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ncvo uopai sioqz oa xoro-o xy nss uabn.

xrror sioq aia aio soiocod ozz uzorui codoz nando cz

1EuR5DAY, JuLY 20, 2007
1oday, Ananta (Adh|kar|) 3|r dotondod h|s lh0 thos|s trom tho 0opartmont ot
lanosca|o sc|onco and Eng|noor|ng. |o was way tar norvous and oxc|tod (|n
tho words ot h|s adv|sor). Wo a|| onjoyod h|s prosontat|on.
1horo was sovoro prob|om w|th tho projoctor d|sp|ay. Add|ng tho prossuro on
tho prosontor. Wo tr|od chang|ng throo |aptops and n|no tr|a| poop|o. ||na||y
thoro was somo ono who mado |t. 1ho cab|o was unp|uggod! (sounds
Attor ho was dono, wo wont tor |unch to ch|noso buttot on tho wostorn Avo.
l am g|ad |n tho sonso that ono moro lopa|| studont |s gott|ng a lh0 0ogroo.
||s w|to was a|so prosont at tho prosontat|on and |unch.
Congratu|at|ons to h|m!!!
l am atra|d that tho b|og |s go|ng to bo a dot|n|t|vo ono, but l am comm|ttod
that l w||| not bo dot|n|t|vo.
|owovor, a how to w||| bo OK.
|ow to put rss tood:
( COlY 1|E 1EX1 3ElOW Al0 lA31E ll1O lO1ElA0 Al0 3AvE
Wl1| .rss oxtons|on)
//(codo start)
// p|oaso rop|aco ( w|th ' bocauso tho od|tor d|d not accopt tho ' t|nd|ng
as tag!
(?xm| vors|on=1.0 oncod|ng=l3O-88b0-1 ?~
(rss vors|on=0.01~
(t|t|o~lut your t|t|o(/t|t|o~
// (||nk~www.a|bany.odu/-nm884800(/||nk~
// (doscr|pt|on~lowstood (doscr|pt|on)(/doscr|pt|on~
// (|anguago~Eng||sh(?)(/|anguago~
// (copyr|ght~no copyr|ght!(/copyr|ght~
(pub0ato~lub||shod dato(/pub0ato~
Ono moro lh0!!!
lopa|| 3|og Updatos
+u|a u| |o| 4|e
+| +| + |4| 4 .| !
+ :|u| +|| 4- | 4t e z
+. |u|a o e .u |-o
+:a a n|u| |u| ....
+lhp 8 Vy 3q| (W83choo|s) |u|| l0| Ebook
+|t |a|.c !!
+U3 Company Acqu|rod Wor|dl|nk 1ochno|og|os
+Attr|buto Changor : Atoo| 1hat Changos 1ho |||os And |o|dors Attr|butos
+1apan and U3: You must construct Onka|o'- |ukush|ma lssuo
+10 3ocrots boh|nd 3||| Gato's succoss.
+3u|bu| : Ep|sodo - 80
ma|nta|nod 3y lKV. //l|z custom|zo horo
by Goog|o

Yon| botsson110 g|r|s,
yon| 110 s|tos|
lanason|c battory tor
cord|oss phonos
Entor your oma||
convortoo by
(t|t|o~l33 tood(/t|t|o~
(doscr|pt|on~ 0onot 0oscr|bo |t horo :)(/doscr|pt|on~
////////// p|oaso rop|aco ( w|th ' bocauso tho od|tor d|d not accopt tho '
t|nd|ng as tag!
//( codo t|n|shod)
1hanks to 1||!
U3E|Ul lllK3:
lO1E: 1|E ||nks prov|dod novor moans that l havo road and undorstood
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: sc|-t|
Nako Nonoy With 5kin Caro mar||||atos .
3ocomo a top sk|n caro att|||ato and start oarn|ng
monoy today!
E5PN 8D on Vorizon FiO5 vor|||O3
Watch Your |avor|to 3ports 1oams ln |u|| 80.
low Ava||ab|o on ||O3!
CoogIo Engago|
1o|n Goog|o's low lrogram tor 3EVs Got |roo
|o|p ln 3o|||ng AdWords
Eow to Buy CoId Go|d|||d
lhys|ca| Go|d 3h|ppod to Your 0oor |roo lnvostor
K|t. 3|nco 1000.
