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aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 4


dk[if*smqdkwm jrefrmvnf;r[kwf jrefrmEkdifiHrSmvnf;r&Sd

qdkAD,ufqdk&S,fvpforwEkdifiH 15 ckjzifh zGJUpnf;xm;aom jynfaxmifpk qdA,ufq&,vpforwEkiirsm; (qdA,uf)onf k D kd S f d f H k D 1991 ckESpf ESpfukefydkif;wGif NydKuGJoGm;um 15 EkdifiH oD;jcm;pD cGJxGufcJhMuonf/ ,if;odkY uGJxGufoGm;aom EkdifiHtcsKdU Oyrmk&m;orwEkiitwGi;f &Sd acscsinma'orS rGwpvifrsm;u cGxuf S d f H f f J G &ef ykeuef\/ tvm;wl wmwmpwefa'owGivnf; uGtufa&;? f f J cGxua&; ykeuefrrsm; jzpfym;cJonf/ k&m;tpd;k &u EkiirNyKd uJG J G f f I G h S d f H atmif cGJxGufa&;olykefrsm;udk ESdrfeif;onf/ tar&duefESihf Oa&myEkdifiHrsm;or* u acscsifnmolykefrsm;udk tm;ay;onf/ olyeotzGUJ rsm;udyif 0g&Sifwef? vef'efw vufcxm;cJonf/ k f H k Ykd H h cGJxGufrI[efYwm;aom k&Sm;tpdk;&udk 'Drkdua&pD? vlYtcGifhta&;? vlrsKd;okOf;owfjzwfrIrsm;jzihf pGyfpGJtykyfcsonf/ qd k A D , uf j ynf a xmif p k 0 if a [mif ; Ed k i f i H w pf c k j zpf o nf h a*smf*sD,mEkdifiHrS awmiftkdqufwD;,m;a'o? tufbfcgZD;,m; a'owkdYvnf; cGJxGufMu\/ jynfy ya,m*rsm;udk taMumif; jyKNyD ; cG J x G u f r I r sm; jzpf y G m ;&jcif ; jzpf o nf / tar&d u ef E S i h f Oa&myor*onf qdkAD,ufrS cGJxGufvmaomEkdifiHrsm;? ta&SU Oa&my qdk&S,fvpfEkdifiHa[mif;rsm;udk aewdk;ppftkyfpkxJ qGJoGif; vmcJhonf/ qdkAD,ufrS cGJxGufcJhaom ,lu&def;? a*smf*sD,m? OZbufupwef? cg*spfupwef ponfhEdkifiHrsm;wGif pnf;vHk;rI NydKuGJap&ef aoG;cGJjcif;? tkyfpkcGJjcif;? taemuftkyfpku rBudKuf aom tpdk;&jyKwfusNyD; taemufMoZmcHjzpfap&ef t0ga&mif awmfvSefa&;? vdarmfa&mifawmfvSefa&;? ESif;qDa&mifawmfvSef a&; ponh f ta&mif j c,f q l y l N yd K uG J r I r sm; zef w D ; vmcJ h o nf / qdkAD,ufjynfaxmifpktwGif; twlaexdkifMupOfu cspfMunf oihfjrwfcJhMuNyD; jynfaxmifpkrS cGJxGufvmaomtcg wkdufckduf vmcJhMuonf/ Oyrm-tZmbdkif*sefEkdifiHESihf tmar;eD;,ef;EkdifiH wdkY e,fajrvkppfyGJ jzpfyGm;cJh&onf/ ta&SUOa&my qdk&S,fvpfEkdifiHwpfckjzpfaom csufudkqvdk AufuD;,m;qdk&S,fvpfEkdifiHonf qdk&S,fvpftpkd;&rsm; jyKwfusNyD; aemuf csuforwEkdifiHESihf qvdkAuforwEkdifiH[l uGJxGufoGm; cJhonf/ Oa&my ta&SUawmifykdif; abmfvfuefa'orS ,l*kdqvm; AD;,m; jynfaxmifpkonf EkdifiHajcmufckjzifh wnfaxmifcJhonfh qkd&S,fvpfjynfaxmifpkjzpfonf/ ,l*kdqvyfjynfaxmifpkorw rm&S,fb&GefYAfwD;wkd;vufxufu pnf;vkH;cJhMuonf/ 1992 ckESpf rSpNyD; ,l*kdqvyfjynfaxmifpk NydKuGJum ajcmufEkdifiH oD;jcm;pD jzpfoGm;cJhonf/ jynfyya,m*\ peufyifjzpfonf/ ,l*kdqvyf jynfaxmifpk\ jynfronf qmAD;,m;EkdifiHjzpfonf/ qmAD;,m; Ekiiom; qmhbvrsK;d wdonf 'kw,urmppftwGi;f [pfwvm\ d f H f l Yk d emZD*smrefrsm;? rlqveif\ zufqpftwvDwyfrsm;ukd ajymufusm; dk D D ppfjzifh wkdufckduf&m orkdif;ajymifcJhonf/ tar&duefonf ,l*kd qvyfrS cGxuonfh abmhpeD;,m; [mZD*;dk AD;em;EkiirS rGwpvif J G f d f H f rsm;ukd axmufyunconf/ km;EdiirS cGxuyeuefaeaom hH l D hJ S k f H J G f k f acscsifnmolykef rGwfpvifrsm;udkvnf; ulnDyHhykd;cJhonf/ ,if; rGwpvifrsm;ukd vkvm;vGe;f r[kw/ rGwpvifrsm;u qk&,vpf f d f f d S f (uGejf rLepf) tpk;d &rsm;ukd qefusif wGe;f vSecxurudk