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mimeTeX manual

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Copyright © 2002-2006, John Forkosh Associates, Inc.

---Tutorial--- --------------Reference--------------
(I) Introduction (II) Building (III) Syntax (IV) Appendices
a. Quick Start mimeTeX Reference a. Fonts
b. Examples a. Compile a. Math & White b. make_raster()
c. GPL License b. Install Space c. gifsave.c
c. Compile Options b. Symbols, Sizes, Remarks
d. Command Line Modes
c. Delimiters
d. Accents, Arrows,
e. \begin{array}
f. \picture( ){ }
g. Other Commands
h. Other Exceptions

------Installation and Usage Summary------

Installation: Download and then type
cc -DAA mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi

Now just mv mimetex.cgi to your cgi-bin/ directory,

set permissions as necessary, and you're all done.

Usage: To see the image

just write the tag

<img src="/cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?

(I) Introduction
MimeTeX, licensed under the gpl, lets you easily embed LaTeX math in your
html pages. It parses a LaTeX math expression and immediately emits the
corresponding gif image, rather than the usual TeX dvi. And mimeTeX is an
entirely separate little program that doesn't use TeX or its fonts in any way. It's
just one cgi that you put in your site's cgi-bin/ directory, with no other
dependencies. So mimeTeX is very easy to install. And it's equally easy to use.
Just place an html <img> tag in your document wherever you want to see the
corresponding LaTeX expression. For example,

<img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?f(x)=\int_{-
alt="" border=0 align=middle>

immediately generates the corresponding gif image on-the-fly, displaying

wherever you put that <img> tag. MimeTeX doesn't need

intermediate dvi-to-gif conversion, and it doesn't create separate gif files for
each converted expression. (But you can enable image caching with mimeTeX's
-DCACHEPATH=\"path/\" compile option.)

m i m e Te X p l u g i n s . . .

There's no inherent need to repeatedly write the cumbersome <img> tag

illustrated above. You can write your own custom tags, or write a wrapper script
around mimeTeX to simplify the notation. For example, PmWiki already has a
mimeTeX plugin that lets you just write {$ f(x)=\int_{-\infty}^xe^{-t^2}dt $} to
obtain the same image. Similarly,

Package Plugin
Wikimedia "mimeTeX alternative"
MathWiki "mimeTeX Parser"
PunBB mimeTeX plugin
Movable Type mimeTeX plugin
Mambo "mimeTeX bot"
WordPress mimeTeX plugin (see item 9)
and, as already discussed in the text...
PmWiki mimeTeX plugin
phpBB mimeTeX plugin

Or, if you're using phpBB, then Jameson contributed the following one-line mod
that lets you just write [tex] ... [/tex] to obtain mimeTeX images:

// Remove our padding from the string..
$text = preg_replace('/\[tex\](.*?)\[\/tex\]/ie',
"'<img src=\"/cgi-
align=\"middle\" />'",

(Please note: Please don't write php code using system( ), or any other shell
escape mechanism, just to cache images. Use mimeTeX's -DCACHEPATH=
\"path/\" compile option instead. system( ) raises security issues, either real
ones if used carelessly, or just in the minds of system administrators. Either way,
I've received many emails from people unable to use mimeTeX because of
unnecessary system( ) calls prohibited by security-conscious sysadmins.
MimeTeX itself poses minimal risk when used as illustrated above, but you're
responsible for any plugin/wrapper script you write around it.)

Alternative solutions...

MimeTeX's benefit over similar math-on-the-web solutions is, as mentioned

above, its easy installation. But if that's not a problem for you, and if your site's
server already has a LaTeX distribution installed, and suitable image conversion
utilities like ImageMagick, then you may prefer to look at a math rendering
script like latexrender which uses LaTeX to create higher quality images than

mimeTeX produces. For comparison, , with arbitrary mean

and standard deviation , and at mimeTeX's next larger font size, looks like

mimeTeX latexrender

Similar LaTeX-based solutions that you may want to look at are textogif and
gladTeX. Additional discussion and several more links are at and in the tex-faq.

You may now want to browse the additional Examples below before proceeding,
to make sure mimeTeX suits your needs before you spend more time learning to
use it.
(Ia) Quick Start

MimeTeX is as TeX-like as possible (though not 100% compliant), and you must
already be familiar with LaTeX math markup to use it. If you're not, many online
LaTeX turorials are readily available. You may also want to browse Andrew
Roberts' Latex Math I and Latex Math II, or my own LaTeX math tutorial. Then,
instead of continuing to read this page, you can just Submit any LaTeX math
expression you like in the Query Box below. I've started you out with a little
example already in the box, or you can Click any of the Examples below to place
that corresponding expression in the Query Box.

Meanwhile, here are just a few quickstart tips for Submitting your own
mimeTeX expressions in the Query Box below:

 MimeTeX currently has eight font sizes selected by one of the usual
directives \tiny or \small or \normalsize , or \large (default) or \Large or
\LARGE , or \huge or \Huge . Unlike standard LaTeX, font size
directives may appear within math mode expressions. They affect
everything to their right, except that their scope will be limited to any { }-
enclosed subexpression in which they occur. For example, "a+\small b+c"
renders , whereas "\small a+{\Large b+}c" renders
 By default, mimeTeX renders limits textstyle at sizes

\normalsize and smaller, and renders them displaystyle at sizes

\large and larger. The LaTeX directives \displaystyle or \textstyle, and
\limits or \nolimits, override mimeTeX's default in the usual way. Or see
the -DDISPLAYSIZE=n compile option below to change the default.

Now enter your own LaTeX expression, use the sample provided, or Click any
of the Examples. Then press the Submit button, and mimeTeX's rendering should
be displayed in the little window immediately below it.

Now click Submit to see it rendered below...

&lt;p&gt;iframe's not supported if you see this.&lt;/p&gt;

You should see if you submit the sample expression already in

the box.

And the <img> tag to embed this same integral anywhere in your own document
<img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\large f(x)=\int_{-
alt="" border=0 align=middle>

The typical mimeTeX <img> tag has the form

<img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?any valid

LaTeX/mimeTeX expression"
alt="" border=0 align=middle>

where ../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi is the relative path from your html page containing
these tags to your compiled mimetex.cgi program, and where
any valid LaTeX/mimeTeX expression is pretty much any valid LaTeX math

 There are occasional exceptions where I couldn't program mimeTeX to

recognize valid LaTeX syntax. One particular "gotcha" is that mimeTeX
bindings are pretty much left-to-right. Thus, for example, although
mimeTeX correctly interprets \frac12 as well as \frac1{x^2}, etc, the legal
LaTeX expression x^\frac12 must be written x^{\frac12}. Otherwise,
mimeTeX interprets it as {x^\frac}12, i.e., the same way x^\alpha12 would
be interpreted, which is nonsense for \frac. The same "gotcha" also applies
to other combinations of commands, e.g., you must write
\sqrt{\frac\alpha\beta}, or \frac\alpha{\sqrt\beta}, etc. The
Syntax Reference section contains much additional information.
 Besides such exceptions, mimeTeX also provides various LaTeX
extensions. For example, font size directives like \Large are permitted
within mimeTeX math mode expressions, but flagged as errors by LaTeX.

(Ib) Examples

Here are various additional random examples further demonstrating mimeTeX's

features and usage. To see how they're done, Click any one of them to place its
corresponding expression in the Query Box above. Then press Submit to re-
render it, or you can edit the expression first to suit your own purposes.



solution for quadratic

definition of derivative

illustrating \frac{}{} for

continued fraction

illustrating \left\{...\right.
and note the accents
\overbrace{}^{} and
(TeXbook page 181,
Exercise 18.41)

demonstrating \begin{array}'s dashed

Block diagonal
form using nested
Also, note rows
aligned across all
three arrays.

using \begin{eqnarray} to
align equations
commutative diagram
using \begin{array}

"environment", illustrating
the image charge - q for a
grounded conducting
sphere of radius a with a
charge q at distance r > a
outside it.
\picture "environment"
illustrating the surface
polarization charge
induced by a uniform
electric field. Inside the
slab of material, the
volume polarization charge
clearly vanishes.

The little dipole

(13) image is drawn only once,
then multiput across two
columns, and then that
result is further multiput
down the rows. MimeTeX
\picture's can be used as
picture elements in other
pictures, nested to any
level. The image at left is

Some font examples ...

Finally, illustrated below are some examples of fonts and symbols available with
mimeTeX. All symbols and sizes from cmr, cmmi, cmmib (use \mathbf{ }),
cmsy, cmex, bbold (use \mathbb{ }), rsfs (use \mathscr{ }), stmary and cyrillic
wncyr (use {\cyr } or \cyr{ }) should be available, but they're not all shown. And
also not shown are various "constructed symbols" like \sqrt, accents, etc. The
illustrated font sizes are numbered 4=\Large, 3=\large and 2=\normalsize (not
shown are 7=\Huge, 6=\huge, 5=\LARGE, 1=\small and 0=\tiny).

cmmi latin uppercase, and lowercase

calligraphic, and rsfs (\cal{A}, \scr{B}, etc)

cmmi greek uppercase, and \var lowercase

cmmi greek lowercase

c m s y s y m b o l s a t m i m e Te X f o n t s i z e 3
(operators shown large are automatically "promoted"
to the larger size in \displaystyle mode)

a f e w o t h e r c m m i , c m r, s t m a r y a n d w n c y r s y m b o l s a t
m i m e Te X f o n t s i z e 4
(Ic) GPL License

"My grandfather once told me there are two kinds of people:

Those who do the work and those who take the credit.
He told me to try to be in the first group; there was much less competition."
Indira Gandhi, the late Prime Minister of India

MimeTeX's copyright is registered by me with the US Copyright Office, and I

hereby license it to you under the terms and conditions of the GPL. There is no
official support of any kind whatsoever, and you use mimeTeX entirely at your
own risk, with no guarantee of any kind, in particular with no warranty of

By using mimeTeX, you warrant that you have read, understood and agreed to
these terms and conditions, and that you possess the legal right and ability to
enter into this agreement and to use mimeTeX in accordance with it.

Hopefully, the law and ethics regarding computer programs will evolve to make
this kind of obnoxious banter unnecessary. In the meantime, please forgive me
my paranoia.

To protect your own intellectual property, I recommend Copyright Basics from

The Library of Congress, and similarly, Copyright Basics from The American
Bar Association. Very briefly, download Form TX and follow the included
instructions. In principle, you automatically own the copyright to anything you
write the moment it's on paper. In practice, if the matter comes under dispute, the
courts look _very_ favorably on you for demonstrating your intent by registering
the copyright.