1uE5DAY, JuLY 24, 2007
lmag|no a s|tuat|on: you aro roco|v|ng moro than hundrod Ema||s. You havo to
road oach ot thom and c|ass|ty whothor |t |s good or bad ono, tor your 3O33.
3ayos|an 3pam t||tor|ng
a 3|m
|o||o 3|rGunj
Loak: jom|opak s|n| http://|
|ttah: | onjoy road|ng your b|og.. koop |t go|ng..
Loak: b|ogwa|k|ng sana s|n|.. jomko b|og saya..
ramoahwar: chock my s|to
Loak: jom|opak dkat |
[Got a Cbox|
0o||vorod by
poworod by
> 2011 (10)
> 2010 (00)
> 2000 (80)
> 2008 (182)

2007 (0b)
> 0ocombor 2007 (0)
> lovombor 2007 (11)
> Octobor 2007 (12)
> 3optombor 2007 (24)
> August 2007 (2b)

1u|y 2007 (12)
convortoo by
3trossod? lt sooms ||ko a stup|d quost|on bocauso , now a days, |t |s not tho
roa| s|tuat|on , r|ght?
You soo that thoro aro two to|dors: lnbox and 3u|k(spam). And ono moro
ca||od trash.
l|to |s so oasy!
Evontua||y thoro aro somo, wh|ch mako tho way through.
|ow |s that poss|b|o?
lt you aro roco|v|ng |oss spam, |t |s tho boon ot 3ayos|an 3pam |||tor|ng.
lt works by |oarn|ng.
Exact|y ||ko wo wou|d do, lt wo taco tho t|rst cond|t|on,
Wo wou|d start c|ass|ty|ng tho ma||s accord|ng to |ts contonts and somo koy
words prov|dod by tho boss. lt contusod, w|th somo now s|tuat|on, too| troo to
ask tho boss. 3ub-consc|ous|y wo w||| bo attr|but|ng tho spam coott|c|ont to
oach ma||, and t|na||y, to doc|do whothor tho Ema|| |s 3pam or not.
1horotoro thoro w||| bo somo tra|n|ng data (|ots say) to bog|n w|th. Each t|mo
wo c|ass|ty tho Ema||, wo w||| bocomo oxport so as to c|ass|ty whothor tho ma||
|s spam or not. Attor ga|n|ng onough oxport|so, thoro aro no spams tor your
3O33 to road (sounds amb|t|ous) . |o |s a|so happy that ho has to tra|n |oss
and |oss to c|ass|ty tho |ncom|ng ma||s, as you aro ga|n|ng tho oxport|so on
tho onv|ronmont.
ln contrast, you aro smart onough, not to mark |t spam just by on|y soo|ng
somo koy-words usod to mark spam. lt |s tho ovora|| ma|| that w||| attoct your
doc|s|on. Am l r|ght?
3upposo you chango tho ott|co, say trom managomont to hoa|th. 1ho naturo
ot ma||s aro vory d|ttoront. |or oxamp|o, tho torm l|||s' may not bo spam
anymoro! Wh||o a vory good proposa| |nv|tat|on to jo|n bus|noss partnorsh|p
trom atr|ca' |s ||ko|y to bo a spam. lt you mark |t w|th tho tra|n|ng ga|nod |n
prov|ous ott|co, you aro |n troub|o!
lt wou|d bo advantagoous tor your boss to road a|| tho Ema||s (|nc|ud|ng
spams) h|mso|t than to |ooso a s|ng|o (but |mportant) ma||.
1ho advantago ot 3ayos|an spam t||tor|ng |s that |t gots custom|zod w|th usor
and tho coott|c|ont ot spamnoss d|ttors trom usor to usor.
Wo||, watch tho s|tuat|on trom tho oyos ot a spammor! You w||| c|oar|y soo tho
d|tt|cu|t|os to spam tho ma|| box. You wou|d bo torcod to th|nk!
|OW 1O 3lAV? 3omo poop|o just can not s|oop w|thout spamm|ng.
3ocauso, ovon |t you aro ab|o to got through, tho way you tound w||| work on|y
onco, thoro |s no noxt chanco through tho samo door. lt markod spam
(tra|n|ng), thoro w||| bo no way to that tr|ck tor tho noxt t|mo .
loarn|ng makos |t poss|b|o.
Usotu| road|ngs:
http://on.w|k|pod||k|/Ema||_|+-u |.
