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Rays and Energy Streams Connections

The following energy streams and rays are used in PSA (Personal Spiritual Alchemy) and MS-REM (Super-Reiki). We also apply them in Advanced Mahatma Reiki Ascension. Just intend to connect to each energy strrream and ray. Intend to receive healing from them, to receive blessings, attunements and initiations in each one of them and intend to pass these energies to others in every healing session. This is enough. No symbols or complex procedures! I ask to be attuned in(state the energy stream / ray) * The Sacred Order of Melchizedek * The Paramatman Ray * The Order of Enochian Magic * The Kabbalah * The Divine Transfiguring Love Ray * The Crist Consiousness Server I ask to receive healing from (state the energy stream /ray) I am now sending the energies of .(state the energy stream / ray) to. (say the name of the person) to bless him/her and heal him/her for the highest good of all

THE SACRED ORDER OF MELCHIZEDEK This ancient Priesthood, mentioned in the Bible, is a very esteemed lot indeed. Many of them live on Earth today. It is believed that their membership also includes enlightened beings from other star systems in this and other galaxies. In preparation for the work to come, they are in conscious contact with beings who, like our earthly Christ, have attained Christ consciousness. Many are congregating around Earth on the inner planes. They hold keys to the transformation of this planet. Blueprints are given to these beings, as they are the builders and planners for the coming age of peace. Their actions are impeccable. Many Earth educators and high government officials are part of this exceptional group. They have a high light quotient and an integrity one can trust. They are said to have started their re-education through inner journeying into the great pyramid of Egypt on the etheric plane. Their plan is to bring through the ancient architecture of our energy field that some believe was known and practiced in Atlantis. When we complete the construction of this energy body, we will be able to travel in it anywhere. Another of their projects is to develop energy technologies that will be ecologically sound. Several levels of changes are required before the ascension portals can open on Earth in 2012 as prophesized. The Melchizedek Priesthood is duly prepared. The insignia of this group is the Phoenix. All advanced members of this priesthood have completed subtle-body spiritual energy circuitry which appears, to the seer, as wings. The universal being known as Melchizedek is the overseer. His universal harmonic is toned ELRA. When we chant EL-RA, we are invoking his essence. El Morya (chohan of the the first ray) is the Master ensuring that all members of this community come together. This Master has lived all phases of earthly life and is a very astute being of light. His demands are many. The rewards he profers are even greater. All who dare to be in his presence learn respect, humility and self-discipline. Under this foundation many wondrous communities of light are being built

THE PARAMATMAN RAY This light enhances and strengthens all the other rays. Unlike the other ray energies, this light is not a healing frequency. It does not come

through the hands to heal others. It is purely for one's own healing process and spiritual development. As as aspect of divine intelligence, it will go to the level it needs to work on within you, releasing blocks and dissolving barriers to higher consciousness. How it is experienced is unique to each individual. It increases your capacity to hold the light. This, one of the highest, purest frequencies available on Mother Earth. At the present time, it is usually only given by an Avatar, Mother Meera for instance. However, even this is now changing. Collective ascension is accelerated beyond the beyond the beyond now! Beyond the collective experience of seeming separation, we are all Avatars and will realise this eventually. When Susie was first awakened in 1992, she was in conscious contact with a team of superluminal beings of light. They told her that she was a Director of the Rays and would be able to channel from Source. She shares this divine inheritance with you now in total humility and divine unconditional love.

THE ORDER OF ENOCHIAN MAGIC These are the divine alchemists of the Universe. They are under the direction of our beloved Archangel Metatron who holds the key codes to light synthesis in the human vehicle as well as Mother Earth. All the electronics and chemical components that will be the new building blocks of the New Age come under the close scrutiny of this order. Those who work with alchemy will endure perhaps the strongest testing of all three groups. Those in this order hold the great mystery that is beginning to move into all society. It is time to prepare the magic and the myth, and once again turn it into the reality. As more people are able to handle the pure power of alchemy, the classes of this group will start to rebuild. Instantaneous thoughts are manifest at this level. This will come in with the fourth electronic body of the Adam/Eve Kadmon. Only when we have become so pure that not even an impure thought can arise in our minds, will we be capable of rightly wielding the powers of instant manifestation. St. Germain is seeing to the guardianship of the Enochian energy. We who are working with the ascension energies are seeing various examples of rapid or even instantaneous manifestation. This is perhaps the most recognisable example of the new dispensation beginning. This is instant pure thought-form of creation. With it, we can also manifest and create horrid visions of our fears. Therefore, we have to successfully complete all the planetary ascension initiations, be holding a high frequency of

