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University of Pune Syllabus for PhD Entrance

Paper lt

- Engineering (,*an)


1," Paper ll is common for PhD program ln all branches under the Facutty of Engineering. 1" Mathematics [ 35 Marks approx. 1.1 Statistics 1.1.1 Collection and classification of data 1.1.2 Graphical representation of data ( frequency polygon, histogram, c u m u I ative freq u e n cy c u rve s) 1.1.3 Measure of central tendency - Mean, Median and Mode 1.1.4 Measures of dispersion- mean deviation, standard deviation, quartile deviation and variance. 1.1.5 Moment, skewness and kurtosis. 1.1.6 Bivariate analysis - correlation and regression (linear) 1.1.7 Probability Sample space Event and types of events, Classical definition of probability and Axiomatic approach of probability, Addition theorem on probability, Conditional probability and Multiplication theorem on probability Baye's ,theorem, Probability model" 1 .2D ifferenti al Equ atio ns 1.2.1 Definition and basic concepts such as order, degree and solution of a differential equation. 1 .2.2 Ordinary differential equation. 1.2.3 Linear differential equations with constant and variable coefficients. 1.2.4 Definition of partial differential equation and different types of partiat differential equation.

1.3 Matrices 1.3.1 Definition of a matrix, types of matrices 1.3.2 Algebra of matrices 1.3.3 lnverse of a matrix by Adjoint method and by elementary transformation. 1.3.4 Rank of a matrix 1.3.5 Eigen values, Eigen vectors

1.3.6 caley Hamilton theorem and inverse by caley Hamilton theorem. 1.3.7 Solution of simultaneous homogeneous and non-homogeneous system of equations. 2 Technology Management [20 Marks approx.] 2.1. Definition of rechnology, Management and its retation to society. 2.1.1 Classification of Technology, Management of Technology at various /eyels. 2.1.2 Role of Technology in creation of wealth. lts impact on National Economy. 2.1.3 Ethics in technology management 2.2 Critical Factors in Technology Management

2.2.1 Problem identification


2.2.2 lmportance of creativity 2.2.3 Knowledge man agement 2.2.4 Relation and importance of pure sciences with Technology 2.3 Protection of Technology- ldea, lnvention, lnnovation and lntellectual Property 2"3.1 Tools of intellectual property 2.3.2 Patentability aspecfs, inventions, innovations. 2.3.3 Filing patent applications- processes 2.3 4 Patent Search 2.3.5 lnternational conventions for protection of technology 3 Fundamentals of Computer Science [25 Marks approx.] 3.1 Number Sysfems and logic Gafes 3 " 2 Computer Arch itectu re 3.3 Primary Memory and Secondary storage 3.4 lnput and Output Devices 3.5 Basics of Operating Sysfems 3.6 Database Fundamentals 3.7 lnternef Basrcs 3.8 Algorithms & flowcharts 3.9 Programming Planning Tools 3.10 Characteristics of Programming Language 3.11 Elementary Programming of C languages (up to Arrays)

4. Research methodology [20 Marks approx.] 4.1 Research methodology: Basic concept
4.1.1 Meaning of research 4.1.2 Objective of research 4.1.3 Motivation in research 4.1.4 Types of research 4.1 ,5 Research approaches 4.1.6 Significance of Research 4.1.7 Research methods and Methodology 4.1.8 Research process 4.1.9 Criterion for good research. 4.1 .10 Outcomes of Research 4.2 Research Problem 4.2.1 Whaf is a research problem? 4.2.2 Selecting the Prsblem 4.2.3 Necessrfy of Defining the Problem 4.2.4 Techniques involved in defining a research problem. 4.2.5 Different ways of literature suruey. 4.2.6 Different methods of data collection. 4.2.7 Methods of Analysis and lnterpretation of Findings 4.3 Research design 4.3.1 Meaning of research design 4.3.2 Need of research design 4.3.3 Development of research plan

4.3.4 Research Report- Components in the Report, Witing the References/ Bibliography Reference Books: Mathematics 1. Gupta S.P. 'Sfafisfrbs", S. Chand Publication, Delhi

2. Kreyzing Erwin. " Advanced Engineering Mathematics", John Wiley and Sons, lNC. New York. Technotogy Management 1. Tarek Khalil "Management of Technology", University of Miami, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi. 2. Satyawrat Ponkshe "The Management of lntellectual Property", Bhate & Ponkshe Publications,

Fundamentals of Computer Science 1. ITL Education So/ufions Limited, "lntroduction to Computer Science", Pearson
Education(LPE) 2. Behrouz A. Foruzan, Richard F. Gilberg, "Computer Science- A Structured Programming approach Using C", lndian Edition, CENGAGE Publicatiofi, 3rdedition. Research methodology 1. KothariC. R. Research methodology; Methods and techniques", New Age I nternational Publishers, New Delhi.