tm;ay;vk Y f GJ G f I d jzpfonf/ uGefjrLepf NzdKcsa&; r[mAsL[m t&omjzpfonf/ qmAD;,m;EkdifiH\ tpdwftykdif;jzpfaom ukdqkdAkdjynfe,fwGif tdrfeD;csif; t,fvfab;eD;,m;EkdifiHrS rGwfpvifrsm; tpOftquf ck;d 0iftajccs aexkicMhJ uonf/ ukqArS t,fvab;eD;,m; rsK;d EG,f d f d dk dk f rsm;u ukqAudk qmAD;,m;rS cGxu&ef 1990 jynfveEprsm;rSp d dk dk J G f h G f S f ykefuefcJhonf/ EkdifiHNydKuGJrcHEkdif qmAD;,m; tpkd;&wyfrsm;u ESdrfeif;cJhMuonf/ tpykdif; ukdqkdAkdcJGxGufa&; acgif;aqmif [m&Sifqm*Dukd rl;,pfaq;0g;&mZm? vlqkd;"m;jyomjzpfonf[k tar&duefu jypfwifIwfcscJhonf/ qmAD;,m;ukd Oa&my\ aemufq;Hk vufusef uGejf rLepfEiitjzpf IjrifNy;D aemuf tar&duef dk f H u [m&Siqm*Dudk axmufcrQru 1999ckEpf rwfv 23&ufaeYwif f H Hk S G aewk;d wyfrsm;ukd tar&duefu OD;aqmifum qmAD;,m;ukd 0ifwuf dk cJhonf/ ukdqkdAkdukd aewkd;wyfrsm;u tkyfpD;xm;NyD; ukdqkdAkdjynfe,f cGJxGufa&;ukd tm;ay;cJhonf/ 2008 ckESpfwGif ukdqkdAkdtm; oD;jcm; vGwfvyfaomEkdifiHtjzpf tar&duefESifh Oa&myu todtrSwfjyK vkdufonf/ k&Sm;tygt0if EkdifiHwumu uefYuGufaeonfhMum;rS qmAD;,m;EkdifiHrS ukdqkdAkda'oukd zJhxkwfypfcJhjcif;jzpfonf/ ta&SUtv,fyi;f a'o&Sd tD&wfEiiudk tar&duefwyfrsm;u dk dk f H 2003 ckESpf rwfv 19 &ufaeYrSpNyD; usL;ausmfwkdufckdufcJhonf/ tD&wfajrmufykdif;rS cGJxGufykefuefaeonfh umh'fvlrsKd;rsm;? tD&wf awmifydkif;rS quf'rf[lpdef\ qGefeDrGwfpviftpkd;&udk ykefuefae onfh &SD;,m;rGwfpvifrsm;udk 1990 jynfhESpfrwdkifrDuyif pwifNyD; tar&duefu ulnDaoG;xkd;ay;cJhonf/ ,ckvkd tar&duefwkdY tD&wfudk usL;ausmfodrf;ydkufNyD; a&;qGJaom zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya' wGif umh'vrsK;d rsm;tydi;f ? qGeet&wfrsm;tydi;f ? &S;D ,m;tD&wfrsm; f l k f D D k tydkif;[l oHk;ydkif;cGJjcm; a&;qGJay;xm;onf/ umh'fvlrsKd;rsm;onf EdkifiHrJhvlom;rsm;tjzpf *spfypDrsm;uJhodkY ajcOD;wnfh&m vSnfhvnf oGm;vmcJhMu&mrS wl&uDEdkifiHwGif umh'fvlrsKd;rsm;\ 60 &mckdifEIef;? tD&efESifhtD&wf? qD;&D;,m;wkdYwGif 40&mckdifEIef;eD;yg; wG,fuyfckdvIH tajccsaexki&mrS ,if;wl&uD? tD&wf? tD&ef? qD;&D;,m;Ediiajrrsm; d f k f H zJ,Nl y;D um'pwefEiiH wnfaqmuf&ef wl&uD? tD&wf? tD&efwwif h kd f Ydk G umh'frsm;u ykefuefMuonf/ tar&duefu umh'frsm;udk aoG;xkd; ajrmufay;vsu&onf/ tmz&duEkiitcsKUd rS a'otcsKUd cGxuap f dS d f H J G f cJhNyD; tcsKdUcGJxGuf&ef aoG;xkd;oyfvQKday;vsuf&Sdonfudkvnf; awGU&onf/ jynfaxmifpk jrefrmEkdifiHonf rlva'ocH jrefrmhajray: a&S ; ya0oPD u wnf ; u ayguf z G m ;,S O f w G J aexk d i f c J h o nf h wkdif;&if;om; vlrsKd; 100 ausmf&Sdayonf/ jrefrmwkdif;&if;om; wkdYonf vGwfvyfa&; qHk;IH;pumvrS vGwfvyfa&; jyef&onf txd vnf;aumif;? vGwfvyfa&; jyefvnfqHk;IH;vkqJtajctae? jynfaxmifpkBuD; NydKuGJvkqJtaetxm;wkdYwGif ta&;BuD;aoG;pnf; NyD; EdkifiHawmfESifh tcsKyftjcmtmPm(vGwfvyfa&;)udk umuG,f apmifha&SmufcJhMuonf/ e,fcsJUya,m*rsm;jzifh jynfaxmifpk BuD;udk &Spfpdwf NzdKcGJ&ef MuHpnfMuonfh 1962 ckESpf ESpfOD;ydkif; zuf'&,f vIyf&Sm; rIBuD;onf jynfaxmifpkzGm;wkdif;&if;om; jynfolwpf&yfvHk;u vufrcH csKyfNidrf;oGm;cJh&onf/ vufcsKd;a&wGuf &avmufaom jynfajy;wpfpk? jynfwGif; ykqdefdk;wpfpkwkdYu jynfyrS a&;om;ay;aom ZmwfTef;twkdif;