( I I ) B u i l d i n g m i m e Te X

Very quickly --- download and then type

cc -DAA mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
Now mv mimetex.cgi to your cgi-bin/ directory, and you're all
Read the rest of this section for more detailed information.

I've built and run mimeTeX under Linux and NetBSD using gcc. The source
code is ansi-standard C, and should compile and run under all environments
without change. Instructions below are for Unix. Modify them as necessary for
your particular situation (note the -DWINDOWS switch if applicable).

(IIa) Download and Compile

The steps needed to download and compile mimeTeX are

 Download and unzip in any convenient working directory.

Your working directory should now contain
README mimeTeX release notes
LICENSE GPL license, under which you may use mimeTeX
mimetex.c mimeTeX source program and all required functions
mimetex.h header file for mimetex.c (and for gfuntype.c)
gfuntype.c parses output from gftype -i and writes bitmap data
output from several gfuntype runs, needed by
gifsave.c gif library by Sverre H. Huseby
mimetex.html this file, the mimeTeX user's manual
 Note: all files use Unix line termination, i.e., linefeeds (without
carriage returns) signal line endings. Conversion for Windows PC's, Macs,
VMS, etc, can usually be accomplished by unzip's -a option, i.e.,
unzip -a

 To compile an executable that emits anti-aliased gif images (which is

recommended for most uses), just type the following command from the
Unix shell
cc -DAA mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
 Or, to compile an executable that emit gif images without anti-aliasing
cc -DGIF mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
 Alternatively, to compile an executable that emits mime xbitmaps
cc -DXBITMAP mimetex.c -lm -o mimetex.cgi
 Compile Notes:
• If (and only if) you're compiling a Windows executable with the
-DAA or -DGIF option (but not -DXBITMAP), then add
-DWINDOWS . For example,
gcc -DAA -DWINDOWS mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o
The above Unix-like syntax works with MinGW and djgpp
Windows compilers, but probably not with most others, where it's
only intended as a "template".
Explanation: mimeTeX writes gif bytes directly to stdout, as
usual for cgi's. But Windows treats stdout as a character stream,
interpreting any hex 0A byte as an <lf>, and automatically
preceding it with a spurious hex 0D <cr> byte. The -DWINDOWS
switch compiles in a non-portable, Windows-specific _setmode()
call that sets stdout to binary mode.
• If you're compiling for Windows and would prefer to install
mimeTeX as a Win32 DLL, see the Code Project developed by
Shital Shah, and download containing Shital's latest

 The gfuntype program is only needed if you plan to change the font
information in texfonts.h, as explained in Appendix IVa below. In that case,
compile gfuntype with the command
cc gfuntype.c mimetex.c -lm -o gfuntype

That's all there is to compiling mimeTeX. Several other optional compile-line

options available for mimetex.c are discussed below.

Immediately after compiling mimeTeX, test your new executable by typing

./mimetex.cgi "x^2+y^2" from the Unix shell (or mimetex "x^2+y^2"
from the Windows Command Prompt), which should emit two "ascii rasters"
something like the following

Ascii dump of bitmap image... Hex dump of

colormap indexes...
The 5 colormap
indexes denote rgb vals...
.-->255 1--
>196 2-->186 3-->177 *-->0

(The right-hand illustration shows asterisks in the same positions as the left-hand
one, along with anti-aliased grayscale colormap indexes assigned to neighboring
pixels, and with the rgb value for each index.) Just typing ./mimetex.cgi without
an argument should produce ascii rasters for the default expression f(x)=x^2. If
you see these two ascii rasters then your binary's good. Otherwise, you must find
and fix the problem before proceeding.

(IIb) Install

Once you've successfully tested mimetex.cgi from the Unix shell (or
mimetex.exe from the Windows Command Prompt), the steps needed to install
mimeTeX are

 mv mimetex.cgi (or move mimetex.exe) to your server's cgi-bin/

directory, wherever cgi programs are expected.
 Now you may need to chmod 755 mimetex.cgi and/or chown it, too,
depending on your server's requirements. Contact your system
administrator or ISP if you're not already familiar with this information.
 Once mimetex.cgi is moved to your server's cgi-bin/ directory, with
permissions and owner set as necessary, you're all done.

Immediately after installing mimeTeX, test your new mimetex.cgi by typing a

url into your browser's locator window something like^2+y^2
which should display in the upper-left corner of your window, just like
clicking this link does, which tests my mimetex.cgi,^2+y^2
If you see the same image from the yourdomain link, then you've
completed a successful mimeTeX installation.

If you don't see the image, then your installation failed. If your earlier post-
compilation "ascii raster" test succeeeded, then the problem is probably some
server-specific installation requirement. First make sure you installed
mimetex.cgi in the correct cgi-bin/ directory, set the correct chmod permissions,
and typed the correct url into your browser's locator window. Then contact your
system administrator or ISP, and ask how to install cgi programs on your server.

After you've successfully installed mimeTeX, and both preceeding tests have
succeeded, you can optionally "regression test" all mimeTeX features as follows:

 mv mimetex.html (this file) to your server's htdocs/ directory

 Paths to cgi-bin/ and htdocs/ directories are typically path/www/cgi-bin/
and path/www/htdocs/, so I set up mimtex.html to access mimetex.cgi
from the relative path ../cgi-bin/. If your directories are non-conforming,
you may have to edit the few dozen occurrences of ../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi
in your mimetex.html page. Sometimes a suitable symlink works; if not,
you'll have to edit. Globally changing ../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi usually
 Now visit your page
 Once your mimetex.html displays properly, you can assume everything is
working, and can begin authoring html documents using mimetex.cgi to
render your own math.

That's all there is to installing mimeTeX.

(IIc) Additional Compile-Line Options

In addition to -DAA or -DGIF or -DXBITMAP (along with -DWINDOWS when

necessary) on the mimetex.c compile line, as discussed above, you may also
optionally include the following -D switches, whose functionality is discussed

As already discussed, -DAA turns on anti-aliasing. It also sets default
values for individual anti-aliasing parameters discussed below. If you
specify -DAA then you needn't specify the individual parameters unless you
want to override the defaults.
Anti-aliasing can't be applied to mime xbitmaps, so don't specify -DAA
if you also specify -DXBITMAP.
And mimeTeX's anti-aliasing only works well on white (or light gray)
backgrounds. Your html file probably contains a <body> tag of the form
<body bgcolor="#ffffff" text="#000000"> which specifies black text on a
pure white background. The background can be grayed down to maybe
bgcolor="#e7e7e7", but much darker will begin to show white rings around
mimeTeX's anti-aliased characters. This page is displayed using
MimeTeX currently provides a lowpass filtering algorithm for anti-aliasing,
which is applied to the existing set of bitmap fonts. This lowpass filter
applies weights to neighboring pixels. The defaults weights are
CENTERWT=8, ADJACENTWT=2 and CORNERWT=1, which you can
adjust to control anti-aliasing.
This option saves each rendered image to a file in directory path/, which
mimeTeX reads rather than re-rendering the same image every time it's
given the same LaTeX expression. Sometimes mimeTeX disables caching,
e.g., expressions containing \input{ } are re-rendered since the contents of
the inputted file may have changed. If compiled without
-DCACHEPATH=\"path/\" mimeTeX always re-renders expressions. This
usually isn't too cpu intensive, but if you have unusually high hit rates then
image caching may be helpful. The path/ is relative to mimetex.cgi, and
must be writable by it. Files created under path/ are named filename.gif,
where filename is the 32-character MD5 hash of the LaTeX expression.
When caching a new image, mimeTeX also updates the file
path/mimetex.log containing a timestamp, filename and LaTeX expression
for each new file created. A sample entry looks like
\LARGE x=\frac{-b\pm\sqrt{b^2-4ac}}{2a}
MimeTeX currently has eight font sizes numbered 0-7, and always starts
out in DEFAULTSIZE, whose default value is 3. Specify
-DDEFAULTSIZE=2 on the compile line if you prefer mimeTeX to start in
default size 2, etc.