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University *f Pune Syilabus for PhD Entrance lesf Paper tt * Engineerin{! (Architecture)
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3. Unit 1 is

exclusively for Architecture Brunch and other units are as per the Paper-II Engineering Syllabus





Architectural. llistgrv. heritaoQ.

movement, contemporary architecture across the world. Sfeps rn architectural


Europe and lndian sub-continent, regional architecture of lndia,

and conseruation

Architecturat history of





- Principles of landscape design and materials, environmen"tal considerations in landscape planning. Significance of urban design, p.o"""" of urban design, imageability, universal design, aesfhefics, - beihaviorat
and site planning, landscape

conseruation. Site Plqnninq. Landscape and lJrban desiqn

Buildi7q. sciQnces and construction

climatology, indoor environmentat quatity, modular coordination, construction techniques and materials, water supply and drainage, advanced seruices. 1.1.4 Professional Practice Building byetaws, natioial building code, qiantity surueying and estimation, tendering, architects' act, office minagement. 1.2 ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES 1.2.1 Man-Environment relationship Resource depletion, pottution, resource

Ctimatic considerations, buitding

cl i m

management, bio-geochemical cycles, urban ecology, globar warming,



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n e nvi ro n me nta l lssues, so l i d wa st6' m

alnag e m

e ni,

iat\ r

Enviro7mental lmpact Assessment

Techniques and tools.

Socla/, economic and ecological.

_ A/orms, standards, rating

1.2.A _/

1'2.4 Disaster Manaqement - Natural and manmade management, planning and design responses. ,: - Bury_ptryG 1.3

and evaluation.

disaster risk


acoustics, fire fighting, natural and mechaiical ventitation, tigntiig-aia

materials, oro.qertle9 and applications of various materials, noi-conventiotntit material s a nd tech n iq ue s. Building seryices- drainage and wa.ter suppty at site level and city tevel,

Constluction Technotoiov & Materiats- Structural design methods and technique.s, seismic design cons.iderations, long span stiuctures, nign ;ise construction, pre-fabricated construction, tensiti construction, gr"L, iuiitiig


1'3'3 Transpoftation Planninq i nte rsecti


Tralflc sign and signal design, theory of traffic flow, on d e s i g n, i nte g rated- tra n_i ptto nt a n n i nt g a n d m od a t p s t its. 99 proiect Manaqement ?ERT, cpM, suppty ,rnugement, quatity control, safefy issues on slfes. "iu'i,

2Ieeft nalryyll{anagmrme--nt;f f; S,rltfarft sapprorJ

2 7. fufinit.e:n of Facftnolo$y" f.Camgerneflf and ils rsfsfioa lo socfety. ?. 1.1 Crbmi#rsfton of lecfrnoJogy, ItJanaperncnf of 'technalryy sl yon'o#s hL,als. 2. 1.? fialaof lecfinofogy in creef]on crf wuaftfo. Ifs rnpacton Ltatona/ Ecanamy. 2, ?.3 gtfiffs in tacknabgy #lansgefferlf
2.2 Crilicflt Factors

h f;;hno/ogi


Pmfilenx d,snffrf,cefrun
KnoMedgnO rnanagerner:{

2.2.2 lnpofiance of creatrr,'(y



t 5Frs.f'erfrbn,of'f,er}rn#0g,1,,- Idea, tnyerrlic, lnnrvetmn,Endfr;eibtrtusl *. 3. f ttlsr$ sf inJsfrsdl.Is/.Fropsrty

2. 2.


ftdabon and Jnpor.fanceo,fpur-o

$n6,3rrds lrdtft



3.ft Fataniet'lility eryeds, lnvantien s, irrr.sya&,orts,



p at

ent a pp ii c at ians" processes

_t t-/ e"

?. $;d 3. 3.5


Inferna0u nal twvenlions fcrprotectron of lecfinolqgy 3 Fundantenfals of Ccnrpuler- Science {f5 Marlrs apprax.l S.t ffumbrrSy*te,nls *nd lqg,* &a&l*

f, S*rnButer 14 rcfiil er f urc 3,3 {*fintary td*uw:ry sfid $econdary slcrage


-3-4 frp,ut a@ fiuFrr{ &ar.i,,e-,e$ 3.S Basics of Operalfug Syslems 3. 6 Dd llbds6 Furlrlarulenf afu