,aeh jrefrmEdifiHonf b,facwfumvESifUrS rwlatmif Nidrf;csrf;om,m k vsuf&Sdonf/ zGH hNzdK;wdk;wufrIuvnf; bufaygif;pHk? ae&ma'opHk tHUrcef; wd;k wufaeonf/ 'Drua&pD tcif;tusif;rsm;uvnf; xifomjrifom&Svonf/ kd d S trsKd;om;nDvmcHu tajccHrlrsm; csay;cJUonf/ tajccHOya'a&;qGJa&; aumfr&Sifu jynfaxmifpkorwjrefrmEdkifiHawmf zGJ hpnf;yHktajccHOya'rlMurf; (200 )udk nDvmcHrrsm;jzifU a&;qGcNUJ yD; jzpfonf/ jynfowuvnf; axmufcrJ l J l hkd H 92 'or 4 &mcdkifEIef;jzifU wpfcJeuf twnfjyKcJUNyD;jzpfonf/ 2010 jynfUESpfwGif EdkifiHawmfzGJ hpnf;yHktajccHOya'opfESifUtnD ygwDpHk'Drdkua&pD a&G;aumufyGJBuD; usif;yawmUrnf/
z z

jynfaxmifpk\ tpdwftydkif;tcsKdUudk zJhxkwfcGJxGuf&ef rMuH aumif;rpnftyf MuHpnfvIyf&Sm;vmwkdif; wkdif;&if;om;rsm;u xkduGJtuf? cGJxGufa&;vkyf&yfrsm;udk wGef;vSefz,f&Sm;cJhMuonf csnf;jzpfonf/ jynfaxmifpkwGif wkdif;&if;om;rsm;\ pnf;vHk;nDGwfrI cG e f t m;? jynf a xmif p k pd w f " mwf p G r f ; tm;wk d Y a Mumif h jref r m jynfaxmifpkBuD;onfvnf;aumif;? jrefrmwkdY\ vGwfvyfa&; (0g) tcsKyftjcm tmPm&yfBuD;onf vnf;aumif; r,drf;r,dkif ckdifrmjrJjrHvsuf&Sdaeayonf/ xkdtcg jrefrmwdkY\ pnf;urf;wus wnfaqmufaeaom at;csrf;om,m acwfrDzGHUNzdK;NyD; pnf;urf; jynfh0aom 'Drdkua&pD EdkifiHawmfyef;wdkifc&D;udk [efYwm; aESmifh,Suf&ef udkvdkeD vufopftkyfpkwdkYu wpfrsKd;NyD;wpfrsKd; vkyfMuHzefwD;vmayonf/ ,aeY jrefrmEdkifiHonf b,facwfumvESifhrS rwlatmif Nir;f csr;f om,mvsu&onf/ zGUH NzKd ;wd;k wufruvnf; bufaygif;pH?k d f dS I ae&ma'opHk tHhrcef;wd;k wufaeonf/ 'Drua&pDtcif;tusi;f kd rsm;uvnf; xifomjrifom&Svonf/ trsK;d om;nDvmcHu tajccH d S rlrsm;csay;cJonf/ tajccHOya'a&;qGa&;aumfr&Siu jynfaxmifpk h J f orwjrefrmEdkifiHawmf zGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'rlMurf;(2008)udk nDvmcHrrsm;jzifh a&;qGcNhJ y;D jzpfonf/ jynfowuvnf; axmufcrJ l J l Ykd H 92 'or 48 &mcdkifEIef;jzifh wpfcJeuftwnfjyKcJhNyD;jzpfonf/ 2010 jynfhESpfwGif EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHOya'opfESifhtnD ygwDpHk'Drdkua&pDa&G;aumufyGJBuD; usif;yawmhrnf/ ,cktcg2010jynfEpf ygwDp'rua&pDa&G;aumufytwGuf h S kH D kd JG rJqEay;NyD; udk,fpm;vS,faumif; a&G;aumufrnfh jynfolwdkY bufu pdwftm;xufoefpGm toifhapmifhaeMuNyD/ ygwDrsm; rSwfyHkwif&ef BudKwifpnf;Hk; zGJUpnf;zdkY pdkif;jyif;aeolrsm;uvnf; wuf<upGm toifjh yifaeMuNy/ 2010 jynfEpf a&G;aumufyBJG u;D wGif D h S yk*dKvf? ygwD? *dkPf;*P? 0g'uGJ? 0g'pGJrsm;xuf trsKd;om;a&;udk t"duxm;Mu&ef trsKd;om;EdkifiHa&; 0g'Drsm;uvnf; vIHUaqmf aeMuNyD/ vkdtyfaom Oya'rsm; a&;qGJxkwfjyefjcif;? ygwDrsm; rSwywifjcif;? a&G;aumufyaumfr&Si\ tpDtpOfjzifh usi;f yrnfh f kH JG f a&G;aumufyGJ yg0if,SOfNydKif ta&G;cHMujcif;? a&G;aumufcH vTwfawmfudk,fpm;vS,frsm;u Oya'jyKa&;tmPm? wm0efcH usio;kH rnfh jynfovwawmf? trsK;d om;vTwawmf? jynfaxmifpk hf Yl T f f vTwawmf? jynfe,f? wdi;f a'oBu;D vTwawmfvyief;rsm;pwifjcif;? f k f k f tkyfcsKyfa&;tmPmudk wm0efcHpDrHrnfh EdkifiHawmforwBuD;ESifh tpdk;&tzJGUrsm; zGJUpnf;jcif;? w&m;pD&ifa&;tmPm wm0ef,l aqmif&Guf&rnfh jynfaxmifpkw&m;vTwfawmf ay:xGef;vmjcif; ponfh 'Drua&pDr0g'(0g) 'Drua&pD wnfaqmufa&;vkyief;pOf kd l kd f (7)&yfwdkYonf wpfqifhNyD;wpfqifh taumiftxnfazmfqJ? azmfvwUH yifjzpfonf/ trsKd;om;nDvmcHusif;yqJumv? tajccHOya'a&;qGJa&; umv? tajccHOya'opfudk jynfvHk;uRwfqEcH,lyGJjzifh twnf jyKonfh umvrsm;wpfavQmuf jynfwGif;jynfyrS rormolrsm; u enf;rsKd;pHkjzihf aESmihf,SufcJhMuojzihf wkdif;&if;om;jynfolwdkY \ pnf;vHk;nDGwfrIcGeftm;? jynfaxmifpkpdwf"mwf pGrf;yum; wdkYjzihf ausmfeif;jzwfoef;NyD; atmifjrifrI&,lcJhMu&onf/ 'Drdkua&pDpum;wGifwGifoHk;NyD; jynfolYrsufESmraxmufaom ykqdefdk;rsm;? trsKd;opmazmufrsm;? EkdifiHa&;udk rdrdwdkY udk,fusKd; twGuf vkyfudkifpm;aomufolrsm;? jynfyrS udkvdkeDe,fcsJU vufopf0g'Drsm;u jynfolwdkYwpfcJeuf(92 'or 48 &mcdkif EIef;jzifh) twnfjyKcJhNyD;jzpfonfh EdkifiHawmfzGJUpnf;yHktajccHukdyif todtrSwfrjyK? vufrcHEkdif[kqdkaeMuonf/ ,if;odkYjynfolwdkY\ tqHk;tjzwfudk aoGznfonfh 'Drdkua&pD aZmufxdk;rsm;ESihf e,fcsJUtoHk;awmfcHrsm;u e,fcsJUrD'D,mrsm;oHk;NyD; EkdifiHawmf\ a&SUc&D;udk qDvkda&vdk tayguf&SmNyD; aESmifh,Sufvsuf&Sdayonf/ Ediiawmfwif jynfotusK;d pD;yGm;udk a&S;INy;D wki;f usK;d jynfjyK k f H G Yl d wnfaqmufrI taygif;vuPmrsm; a0qmvsuf&Sdaeonfudk rIqdwfMubJ wpfaeYwpfrsKd;rdk;atmif vkyfMuHpGyfpGJ aESmifh,Suf vmMu&mwGif vwfwavmyifv,fjyif a&arsmurf;wifjzpf aeaom EkdifiHjcm;om;wpfpk (txl;ojzifh b*FgvDrGwfpvif) avSpD;c&D;onfwpfpkudk dk[if*smvlrsKd;rsm;? jrefrmEkdifiHrS dk[if*smrsm;? jrefrmuESdyfpuf? xkdif;EkdifiHu dkufESufESifxkwfonf [laomowif;udk aeY? n tyfaMumif;xyfatmif vTifhxkwfvsuf &SdMuonfudk awGU&onf/ 2009ckESpf Zefe0g&Dv aESmif;ydkif;ESihf azazmf0g&D vqef;&ufrsm;wGif pmrsufESm 5 aumfvH 1 odkY D


aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 5

tmp&d,ylaZmfyGJ usif;yrnf
&efukef azazmf0g&D 7 ,cif jynfaxmifptxufwef;ausmif; ausmif;om;a[mif;rsm;\ k ESpfpOfusif;yNrJjzpfaom tmp&d,ylaZmfyGJudk azazmf0g&D 12 &uf (jynfaxmifpaeY) eHeuf 9 em&Dwif &efueNf rKd U r*FvmawmifneNYf rKd Ue,f k G k G 106vrf;? trSwf(24-'D)&Sd q&mBuD; OD;wdk;atmif\aetdrf usif;y rnfjzpfonf/ tqdkyg tmp&d,ylaZmfyGJodkY q&ma[mif;rsm;? ausmif;om; a[mif;rsm; rysufruGuf wufa&mufMuyg&efESifh tvSLaiGESifh ypnf; rsm; vSL'gef;vdkygu AdkvfrSL;BuD;A[def;(Nidrf;) zkef;- 660731? AkdvfrSL; armifodef;(Nidrf;) zkef;-572015? OD;bnGefYOD; zkef;-684761? OD;xGef;jrifh zkef;-056-21473? OD;at;az zkef;-379647? a'gufwmat;az zkef;-642155ESifh OD;0if;Munf zkef;-573198 wdkYodkY qufoG,fvSL'gef; EdkifaMumif; owif;&&Sdonf/ (owif;pOf)

* r&S d t wl ? &S d t wl jynf a xmif p k & J U rl / at;twl? yltrQ wpf p d w f w pf 0 rf ; nD n G w f M u/ jrefjynfwpf0ef; at;csrf;om cd k i f j rJ c sKyf t jcm/ jynf j ref r m *k P f o wif ; ur m h t v,f r S m arT ; ysH U oif ; / *

cspf w if ; zG J U Mu nD a emif a wG rcG J w l w l a y/ 'dkYa& 'dkYajr wnfwHha&; umuG , f a pmif h a &S m uf t ouf a y;/ 'dkYaoG; 'dkYom;? aygif;pknD jynf a xmif p k o m;yD / pD p D & D & D I r qH k ; jynf a xmif p k y ef ; uH k ; 'd k Y a wG a ygif ; pk &mouf v H k ; aysmfwjyHK;jyHK; armfrqHk;/

(62)ESpfajrmufjynfaxmifpkaeYudk*kPfjyKBudKqdkvsuf65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321 65432109876543210987654321