By default, operator limits like \int_a^b are rendered \textstyle at font

sizes \normalsize and smaller, and rendered \displaystyle at font sizes

\large and larger. This default corresponds to -DDISPLAYSIZE=3, which
you can adjust; e.g., -DDISPLAYSIZE=0 always defaults to \displaystyle,
and 99 (or any large number) always defaults to \textstyle. Note that
explicit \textstyle, \displaystyle, \limits or \nolimits directives in an
expression always override the DISPLAYSIZE default.
Applies gammacorrection to antialiased gif images. Default is 1.25 (rather
than the standard 2.2). Specify 0.0 to turn off gamma correction (1.0 makes
no gamma correction but doesn't actually turn it off).
LaTeX-like \newcommand's are available in mimeTeX, via the following
facility to help you define your own "new commands" during compilation.
Edit a file named newcommands.h (or any filename you specify between
\"...\"'s with the -DNEWCOMMANDS=\"filename\" switch). For
newcommands _without_ arguments, your file should contain one or more
lines like the following examples:
{ "\\iint", NULL, "{\\int\\int}" },
\\atop\\leftharpoondown}" },
{ "\\ldots", NULL,
"{\\Large.\\hspace1.\\hspace1.}" },
{ "\\cr", NULL, "\\\\" },
{ "\\neq", NULL, "{\\not=}" },
For newcommands _without_ arguments, as illustrated above, the general
form of each line in your file should be
{ "\\command", NULL, "{replacement}" }, Don't forget a comma at the
end of every line, and write a double backslash \\ between quotes "...\\..."
wherever you actually want a single backslash \. The only effect of the
above examples (without arguments) is simple string substitution, i.e.,
every occurrence of \command is replaced by {replacement}. Note that the
{ }'s surrounding replacement aren't required, but are usually a good idea
(the case of \cr illustrated above is one exception, where { }'s would defeat
the purpose).
To define newcommands _with_ arguments, change the NULL after the
\\command to define your command's arguments as illustrated by the
following example:
{ "\\lvec", "2n", "#2_1,\\cdots,#2_{#1}" },
In this case the NULL has been replaced by "2n" (note the mandatory
surrounding quotes "..."). This example corresponds to the similar one
discussed in TLC2 on page 845. The first character inside the "..."s is 2
indicating the number of arguments, which may be 1 thru 9. If there are no
subsequent characters followng this one, then all arguments are mandatory,
enclosed in { }'s as usual. Otherwise, any subsequent characters signal that
the first argument is optional, enclosed in [ ]'s if given. And these
subsequent characters comprise the first argument's default value if it's not
explicitly given. The illustrated example's first argument is optional with
default value n as shown. In this case that's just a single character, but
you can write any length default you like.
To see many additional examples, search for the uppercase string
NEWCOMMANDS in mimetex.c, and look below that. All the above
examples are already there.
By default, mimeTeX renders gif images with black symbols on a
transparent white background. Defining OPAQUE renders images on an
opaque background instead.
The \input{ } and \counter{ } commands discussed below require filename
arguments which, by default, point to files residing in the same cgi-bin/
directory as your mimetex.cgi. Moreover, for security, absolute paths with
leading /'s or \'s, and paths with ../'s or ..\'s, are not permitted. Instead,
compile mimetex with PATHPREFIX defined as path/ if you want input
files in some other directory. And make sure your path/ ends with / (or with
\ for Windows).
mimeTeX receives your LaTeX math expression as a url query string, in
which blank spaces are often encoded as %20 or as plus signs +, and where
actual plus signs are often encoded as %2B. But these conventions aren't
always respected, and even when they are blank spaces may be either
%20 or +. The only ambiguity for mimeTeX is whether or not to translate
plus signs + back to blank spaces.
If you know how your applications behave, then define PLUSBLANK
to always translate plus signs + to blank spaces, or define
PLUSNOTBLANK to never translate.
Otherwise, if you define neither, mimeTeX applies some common-sense
rules to decide whether or not to translate. These usually work, but can't be
guaranteed. If your query string contains actual blank spaces or blanks
encoded as %20, then plus signs + aren't translated. Otherwise, if your
query string contains %2B, then plus signs + are translated. If neither %20
nor %2B, or both %20 and %2B, occur in your query string, then the
situation is ambiguous. In this case, if mimeTeX finds two or more plus
signs ++ with no intervening space, then they're translated; otherwise
they're not.
-DREFERER=\"domain\" -or-
Blocks mimeTeX requests from unauthorized domains that are using your
mimetex.cgi (hence your server's resources) without permission.
If REFERER is defined, mimeTeX performs a case-insensitive test of
the environment variable HTTP_REFERER to verify that it contains the
authorized 'domain' as a substring.
If given several 'domain's (second form) then HTTP_REFERER must
contain either 'domain1' or 'domain2', or etc, as a (case-insensitive)
If HTTP_REFERER doesn't contain a substring matching any of these
domain(s), then mimeTeX emits an error message image instead of the
requested image. You can manually modify invalid_referer_msg, defined in
function main(), to personalize the error message for your own site.
Finally, if HTTP_REFERER is not found as an environment variable,
then mimeTeX correctly generates the requested image instead of
generating an error.
This is essentially a "paranoid" setting that defaults to a high value 999,
which inhibits some optional logging activity. -DCACHEPATH=path/ isn't
affected, since you're explicitly supplying a path/ you want files written to.
But, for example, you must set -DSECURITY=5 (or less) to permit the
\counter command to create a new counter file. A malicious user could
conceivably flood your file system by submitting zillions of
\counter{filename} commands to mimeTeX, each with a different
TeX typically renders an expression like

\frac12\int_{a+b+c}^{d+e+f}g(x)dx as . MimeTeX tries to

remove extra whitespace, rendering the same expression as

instead. Compile with -DNOSMASH if you prefer the typical TeX
behavior as mimeTeX's default. Or, to adjust the minimum number of pixels
between smashed symbols (default is 3), compile with
-DSMASHMARGIN=n. See Smash for further discussion.
If an expression submitted to mimeTeX contains an unrecognzied escape
sequence, e.g., "y=x+\abc+1", then mimeTeX generates a gif image
containing an embedded warning in the form "y=x+[\abc?]+1". Or, if an
expression contains an unrecognized character, i.e., one for which
mimeTeX has no corresponding bitmap, then the embedded warning is [?].
If you want these warnings suppressed, either -DWARNINGS=0 or
-DNOWARNINGS on the compile line tells mimeTeX to treat
unrecognized/undisplayable input as white space.
MimeTeX usually renders black symbols on a white background. This
option renders white symbols on a transparent black background instead (or
on an opaque black background when combined with -DOPAQUE ).

(IId) Command Line Features

MimeTeX usually runs from a browser, obtaining its input expression from a
query_string. But you can also run mimeTeX from your Unix shell, supplying all
input from the command line. This was briefly illustrated above, where you were
advised to test your newly-compiled mimeTeX executable from the command
line before installing it.

In addition to such simple testing, mimeTeX also provides some possibly useful
functionality from the command line. In particular, you can store a gif (or
xbitmap) image of any expression to a file. No syntax checking is applied to
command-line arguments, so enter them carefully. (Likewise, plus signs + are
never translated to blank spaces, nor is any other %xx url decoding performed
on command-line arguments.)
The complete command-line syntax for mimeTeX is

./mimetex [ -d ] dump gif image on

[ -e export_file ] or write gif image
to export_file
[ expression expression, e.g.,
| -f input_file ] or read expression
from input_file
[ -g1 -d ] dump .pbm-formatted
image on stdout
[ -g1 -e export_file ] or write .pbm
image to export_file
[ -g2 -d ] dump anti-aliased
.pgm image on stdout
[ -g2 -e export_file ] or write .pgm
image to export_file
[ -m msglevel ] verbosity of
debugging output
[ -o ] render image with
opaque background
[ -s fontsize ] default fontsize, 0-5

-d Rather than printing ascii debugging output,

dumps the actual gif (or xbitmap) to stdout,
./mimetex -d "x^2+y^2" >
creates expression.gif containing an image
of x^2+y^2

-e export_file Like -d but writes the actual gif

(or xbitmap) directly to export_file, e.g.,
./mimetex -e expression.gif "x^2+y^2"
creates file expression.gif containing an
image of x^2+y^2

expression Place LaTeX expression directly on

line, with no -switch preceding it, as in
the example
immediately above, or.....

-f input_file expression from

(and automatically assume -d switch). The
may contain the expression on one line or
spread out
over many lines. MimeTeX will concatanate
all lines
from input_file to construct one long
Blanks, tabs, and newlines are just ignored.

-g1 -d dumps a .pbm-formatted portable bitmap

image to stdout.
Note that this is the bitmap image _before_

-g1 -e export_file Like -g1 -d but writes the

portable bitmap directly to export_file,
./mimetex -g1 -e expression.pbm
creates file expression.pbm containing a
bitmap image
of x^2+y^2 before anti-aliasing.

-g2 -d dumps a .pgm-formatted portable graphic

image to stdout.
Note that this is the bytemap image _after_

-g2 -e export_file Like -g2 -d but writes the

portable graphic image directly to
export_file, e.g.,
./mimetex -g3 -e expression.pgm
creates file expression.pgm containing a
bytemap image
of x^2+y^2 after anti-aliasing.

-m msglevel 0-99, controls verbosity/message

level for
debugging output (usually used only while
testing code).

-o Rather than the default transparent gif

the rendered image will contain black
symbols on an
opaque white background (or vice versa if
with -DWHITE). For example, if you have
display utility,
./mimetex -o -d "x^2+y^2" | display &
opens a small window containing the rendered
(Note: if you already compiled mimeTeX with
then -o renders images on a transparent

-s fontsize 0-7, font size. Font size can also

be specified
within the expression by a directive, e.g.,
\Large f(x)=x^2
displays f(x)=x^2 at font size 4, overriding
Default font size is 3.

(III) Syntax Reference

Since mimeTeX's syntax is as TeX-like as possible, we'll mostly discuss the

occasional differences. This section contains short paragraphs that each discuss
some aspect of mimeTeX where your LaTeX experience might not be precisely

Anything not discussed here that still doesn't behave like you expect is probably
just not implemented. That includes (La)TeX packages (though a few ams
commands like \begin{gather} and \begin{pmatrix} are recognized), non-
standard fonts, etc. You can try out any questionable syntax by Submitting a
query to quickly see whether or not it works. And you might want to
occasionally re-browse the Examples above, which may better illustrate
implemented features.

(IIIa) \unitlength{ }, Math Spaces and Whitespace


Lengths in mimeTeX are all ultimately expressed in number of pixels. Various

commands discussed below require length arguments, including

 \hspace{ }
 \hfill{ }
 \raisebox{ }{ }
 \line( , ) and \circle( , )
 \longrightarrow[ ]

(the \longxxxarrow [ ]-arguments are optional mimeTeX extensions to LaTeX)

MimeTeX's length-type arguments never take units, e.g., {10pt} and {1cm} are
both invalid. Lengths always refer to number of pixels, optionally scaled by a
user-specified \unitlength.

MimeTeX's \unitlength{ } command lets you specify the number of pixels per
"length unit", e.g., \unitlength{10} \hspace{2.5} renders a 25-pixel space. Both
\unitlength{ } and \hspace{ }'s length arguments may be integers or may contain
decimal points. Ditto for all other mimeTeX commands that take length
arguments. The default \unitlength is, you guessed it, 1.

A specified \unitlength applies to all subsequent terms, i.e., everything to its

right. And several \unitlength's may be specified in the same expression, each
one overriding those to its left. But if one or more \unitlength's appear within a
{ }-enclosed subexpression, then terms following its closing right } revert to the
\unitlength in effect before its opening left {. For example,

A\hspace{10} {\unitlength{2.5}B\hspace{10}C} \hspace{10}D produces

which has a 10-pixel space between A and B, then 25 pixels between B and C,
and finally another 10 pixels between C and D.

Math Spaces...

Except inside text boxes, unescaped blanks, tildes (a ~), and all other usual
whitespace characters are completely ignored by mimeTeX, just like they are in
LaTeX math mode. As usual, you must explicitly write one of the recognized
math spaces to put extra visible space in your rendered expressions.

MimeTeX recognizes math spaces \/ \, \: \; as well as \quad and \qquad , and

also a backslashed blank (i.e., a \ followed by a blank). For example,
(a\/b\,c\:d\;e\ f\quad g\qquad h) renders . In
mimeTeX, you may also write \hspace{10} to insert a 10-pixel (or any other
number) space, scaled by any preceding \unitlength, as illustrated just above.

For negative spaces, \! produces a small (two pixel) negative space, e.g., a=b
renders whereas a\!=b renders and a\!\!=b renders
. For large negative space, \hspace{-10} permits a negative argument. But it
stops at the first pixel to its left rather than "erasing" pixels. If you don't want to
stop, use \hspace*{-10} instead. For example, ABC\hspace*{-20}-DEF
renders , erasing all of the C and the right half of the B.

