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Procedure: Place 4.4 g of anhydrous sodium carbonate in a small Erlenmeyer flask and add 100 ml of distilled water.

Heat in a water bath until the solid dissolves.

Data Sheet: 1. a. Weight of tea leaves used: ________________

Evaporate to dryness under the hood. Weigh the residue and calculate the percentage yield.

b. Weight of evaporating dish + caffeine: ______________________ c. Weight of empty evaporating dish: ______________________ d. Weight of caffeine: ______________________ 2. Percentage yield: (show your computations)

Add 10 g of tea leaves contained on a teabag to the said mixture. Cover the flask and boil the tea mixture for 10 minutes on a low flame.

Transfer the extract into an Erlenmeyer flask containing half a spatula of anhydrous sodium sulfate. Decant onto a tared evaporating dish.

Remove the teabag and squeeze the liquid by pressing it against the side of the flask using a glass rod.

Drain the organic layer into a clean Erlenmeyer flask. Discard the aqueous layer. Combine all the organic layer extracts.

For the odd groups (single extraction), extract the aqueous solution with 60 mL of dichloromethane in a separatory funnel.

Let stand for 2 minutes or until the separation between two layers is clearly visible. Drain the organic layer into a clean Erlenmeyer flask. Discard the aqueous layer. (See prelab question no. 4)

For the even groups (multiple extraction), extract the aqueous solution three times with 20 mL of dichloromethane each time in a separatory funnel. Let stand for 2 minutes or until the separation between two layers is clearly visible.

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