tazsmufajr armifaqGrGef

D pmrsufESm 4 aqmif;yg;rS ukvor*'kuonf r[mrif;BuD;Hk;rS ajymcGifh&yk*dKvf? 0g&Sifwef tajcpdkuf vlYtcGihfta&;apmihfMunhfa&;tzGJU? xkdif;EkdifiHtajcpdkuf GHRE (ac:)jynfajy;-tajccHvlUtcGifhta&;ynmay;aumfrwD? EkiiwumvGwNf ir;f csr;f omcGitzGUJ (AI) ? Arakan Project (ac:) d f H d fh &ckdifpDrHudef;tzGJU (Aefaumuf)? EkdifiHwum'kuonfrsm;tzGJU (Refugee International-0g&Sifwef)wdkYu jyemudk csJUxGifNyD; zGMu qGMujzihf xkdif;EkdifiHu &ufpufpGm dkufESufarmif;xkwfonf? jrefrmEkdifiHu dk[if*smqkdolrsm;tm; ESifxkwfonf[k vkyfMuHpGyfpGJ yHkBuD;csJU aeMuayonf/ 30-1-2009 &ufaeYpGJjzihf jrefrmEkdifiHu owif;wpf&yf xkwfjyef&mwGif ]]vwfwavm jynfy owif;rD'D,mtcsKdUt& dk[if*smvlrsKd;tcsKdUonf pufavSrsm;jzihf yifv,fa&aMumif;rS wpfqihf xki;f EkiitwGi;f odYk w&m;r0if 0ifa&muf&ef BuKd ;yrf;rIrsm; d d f H &SdaeaMumif;ESihf xdkkd[if*smrsm;teufrS tcsKdUrSm jrefrmEkdifiHrS jzpfaMumif; a&;om;xkwviaeonfudk awGU&aMumif;? jynfaxmifpk f T hf jrefrmEkdifiH&Sd wkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd;pkrsm;wGif kd[if*sm[lonfhvlrsKd; yg0ifjcif; vkH;0r&SdaMumif;}} azmfjyxm;onfukd awGU&onf/ jrefrmEkdifiHonf b*Fvm;a'h&Sf? tdEd,? wkwfjynfolU orw EkdifiH? vmtkdjynfolU'Drkdu&ufwpf orwEkdifiH? xkdif;EkdifiHwkdYESifh e,f e d r d w f c sif ; quf a eaom Ek d i f i H j zpf o nf / e,f j cm;rsOf ; ? e,fpyfrsO;f ukd tkwwwi;f ? oHwwi;f um&Hxm;Ekionfr[kw f H dk H dk d f f [kdvlrsKd;? 'DvlrsKd; ckd;0ifvmonfrsm; &SdaecJhonf/ jrefrmtpkd;& tqufqufonf tdrfeD;csif;EdkifiHrsm;rS Oya'csKd;azmuf xGufajy; vmonfh 0&rf;ajy;? jynfajy;? olykefoluefponfh twkduftcHrsm; ukd vkH;0vufrcHcJhay/ jrefrmEkdifiHudk NAdwdoQ(t*Fvdyf)wkdY tkyfpkd;pOf xkdNAdwdoQ wkdYuyif if;wkdY odrf;ykdufpkd;rkd;xm;onfh tdEd,(,ck ygupwef? tdE,? b*Fvm;a'h&)wkrS ukvm;vlrsK;d rsm;ukd &nf&,csursK;d pkjH zifh d fS Yd G f f ac:oGif;vmcJhzl;onf/ &ckdifuJhokdY vrf;yef;qufoG,fa&; rjynhfpkH aoma'owGif ysKd;Ekwf? aumufpkduf&ef b*Fvm;e,frS b*FgvD rGwfpvif qif;&Jom;rsm;ukd &moDtvkduf iSm;okH;cJh&zl;onf/ xkdb*FgvDrsm;rS tcsKdUonf b*Fvm;okdYrjyefbJ wG,fuyfykef;a&Smif ae&pfcJhrIrsm;vnf; &SdcJhonf/ 1953 ckESpfu jrefrmEkdifiHwGif oef;acgifpm&if; aumufaomtcg if;b*FgvDrsm;u olwkdYukd k[if*smvlrsK;d [k oef;acgifpm&if;wGif xnfoi;f &ef vlpva0;jzifh d h G k l twif;tusyf awmif;qkdcJhMuonf/ jrefrmEkdifiH oef;acgifpm&if; tus Xmeu kd[if*sm[k w&m;0ifxnfhray;cJhay/ bl;oD;awmif? armifawm? &aohawmifbufwGifvnf; b*Fvm;a'h&SfrS ckd;0ifvmaom b*FgvDrGwfpvifrsm;ukd qD;BuKd vufcaomol(a&mufEiNhf y;D b*FgvDvrsK;d tkyprsm;)u enf;rsK;d pkjH zifh H S l f k tm;ay;cJhMuonf/ zqyvtuGJtjyJwGif oefY&Sif;zqyv (aemifyxp)u a&G;aumufyGJ xkda'orsm;rS rJqErsm; if;wkdY &Eki&ef rJay;cGirsm; ay;cJz;l onf/ wGif b*FgvDrwpvifrsm;u d f hf h G f if;wkdYukd,fif;wkdY kd[if*smvlrsKd;[k trnfcHum bl;oD;awmif? armifawm? &aohawmife,fy,frsm;ukd tydip;D cGxw&ef vIy&m; k f J k f f S vmcJonf/ h 'kwd,urmppfumv jrefrmEdkifiH zufqpf*syefwkdYatmuf usa&mufcJhpOf e,fpyfrS b*FgvDukvm;rsm; b*Fvm;e,fodkY xGufajy;oGm;cJhonf/ 1945 ckESpf NAdwdoQwdkY jrefrmEdkifiHokdY jyef0if vmNyD;aemuf b*FgvDrsm; jrefrme,fpyfodkY jyefvnfcdk;0ifvmcJh Mujyefonf/ 1947ckEpwif e,fcsUJ aoG;cGJ aoG;xd;k rIjzifh b;l oD;awmif? S f G armifawmrS b*FgvDrGwfpvifrsm;u e,fajrcGJxGuf tydkifpD;&ef