MimeTeX also supports \hfill{textwidth}, where textwidth is roughly equivalent

to LaTeX's \textwidth, i.e., it's the total number of pixels, scaled by \unitlength,
that your entire rendered expression will span. However, if \hfill{ } appears
within a { }-enclosed subexpression, then it applies only to that subexpression.
For example,

{abc \hfill{75} def} \hfill{150} ghi produces

The first/inner \hfill{75} inserts exactly enough whitespace so that subexpression

"abc def" spans 75 pixels. Then the second/outer \hfill{150} inserts exactly
enough whitespace so that the entire expression spans 150 pixels. Without
explicit { }-nesting, mimeTeX evaluates expressions left-to-right (sinistrally),
e.g., ...\hfill{150}...\hfill{75}... is exactly equivalent to
...\hfill{150}{...\hfill{75}...}. Notice that, this time, the second/right textwidth
argument is necessarily smaller than the first/left.

Finally, mimeTeX begins a new line whenever you write \\ . And you may
optionally write \\[10] to put a 10-pixel (or any other number) vertical space,
scaled by \unitlength, between lines. \begin{eqnarray} also splits long equations
over several lines, as illustrated by Example 10 above. But when that's not the
best solution, you can also write, for example,

y=a+b+c+d\\\hspace{50}+e+f+g+h to produce

However, mimeTeX can't correctly handle automatically-sized delimiters across

linebreaks, e.g.,

y=\left\{a+b+c+d\\\hspace{50}+e+f+g+h\right\} produces

whereas you probably wanted

which I produced using \big{...\\...\big} instead of \left\{...\\...\right\}.

Expressions of the form \left...\right \\ \left...\right should all be rendered
properly. It's only \left...\\...\right that will look odd.

Whitespace, Comments, and some other characters...

Some browsers occasionally misinterpret typed blank spaces inside html

query_string's. In that case, you can write tildes (a ~) wherever blanks are
required or desired, e.g., \alpha~w instead of \alpha w, or \frac~xy or \sqrt~z,
etc. MimeTeX correctly interprets both blanks and ~'s, and all other usual
whitespace characters. So use whatever's convenient as long as it's correctly
interpreted inside query_string's by your browser.

Similarly, some browsers occasionally misinterpret linebreaks/newlines inside

the middle of long html query_string's. For example,

<img src="../cgi-
alt="" border=0 align=middle>

breaks a long query_string over two lines. If your browser interprets this
correctly, then mimeTeX will render it correctly, too. Otherwise, you'll have to
enter long expressions on one big long line.

If you can break long query_string's over several lines, then you may find
mimeTeX's %%comments%% feature useful, too. Note that comments must
be preceded and followed by two %'s rather than LaTeX's usual one. The above
example could be written

<img src="../cgi-
\mu)^2}{2\sig^2}}dt %%integral%%"
alt="" border=0 align=middle>

Besides whitespace, browsers may misinterpret embedded apostrophes, and

especially quotes, within query strings. The a's and b's in Example 7 above
actually use superscripted commas for apostrophes, i.e., a^,s and b^,s, and you
can also use LaTeX \prime's, as in a^\prime s. For quotes, you can use ^{,,}
since " almost certainly won't work. To help make things easier, in addition to
the usual LaTeX \prime, mimeTeX also recognizes \apostrophe and \quote and
\percent, all with the obvious meanings.

(IIIb) Math Symbols, Sizes, and Modes

Character Sets...

For complete information about the characters and math symbols available in
mimeTeX, you'll need to browse through the bottom 500-or-so lines of
mimetex.h. And several additional symbols like \ldots and \AA and \hbar are
defined by the mimeTeX preprocessor, function mimeprep( ) in mimetex.c
Generally speaking, I've tried to encode the cmr10, cmmi10, cmmib10, cmsy10,
cmex10, bbold10, rsfs10, stmary10 and wncyr10 families with "names", e.g.,
\alpha \beta \forall \sqcup, etc, identical to your LaTeX expectations. For
example, the calligraphic symbols in cmsy10 are accessed by writing
\mathcal{A} \mathcal{B} \mathcal{XYZ}. Similarly, write \mathbf{A} for the
cmmib fonts, write \mathscr{A} for rsfs10, write \mathbb{R} for bbold10, and
write {\cyr Khrushchev} or \cyr{Khrushchev} to see . Most LaTeX
distributions supply stmaryrd.dvi and stmaryrd.sty that both document the names
of the stmary10 symbols. Similarly, amsfndoc.dvi documents the names of the
wncyr10 cyrillic symbols and ligatures.

I haven't exhaustively checked all the name-number matchings for the hundreds
of symbols in mimetex.h. You can eaily correct any minor mistake you find in
what I hope is an obvious manner. The fonts Appendix IVa below provides
additional information.

In addition to extra LaTeX symbols like \ldots, \AA and \hbar, mentioned
above, the mimeTeX preprocessor mimeprep( ) also recognizes various html
special characters like &lt;, &gt;, &nbsp;, &quot;, &amp;, etc. Some web
tools apparently translate characters like, e.g., > to &gt;, even inside quoted
query_string's, so mimeTeX's preprocessor translates them back to LaTeX
symbols for you. Moreover, html misinterprets quotes " inside a quoted query
string as the end of the query string. So, for example, the cyrillic ligature \"E has
to be written in the even more cumbersome form \&quot;E inside a query string.

Font Sizes...

MimeTeX currently has eight font sizes, numbered 0-7, with default 3. This font
size numbering corresponds to the usual LaTeX directives \tiny, \small,
\normalsize, \large (default), \Large, \LARGE, \huge and \Huge. These
directives can be placed anywhere in a mimeTeX expression, and they change
font size from that point forwards. However, as usual, a font size change inside a
{ }-subexpression remains in effect only within that subexpression.

In mimeTeX you may also write \fontsize{0}...\fontsize{7} or the shorter

\fs{0},...,\fs{7} for \tiny,...,\Huge. And since these arguments are all single digits,
the even shorter form \fs0,...,\fs7 works equally well. For example,

0: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\tiny f(x)=x^2">

1: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\fs1 f(x)=x^2">
2: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\normalsize f(x)=x^2">
3: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?f(x)=x^2">
4: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\Large f(x)=x^2">
5: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\fs5 f(x)=x^2">
6: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\huge f(x)=x^2">

7: <img src="../cgi-bin/mimetex.cgi?\fs7 f(x)=x^2">

rendering f(x)=x^2 in mimeTeX font sizes 0 (\tiny or \fs0), 1 (\small or \fs1),

2 (\normalsize or \fs2), 3 (default \large), 4 (\Large or \fs4), 5 (\LARGE or
\fs5), 6 (\huge or \fs6) and 7 (\Huge or \fs7).

You'll soon notice that exponents and \frac's and \atop's are automatically
rendered one size smaller than their base expressions. For example,

\Large y=e^{x^2} produces

rendering the "y=e" in font size 4 (\Large), the "x" in font size 3 (\large), and
the "2" in font size 2 (\normalsize). If you get below font size 0, the font size
remains 0.

Explicit size declarations override mimeTeX's default sizing behavior. You can
rewrite the preceding example as, say,

\Large y=e^{\normalsize x^{\tiny2}} which now produces

rendering the "y=e" in font size 4 (\Large unchanged), the "x" in font size 2
(\normalsize), and the "2" in font size 0 (\tiny).

Preceding an \fs{ } size argument with + or - specifies "relative" sizing. For

example, \large\text{abc{\fs{-2}def}ghi} produces , rendering the
"def" in font size 1 (two sizes smaller than \large). Note that \fs{-2} affects only
the subexpression in which it appears, and that its braces are no longer optional
since -2 contains two characters. For exponents (or any other size-changing
commands like \frac),

\Large y=e^{\fs{-1}x^2} produces

rendering the "y=e" in font size 4 (\Large), as usual. The "x" would usually be
rendered one size smaller, in font size 3, and your \fs{-1} is applied to that,
resulting in font size 2. And the final "2" is rendered, by the usual rules, one size
smaller than the "x", in font size 1.


MimeTeX is always in a math-like mode, so you needn't surround expressions

with $...$'s for \textstyle, or $$...$$'s for \displaystyle. By default, operator
limits like \int_a^b are rendered \textstyle at font sizes \normalsize and
smaller, and rendered \displaystyle at font sizes \large and larger (see the
-DDISPLAYSIZE compile option to change this default). And when
\displaystyle is invoked (either implicitly at font size \large or larger, or if you
explicitly write \displaystyle at any font size), then operators \int, \sum, \prod,
etc, are automatically promoted to larger sizes. For example,

\normalsize \sum_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces , whereas

\displaystyle \normalsize \sum_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces ,


\large \sum_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces , whereas

\textstyle \large \sum_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces .

As usual, \nolimits turns displaystyle off (or textstyle on) for the operator
immediately preceding it. For example,

\large \sum\nolimits_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces

and likewise, \limits turns displaystyle on for the operator immediately

preceding it. For example,

\normalsize \sum\limits_{i=1}^ni=\frac{n(n+1)}2 produces

By the way, \limits affects _any_ character or subexpression immediately

preceding it. For example,

A^i_j produces as usual, whereas

A\limits^i_j produces instead.

Likewise, for subexpressions,

\widehat{xyz}\limits^a produces
This side effect may occasionally be useful. For example,

x\rightarrow\limits^gy produces

(mimeTeX automatically centers super/subscripts above/below the long and

Long arrow forms)

The \displaystyle command turns on displaystyle math mode for the entire
expression (or { }-enclosed subexpression), affecting _all_ super/subscripts to
the right of the \displaystyle, except for character classes Ordinary and Variable
(TeXbook page 154). Similarly, \textstyle turns off displaystyle math mode. For

\sum_1^n {\displaystyle\sum_1^k\sum_1^lx_i^j} \sum_1^m produces

Note that \sum's within the subexpression are all affected by the beginning
\displaystyle, but not the Variable x_i^j. An explicit x\limits_i^j always affects
any preceding term.

text boxes...

Finally, mimeTeX also has a text-like/roman mode entered by writing either

\text{anything at all} or the equivalent LaTeX-2.09-like command
{\rm anything at all}, both of which render anything at all in roman (font
family cmr10). \mbox{ } and several similar LaTeX commands are recognized
by mimeTeX as synonyms for \text{ }. For italic, write \textit{anything at all}
or {\it anything at all}, both of which render anything at all in italic (font
family cmmi10). All four forms respect spaces between words, except that the
first/required space after {\rm etc} and {\it etc} is still ignored. For example,

anything at all just produces whereas

\text{anything at all} produces and

\textit{anything at all} produces instead.