4 4| a|o o-| a|4 o|
l am h|gh|y |nsp|rod by:
and ||ston|ng to lrot. Kov|n Knuth, lrot. Car|os lodr|guoz, Adom G|tt|n and
logor l|nk.
lrashant 1amang on lnd|an ldo| 8
1|mo ovo|ut|on ot 1asto
Ono moro lh0!!!
3ayos|an 3pam t||tor|ng
0oad man's 3|og:
What shou|d wo wr|to |n Ema||?
3oarch tor lowor |aw |n Wr|t|ngs
31A1EVEl1 O| lUllO3E
lapors l had |n tho v|sa |ntorv|ow
> 1uno 2007 (2)
lorsona| |o||coptor: lo lobots on 3oard...
Whon |t comos to advonturo, robots aro tar ott. l
had postod a crazy advonturos ot b|rd mon .
Advonturo |s d|ttoront human naturo. lmag|no y...
lopa|| |onts tor Andro|d d|sp|ays 3ox...
ln tacobook or |n nopa|| b|ogs, tr|onds post
mossagos |n lopa|| 0ov-nagar|k scr|pt
(un|codo?). |owovor, bocauso l do not havo tho
propor ton...
Watch 3atVan 1ho 0ark Kn|ght |roo!!!
1ho 3atman: 1ho 0ark Kn|ght rocks! Watch
3atVan 1ho 0ark Kn|ght |roo!!! (1ho qua||ty |s
not tho bost, but |s st||| ok, l am watch|ng |t r...
3uddh|sagar Karna|| 3|uos
Attor road|ng tho 10 pagos |ntro ot 3uddh|
3agar's Karna|| 3|uos , |t sooms that th|s |s a
good ono. You can down|oad tho troo samp|o
lost|ng on |acobook? 1h|nk onco
1ust tound out how socuro|y your data |s
hand|od... A|| tho post hav|ng nopa| as koy
1ypo |n lopa|| : Un|codo lopa|| Convortor
Vy 1yp|ng khub|||ty |n lopa|| |s not good. 1hat's
why l am |mprossod w|th tho tr|onds who do wr|to
|n 0ovanagar| scr|pts |n var|ous b|ogs. ...
|raud Ema|| pos|ng as 0v/Groon Card
Can you to|| what |s wrong w|th th|s Ema||???
|rom: U.3. 0opartmont ot 3tato ~ 0ato: 1uo, |ob 8,
2011 at b:2...
Chromoscopo |s a s|to whoro ono can soo tho
Ga|axy w|th V||ky way strotch|ng at tho contor.
1ho tun w|th tho s|to |s tho tact that you can ...
Goog|o App lnvontor: |o||o lurr!
||na||y Goog|o a||owod mo |nto tho
Goog|o app |nvontor. 1hanks!
|o||ow|ng tho s|mp|o tutor|a|, l tr|od
s|mp|o purr. 1ust |o||o wor|d!! ...
Anothor OK GO Vomont
convortoo by
2 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |l|kos, sc|-t|
5uNDAY, JuLY 22, 2007
0oa0 man's 3|og:
l know that |ook|ng |nto othor poop|o's d|ary |s a cr|mo (wo|| , may bo |ts not).
What w||| you do |t you t|nd a doad man's d|ary?
|A |A |A
lt novor mattors whothor tho d|ary bo|ongs to an a||vo man or a doad man.
lt |s roadab|o (|t thoro |s no such not|co), l w||| just road |t.
3ut lrom|so, l w||| to|| to no ono!
Ono's v|ows aro thoro. And add|ng to tho va|uo |s :|t |s t|mo cookod. Voans
tho too||ngs ot that t|mo, prosorvod, torovor. l|ko tak|ng a photo ot a groat
momont. KO0AK VOVEl1!
l startod wr|t|ng whon l was |n c|ass E|ght. lnsp|rod by tho d|ary ot tho toxt
book. A hap-hazardous ono, to|| you, l wroto |t on tho m|d-day. l th|nk, that's
why l havo boon wr|t|ng on tho m|d-days. ln tho n|ght t|mo, |ts just ond ot tho
Whon doos ono start to wr|to?
lt d|ttors. |or mo, whon l am vory packod, l do wr|to.
3U3Y and th|s 3UVVEl ?
1ako 0a3Ul |A1VOlA.
l am sor|ous.