rl*sm[pf vufeufuif ykeuefvmMuonf/ &cdiNf rKd U&Gmrsm; rD;IUd HrQ kd f k k ru aemuf0ifvmaom b*FgvDrsm;u rlv&Saeaom rGwpvifrsm; d f udyif owfjzwfrsK;d jzKwvmcJonf/ b*FgvDtrsm;tjym;udk jynfyrS k f h xyfrHac:vmum aus;&Gmrsm;wnfaxmifay;NyD; &cdkif&Gmrsm;udk zsufqD;rD;IdUrIrsm;udk rl*sm[pfaomif;usef;olrsm; qufwdkufvkyf cJhonf/ xdkpOfu jrefrmEdkifiHtESHY a&mifpHkaomif;usef;rI BuD;xGm;ae ojzifh jynfaxmifptpd;k & (zqyvtpk;d &)onf &efol ywfvnf0i;f k kd aecsejf zpfonf/ d NAdwdoQwdkYu &cdkifjynfe,fudk 1827 rS 1948 ckESpftxd 123 ESpMf um odr;f ydup;kd rd;k cJ&m b*FgvDrsm; jrefrmEdiiwif tvH;k t&if;jzifh k f h k f H G 0ifa&mufapcJhonf/ jrefrmhwyfrawmfu rl*sm[pfaomif;usef;ol rsm;udk 1950-1951 ckEprp ESreif;cJ&m 1954 ckEpwif rl*sm[pf S f S d f h S f G aomif;usef;olrsm; NydKuGJaysmufuG,foGm;cJh&onf/ rl*sm[pf aomif;use;f ol tzGUJ acgif;aqmif ukvm;umqiftm; jrefrmtpd;k &\ wduwe;f csut& b*Fvm;a'h&fS (xdpOfu ta&SUygupwef)tpd;k &u k f G f k zrf;qD;axmifcsconf/ hJ 1959 ckEpf rwfvtwGi;f usi;f yonhf &cdijf ynf wki;f &if;om; S k d nDnGwfa&;tzGJU\ yrtBudrf nDvmcHu ppfawG? bl;oD;awmif? armifawmNrKd Ue,f&dS wdi;f &if;om;trnfcH rGwpviftcsKUd \ vufcH k f tultnDay;rIaMumifh ]] ta&SUygupwef(,aeY b*Fvm;a'h&Sf) trsKd;om;tajrmuftjrm; &cdkifjynfe,fodkY 0ifa&mufaejcif;udk xda&mufpGm wm;jrpfay;&ef }}[laom qHk;jzwfcsufcscJhonf/ 1960 jynfhESpf yxp(oefY&Sif;zqyv)\ rJqG,fpnf;Hk;rI peufaMumifh &cdkif&Sd b*FgvDrGwfpvifrsm;u dk[if*smrsKd;cspfwyfOD; (Rohinger Patriotic Front)zGUJ pnf;um d[if*smtrnfcH b*FgvDrsm; k jyefvnfvIyf&Sm;vmcJhonf/ tm&yfrGwfpvifrsm;onf oabFm ysu&mrS b*Fvm;e,fwif aomifwifNy;D a'ocHrwpvif (b*FgvD) f G G f trsKd;orD;rsm;ESifh tdrfaxmifuscJhMuonf/ ,if;wkdYrS arG;zGm;vm olrsm;udk dk[efY(Rohant) [kac:Muonf/ tm&yfbmom Rohon(dk[Gef)rS qif;oufvmaom pum;vHk;jzpfonf/ if;wkdYudk umva&GUavsmaomtcg dk[if*sm[k if;wkdYudk,fif;wdkY ac:Mu onf/ tmz&duajrmufydkif;rS tm&yfrGwfpvifoabFmom;rsm;ESifh b*Fvm;e,frS b*FgvDrwpviftrsK;d orD;wdrS aygufzm;vmolrsm;udk G f Yk G dk[if*sm[k ac:wGifMujcif;jzpf&m jrefrmEdkifiHom; wkdif;&if;om; vlrsK;d rsm; r[kwaMumif;? tm&yf-b*FgvDujym;rsm;om jzpfaMumif; f xif&m;ygonf/ S awmfvSefa&;aumifpD wufvmNyD; jrefrmEdkifiHom;jzpfaeonfh rGwfpvifrsm;ESifh b*Fvm;e,frS topfckd;0ifvmaom b*FgvD rGwfpvifrsm;udk cGJjcm;ta&;,lEdkif&ef 1966 ckESpf atmufwkd bmvrS 'DZifbmvtxd ppfaq;pm&if;,lcJhonf/ usD;uef;ppfqif a&;[k ac:wGifcJhonf/ ppfawG? ajryHk? ausmufawmf? ykPm;uRef;? oHw?JG awmifuw?f Buracsmif;? armifawm ponfwukd pdppfpm&if; k d f Ydk ,lcJh&m ckd;0ifvmaom b*FgvDrGwfpvif tajrmuftjrm; &Sdae aMumif; awGU&SdcJh&onf/ 1969 ckESpf azazmf0g&DvwGif jrwfrGefppfqifa&;jzifh ppfawGcdkif? ausmufjzLcdkifwkdYtwGif; EkdifiHjcm;om; b*FgvD ckd;0ifolrsm;ukd ppfaq;cJhonf/ 1971 ckESpfwGif ta&SUygupwef (b*Fvm;)ESifh taemufygupwefwkdY y#dyujzpfum wkdufMu cduMf upOf b*FgvDppfajy;'kuonf wpfaomif;ausmwonf bl;oD; k f Ydk awmif? armifawmNrKd Ue,frsm;twGi;f ajy;0ifvmcJjh yefonf/ if;wdYk tm; pepfwuspm&if;aumuf,lum rlvae&if; (b*Fvm;e,f twGif;) odkY jyefvnfxGufcGmEdkifatmif ulnDay;cJhonf/