You don't usually surround mimeTeX expressions with $'s, but that works in the
usual way for \text{ } and \mbox{ }, rendering the $...$-enclosed subexpression
in mathmode. For example,

n=\left\{m/2\text{ if $m$ even} \\(m+1)/2\text{ if $m$ odd}\right. produces

(IIIc) Delimiters

Parentheses and Braces (delimiters)...

LaTeX's \left( ... \right) and the other 21 standard LaTeX delimiters are also
recognized by mimeTeX. And mimeTeX also recognizes an etex-like \middle.
Several of the most common automatically sized delimiters are illustrated

Delimiter example... ...renders

\left( ... \right) \left( \frac1{1-x^2} \right)^2

\left[ ... \right] \left[ \frac1{\sqrt2}x - y \right]^n

\left\{ ... \right\} \left\{ 1^2,2^2,3^2,\ldots \right\}

\left\langle ... \left\langle \varphi \middle| \hat H
... \right\rangle \middle| \phi \right\rangle
\left| \begin{matrix} a_1 & a_2 \\
\left| ... \right|
a_3 & a_4 \end{matrix} \right|
\left\| ... \right\| \left\|x^2-y^2\right\|

\left\{ ... \right. y=\left\{ \text{this\\that} \right.

\left. ... \right\} \left. \text{this\\that} \right\}=y


1. Size declarations inside any of the above delimiter pairs affect only the
enclosed subexpression, e.g., \Large w=\left(\small x+y\right)+z produces

2. An expression may contain as many etex-like \middle's as you like, and in

mimeTeX the surrounding \left...\right isn't required. When omitted, the
scope of \middle is either the entire expression or the { }-enclosed
subexpression in which the \middle's occur. For example,
\frac{a+1}b \middle/ \middle(\frac{c+1}d \middle/ \frac{e+1}f\middle)

renders .
3. In the last two examples, note that mimeTeX recognizes the \\ in

\text{this\\that} as a linebreak. For example, x=1\\y=2\\z=3 renders

Besides the \left...\right delimiters discussed above, mimeTeX also supports
constructions like \left\int_a^b...\right. , which automatically sizes the \left\int
to accommodate everything between it and its matching \right. delimiter. The
\right delimiter needn't necessarily be the \right. illustrated, e.g.,

\left\int_a^b x^2dx =\frac{x^3}3\right|_a^b produces . You

can also write \left\sum, \left\prod, \left\cup, etc, for many of the symbols in
CMEX10 and STMARY10. And any symbol that works with \left will also work
with \right .

Unescaped ( )'s and [ ]'s and | |'s and < >'s don't need to be balanced since
mimeTeX just displays them like ordinary characters without any special
significance. Ditto for the usual four \big( and \Big( and \bigg( and \Bigg(, and
for their four right ) counterparts, which just display (...)'s at fixed larger sizes,
and also have no special significance. All four big [ ]'s and < >'s and { }'s are also
available as ordinary characters.

As usual, unescaped {...}'s aren't displayed at all, must be balanced, and have the
usual special LaTeX significance. MimeTeX interprets escaped \{...\}'s as
abbreviations for \left\{...\right\} and therefore always sizes them to fit. If you
need displayed but unsized {...}'s, write \lbrace...\rbrace or any of the four

(IIId) Accents, Functions, Arrows, Raise and rotate,

Compose, Abbreviations, etc.


\vec{ } \hat{ } \bar{ } \tilde{ } \dot{ } \ddot{ } and \acute{ } \grave{ }

\breve{ } \check{ } are the only accents currently supported. The first four are all
"wide". For example, you can write \widehat{ } if you like, but there's
absolutely no difference either way (and \bar{ } and \overline{ } are identical).
The last four accents only take a single character argument.

Other accent-like directives available in mimeTeX are \underline{ } \cancel{ }

\sout{ }, as well as \overset{ }{ } \underset{ }{ } and the more ususal
\overbrace{ }^{ } \underbrace{ }_{ }. And \not also works on the single
character immediately following it. Some of these directives are discussed in
more detail below.

Function names...

All 32 usual LaTeX function names \arccos,...,\tanh are recognized by

mimeTeX and treated in the usual way. MimeTeX also recognizes \tr for the
trace, and also \bmod and \pmod. And those functions that normally take
"limits" also behave as expected, e.g.,

\lim_{n\to\infty}S_n=S produces

long Arrows...

All mimeTeX \long and \Long arrows take an optional [width] argument that
explicitly sets the arrow's width in pixels, scaled by \unitlength. For example,
\longrightarrow[50] draws a 50-pixel wide arrow , whereas just
\longrightarrow calculates a default width , as usual. And, in addition to
the usual right, left and leftright arrows, there are also \long (and \Long) up,
down and updown arrows that take an optional [height] argument, also scaled by
any preceding \unitlength.

In the event that you actually want to place an []-enclosed expression

immediately following an "unsized" long arrow, just place a ~ or any white space
after the arrow, e.g., f:x\longrightarrow~[0,1] produces . Without
any intervening white space, mimeTeX would have "eaten" the [0,1].

Super/subscripts immediately following all long/Long left/right arrows are

displayed the same way \limits displays them, e.g.,

x\longrightarrow^gy produces
x\longrightarrow[50]^gy produces

Subscripted long arrows can occasionally be useful, too, as in Example 11

above, e.g.,

u\longrightarrow[50]_\beta v produces

To defeat this default behavior, e.g., \longrightarrow\nolimits^g displays

super/subscripts in the usual way.

Super/subscripts immediately following all long/Long up/down arrows are

treated correspondingly, i.e., superscripts are vertically centered to the arrow's
left, and subscripts to its right. For example,

\longuparrow[30]^\gamma produces

\longdownarrow[30]_\gamma produces
whose occasional usefulness is also illustrated by Example 11. And as before, to
defeat this default behavior, e.g., \longuparrow\nolimits^\gamma displays
super/subscripts in the usual way.

\raisebox{ }{ } and \rotatebox{ }{ } and \reflectbox[ ]{ } ...

The \raisebox{height}{expression} and \rotatebox{angle}{expression} and

\reflectbox[axis]{expression} commands help you fine-tune and manipulate
mimeTeX renderings:

 \raisebox's height argument is number of pixels, scaled by \unitlength, and

can be positive or negative.
 \rotatebox's angle argument is number of degrees, and can also be positive
(for clockwise) or negative, but must be a multiple of 90.
 \reflectbox's optional axis argument defaults to 1 if not given, which
reflects horizontally (the usual LaTeX behavior), or reflects vertically if
specified as 2.
 For all three commands, the expression can be any valid LaTeX/mimeTeX

For example, mimeTeX's preprocessor defines the LaTeX ?` symbol, an upside-

down question mark, like

abc\raisebox{-2}{\rotatebox{180}?}def produces

Using \reflectbox[2]{ } instead of \rotatebox{180}{ } would result in the slightly


abc\raisebox{-2}{\reflectbox[2]?}def produces

\compose{ }{ }...

\compose[offset]{base}{overlay} superimposes the overlay expression on top of

the base expression, displaying the result. Optionally, the overlay is horizontally
offset by the specified number of pixels (positive offsets to the right, negative to
the left). For example,

\compose{\LARGE O}{\normalsize c} produces

Separately or in some judicious combination, \compose and \raisebox and

\rotatebox and \reflectbox should help you construct special symbols not
"natively" available with mimeTeX's limited set of built-in font families. This
can be especially useful in conjunction with the -DNEWCOMMANDS
compile-time option discussed above.

\rule{ }{ }...
\rule{width}{height} behaves in the usual way, rendering a black rectangle
width pixels wide and height pixels high, with its base on the established
baseline. For example,

\frac12xyz\rule{10}{20}ghi produces

The mimeTeX version of \rule has an optional [lift] argument, so that its full
form is \rule[lift]{width}{height}. lift moves the rule's baseline by the specified
number of pixels, up if positive or down if negative. For example,

\frac12xyz\rule[5]{10}{20}ghi produces and

\frac12xyz\rule[-15]{10}{20}ghi produces


\ga displays \gamma, but just \g displays \gg (>>). That is, mimeTeX selects the
shortest symbol or command which begins with whatever you type. This feature
can help shorten an otherwise very long line, but it may be a bit dangerous.

The mimeTeX preprocessor, briefly mentioned above, is responsible for

recognizing several LaTeX symbols like \ldots and several commands like
\atop . These symbols and commands cannot be abbreviated. The special html
characters like &nbsp; are also recognized by the preprocessor and cannot be


Rudimentary color commands are provided by mimeTeX. You can write

\color{red} or \color{green} or\color{blue} (which may be abbreviated \red or
\green or \blue) anywhere in an expression to render the entire expression in the
specified color. That is, abc{\red def}ghi renders the entire expression red, not
just the def part. Also, note that mimeTeX's "green" is actually color #00FF00,
which the html standard more accurately calls "lime". For example,

\blue e^x=\sum_{n=0}^\infty\frac{x^n}{n!} produces


TeX represents characters by boxes, with no idea how ink will be distributed
inside. So an expression like \frac12\int_{a+b+c}^{d+e+f}g(x)dx is typically
rendered as . But mimeTeX knows the character shapes of its
fonts, and therefore tries to remove extra whitespace, rendering the same

expression as instead.

Precede any expression with the mimeTeX directive \nosmash to render it

without "smashing". Or compile mimetex.c with the -DNOSMASH option if
you prefer the typical TeX behavior as mimeTeX's default. In this case, precede
any expression with \smash to render it "smashed". And note that explicit space
like \hspace{10} or \; , etc, is never smashed.

The scope of \smash and \nosmash is the { }-enclosed subexpression in which

the directive occurs. For example, if you want the g(x) part of the preceding
example smashed, but not the 1/2 part, then the expression
\nosmash\frac12{\smash\int_{a+b+c}^{d+e+f}g(x)dx} renders as

For finer-grained control, note that \smash is shorthand for the default
\smashmargin{+3} (and \nosmash is shorthand for \smashmargin{0}).
\smashmargin's value is the minimum number of pixels between smashed
symbols. The leading + is optional. If present, the font size (\tiny=0,...,\Huge=7)
is added to the specified minimum. Compile mimetex.c with the
-DSMASHMARGIN=n option to change the default from 3 to n. Compare the

preceding example with the over-smashed \smashmargin{1}


Smashing is in "beta testing" and some expressions still don't look quite right
when smashed, e.g., 1^2,2^2,3^2,\ldots renders as . Just
compile with -DNOSMASH if you come across numerous annoying situations.

