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Details QuesNo : 50 *The following question has a paragraph from which the last sentence has been deleted.

From the given options, choose the sentence that completes the paragraph in the most appropriate way.* Psychiatrists are familiar with a psychological phenomenon known as ?projection?. Let us say that an individual is obsessed by a thought, which, because it is painful or forbidden, he does not want to acknowledge as his own. On the other hand, he can?t give it up. He wants the thought, but doesn?t want to be its owner. He longs for it unconsciously, but wants to reject it on a conscious level. His mind, therefore, resorts to an unconscious ?trick?. He ?projects? the thought onto someone else, and then convinces himself that it is the other person who suggested the thought to him or accused him of it. ___________. He is unable to tolerate an unpleasant internal object and proje cts this object onto the psychiatrist. These methods of hearing or perceiving such projected messages a re known as auditory or visual hallucinations ? that is, hearing voices, or seeing things, that are not there. If we view this encounter through the lens of modern psychoanaly sis, it might become understandable in modern terms. Thus, this projection becomes projective identification because the psychiatrist begins to feel or react in a manner consistent with the patient?s projection. People who have such unconscious tricks are necessarily neurotic or psychotic. *Correct Choice : *Choice2 *Justification : *** *PARAGRAPH COMPLETION* THEME OR MAIN IDEA - The paragraph talks about a psychological phenomenon known as ?projection?. It elaborates this view with the example of an individual who, though he unconsciously longs for a painful or forbidden thought, consciously wants to refuse it. His mind, therefore, ?projects? the thought onto someone else. (1) This option is incorrect. This statement, which talks about projecting an unpleasant internal object onto the psychiatrist, is not discussed in the paragraph. (2) This option is correct. This option captures the essence of the paragraph, that is, how the psychological phenomenon known as ?projection? works. Hence, this option complements the paragraph in the

most appropriate way. (3) This option is incorrect. Nothing about the ?encounter? is mentioned in the paragraph. (4) This option is incorrect. This statement provides additional information to the paragraph. Hence, it cannot be the most appropriate conclusion. (5) This option is incorrect. The idea, that people who have such unconscious tricks are necessarily neurotic or psychotic, is not mentioned in the paragraph. The correct option is 2.

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