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As the world faces economic challenges on a scale unprecedented in history, the ability of corporate leaders to creatively address these challenges has become more critical than ever. It is no longer enough to be a good executive: the entire management team must find effective, original ways to transform todays business problems into fresh opportunities. Tomorrows business leaders must embrace new kinds of risk-taking in order to seize distinctive market propositions that enable their companies not only to survive, but to thrive. This intensive workshop will give you the skills to bring new creative solutions into your company, using design thinking processes that are powerful tools for corporate innovation and transformation. This approach reflects a significant trend: As BusinessWeek has declared, we live in a creativity economy, and myriad companies from Procter & Gamble and General Electric to small enterprises are becoming creativity-based and design-driven at all levels. Major governments in India, China, Singapore, and Finlandare actively promoting creativity and innovation through design thinking. Embracing Design Thinking launches the partnership between two renowned schools with decades of leadership in their fields. Presented by Art Center College of Design and ESADE Business School, this exclusive, immersive program will give you unique access to exciting new solutions for the challenges facing your business today.

> A tool kit of proven creative methodsresearch, critical thinking, ideationto promote innovation in your business strategies and results. > New ways to deploy your companys brainpower and maximize creative, collaborative output at every level. > Recognition of the role of creative methodologies throughout todays corporate environment.

> Introduction to Design Thinking. > Creativity and cross-pollination: inter-disciplinary collaboration. > Visualization and prototyping: thinking with your hands. > DesignStorms: a new technique for creative brainstorming. > Creative Strategies: a series of exercises to stimulate new approaches to problem solving. > Future scenario building to drive future market opportunities. > Case studies of design-driven companies.

Innovation Tool Kit (Monday morning) What is design thinking? How to apply design thinking to business? Basic design methodologies to use in your company and other business settings: the groundwork for the creative exercises throughout the course. Drivers of Change: Defining the User (Monday afternoon) The first step of the design thinking process is to establish context for consumer and target markets. This session will focus on tools for understanding global trends, lifestyles and defining client profiles for specific industries to serve as a foundation for exploration. DesignStorm 1 (Tuesday morning) Defining Future Scenarios Based on Global Trends DesignStorms are a unique R&D processes for non-designers to collaborate with designers. Developed by Art Center and proven with corporations such as Volkswagen, Adidas, Disney, Nestle, Unilever and Nike, these team-based immersions use design thinking methods for exploring organizational structures, user trends and markets, product and service innovation, and strategies for competitive growth. Each DesignStorm is led by Art Center and ESADE faculty and visualizers who present the resulting data in new, clear formats that can be used by every participant. DesignStorm 1 will focus on key drivers and trends that will impact many businesses in the next 3-5 years. Facilitators will lead the group in exercises investigating worldwide social, cultural, consumer, technology and industry trends. During the session participants will translate these trends into scenarios depicting various drivers, consumer needs, technologies and market opportunities. In DesignStorm 2, these scenarios will be translated into innovative product and service opportunities. The Guest Seminars (Tuesday afternoon) Presentations and discussions on the role of design thinking in addressing major challenges, opportunities and strategies in selected global industries. DesignStorm 2 (Wednesday morning) Defining Concepts and Visual Stories DesignStorm 2 will build on the scenarios resulting from DesignStorm 1. Focussing on future market opportunities, participants will determine which scenarios have the most potential. Each team will work with a designer who provides additional content and translates the scenarios into clear visual formats. This day of ideation sessions and critiques will yield a portfolio of innovative concept opportunities. DesignStorm 2 (Wednesday afternoon) Developing Innovative Product and Service Opportunities DesignStorm 2 will continue during the afternoon session developing storytelling and organization and services around the concept opportunities. The session will end with the selection of the Most Valuable Proposition. Takeaways (Thursday morning) DesignStorm final presentations and takeaway summaries.

This program is for corporate leaders responsible for innovation, as well as senior executives and managers who want to integrate cutting-edge creative practices into their corporate structures. Class size is strictly limited to ensure optimal faculty ratio and interactive opportunities throughout the program.

ESADE BUSINESS SCHOOL JORDI MONTAA Director, Chair of Design Management. Professor of the Department of Marketing Management at ESADE Business School. ENRIC SEGARRA Senior Lecturer of Operations and Innovation Management at ESADE Business School. SILVIYA SVEJENOVA Associate Professor of Strategy and Entrepreneurship at ESADE Business School, is an expert on creativity-based strategies and business model innovation.