\not and \cancel and \sout...

The usual LaTeX \not "slashes" the single symbol following it, e.g.,
i\not\partial\equiv i\not\nabla produces .
For arbitrary expressions, mimeTeX provides \cancel which draws a line from
the upper-right to lower-left corner of its argument, e.g.,
a\cancel{x^2}=bx^{\not3} produces .

Finally, similar to the ulem.sty package, \sout draws a horizontal strikeout

line through its argument, e.g., \sout{abcdefg} produces . MimeTeX's
\sout also takes an optional argument that adjusts the vertical position of its
strikeout line by the specified number of pixels, e.g., \sout[+2]{abcdefg}
produces and \sout[-2]{abcdefg} produces .

(IIIe) \begin{array}{lcr}...\end{array} Environment

Rendering vectors and matrices, aligning equations, etc, is all done using the
customary LaTeX environment
\begin{array}{lcr} a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc \end{array} which you can write in
exactly that form. MimeTeX also recognizes the following array-like

\begin{array}{lcr} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{array}

\begin{matrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{matrix}
\begin{pmatrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{pmatrix}
\begin{bmatrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{bmatrix}
\begin{Bmatrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{Bmatrix}
\begin{vmatrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{vmatrix}
\begin{Vmatrix} a&b&c \\ d&e&f \\ etc \end{Vmatrix}
\begin{eqnarray} a&=&b \\ c&=&d \\ etc \end{eqnarray}
\begin{align} a&=b \\ c&=d \\ etc \end{align}
\begin{cases} a&b \\ c&d \\ etc \end{cases}
\begin{gather} a \\ b \\ etc \end{gather}

There's a built-in maximum of 64 columns and 64 rows. Nested array

environments, e.g.,
}, are permitted.

MimeTeX also provides the abbreviation \array{lcr$a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc}

which has exactly the same effect as
\begin{array}{lcr} a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc \end{array}. And the lcr$ "preamble"
in \array{lcr$etc} is optional. In that case, \array{a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc} has
exactly the same effect as \begin{matrix} a&b&c\\d&e&f\\etc \end{matrix}.
You can also write \(\array{etc}\) to "manually abbreviate" the pmatrix
environment, or \array{rcl$etc} to abbreviate eqnarray, but mimeTeX has no
explicit abbreviations for these other environments. For example,
\begin{matrix}a_1&a_2&a_3\\b_1&b_2&b_3\\c_1&c_2&c_3\end{matrix} produces

Solid \hline's (but not \cline's) and vertical l|c|r bars are available, as usual. For
dashed lines and bars, \begin{array} provides the additional features \hdash and
l.c.r . \hline and \hdash may not be abbreviated. For example,

\begin{array}{c.c|c} a_1&a_2&a_3 \\\hdash b_1&b_2&b_3

\\\hline c_1&c_2&c_3 \end{array} produces

The default font size is unchanged by \array{ }, but you can explicitly control it
in the usual way, e.g., {\Large\begin{matrix}...\end{matrix}} renders the entire
array in font size 4. In addition, any &...& cell may contain font size
declarations which are always local to that cell, e.g., &\fs{-1}...& renders that
one cell one font size smaller than current.

The {lcr} in \begin{array}{lcr} sets left,center,right "horizontal justification"

down columns of an array, as usual. And "vertical justification" across rows
defaults to what we'll call baseline, i.e., aligned equations, as in Example 10
above, display properly. But the down arrows (for and for ) in
Example 11 require "vertical centering" across the middle row of that array. So,
in addition to lowercase lcr, mimeTeX's {lcr} in \begin{array}{lcr} may also
contain uppercase BC to set "B"aseline or "C"enter vertical justification across
the corresponding rows. For example, \begin{array}{rccclBCB} sets baseline
justification for the first and third rows, and center justification for the second
row. Without any BC's, all rows default to the usual B baseline justification.

MimeTeX has no \arraycolsep or \arraystretch parameters. Instead,

\begin{array}{lc25rB35C} sets the absolute width of the second column to
25 pixels, and the absolute height of the first row to 35 pixels, as illustrated by
Example 9. Any number following an lcrBC specification sets the width of that
one column (for lcr), or the height of that one row (for BC).
You can optionally precede the number with a + sign, which "propagates"
that value forward to all subsequent columns for lcr, or all subsequent rows for
BC. For example, \begin{array}{lc+25rB+35C} sets the absolute width of
column 2 and all subsequent columns to 25 pixels, and the absolute height of
row 1 and all subsequent rows to 35 pixels. After absolute sizing has been set,
the special value 0 reverts to automatic sizing for that one row or column, and
+0 reverts to automatic sizing for all subsequent rows or columns. For example,
\begin{array}{c+25ccc+35ccc+0} sets the absolute widths of columns 1-3 to
25 pixels, columns 4-6 to 35 pixels, and then reverts to automatic sizing for
columns 7 and all subsequent columns.
The "propagation" introduced by + is local to the \begin{array} in which it
occurs. So you have to repeat the same specifications if you want rows aligned
across several arrays on the same line (or columns aligned on several lines
separated by \\). Instead, a lowercase g globally copies your column
specifications to all subsequent arrays, and an uppercase G globally copies your
row specifications. And gG copies both column and row specifications. For
example, \begin{array}{GC+25} sets the height of all rows in this array to 25
pixels, and ditto for all subsequent arrays to its right. Explicit specifications in
subsequent arrays override previous global values.
Click one of the following examples to see illustrations of the above

See Examples 8-11 above for several additional \begin{array}{lcr} applications.

(IIIf) \picture( ){ } "Environment", including \line( ){ }

and \circle( )

Besides \begin{array}{lcr}, mimeTeX also tries to emulate the familiar LaTeX

picture environment with the somewhat similar
\picture(width[,height]) { (loc1){pic_elem1} (loc2){pic_elem2} ... }
as illustrated by Examples 12-13 above. Arguments surrounded by [ ]'s are
optional. If the optional [,height] is omitted, then height=width is assumed.
Locations (loc1) and (loc2) ... each denote either a \put(loc) or a \multiput(loc),
and each location is of the form ([c]x,y[;xinc,yinc[;num]]).

A \put(loc) is denoted by a location of the form ([c]x,y) where x,y denotes the
coordinate where the lower-left corner of the subsequent picture_element will be
placed, unless the letter c precedes the x-number, in which case cx,y denotes the
center point instead. The very lower-left corner of the entire picture is always
0,0, and the upper-right corner is width-1,height-1. Note, for example, that
you'd never want to specify location c0,0 since the picture_element would be
mostly out-of-bounds (only its upper-right quadrant would be in-bounds).

A \multiput(loc) starts like a \put(loc), but location [c]x,y is followed by

;xinc,yinc[;num] indicating the x,y-increments applied to each of num
repetitions of picture_element. If ;num is omitted, repetitions continue until the
picture_element goes out-of-bounds of the specified width[,height]. Note that
x,y are always positive or zero, but xinc,yinc may be postive, zero or negative.

The \picture(,){...} parameters width, height, x, y, xinc, yinc may be either

integer or may contain a decimal point, and they're all scaled by \unitlength. The
num parameter must be integer.

Picture_element's {pic_elem1} and {pic_elem2} ... may be any expressions

recognized by mimeTeX, even including other \picture's nested to any level.

\line( ){ } and \circle( )...

To help draw useful picture_element's, mimeTeX provides several drawing

commands, \line(xinc,yinc)[{xlen}] and \circle(xdiam[,ydiam][;arc]). Although
primarily intended for use in \picture's, you can use them in any mimeTeX
expression, e.g., abc\circle(20)def produces .

Without its optional {xlen} parameter, the expression (x,y){\line(xinc,yinc)}

draws a straight line from point x,y to point x+xinc,y+yinc. The inc's can be
positive, zero or negative. Don't prefix location x,y with a leading c for \line's;
the intended "corner" is determined by the signs of xinc and yinc. If given, the
optional {xlen} parameter rescales the length of the line so its x-projection is
xlen and its slope is unchanged.

Without optional ,ydiam and ;arc, the expression (x,y){\circle(xdiam)} draws a

circle of diameter xdiam centered at x,y. Don't prefix location x,y with a leading
c for \circle's; centering is assumed. If ,ydiam is also given, then
(x,y){\circle(xdiam,ydiam)} draws the ellipse inscribed in a rectangle of width
xdiam and height ydiam centered at x,y.
Finally, ;arc specifies the arc to be drawn, in one of two ways. An ;arc
argument given in the form ;1234 interprets each digit as a quadrant to be drawn,
with 1 the upper-right quadrant and then proceeding counterclockwise, e.g.,
\circle(12;34) specifies the lower half of a circle whose diameter is twelve.
Alternatively, an ;arc argument given in the form 45,180 or -60,120 specifies
the endpoints of the desired arc in degrees, with 0 the positive x-axis and then
proceeding counterclockwise. The first number must always be smaller than the
second (negative numbers are allowed), and the arc is drawn counterclockwise
starting from the smaller number.

Besides Examples 12-13 above, it's hard to resist illustrating

\unitlength{.6} \picture(100) {
(50,50){\circle(99)} %%head%%
(20,55;50,0;2){\fs{+1}\hat\bullet} %%eyes%%
(50,40){\bullet} %%nose%%
(50,35){\circle(50,25;34)} %%upper lip%%
(50,35){\circle(50,45;34)} %%lower lip%% }
Have a nice day!

( I I I g ) O t h e r m i m e Te X C o m m a n d s

Various and sundry other LaTeX-like commands are also provided by mimeTeX.
In addition to features explicitly discussed below, mimeTeX supports the usual
sub_scripts and super^scripts, and most of the typical LaTeX commands, many
already discussed above, including

 \frac{ }{ } and { \over }

 { \atop } and { \choose }
 \sqrt{ }
 \lim_{ } and all the usual LaTeX function names
 \hat{ } and \widehat{ } and many of the usual LaTeX accents
 \overbrace{ }^{ } and \underbrace{ }_{ }
 \overline{ } and \underline{ }

All these typical commands should behave as they usually do in LaTeX, and
won't be discussed further. Short discussions of some other commands follow.

\overset{ }{ } or \stackrel{ }{ } and \underset{ }{ } or

\relstack{ }{ } ...