light, and permanently wear the violet robe before it will be safe to instantly manifest everything we think, feel and say. Initially, one will move in and out of this higher frequency and be more or less able to manifest. But as we evolve, there will be a level when the higher magic truly begins.

KABALLAH HEALING NOTES The Kaballah is one of the most ancient forms of mysticism. These teachings form the basis for the Mystery School of Judaism, which is often referred to as the root religion. Simplified, it teaches how the Universe was formed through ten stages. On a more practical level, it teaches how to access different levels of our own consciousness so that we can tap our personal energies and the energies of the Universe more effectively. This is why I choose to embrace these sacred wisdoms into the PSA energy mastery programme. The Tree of Life is the focal symbol and image for working with the Kaballah. It is an image with ten levels, each level representing a specific level of the unconscious mind. Each sphere or sephiroth as these levels are called is also connected to different physiological, creative and metaphysical processes, which I will explain with examples later on during this body of work. Each of these levels has come to be associated with many different attributes, including specific colours. This system of attributions is used to reprogramme the unconscious and then the consciousness of the disciple. Used daily it triggers certain responses within the 4-8-12 body energy system which restore harmony and balance the total being in a fast-track manner. Eventually, if embraced as a daily discipline, it will precipitate full Higher Self and then I AM presence merger. This is integrated ascension. A tree is an ancient symbol that is easily adapted as a metaphor for the human condition of health. The tree represents things that grow and evolve. It is the bridge between Heaven and Earth. Like the roots and trunk of the tree, humans have their health foundation and their disease alert system in the physical body. As we have already learned in PSA I, we must also take into consideration the health of the subtle energy bodies, namely, the etheric, mental, emotional and spiritual energy fields which surround the physical body. We cannot just focus on the physical body or the roots of our tree.

Trees must be pruned to bear fruit. They need good soil, clean air and water. The trunk and the higher branches are just as important to the overall health of the tree as the roots. A tree is vulnerable to disease from bacteria, parasites, toxic substances and other sources. Such toxins eventually work their way down from the upper brances into the root system. All of this affects the tree's ability to bear fruit. The same is true of humans! If we don't keep our spiritual, mental and emotional energies balanced and clear, imbalance will eventually manifest in our physical bodies as disease. We must learn to work with our energies on all levels. Different levels of the unconscious mind control and mediate different energies of the body. There are ten levels in the Tree of Life and each is a symbol of a level within the unconscious mind. Remember that in the average man in the street, 95% of his overall consciousness is unconscious. Each level or sphere controls and directs certain physiological processes of the body, whilst also simultaneously mediating other more universal energies. These more universal energies, of which the Melchizedek Synthesis ray is one of the most powerful, include the play of planetary forces in our lives, contact with other dimensions (including the Angelic hierarchies), together with various creative and intuitive functions of the higher mind. As we use these teachings as a construct or framework and consciously activate and access these levels, we consciously control our health not just physically, but mentally, emotionally and spiritually too. Practicing to consciously open up these levels of the unconscious will trigger special healing effects. It will not only directly influence various body functions or dysfunctions, but it also awakens understanding of the metaphysical stimuli behind the problem.

