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The readings for the first class are web-based.

In the orientation, I argued that analysts of very different political persuasions all make the argument that manufacturing is a key aspect of an innovation-driven economy. Abstracting from the papers, and editing out the political references, we have the following arguments: First from The Importance and Promise of American Manufacturing Why It Matters if We Make It in America and Where We Stand Today, Michael Ettlinger and Kate Gordon, April 2011, published by The Center for American Progress, we have the implications of losing manufacturing: Manufacturing is woven into the structure of our economy manufacturing underpins a broad range of jobs that are quite different from the usual image of manufacturing. These are higher-skill service jobs that include the accountants, bankers, and lawyers that are associated with any industry, as well as a broad range of other jobs including basic research and technology development, product and process engineering and design, operations and maintenance, transportation, testing, and lab work Many of these jobs are critical to innovation leadership. When the basic manufacturing leaves, the feedback loop from the manufacturing floor to the rest of a manufacturing operationa critical element in the innovative processis eventually broken a critical mass of both manufacturing and associated service jobs [creates] [t]he industrial commons that comes from the cross fertilization and engagement of a community of experts in industry, academia, and government [and] is vital. the United States ranked third in manufacturing exports in 2008, behind only China and Germany and ahead of Japan and France [these countries have national economies that are ranked 1, 2, 5, 4, and 9, respectively]. Secondly, From: The Creative Conceit, Eamon Fingleton, Nov. 5, 2007, The American Conservative we have the societal benefits of investing in manufacturing: By and large the wealthier a society is, the more inventive it tends to be. Just ask any of the thousands of brilliant Western European scientists and engineers whoin a phenomenon known as the brain drain emigrated to the United States in the 1950s and the subsequent decades. They were not seeking freedom they had that already. Rather, they wanted to work with the most advanced equipment and the largest research budgets. The logic is surely indisputable: rich nations get to the technological frontier first and have more resources to throw into the fray. Certainly any wider look at world history suggests a remarkable correlation: few societies have shown much inventiveness before they first established the economic wherewithal to equip their thinkers with the most advanced materials, machines, and knowledge when [a] region began opening up, government leaders insisted that the first duty of leading scientists was not to win Nobel prizes but rather to build national economic musclein advanced manufacturing.

Throughout the region, career incentives have been structured to ensure that the most brilliant scientists go into industry rather than universities or public research institutes. Those who follow this path rarely make headlines, let alone win Nobel prizes, but the policy has paid off in ever strengthening trade balances. The readings for this week are intended to explore the relationship between materials and manufacturing in the context of a company recognized for innovation. It is divided into four sections (A through D). In sections C & D of there are 15 questions. These constitute the assignment for this week. Rhetorical Questions: What do MSE people do? How is it that MSE is interesting? Is it modern, or old news?

A. Lets start with the premise that Apple is modern and relevant. A.1 In 2002, the movie Minority Report came out and in it Tom Cruise appeared to use a multi-touch screen - see A.2 A company that was a spin off of the University of Delaware called Fingerworks developed a so-called multi-touch screen in real life (they were working long before Minority Report) see,9171,1005255,00.html A.3 Apple bought the company in 2005 (which made everyone in the tech monitoring world wonder what was up) A.4 The result, of course, became the iPhone, released in June 2007. B. The cutting edge of Apple technology is the iPhone 4s, but this is based on the hardware of the iPhone4. The video introducing it is archived on youtube and in the last 1:20 of the overview video to introduce the iPhone 4 the technology the talk about is an entirely new grade of stainless steel and a custom glass comparable in strength to sapphire crystal. B.1 The significance of the choice of stainless steel for this application has been discussed on metals sites see B.2 And, the question of whether this strategy is a flaw (as the popular press has suggested) or a strength has been clearly analyzed see B.3 What is next for Apple in the world of MSE? First, Apple has now been linked to MSE directly in the popular press see and the chief designer for Apple, Jonathan Ive, points out the fundamental relationship between materials and design see B.4 And, the next rumor is not about what they are going to do with a new advance they bought out of computer science, but one out of materials science - see B.5 Apple has purchased the rights to amorphous metals B.6 One key advantage of bulk amorphous metals is their ability to be formed by forging (and other plastic forming methods) see the watch video in C. The other reference to materials is the use of strong glass. This is a combination of two long-standing advances in glass processing thin glass via the fusion flow process and chemical strengthening or ion exchange. See, for the business case and the technical case, The Materials Genome document we briefly looked at in class, and which is posted here, focuses on reducing the time between discovery and deployment. The fusion overflow process story that makes both large area electronic displays and impact-resistant displays on smartphones is different. Go to: The driving force for this technological development was to compete with the Pilkington Process 1959. First a general question, the answer to which is on the web. 1. What was the Pilkington process of 1959? Questions that can be answered by watching the Powerpoint equivalent slide show on the Corning website (go to link above, click on Launch Corning's History in LCD then, after watching the intro video, click on Explore Timeline. Note that there are scroll bars at the ends of sections that have to be used to view all the slides.) 2. 3. 4. 5. How many years elapsed between the development and the first profits? What was the relationship between the engineers and management in 1984? What was the significance of the presence of alkali elements in the glass? How did the creation of the world wide web affect the glass business?

6. The presentation mentions Corning 1737 glass. Find the datasheet for Corning 1737 glass (AMLCD). What are the properties that are tabulated? 7. What is the likely source of the zircon crystals observed in 1994? 8. How long did it take to reduce the zircon inclusions to a sufficiently low level for production?

9. By what percentage did the DensePak system increase shipping efficiency? 10. What is the practical significance of the 2008 Vita hermetic sealing system? 11. The glass that is on smartphones, Gorilla Glass, is produced by the fusion overflow process, but it is post processing to change it properties using a process of ion exchange. Review the information for the FAQ section of the Gorilla Glass page at Corning Inc.s webpage and describe what the result of ion exchange is as far as the glass is concerned. 12. Google Apple Corning 2012. What comes up?

D. But, the interior of the iPhone has a lot of materials challenges as well. For example, the basic issue with densely-packed miniaturized electronics is managing heat. 13. Google passive thermal management electronics, and determine what heat spreaders are. Describe in one or two sentences. How then is this related to MSE? Consider the thermal anisotropy of thermal conductivity for graphitic sheets Read through the article on The Role of Natural Graphite in Cooling Electronics found at 14. Explain how interatomic bonding is related to crystal structure is related to properties and, finally, how that is related to performance in this application. 15. This article compares synthetic materials versus natural materials (synthetic pyrolitic graphite is made by chemical vapor deposition, whereas natural graphite is mined). What are the respective advantages of each? And, which dominates in high volume applications such as a smartphone? A Cleveland company that we will tour is Graftech. There is a sheet of their material in every iPhone and every MacBook Air.

The technology of heat spreaders is directly extensible from iPhones (and other cell phones) to cutting edge things such as the electric vehicle.

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