\stackrel{ }{ } behaves as usual in LaTeX, rendering its first argument one font
size smaller and centered above its second. And the amsmath-style \overset{ }{ }
is identical. For example,

"\vec x\overset{\rm def}=(x_1\ldots x_n)" produces

"Conversely" to \stackrel{ }{ }, mimeTeX provides \relstack{ }{ }, which

renders its second argument one font size smaller and centered below its first.
And the amsmath-style \underset{ }{ } renders its first argument one font size
smaller and centered below its second. For example, the \log function name
doesn't treat limits like \lim_, but you can write, for example,

"\underset{\rm base 2}\log32=5" to render

MimeTeX's \limits provides an easier but non-standard alternative to achieve the

same effect. For example,
"\vec x =\limits^{\rm def} (x_1\ldots x_n)" produces

and "\log\limits_{\rm base 2}32=5" produces

\fbox{ }...

In case html border attributes aren't suitable, mimeTeX provides the usual
\fbox{expression} command, e.g.,

"\fbox{x=\frac12}" produces

You can also write \fbox[width]{expression} to explicitly set the box's width, or
you can write \fbox[width][height]{expression} to explicitly set both width and

\ t o d a y a n d \ c a l e n d a r. . .

\today renders in the usual LaTeX text mode way.

That's \today's default format#1. MimeTeX has an optional format argument so
that, for example, \blue\today[2] renders
, showing both date and time. And
\red\today[3] renders , showing time only.

To accommodate time zones, you may also write, for example,

\small\blue\today[2,+3], which renders ,
adding three hours to format#2. The arguments may be in either order. The time
zone increment must always be preceded by either + or -, and must be in the
range -23 to +23.

\calendar renders a calendar for the current month, as illustrated by the left-
hand image below. For a different month, the optional argument
\small\blue\calendar[2001,9] renders the right-hand image, for the requested
year and month. Years must be 1973...2099 and months must be 1...12.

The default calendar emphasizes the current day of the current month, while any
other month emphasizes no day. Day emphasis is controlled by an optional third
argument. \calendar[0,0,1] emphasizes the first day of the current month, and
\calendar[2001,9,11] emphasizes the eleventh day of that month.
\calendar[0,0,99] renders the current month with no day emphasized.

\input{ }...

\input{filename} behaves just like the corresponding LaTeX command, reading

the entire contents of filename into your expression at the point where the \input
command occurs. By default, filename resides in the same directory as
mimetex.cgi. Moreover, for security, absolute paths with leading /'s or \'s, and
paths with ../'s or ..\'s, are not permitted. See the -DPATHPREFIX
compile option, discussed above, if you want \input files in some other
directory. In any case, if filename isn't found, then \input tries to read
filename.tex instead.

MimeTeX also supports the optional form \input{filename:tag}. In this case,

filename is read as before, but only those characters between <tag>...</tag> are
placed into your expression. This permits you to have one file containing many
different <tag>'s, e.g., one file containing all the questions and/or answers to a
homework assignment or a quiz, etc.

\counter[ ]{ } ...

The bottom-right corner of this page contains a page hit counter that's
maintained using mimeTeX's \counter[logfile]{counterfile:tag} command. As
with \input, described immediately above, both the required counterfile and the
optional logfile are the names of files that reside in the same directory as your
mimetex.cgi executable, unless you compiled mimetex with the
-DPATHPREFIX compile option. Before using the \counter command, Unix
"touch" and "chmod" those files so they're mimeTeX readable and writable.

If counterfile isn't readable and writable, then the \counter command always
displays 1st. Otherwise, it maintains a line in counterfile of the form
<tag> value </tag> where value is initialized as 1_ if the specified <tag> line
doesn't already exist, and then incremented on each subsequent call. That trailing
underscore on the value in the file, e.g., 99_, tells mimeTeX to display 99th with
an ordinal suffix. Edit the value in the file and remove the underscore if you
don't want the ordinal suffix displayed. Finally, mimeTeX makes no effort to
lock files or records (tags), so be careful using \counter if your hit rates are high
enough so that frequent collisions are likely.

The same counterfile can contain as many different <tag> lines as you like, so
counters for all the pages on your site can be maintained in one file. MimeTeX
also maintains a special <timestamp> tag in counterfile that logs the the
date/time and name of the most recently updated tag.
Somewhat more detailed log information can be accumulated in the optional
logfile. If you provide that filename, mimeTeX writes a line to it of the form
2004-09-20:12:59:33pm <tag>=99 http_referer containing a
timestamp, the counter tag and its current value, and the user's IP address and
http_referer page if they're available.

The page hit counter displayed at the bottom-right corner of this page is
maintained by the command
\counter[counters.log]{counters.txt:mimetex.html}. After compiling and
installing your own mimetex.cgi and your own copy of this page, that counter
will continually show 1st's unless/until you "touch" and "chmod" counters.txt
(and, optionally, counters.log) in your mimetex.cgi directory.

( I I I h ) O t h e r E x c e p t i o n s t o L a Te X S y n t a x

Binding Exceptions...

MimeTeX's bindings are pretty much left-to-right. For example, although

mimeTeX correctly interprets \frac12 as well as \frac{1}{2}, etc, the legal
LaTeX expression x^\frac12 must be written x^{\frac12}. Otherwise, mimeTeX
interprets it as {x^\frac}12, i.e., the same way x^\alpha12 would be interpreted,
which is entirely wrong for \frac. The same requirement also applies to other
combinations of commands, e.g., you must write \sqrt{\frac\alpha\beta}, etc.

(IV) Appendices

Programming information to help you modify mimeTeX's behavior, and to use

its functionality in your own programs, is provided by these appendices. The
currently available appendices discuss (a)how to modify or extend mimeTeX's
fonts, (b)how to use mimeTeX's principal function, make_raster(), and (c)how to
use Sverre Huseby's gifsave.c library.

( I Va ) m i m e Te X F o n t s

The font information mimeTeX uses to render characters is derived from .gf font
files (usually generated by metafont running against .mf files), which are then
run through gftype -i and finally through my gfuntype program (supplied with
your mimeTeX distribution).

The final output from each such sequence of three runs (metafont > gftype -i >
gfuntype) gives mimeTeX the bitmap information it needs to render one
particular font family at one particular size. The file texfonts.h supplied with
your mimeTeX distribution collects the output from 72 such (sequences of) runs,
representing nine font families at eight sizes each.
This collection of information in texfonts.h is "wired" into mimeTeX through
tables maintained in mimetex.h. To change mimeTeX's fonts, you'll have to first
modify (or totally replace) texfonts.h using your own gfuntype output, and then
change mimetex.h to reflect your texfonts.h modifications.

This appendix provides a brief description of the above process, though you'll
probably need at least some previous C programming experience to confidently
accomplish it. Your motivation might be to add more fonts to mimeTeX, to
change the font sizes I chose, or to add more font sizes, etc. MimeTeX's design
permits all this to be easily done once you understand the process.

Running metafont to generate a .gf file from .mf source will usually be your
very first step. A typical such run might be

mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-16.393225); input cmmi10'

which in this case generates output file cmmi10.131gf (which is mimeTeX's font
size 3 for the cmmi family).

Given the cmmi10.131gf file from this metafont run (or substitute any other .gf
file you like), next run

gftype -i cmmi10.131gf > typeout

where typeout can be any temporary filename you like.

Finally, run gfuntype against the typeout file you just generated with the

gfuntype -n cmmi131 typeout cmmi131.h

to generate the final output file cmmi131.h (or any filename you supply as the
last arg). This contains the cmmi data in an array whose name is taken from the
-n arg you supplied to gfuntype.

The above sequence of three runs resulted in output file cmmi131.h, containing
the font information mimeTeX needs for one font family (cmmi) at one font size
(3). Repeat this sequence of three runs for each font size and each font family.
Then pull all the output files into one big texfonts.h file (or write a small
texfonts.h which just #include's them all).

For your information, the 72 sequences of runs represented in the texfonts.h file
supplied with your mimeTeX distribution correspond to the following eight inital
metafont runs for cmr10

size=0 (.83gf) mf '\mode=eighthre; input cmr10'

1 (.100gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
17.874274); input cmr10'
2 (.118gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
16.966458); input cmr10'
3 (.131gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
16.393225); input cmr10'
4 (.160gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
15.296391); input cmr10'
5 (.180gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
14.650373); input cmr10'
6 (.210gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
13.804885); input cmr10'
7 (.250gf) mf '\mode=preview; mag=magstep(-
12.848589); input cmr10'

Then ditto for the eight other font families cmmi10, cmmib10, cmsy10, cmex10,
bbold10, rsfs10, stmary10 and wncyr10. And to generate other .dpigf font sizes,

calculate magsteps . All the subsequent gftype and gfuntype runs

just follow the standard format described above.

To incorporate all this font information you just generated into mimeTeX, edit
your mimetex.h file and find the table that looks something like

static fontfamily aafonttable[] = {

family size=0, 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7
------------------------------------ */
{ CMR10,{ cmr83, cmr100, cmr118, cmr131,
cmr160, cmr180, cmr210, cmr250}},
{ CMMI10,{ cmmi83, cmmi100, cmmi118, cmmi131,
cmmi160, cmmi180, cmmi210, cmmi250}},
{ CMMIB10,{ cmmib83, cmmib100, cmmib118, cmmib131,
cmmib160, cmmib180, cmmib210, cmmib250}},
{ CMSY10,{ cmsy83, cmsy100, cmsy118, cmsy131,
cmsy160, cmsy180, cmsy210, cmsy250}},
{ CMEX10,{ cmex83, cmex100, cmex118, cmex131,
cmex160, cmex180, cmex210, cmex250}},
{ RSFS10,{ rsfs83, rsfs100, rsfs118, rsfs131,
rsfs160, rsfs180, rsfs210, rsfs250}},
{ BBOLD10,{ bbold83, bbold100, bbold118, bbold131,
bbold160, bbold180, bbold210, bbold250}},
{ CYR10,{ wncyr83, wncyr100, wncyr118, wncyr131,
wncyr160, wncyr180, wncyr210, wncyr250}},
{ -999,{ NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,
} ; /* --- end-of-fonttable[] --- */

Note the 72 names cmr83...wncyr250 in the table. These must correspond to (or
must be changed to) the names following the -n switch you specified for your
gfuntype runs.

If you want more than eight font sizes, first build up texfonts.h with all the
necessary information. Then change LARGESTSIZE (and probably
NORMALSIZE) in mimetex.h, and finally edit the above aafonttable[] by
extending the columns in each row up to your largest size.

You can also add new rows by #define'ing a new family, and then adding a
whole lot of character definitions at the bottom of mimetex.h, all in the obvious
way (i.e., it should become obvious after reviewing mimetex.h). A new row
would be required, for example, to make another font available in mimeTeX.