1974 ckESpf azazmf0g&DvrSp &ckdif? csif;? ucsif? &Srf;jynf e,f a'orsm;twGif; jynfyrS ckd;0ifvmolrsm;udk py,fppfqif a&;jzifh ppfaq;ta&;,lcJhonf/ py,fppfqifa&;t& 1974 ckESpf 'DZifbmvtxd &ckdifa'orsm;twGif; ckd;0ifvmol b*Fvm;a'h&Sf EdkifiHom; 988 OD;? EkdifiHjcm;om;rSwfyHkwifa&; ya'cs tufOya'csKKd;azmufol 663 OD;ESifh EdkifiHjcm;om; 18254 OD;wkdYudk ppfaq;awGU&Sd ta&;,l cJhonf/ ,if;odkY ppfqifa&;rsm;jzifh EkdifiHjcm;om;rsm; ppfaq;rIjyKvkyf wkdif; w&m;r0ifckd;0ifvmaom b*FgvDrGwfpvifrsm; tvHk; t&if;jzifh b*Fvm;a'h&SfEdkifiHwGif; jyef0ifajy;avh&SdcJhonf/ 1978 ckESpfwGif e*g;rif;ppfqifa&;jzifh ckd;0ifrIrsm; ppfaq;cJhjyef&m rlrrSefbJ ckd;0ifvmolrsm; xGufajy;oGm;Mujyefonf/ xGufajy; oGm;olrsm;xJrS cdkifvHkaom taxmuftxm;&Sdolrsm;udk [oFm pDrHcsuf jzifh pdppf vufcHay;cJhonf/ 1991-1992ckESpfwkdYwGif vl0ifrIBuD;Muyfa&;Xmeu &ckdif jynfe,ftwGi;f ck;d 0ifvmolrsm;tm; ppfaq;jyef&m tvk;H t&if;jzifh xGuajy;oGm;cJMh ujyefonf/ b*Fvm;a'h&tpk;d &ESihf jrefrmtpk;d &wkYd f fS ndEi;f um owfrwxm;onfh rlav;csuEihf ukunorsm;ukd pdppf Id S f f S d f D l vufcconf/ 1992ckEprS 2005ckEptxd 13ESptwGi;f vlO;D a& H hJ S f S f f 236495OD;ukd pdppfvufcHcJhonf/ tcsKdUum; rlrrSef jyefrvm cJMh uawmhay/ taemuf rD',mrsm;u xkupudk rMumcP vkyMf uH D d d zefw;D Ny;D ck;d 0ifvmolrsm;bufrS tm;ay;tm;ajrmufvy&if; jrefrm k f EkdifiHukd r[kwfrrSef pGyfpGJaeayonf/ tar&duefonf EkdifiHpkHrS twkduftcH? jynfajy;rsm;tm; oef;csDvufcHxm;onfh'Pfukd pufwifbm 11 &uf 2001 ckESpf wkdufcdkufcH&rIjzifh tvl;tvJcH&onf/ xkdYaMumifh vl0ifrIOya'ukd jyifqifwif;usyfae&onf/ awmifbuf ruqDukdEdkifiHrS vltrsm;tjym; ckd;0ifvmrI'Pfukd rcHEkdif tar&duefu ruqDukdESifh e,fpyfwGif oH0if;x&Hum wHwkdif;aqmufvkyf wm;qD;ae&onf/ ckd;0ifvmol ypfowfae&onf/ tpa&;wkdY onf ygvufpwkdif;rsm; 0ifrvm&ef[kqkdum taemufbufurf; a'owGif wHwkdif;BuD; aqmufxm;&onf/ tar&duefwGif usL;bm;jynfajy; okH;odef;ausmf vufcHxm;NyD; usL;bm;rS uufpxkd\ qkd&S,fvpftpkd;& jzKwfcsa&; tm;xkwfaeonf/ orwuvifwefvufxuf usL;bm;azmifpD;c&D;onfrsm;? tjcm; [pyif;epfazmifpD;-avSpD;c&D;onfrsm; tar&duefEdkifiHwGif; 0ifvm&ef BuKd;pm;MupOf tar&duef urf;ajcapmifh wyfrsm;u ppftiftm;okH;um jyefvnf armif;xkwfcJhonf/ AD,uferfppfNyD;p awmifAD,uferfrS avSpD;c&D;onfrsm; aeYpOfxGufajy;Mu&m xkdpOfu NAdwdoQydkif a[mifaumifu vufrcH ESifxkwfcJhonf/ rMumrDumvtwGif; rGwfpvifavSpD; (armfawmfpD;) c&D;onfrsm;ukd tif'kdeD;&Sm;? MopaMw;vswkdYu vufrcH armif;xkwfcJhMuonf/ onfwkdYrSm rlrrSefaom {nfhonfukd rnfonfh tdrf&SifurS vufrcHvkdaMumif; jyoae ayonf / xkdif;EkdifiHwGif awmifykdif;rGwfpvif av;jynfe,f rGwfpvif ykefuefrIrsm;&Sdaeojzifh aemufxyf b*FgvDrGwfpvif (kd[if*smtrnfcH)rsm;ukd vufrcHvkdonfrSm obm0usayonf/ jrefrmEkdifiHwGif kd[if*smqkdaom wkdif;&if;om;vlrsKd;pk vkH;0r&Sdyg/ jynfolwkdY twnfjyK ay;xm;onfh EkdifiHawmfzGJUpnf;ykH tajccH Oya'wGif jynfaxmifpk\ rnfonfhtpdwftykdif;rS cGJxGufjcif; r&Sap&[laom tajccHrBl u;D yg0ifNy;D jzpfonfuvnf; tzsuorm; d dk f rsm; owdrloifhayownf;/ /

