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Data flow diagrams

Use case diagrams: Use case 1 Registration: The new user needs to register with the application as first step so that with the registered user name the user can enter into the home page to use the application.

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The above use case diagram explains how to register with the application to move forward. Use case 2 Login: After registration the user try to login to use the application. This use case shows what are all available for the user for first time they see the welcome page from there they can decide where they can go what they can this use case it is clear that how the user can get ready to use the application.

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The above use case diagram explains after registration how to login and what the user can find in the home page where else they can go from the home page. Use case 3 Query editor: Query editor use tells how to use the query editor option before going to diagram I will explain in short. If the user wants to execute any query then they can immediately type the query in query editor box and can see the result in output box by clicking the submit button. And also the diagram will be clear telling the same what I explained.

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The above use case diagram showed how the query editor option is used by the user. Use case 4 View databases: In view databases use case the user can view what are the databases created and how to view the databases and how to come back the double arrow mark will explain the route how to come back and where we are.

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The above use case diagram explains about the databases created by the user Use case 5 View tables: View tables use case diagram explains how to view the tables and what the content in the the diagram I mentioned that after logging in when the user click on view tables the user will be able to view the list of tables if the user dont want to go further from that position then by pressing back button he can come to home page are if the user want to see the structure then by clicking on the table the structure is viewable and from there the user can back to list of tables or view tables.

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The above use case diagram explains the navigation of view tables. Use case 6 View stored procedures: Under the use case of view stored procedures this also has same features like view databases and view tables same like them this option also has list of stored procedures and what is the stored procedure and how it is stored and how to retrieve it has one different function is when we click on stored procedure it explains what is procedure in the store text box itself so that if there is any changes we can edit and we can restore it again.

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Admins case: Admin also has same case like user but changes that the admin can see list of users, list of databases, list of tables, list stored procedures and admin home page has one inbox which all the feedbacks will be stored inside that. In the admin use case diagram I showed what the admin can see and what the functions can the admin do?

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Entity relationship diagram: The entity relationship diagram explains the relationship between the tables in the database in my project the registered user name is related which is unique and by choosing the user name the work of the user will be stored and the work cannot viewable for the remaining users and also we have feedback table where the user can send the feedback and it is been sent to the admin inbox.

Implementation phase done after complete design of the product and in this phase it deals with the code and all the inner structure which will be behind the product. In implementation all the design part will be executed and also implementation is the backbone to product. The screen presence will depend on how we implement the code.

The flow chart diagram explains how the product works this will give the overview how the product before enter into the code it will help to write the code by certain boundaries. Flow chart for the user

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Flow chart for admin The admin also has same pages but some additional options will available

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4.2 Data flow Diagrams:

A structured analysis technique that employs a set of visual representations of the data that moves through the organization, the paths through which the data moves, and the processes that produce, use, and transform data.

As information moves through software, it is modified by a series of transformations. A data flow diagrams (DFD) is a graphical technique that depicts information flow and the transforms that are applied as data move from input to output. The DFD is also known as a data flow graph or a bubble chart.

The DFD serves two purposes:

To provide an indication of how data are transformed as they move through the system, and To depict the functions (and sub functions) that transform the data flow.

The DFD provides additional information that is used during the analysis of the information domain and serves as a basis for the modeling of functions. A description of each function presented in the DFD is contained in a process specification. The DFD may be used to represent as system or soft ware at any level of abstraction. In fact, DFD may be partitioned into level that represents increasing information flow and functional detail. Therefore, the DFD provides a mechanism for functional modeling as well as information flow modeling.

A level 0 DFD, also called a fundamental system model or a context model, represents the entire software element as a single bubble with input and output data indicated by incoming and outgoing arrows respectively. Additional process (bubbles) and information flow paths are represented as the level 0 DFD is partitioned to reveal more details. The basic notations used to create a DFD are as follows:


External Entity: A square indicates any entity external to the system being modeled. The entity can be a class of people, an organization, or even another system. The function of external entity is to, supply data to, or recive data from the system. The notation is given below.

External Entity


Process: Circles re used to indicate where incoming data flows are processedand then transformed in to outgoing data flows. The notation is gives below:



Data flow : Arrows making the movement of data through the system indicate data flows. The notation is given below:


Data Store : An open-ended rectangle defines data storage. A repository of data


is be stored for use by one or more processes. The notation is given below:

Data Store



I. 0.0 SQL Server 2000


SQL Server 2005

Connecting to Database servers

Top-level Diagram:



IV. 1. 0 1.0 Connection



VI. 2 .0

SQL Server 2000

V. 3.0 Manipulation
SQL Server 2000

SQL Server 2005

SQL Server 2005





VIII. 1.0 Connection

VII. 1.1 User Verification

X. 1. 2 Provider

DataBase e


XI. Creation 2.0


Details Table 2.1 Creation

XV. 2.2 Tables/Fields





Details XVII.


2.3 Database

XVIII. 2 .4 DB Info

XIII. 2 .5 Execution



Table details

XIX. 3
Manipulation .0

XX. 3 .1 View
DBDetaills DBDetails DBDetails

XXV. 3 .2 Add
Retrive 1) 1) D B

XXIV. 3 1) .3

XXIII. 3 .4 Delete

3) DB Retrive

XXII. 3 .5 Input


XXI. 3 .6 Execute

2) DB

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