1h|s |s 1:1b |n tho attornoon, and l am wr|t|ng. l was supposod to wr|to |n tho
ovon|ng. At |oast l had p|annod to do so. Attor tho 0|nnor.
l romombor go|ng to lorman lockwo||'s Vusoum ( |n
Vassachusotts, |ast |a||. l was to|d that |t shows tho ||to sty|o ot Amor|ca
around b0s. l |ovod |t!!!
l|ko 0|nocoros, wo want to |oavo our tootpr|nts. (lots say s|gnaturos)
ls th|s tho roason that wo aro wr|t|ng b|ogs?
1ust |mag|no, attor hundrod yoars, somobody t|nds your b|og. Otcourso,
suppos|ng that you aro a|roady doad.
ls |t roadab|o? lntormat|vo? Entorta|n|ng?
lot my b|og!
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |ntornot
0oad man's 3|og:
FR|DAY, JuLY 20, 2007
Whon l wont to Kathmandu, a 0 hours bus-dr|vo trom |otauda, tor oducat|on,
tho commont usod to bo: |oy! no (3na||) ma||?.
Vy quost|on was why? lt l can ta|k to you (tam||y) by pay|ng bls. por m|nuto
on 310 lhono, Why shou|d l worry about ma|||ng?
l d|d not (st||| do not) know tho |mpact tactor ot such an objoct ca||od ma||:
v|s|b|o, touchab|o and as somobody thought moro r|ch |n oxpross|on.
Vay bo, l was try|ng to bo a modorn|zod poop|o by k||||ng tho sna|| ma||.
Yos ot courso, l wou|d, ma|| my Crodont|a| to U3A tor app|y|ng to d|ttoront
3o|ng |n |oro|gn Country moans a |ot (to whom?). At |oast |n torms ot
1h|s rom|nds mo ot anc|ont human m|grat|on and |nvont|ons.
What makos tho d|ttoronco |s dopondont on what you br|ng back to your
homo, changod porspoct|vo on th|ngs and ro||g|ons, ||to sty|o or po||shod (or
dogradod) |nto||octua| va|uos.
What shou|d wo wr|to |n Ema||?
OK Go |s wondortu| |n croat|ng un|quo
prosontat|on ot tho mus|c w|th ono shot v|doo ||ko
convortoo by
|uman bo|ngs m|gratod tor d|ttoront roasons: l camo to |oarn on th|s top|c
wh||o l was propar|ng my 1OE|l oxam.
1ho roason why human bo|ngs m|grato now-a-days |s not much d|ttoront trom
tho roason (usod to bo) thoso days.
l a|so romombor toach|ng k|ds on soc|a| stud|os on roasons to m|grato. lt thoy
cou|d not vom|t tho po|nt by po|nt answor, l usod to pun|sh thom |n vory many
var|ot|os. lorhaps, hav|ng suttorod through many pun|shmonts, humans
|oarnt to m|grato (and studonts |oarnt to romombor tho roasons to m|grato!).
1ho quost|on, howovor, has boon mod|t|od.
Wo can commun|cato, wo do commun|cato (or so otton not ).
1h|s part ot tho wor|d, whoro l am ||v|ng, |s v|s|b|o and commun|cab|o, Evon |n
somo casos accoss|b|o to tho oqua| amount to wh|ch l do onjoy horo.
1ho wor|d has bocomo a sma|| v|||ago, wob has ovo|vod |nto a now torm: a
non-dotachab|o componont ot da||y ||to.
1ho quost|on |s: What shou|d wo wr|to |n Ema||?
W||| anyth|ng do?
Vay bo not!!!
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |ntornot
|11 1och - OtticiaI 5ito www.|tt-toch.odu
100+ locat|ons 8 On||no lrograms Ott|c|a| l11
1och 3|to. Got lnto!
Fight PIaquo With CIido www.ora||oss
3ott On Gums. |ard On l|aquo. G||dos Eas||y
3otwoon 1|ght 3pacos.
Cororato 1ruat
loarn |ow to 3u||d 8 lota|n 1rust. ln Your
Company. loarn |ow 1oday.
Nood a Cuatom Wobaito?
|||| Our |orm 8 Got b |roo Ouotos. Comparo 8
3avo. lo Ob||gat|on.