THE DIVINE TRANSFIGURING LOVE RAY We have all heard of the power of love and we are well aware of its influence in our lives. However, the infinite power of this new frequency of the Divine Transfiguring Love Ray is beyond our conscious comprehension right now. This is a frequency of Love that was previously unknown in any system of worlds. It is a Love that has been pulsating in the Great Silence of the Permanent Seed Atom in the very Core of Creation since the beginning of all time... -Patti Cota Robles This love has been patiently waiting for the collective consciousness of

Earth to sufficiently raise itself in vibration in order to be able to channel this divine new ray. We are those pioneers of light! As we wake up to this new frequency of love and learn to channel this ray, we will raise our vibration and therefore, the collective vibration. As we are successful, millions of souls on earth will no longer to be in danger of missing the ascension onto the next octave of evolution. Every 2,000 years we move up an octave of vibration. We are nearing the end of the sixth vibratory elevation in vibration. When we enter the seventh level, we will ascend to the next octave of evolution. We stand now on the threshold of becoming light in the etheric realms like the angels. Remember, do not look outside of yourself for the leader! Every single heartless, depraved, mean, selfish, abusive, corrupt, unethical, destructive, greedy, violent, ignorant, hateful thing the negative ego mind manipulates a person into doing or being is based in the distorted consciousness of separation, fear and the lack of reverence for life. In this rays divine energy, we find the extra potential we all need to transform this old patterning once and for all. All the Ascended Masters, Angelics and Elohim (the three lineages of light in the highest realms of illumined truth) have revealed to us the magnitude of what this transfiguring divine love is capable of accomplishing. Their remarkable revelations are designed to open our hearts. Together with the new holy grail circuitry of MS-REM, to motivate us to help in accomplishing collective ascension. This can be done easily, painlessly and effortlessly if you release all hidden agendas and personal attachments, and choose to surrender to this divine purpose. This previously unknown, newly activated ray of transfiguring divine love is pulsating with patterns of perfection from the causal body of God. The Earth has never before experienced or even dreamed of this. These patterns are encoded with a divine intelligence (Paramatman light). This intelligence is capable of discerning and revealing to each person the experiences, beliefs, attitudes, fears, erroneous thoughts, words, actions and feelings they are utilising to support their distorted belief system. By comparison with these patterns of perfection, one becomes able to identify the perverted thought processes of the negative ego, the ones that are used to justify the persons willingness to harm another part of life. The patterns contain codings that reveal how the individual derived the inaccurate belief system of separation, lack and limitation. Through the light of divine intelligence and truth, these codings also expose the fears that propel each person into a desperate survival mode. These fears are what enable one to willingly harm another person, place, condition or

thing in order to get what he or she wants. This new ray of transfiguring divine love identifies and reveals to each person the errors and distortions in their belief systems. It also gently activates the genetic codings of divinity with the persons heart flame. When we thus become aware that we (and all others) are God, our patterns of taking from others, indeed the very foundation of all our behaviour, is called into question and subsequently changed. After all, if I perceive that you and I are one, how can I continue to steal from you and feel good about doing so? This new ray of transfiguring divine love contains codings that open up and awaken us. This reveals how we derived our inaccurate belief system of separation, lack and limitation. The codings also expose, in the light of divine intelligence and truth, the fears that propel each person into a desperate survival mode. When we see this, we understand how we got off track and why we are willing to harm another person, place, condition or thing in order to get what we want. We do it because we think we are separate from others and threatened by them. And we do it, because we esteem ourselves by the prey (the job, the mate, the money) that we stalk and capture. The codings contain the immaculate concept of the persons true Godreality as a beloved son or daughter of God. They contain the divine truth of oneness with all life and our purpose and reason for being here. After working with this ray for even a short period of time, it becomes impossible to quit the higher path. Repeating and reliving all the old patterns of negative ego causes such anguish that one simply must change and evolve new behaviour patterns in harmony with ones new perception of the truth.

THE CHRIST CONSCIOUSNESS SERVER Christ consciousness servers are the warriors whom symbolically take the sword and lead the pathway. They open up all houses of spirit. They have let go of the old and operate now to establish new thought forms and paradigm shifts. Those who work in this realm are often a thorn for the old establishment. Who says you cannot buck the system? These legions of light move with a long-unseen efficiency and strength to break through the old. Imagine the strongest Ascended Masters standing in the front lines. This is the job of a Christ consciousness server. Archangel Michael oversees this group. Once Masters are mature enough

to handle the sword of truth, they carry this great power. Their sword of truth cuts through all ignorance. Sananda (Christ), in his role as the Messiah, is the master guiding these groups on Earth. Look to his example and you will see the magnitude of the coming changes.

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