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package com.example.tests; import import import import import import import import import com.thoughtworks.selenium.Selenium; com.thoughtworks.selenium.SeleneseTestCase; org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver; org.openqa.selenium.

WebDriver; org.openqa.selenium.WebDriverBackedSelenium; org.junit.After; org.junit.Before; org.junit.Test; java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class aaa extends SeleneseTestCase { @Before public void setUp() throws Exception { WebDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver(); String baseUrl = ""; selenium = new WebDriverBackedSelenium(driver, baseUrl); } @Test public void testAaa() throws Exception {"/"); selenium.type("id=gbqfq", "kaverisoft");"id=gbqfba"); for (int second = 0;; second++) { if (second >= 60) fail("timeout"); try { if (selenium.isElementPresent(" ")) break; } catch (Exception e) {} Thread.sleep(1000); } Thread.sleep(7000);"link=More results from "); String[] a = selenium.getAllLinks(); System.out.println(a); String count=0; for(int i=0;i<a.length;i++) { if(a[i]!='null') { count++; } } System.out.println("number of element in the array",count); if(count<20) { fail("Links are less then 20"); } verifyTrue(selenium.isTextPresent("exact:Everything\nImagesMapsVideosNewsShoppin gBooksPlacesBlogsDiscussionsApplicationsPatentsMoreFewer\n\nAhmedabad, GujaratAu to-detected\nChange location\n\nSearch OptionsThe webPages from IndiaFewer searc h toolsMore search tools\n\n\n\n \n \n \n \n Search Results KaveriSoft - Mobile Application Development - Home\n\n\ - Similar\nWe deli ver quality custom software within time frames that can give you a competitive a dvantage in your business. pic1; pic2; pic3; pic4. Project Managers and ...\n\nA bout Us - Careers - Portfolio - Services\n\n\nKaveriSoft - Mobile Application De velopment - About Us\n\n\\nWith this in m ind, our founder, Satish Natarajan, started Kaverisoft, Inc. in August 2006 with an office in Mysore, India and another office in California, USA.\n\n\nKaveriSo

ft - Mobile Application Development - Careers\n\n\ ge_01.htmlCached\nDo you want to work for a fast-growing company? Are you the ki nd of person who enjoys cracking a technically challenging problem? Do you like to be part of a ...\n\n\nKaveriSoft - Mobile Application Development - Custome T estimonials\n\n\\nThe team at Kaverisoft has handled the development of our complex website with efficiency, r esponsiveness, andmost important to mewith creativity and ...\n\n\nKaveriSoft - Mo bile Application Development - Portfolio\n\n\ ached\n10+ items Contact us: Home service careers ...\nOodl eMarketPlaceFacebook connect loginData API using JSON - OAuthGoFishnRuby on Rail sSocial App with Facebook Like ...\n\nCustome Testimonials - KaveriSoft\n\n\nwww\nMy partner and I worked closely with f ive of Kaverisoft developers over the course of 2009 to build a complex new site called, which launched ...\n\n\nKaveriSoft - Mobile Application Dev elopment - Services\n\n\\nOur experience can be broadly classified as the following: Mobile Development. iPhone App Devel opment; Android App Development; Ad technology on mobile ...\n\n\nCustome Testim onials - KaveriSoft\n\n\\nKaverisoft team have been very communicative, solid developers with a very good methodolog y that I continue to use over and over. They not only have good ...\n\n\nCustome Testimonials - KaveriSoft\n\n\\nThe team at Kaverisoft has handled the development of our complex website with effi ciency, responsiveness, andmost important to mewith creativity and ...\n\n\nAPPCEN TRIX - Mobile Innovation\n\n\ - Similar\nMobile Software Application Development. Appcentrix Mobile builds custom iPhone iOS an d Android OS software applications.")); verifyEquals(" kaverisoft - Google Search", s elenium.getTitle()); } @After public void tearDown() throws Exception { selenium.stop(); } }

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