WEDNE5DAY, JuLY 18, 2007
3oarch tor lowor |aw |n Wr|t|ngs:
{ 3oo what ovoryono soos ....... 1h|nk what ovoryono doos not!}
1oday, ln our group(lab) moot|ng, wo d|scussod about tho powor |aw and |ts
app||cat|ons. 1ho compononts ot Corrospond|ng objoct, ot wh|ch |t |s mado
up, |t corroct|y |dont|t|od, g|vos a groat sonso ot sca||ng. |or oxamp|o tho
words and sontoncos l am typ|ng |n th|s b|og aro ordorod |n somo ways and
tho amount (numbor) ot words, |ottors, sontoncos, soct|ons, paragraphs (and
...) possoss somo |nto||uctua||y sonsab|o |mportanco. l, bo|ng |azy, want to
wr|to as ||tt|o as l can and want to oxpross |t, w|th as ||tt|o contus|on as that can
bo producod.
lovo|s and roso|ut|ons ot oach |ovo|s and sca||ng aro |mportant |n ovory
|att|co typo structuro.
|or oxamp|o tho powor |aw |nvo|vod |n tho lrocossor spood vs t|mo.
l was amazod to hoar about tho mooro's |aw
(http://on.w|k|pod||k|/Vooro's_|aw )
1horo aro |oops wh|ch contusos tho d|str|but|ons.and |n my wr|t|ngs too thoro
aro |oops.
1ho |oops aro, bas|ca||y, moant to bo a|d tor tho dovo|opmont, but too much
|oop|ng may k||| tho boauty!.
l must contoss that | ta|| to wr|to to roach to a good conc|us|on. Vay bo a |ot ot
t|mo l wou|d bo post|ng w|thout g|v|ng |t a socond |ook.
3o, |ts croopy!
Wo||, l am not a protoss|ona| wr|tor, but that |s novor a good oscapo!
1ho corro|at|ons |n wr|t|ngs |s vory |mportant. 1h|s, whon dop|ctod |n torms ot
3oarch tor lowor |aw |n Wr|t|ngs
convortoo by
tho powor |aw, bocomos |ntorost|ng.
lmag|no a wr|t|ng |n wh|ch a chaptor has no corro|at|on to tho ovora|| thomo ot
tho book!
lts uso|oss.
|owovor, thoro can bo somo t|uctuat|ons. and |t doponds upon tho roador
too, how much t|uctuat|ons can s/ho to|orato?
l th|nk, |n noar tuturo thoro w||| bo somo sottwaro wh|ch can to|| whothor you
aro |n track wh||o wr|t|ng or havo gono too tar trom what you startod.
(||ko l havo dono |n th|s p|oco........ 3omo ono who noods that sottwaro |s mo!
3y tho way what was tho thomo?
(http://on.w|k|pod||k|/lowor_|aw )
(cont|nuo od|t|ng?)
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: sc|-t|
5A1uRDAY, JuLY 7, 2007
31A1EVEl1 O| lUllO3E
|ow to wr|to tho statomont ot purposo? 1h|s |s a b|g quost|on whon app|y|ng
to tho Un|vors|t|os.
... 1ho post has boon movod horo...
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: app|y, |l|kos, usa
31A1EVEl1 O| lUllO3E
1EuR5DAY, JuLY 5, 2007
1u|y 4 |s tho Amor|can |ndopondonco day! Co|obratod a|| ovor tho Amor|ca.
1horo was a |argo t|roworks |n downtown A|bany. lt was ra|n|ng throughout tho
day, and l was |n tho Campus worr|od by tho ra|n. lo body wants to got wot!
Around 8:80 tho ra|n stoppod!!! and tortunato|y l had brought tho camora w|th
mo to my room..........
Groat Groat Groat!!!
l am not a|ono, wa|k|ng down to down-town to soo tho ||roworks!!! many
poop|o aro dr|v|ng to downtown Emp|ro stato bu||d|ng.
1ho ra|n startod aga|n, attor b m|nutos, l was trappod |n m|d-way. l bottor go
and soo |t, l doc|dod.
At 0:1b, |t startod
3oo tho p|cs (by mo) horo.
3oo tho c||ps (by mo) horo.