3,fl interrsl Sa+i** 3.8 Ahsrthff?s & frswdtarls 3.9 Pn;graurnrftg Planning loais S,. i0 Char*e tefisti*s 6f Pr{1granrlmihrg l-argrl*ge 3. 1 1 Eie nre nl a ry F r ry ra rnwllrg of C lan gua tE s ( t"p tu ta rray s) d. Hes ea rrii rretftd doI.og;r fS$ Il-far*s app roxl

I R*r*ar,rfi rnetflcdology;
.t l.4wning *f ressarclr


on cept


'r. f .f CI&rtscfr* rlfre.*esr**r 4, 1.3 Adfi{itrstiw ft rssesrc,y'r

4.1.4 Type* a{ research frese areh apprruelres *d. i.6 ,S$*f#rafi$* sf R6.s*sr#r 4, 7. / Resesrcfu ryreifrcds snd Melh*d*/crgy
4. 1,,$ 4. f Hes*arr.fu $ff;[*$$ 4. f .S Crrterinrr t*r gtux.rtJ r***arefu.



Re eareft Frrr&I.em 4.2.t Wlrfrt ls s researclr prn#/em?

"{. tr. {

0 Suf*trrxes of ffes*isrr}i

SdeetinE tlm Pmb/rmr fii*e*$crff.*tr Seliafing ffr* Pr*fuJerr d,.?.4 l*cftnrgr*s irrvr*lred lfi deffrrfc.ry o re e*rrll 6rrofirkrur, -{.f;$ Si#*rr*l way* *f lli*r*lirie sffn s}, 4,f"# &ifler*rrf f$eth{}d$ #f dsls et}d}*$fjc}rt" 4 2."/ l',1 et t v-ds of n alysis a nd ki erpretetmn oI Frrr drr gs "d d.$ fr*s,earch desr$ri
d, 3. 3

4.S. f l'4eonJrrg *,rr*sear*fl d,Bdglrl 4S.2 lJ**d *f r*swtt*i d**r.#n

4.3.3 &el,elcprnenl $f researcft plarr d'S.d tr***erefr Repcrt- Curnpcrenls irt i*,*,tr*&$rt, i{ft{*irt$ fhs ffistrti"sr}fscf



l.David Kent Ballast, Practical guide to computer opplications for architecture and design, publisher:
Prentice- hall(1 986)
2 Johnson Paul Alan, The Theory ofArchitecture: Concepts, themes & practices 3 ICAEN-Sustainable Building Design Manual Vol. 1 & 2

4. Structure and Fabric by Everet 5. National Building Code and I.S.I Specifications 6. K. Daniels 2003: Advanced Building Systems- A technical
7. Lynch

guidefor Architects & Engineers

Kevin(2000)Good cityform, M.I.T.Press, England

,Pramar.v.s (2005) social History of lndian Architecture, oxford {Jniversity press, N. Delhi

?achoefogtr Bta.r&gemer!

t, Iare#fffieliJ'$l&nagsrrnnf

of Tecsnologq4*; {lrrmraLgcf f*l&m{ :}kfe &,&&rsnrHrdl

e*rqony *.tu1ffi. ltsp ftaltrf.


Zj Sq.rysHfiaf Pon*srle ")'fio frfiaragarrr,nt of tnto$etud Finqperf"fl EhFt6 & Ironkst

F$rrdqffierrfErs *lq EdrfrFrrtsf $*isn as f,J.fL +q$fq{}r&*,ttrf*m,tShrtrsr, Tfitrrrdfrjst$r fu C+rrrpufer.gclenctr'l Fsar*orr


Eelrrouzd. Fomssll; Rfulftftrid



fro*raim*rry qFpr*$,eti

earcfi metft odofu gy {. Hedhari C. R. "He*eareh rndlro&Jcgy; itdetfipds and ieelnrfuues -' ,rlterffallofid PL6ffsrrsrs, f{et.y Senr.

Ol Indlar ffi&rtr ##JSSSpub*.?drdr:rl,,,3xrrdJdun.


#t$srilr, lGeIrtl${fsrS*isfiss:,4 Strucfws"rl

I ffelv Ag*

3 Enbay:Sais ff.+*earulrngls**r,,s$cr,r
=EGE== FRE==;A Eil*REE; E-;#EEE;F

$y,alwns & Ccmputng, ,SAG Fufidstuer*

*iG+==Til T;;ift *;;
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