One small problem with the above procedure is that the default gftype
program supplied with most TeX distributions can't emit the long lines needed to
display mimeTeX's larger font sizes. You'll need to compile your own version
from source. The following instructions are for Unix/Linux:
First, download both web-7.5.3.tar.gz and web2c-7.5.3.tar.gz, or more
recent versions. Then untar them both, cd web2c-7.5.3/ and run ./configure
and make in the usual way (make may fail before completion if you don't
have all needed fonts installed, but it will create and compile gftype.c before
failing). Now edit texk/web2c/gftype.c and notice two lines very near the top
that #define maxrow (79) and similarly for maxcol. Change both 79's to 1024,
and then re-run make. The new texk/web2c/gftype executable image can emit
the long lines needed for mimeTeX's larger font sizes.

Finally, the Unix/Linux bash shell script generates file texfonts.h
containing the information for all 72 mimeTeX fonts discussed above (and,
optionally, an extra 1200dpi cmr font used to test mimeTeX's supersampling
algorithm). You'll need to understand and edit this script to use it meaningfully.
But it helps automate mimeTeX's font generation procedure in case you want to
experiment with different fonts. (Note that metafont emits a complaint while
generating the 83dpi rsfs font. Just press <CR> and it completes successfully.)

( I V b ) m i m e Te X ' s m a k e _ r a s t e r ( ) f u n c t i o n
MimeTeX converts an input LaTeX math expression to a corresponding GIF
image in two steps. First, it converts the input LaTeX expression to a
corresponding bitmap raster. Then Sverre Huseby's gifsave library, discussed
below, converts that bitmap to the emitted gif. Though you never explicitly see
that bitmap, it's mimeTeX's principal result. MimeTeX is written so any program
can easily use its expression-to-bitmap conversion capability with just a single
line of code. The following complete program demonstrates the simplest such

#include <stdio.h>
#include "mimetex.h"
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
raster *rp = make_raster(argv[1],NORMALSIZE);
type_raster(rp,stdout); /* display ascii image of
raster */

Cut-and-paste the above sample code from this file to, say, mimedemo.c (and fix
the brackets around stdio.h). Then compile
cc -DTEXFONTS mimedemo.c mimetex.c -lm -o mimedemo
and run it from your unix shell command line like
./mimedemo "x^2+y^2"

MimeTeX's expression-to-bitmap conversion is accomplished by the

make_raster() call, whose first argument is just a pointer to a (null-terminated)
string containing any mimeTeX-compliant LaTeX expression, and whose second
argument is the mimeTeX font size to use (overridden if your expression
contains a preamble). The ascii display of the bitmap raster returned by
make_raster() results from the subsequent call to type_raster(). That's all this
program does, but you could use make_raster()'s returned bitmap for any other
purpose you have in mind.

MimeTeX's primary purpose is to emit either xbitmaps or gif images rather than
ascii displays. And mimeTeX has anti-aliasing and various other options that
further complicate its main() function compared to the simple example above.
The example below demonstrates mimeTeX usage in the slightly more realistic
situation where an input expression is converted to a gif, without anti-aliasing,
and emitted on stdout.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "mimetex.h"

/* --- global needed by callback function, below, for

gifsave.c --- */
static raster *rp = NULL; /* 0/1 bitmap
raster image */

/* --- callback function to return pixel value at

col x, row y --- */
int GetPixel ( int x, int y ) /* pixel
value will be 0 or 1 */
{ return (int)getpixel(rp,y,x); } /* just use
getpixel() macro */

/* --- main() entry point --- */

int main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
/* --- get LaTeX expression from either browser query
or command-line --- */
char *query = getenv("QUERY_STRING"), /*
check for query string */
*expression = (query!=NULL? query : /*
input either from query */
(argc>1? argv[1] : "f(x)=x^2")); /* or
from command line */
/* ---- mimeTeX converts expression to bitmap raster
---- */
rp = make_raster(expression,NORMALSIZE); /* mimeTeX
rasterizes expression */
/* ---- convert returned bitmap raster to gif, and
emit it on stdout ---- */
if ( query != NULL ) /* Content-
type line for browser */
fprintf( stdout, "Content-type: image/gif\n\n" );
/* --- initialize gifsave library and colors, and set
transparent bg --- */
GIF_Create(NULL, rp->width, rp->height, 2, 8); /*
init for black/white */
GIF_SetColor(0, 255, 255, 255); /* always set
background white */
GIF_SetColor(1, 0, 0, 0); /* and
foreground black */
GIF_SetTransparent(0); /* and set
transparent background */
/* --- finally, emit compressed gif image (to stdout)
--- */
GIF_CompressImage(0, 0, -1, -1, GetPixel);
Cut-and-paste as before, compile like
cc -DTEXFONTS mimedemo.c mimetex.c gifsave.c -lm -o mimedemo
and run it like the first example, but this time you may want to redirect stdout
./mimedemo "x^2+y^2" > mimedemo.gif
since output is now a gif image consisting of mostly unprintable bytes. Input is
typically from the command line as illustrated, but this example checks for a
browser query string too. That means you could actually replace mimetex.cgi
with this executable, though anti-aliasing wouldn't be available.

Of course, this example's intent isn't to replace the mimetex.cgi executable, but
rather to illustrate GIFSAVE library usage, documented in detail below. And this
example also illustrates usage of several mimeTeX raster structure elements, like
rp->width and rp->height. So you'll probably also want to refer to mimetex.h,
which contains those raster structures and other relevant definitions. For
instance, the example's GetPixel() callback function illustrates usage of the
getpixel() macro in mimetex.h, to retrieve individual pixels by their x,y-
coordinates. And there's a similar setpixel() macro in mimetex.h to store pixels.
After completing all this reading, you'll be prepared to begin using mimeTeX
functions in your own code.

(IVc) Sverre Huseby's gifsave.c library

The information below is taken from the README file accompanying Sverre
Huseby's distribution of GIFSAVE. I've made a few small editorial
modifications, including descriptions of the several minor changes necessary to
support mimeTeX. And the mimeTeX example program immediately above uses
GIFSAVE in a very straightforward way that should help clarify any questions
which may remain after reading the documentation below.


The GIFSAVE functions make it possible to save GIF

images from
your own C programs.

GIFSAVE creates simple GIF files following the GIF87a

Interlaced images cannot be created. There should
only be
one image per file.

GIFSAVE consists of five functions, all returning

type int,
and no separate header file is required.
The functions should be called in the order listed
for each GIF-file. One file must be closed before a
new one
can be created.

GIF_Create() creates new GIF-files. It takes

specifying filename, screen size, number of
and color resolution.

GIF_SetColor() sets up red, green, blue color

It should be called once for each possible

GIF_SetTransparent() is optional. If called, it

sets the
color number of the color that should be
i.e., the background color shows through this

GIF_CompressImage() performs the compression of

the image.
It accepts parameters describing the position
and size
of the image on screen, and a user defined
function that is supposed to fetch the pixel

GIF_Close() terminates and closes the file.

To use these functions, you must also write a callback

function that returns the pixel values for each point
in the image.


Function Creates a new GIF-file, and stores
info on
the screen.

Syntax int GIF_Create(

char *filename,
int width, int height,
int numcolors, int colorres

Remarks Creates a new (or overwrites an

GIF-file with the given filename. No
.GIF-extension is added.

If filename is passed as a NULL

output is directed to stdout.

The width- and height- parameters

the size of the image in pixels.

numcolors is the number of colors

used in
the image.

colorres is number of bits used to

encode a
primary color (red, green or blue).
In GIF-files, colors are built by
given amounts of each primary color.
On VGA-cards, each color is built by
combining red, green and blue
values in
the range [0, 63]. Encoding the
number 63
would require 6 bits, so colorres
would be
set to 6.

Return value GIF_OK - OK

GIF_ERRCREATE - Error creating file
GIF_ERRWRITE - Error writing to
GIF_OUTMEM - Out of memory
Function Specifies the primary color
component of a
color used in the image.

Syntax void GIF_SetColor(

int colornum,
int red, int green, int

Remarks This function updates the

for color number colornum in the

Should be called for each color in

the range
[0, numcolors]

with red, green and blue components

in the
range [0, (2^colorres)-1]

colorres and colornum are values

given to the function GIF_Create().

Return value None

Function Specifies the color number of the
that should be considered

Syntax void GIF_SetTransparent(

int colornum

Remarks Need not be called at all. But if

should be called only once with
colornum in
the range [0, numcolors] i.e.,
must be one of the values previously
given to GIF_SetColor().

Return value None

Function Compresses an image and stores it
in the
current file.

Syntax int GIF_CompressImage(

int left, int top,
int width, int height,
int (*getpixel)(int x, int

Remarks The left- and top- parameters

indicate the
image offset from the upper left
corner of
the screen. They also give the
start values
for calls to the userdefined

width and height give the size of

the image.
A value of -1 indicates the
equivalent screen
size given in the call to

If the image is supposed to cover

the entire
screen, values 0, 0, -1, -1 should
be given.

GIF_CompressImage() obtains the

pixel values
by calling a user specified
function. This
function is passed in the parameter
See "callback()" further down for a
description of this function.

Return value GIF_OK - OK

GIF_ERRWRITE - Error writing to
GIF_OUTMEM - Out of memory

Function Closes the GIF-file.

Syntax int GIF_Close(void);

Remarks This function writes a terminating

to the file, and then closes it.
Also frees
memory used by the other functions

Return value GIF_OK - OK

GIF_ERRWRITE - Error writing to



Function Obtains pixel-values for the
GIF_CompressImage() -function.

Syntax int callback(int x, int y);

Remarks This function must be written by the

programmer. It should accept two
parameters specifying a point in
the image,
and return the pixel value at this
The ranges for these parameters are
x : [img_left, img_left +
img_width - 1]
y : [img_top, img_top +
img_height - 1]

where img_left, img_top, img_width

img_height are the values left,
top, width
and height passed to

An example; if the screen has width

640 and
height 350, and the image covers
the entire
screen, x will be in the range [0,
and y in the range [0, 349].

callback() need not get its values

from the
screen. The values can be fetched
from a
memory array, they can be
calculated for
each point requested, etc.

The function is passed as a

parameter to
GIF_CompressImage(), and can thus
have any
name, not only callback().

Return value Pixel value at the point requested.

be in the range [0, numcolors-1]
numcolors is as specified to

Concluding Remarks
I hope you find mimeTeX useful. If so, a contribution to your country's TeX
Users Group, or to the GNU project, is suggested, especially if you're a company
that's currently profitable.

Copyright © 2002-2006, John Forkosh

Associates, Inc.

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