ART CENTER COLLEGE OF DESIGN NIK HAFERMAAS Chairman of the Graphic Design department and acting Chief Academic Officer at Art Center College of Design. Nik is a practicing design professional who has recently taught design workshops in France, Latin America and China. KAREN HOFMANN Chair of Product Design and Director of the Color, Materials and Trends Exploration Laboratory (CMTEL) at Art Center. Karen develops strategy and curricula for new design research processes, trans-disciplinary studios and innovative educational models such as DesignStorms. FRIDO BEISERT Associate Professor and Faculty Director of Product Design at Art Center. Fridolin received his Masters of Science in Industrial Design on Creative Strategies.







VENUE ESADE Business School, Barcelona

Monday, June 28 Morning Session 9:00 13:00 Creativity in Business. Whats design thinking. Workshop Roadmap. Lunch 13:00 15:00 Roundtable Lunch. Afternoon Session 15:00 19:00 Drivers of Change: Defining the User: understanding global trends to define profiles for target markets. Pre-Dinner 19:00 20:00 Wrap-up session. Dinner / After Hours 20:00 23:00 Challenges in your Business.

Tuesday, June 29 Morning Session 9:00 13:00 DesignStorm 1: Defining Future Scenarios Based on Global Trends. Lunch 13:00 15:00 Roundtable Lunch. Afternoon Session 15:00 19:00 Guest seminars: Creative Business using Design Thinking. Pre-Dinner 19:00 20:00 Wrap-up session. Dinner / After Hours 20:00 23:00 Challenges in your Business.

Wednesday, June 30 Morning Session 9:00 13:00 DesignStorm 2: Defining Concepts and Visual Stories. Lunch 13:00 15:00 Roundtable Lunch. Afternoon Session 15:00 19:00 DesignStorm 2: Developing Innovative Business Opportunities. Pre-Dinner 19:00 20:00 Wrap-up session. Dinner / After Hours 20:00 23:00 Challenges in your Business.

Thursday, July 1 Morning Session 9:00 13:00 Group Presentations. Business Applications. Discoveries and Takeaways. Lunch 13:00 15:00 Farewell Lunch.

The Beyond Pretty program was a once in a lifetime exper ience in my pro fessional career for the sheer unique ness o f the combined disciplines o f management and design. It was a tremendously enr iching exper ience for any pro fessional who is looking to confront the demands o f their business or industr y from a more creative perspective. It was 100% geared towards generating market dif ferentiation and innovation through human capital and above all, achiev ing results. I can only give thanks to ESADE for hav ing taken a chance on this pioneer ing initiative in Spain dur ing these cr itical times. The business world needs Design Thinkers!! Carmen Bustos, Founder and CEO o f Soulsight Branding Agency, Madr id

ESADE Business School & Art Center College of Design:

the right partnership, the right time.
The ESADE-Ar t Center par tner ship, uniting busine ss and de sign education at the highest le vel, provide s extr aordinar y oppor tunities t o gain the skills nece ssar y for cutting-edge, competitive entrepreneurship and industr y t oday. For nearly 80 year s, Ar t Center College of Design has led e ver y field o f de sign education; Ar t Center graduates are renowned in tr anspor tation de sign, advertising , graphic design, produc t de sign, digital technologie s, and more. ESADE Business School, recently r anked #1 by The Wall Street Journal, has been a leader in executive education for more than 50 years; over 37,000 corpor ate heads and manager s worldwide have benefited from the ESADE experience. Bo th schools are acclaimed for their international outlook, que st for innovation, and commitment t o developing pro fe ssional and per sonal competencies. Be par t o f this unique collabor ationthe right par tner ship at the right time.

ESADE Business School Av. dEsplugues 92-96. 08034 Barcelona, SPAIN

4.780 3.575 ESADE Alumni Members Special rates for early registration (until May 31st)
Includes tuition fees, teaching materials and catering. Accommodation is not included but ESADE can offer accommodation at special prices for ESADE participants


Judith Puigb Phone +34 932 804 008 Register online:
Program dates, fee and faculty are subject to possible changes. ESADE Business School and Art Center College of Design reserve the right to cancel the program if does not meet the minimum requirements necessary to ensure the success of the program.

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