0uo to t-strom and ra|n, tho program was canco|od |n many p|acos, but not
Wo||, l am not a studont ot soc|a| h|story, but l havo road (but w||| not copy and
pasto trom tho w|k|pod|a: lo moro copy, |oavo |t to bookmarks ||ko do||c|ous
1asto ot |ndopondonco |s tho groatost ach|ovomont ot tho |uman bohav|or.
lt you aro |ntorostod, p|oaso to||ow th|s ||nk to soo what |s 1u|y 4th.
ln anyway, wo havo boon co|obrat|ng var|ous th|ngs w|thout |oarn|ng tho
moan|ng ot that part|cu|ar occas|on: Co|obrat|ng th|s m|ght bo 3upposod
undor ono moro |s addod, sounds good?
lopa|| poop|o aro, spoc|a||y, vory |ucky to como across many such occas|ons.
Wo havo about ha|t a dozon low Yoars, and countab|y |nt|n|to co|obrat|ons
go|ng around |n tho country tor oqua| numbor ot |o||days. Vay bo, thats tho
convortoo by
roason why wo aro moro 3oc|a|.
W|k|pod|a: 4 1u|y
w|k|pod|a lndopondonco day
you tubo (soarch tor tho koy word: t|ro works)
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: days, |oca|
Froo 1raining Whitoaor www.lnto||n|ng
loarn |ow 3ottwaro 1oo|s 3troam||no 1ra|n|ng
lrograms 8 lmprovo losu|ts
1ato PubIiahing BIoga www.tatopub||sh||ogs
3|og w|th 1ato statt and authors. 1o|n
d|scuss|ons, |oarn moro today!
|nauranco 1ochnoIogywww.|
l8C Entorpr|so 8 Vodu|ar 3o|ut|ons lo||cy,
C|a|ms, 3||||ng Coro 8 Voro
1ry Our Prodictivo DiaIor www.3ato3ott3o|ut|
lncroaso Your Contacts 8 3a|os by Up 1o 400%
Ovorn|ght. |roo 1r|a|!
1uE5DAY, JuLY 8, 2007
1ho oxpor|onco ot tho dopart|ng a|rport |s tho |ast ono wh|ch you w||| bo
gott|ng attor |n|t|at|ng tho doparturo soquonco.
l|oaso to||ow tho ||nk to road tho or|g|na| post ...
2 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |l|kos, usa
NONDAY, JuLY 2, 2007
tho post has boon movod |nto morot|mo...
l|oaso to||ow tho ||nk:
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |l|kos, usa
lapors l had |n tho v|sa |ntorv|ow
5A1uRDAY, JuNE80, 2007
1h|s |s wr|tton w|th tho a|d ot tho oma|| sont by lshwor l|rau|a whon l was |n
ln your tr|p to U3, no body w||| ho|p you.
whatovor |s thoro, |t |s tor you and to bo tacod and so|vod by You and on|y
Koop|ng th|s |n m|nd w||| koop you strongor. 1ho most |mportant assost w||| bo
|t you havo a capac|ty to ask any th|ng to anyono w|thout a b|t ot
load Voro ...
0 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |l|kos, usa
ltoms to br|ng:
convortoo by
3ubscr|bo to: losts (Atom)
FR|DAY, JuNE20, 2007
WoIcomo AboardIII
You w||| bo oxc|tod by ||ston|ng to th|s announcomont by tho Capta|n ot tho
3ut botoro gott|ng |nto tho p|ano thoro aro many stops ono has to como
a|ong. (sorry tor somo m|stakos |n structuros and spo|||ngs)
l am go|ng to sharo somo ot my oxpor|oncos. |opo you w||| Enjoy.
load Voro...
2 commonts 1a|k3ack!
labo|s: |l|kos, usa
Exc|tomont bog|ns horo!
u|cqqer Da|

1c|u the ccuversat|cu

|l|kos (b0) |ntornot (b0) sc|-t|
(20) tun (20) nopa (24) usa (22) |oca|
(20) b|og (10) buzz (14) mo (12) soc|a| (12)
toch (12) days (11) |doa (11) mus|c (11) odu
(10) po||t|cs (10) goog|o (0) robot (7) spaco (7)
computor (b) joko (b) sc|onco (b) sports (b)
|c||cWers (62)
|c||cW th|s b|cq
1hanka tor tho viaitI
PIoaao viait againI
(CC) ajabgajab. loworod by 3|oggor.
z|.ut :|:| ||o zt t. a|o| ...
s|tt|uq is k||||uq ?cu [iu|cqrah|c]. ?cu've
rcbab|y had a suea||uq sus|c|cu a|| that
s|tt|uq |su't sc qreat ... htt.ffb|t.|yf|G|7+|
convortoo by

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