6. Whatssort toftypothatyouoftensawaroun ndthewebsites? 7. Whatssort 8. Whatsthenameoffo ontsthatins spiredyout themost?H How?


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