6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 February, 2009

Rohinja is not Myanmar national race, nor is in Myanmar

Maung Po Hmat
In the late 1991, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics formed with 15 Soviet Socialist republics collapsed into 15 separate countries. In some of those countries, for example the Russian Federation, Muslims of Chechnya launched armed revolt to secede from the mother country. Similarly, Tatastan region saw rebellions for secession from the country. Accordingly, the government of the Russian Federation had to suppress the rebellions. The United States of America and the European Union aided and abetted Chechnya rebels, and provided fertile soil for them in Washington and London. They also accused the government of the Russian Federation of human rights violation and genocide. South Ossetia and Abkhazia regions seceded from Georgia, an ex-member of the USSR. Those secessions were due to alien instigation and incitement. The US and European Union gave places to the countries that had seceded from the USSR and former eastern European Socialist countries in NATO. With the intention of breaking up national unity in Ukraine, Georgia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan, they drove wedges among the people. Moreover, they provoked yellow revolution, orange revolution and rose revolution in order that those countries became their minion ones, following downfall of the governments that did not get along with West-Bloc. While being parts of USSR, they were united, but after seceding from USSR, the seceded countries came to fight each other. For instance, Azerbaijan engaged in the battle against Armenian for territorial possession. Czechoslovakia Socialist Republic, an eastern European country, split into Czech Republic and Slovak Republic following the downfall of the socialist governments. Yugoslavia in Balkan region in the southeast part of Europe used to be a Socialist country constituted with six nations. They were cohesive in the time of President Marshal Broz Tito. In 1992 Yugoslavia collapsed into six parts at the alien instigation. The main land of Yugoslavia is Serbia. Serbs of Serbia made a world history for their brilliant resistance against Hitler's Nazi troops and Mussolini's Italian Fascist troops through guerilla warfare in the World War II. The US provided assistance for Muslims of Bosnia Herzegovina that seceded from Yugoslavia, and the Muslim troops of Chechnya that seceded from the Russian Federation. It was because it encouraged secession from the Socialist (Communist) countries and according to its strategy to devastate Communism, not because it was in favour of Muslims. Kosovo, a part of Serbia, saw constant illegal immigration of Muslims from its neighbour Albania. Albanian ethnic groups launched their armed revolts since 1990 to secede Kosovo from Serbia. In fear of collapse of the nation, Serbian government suppressed the rebellion. Initially, the US condemned leader Hashin Sagi of Kosovo separation force as a drug lord and dacoit. But, when it considered Serbia to be the last Communist nation of Europe, the US not only expressed its support for Hashin Sagi but also invaded Serbia, leading NATO troops on 23 March 1999. The US kept Serbia under its control and encouraged secession from Kosovo. In 2008, the US and Europe recognized Kosovo as an independent nation. Showing total disregard for the strong objection of the international community including the Russian Federation, the US separated Kosovo from Serbia. The US-led troops invaded Iraq in the Middle East on 19 March 2003. Since 1990, the US had abetted Kurd rebels in the northern part rising against the government to secede from Iraq, and Shiia Muslim troops in the southern part of Iraq rising against Sunny Muslim government of Saddam Hussein. The constitution drawn after the US invasion of Iraq manifests three parts: the area of Kurds, that of Sunny Iraqis, and that of Shiia Iraqis. Kurds were homeless people like gypsies. Sixty per cent of Kurds took refuge in Turkey, and nearly 40 per cent, in Iran, Iraq and Syria. After seizing parts of Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Syria, Kurds launched armed revolts in Turkey, Iraq and Iran to establish Kurdistan. The US is abetting Kurd revolutionaries. It made some regions secede from some African countries and is driving wedges among the people to secede from the nations concerned. Myanmar is home to more than 100 national races that have been living in unity since time immemorial. National brethren remained united and safeguarded the nation and sovereignty (independence) from the period of losing independence to the post-independence period, and in the times when the Union was on the verge of losing independence and collapse. The Federal movement to break up the Union into eight parts at the instigation of the colonialists met its end in 1962 due to the unanimous disapproval of the entire people. National brethren have managed to put an end to all the movements in which a handful of expatriates and national axe-handles tried to secede some parts from the Union as masterminded by their alien masters. The Union of Myanmar has been standing firmly with independence or sovereignty thanks to consolidated unity and Union Spirit of national brethren. So, neocolonialists then resort to other possible ways and means to disrupt the national goal of building a peaceful, modern and developed discipline-flourishing democratic nation. Today, Myanmar has enjoyed peace and stability along with development in various sectors at the unprecedented level. And it has achieved many tangible basic foundations for democratic transition. The National Convention adopted the principles. The Commission for Drafting State Constitution drafted the State Constitution (2008), which was then approved by 92.48 per cent of the voters. Multiparty democracy general elections will take place in accordance with the new constitution in 2010. Now, the people are awaiting 2010 elections to elect their representatives. Some are found active in making preparations to register their parties. The forces of national politics are persuading and encouraging politicians to give priority to national interest rather than to personality cult, attachment to the party concerned, sectarianism and dogmatism in the 2010 elections. The seven steps for transition to democracy are ongoing such as promulgation of necessary laws; registering of political parties; arrangements for elections to be held by the Election Commission for which candidates will stand; assuming charge of duties by Pyithu Hluttaw, Amyotha Hluttaw; Pyidaungsu Hluttaw, and State/Region Hluttaws in which representatives-elect will have to represent the people to exercise the legislative power; formation of governing body under the President who will have to undertake executive power; and formation of Union high courts that will have to exercise judicial power. Throughout the periods of the National Convention, and the referendum to approve the new constitution, subversive elements were resorting to a variety of means to hinder the processes. So, the entire people had to overcome the conspiracies through national unity and Union Spirit. Axe-handles and national traitors who are hurting the public interests, using beautiful word of democracy, opportunists seeking self-interests through politics and neo-colonialists are expressing their stances that they do not accept the State Constitution approved with the support of 92.48 per cent of the voters. Anti-democracy activists and lackeys of the colonialists always find faults with the State's future programmes through the radio stations under the influence of the colonialists. Turning a blind eye to achievements of nation building endeavours carried out in the interest of the State and the people, they made a spate of accusations over the efforts of the government. At present also, they aired fabricated news time and again that a group of boat Bengali Muslims who were Rohinjas from Myanmar were tortured by Myanmar and driven out by Thailand. In the late January and the early February 2009, the spokesman from UNHCR, the Washingtonbased Human Rights Watchdog, the Thai based GHRE (a) Renegade-Grassroots Human Rights Education, Amnesty International, Arakan Project (Bangkok) and Refugee International (Washington), fuelled the problem, saying that the so-called Rohinjas were subject to torture by Thai authorities and driven out of the country by Myanmar authorities. In the 30-1-2009 issue of Myanmar newspapers, it was stated that at present some foreign media were airing that some Rohinjas are attempting to enter Thailand by boat from the sea and some of them from Myanmar; and that there was no national race by the name of Rohinjas in the national races of Myanmar. Myanmar shares border with Bangladesh, India, the Peoples Republic of China, the Lao Peoples Democratic Republic and Thailand. There could be immigrants from one country to another as the border was not properly demarcated by brick or steel walls. There was no incident that the Myanmar governments of successive eras did accept renegades, expatriates and insurgents who breached the law and fled into the nation from neighbouring countries. (See page 7)

Today, Myanmar has enjoyed peace and stability along with development in various sectors at the unprecedented level. And it has achieved many tangible basic foundations for democratic transition.

8-2-09 NL

1/4/32, 6:39 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Sunday, 8 February, 2009 7

Rohinja is not Myanmar national race, nor is in Myanmar

Maung Po Hmat
(from page 6) In the time of the British government, it was found that the British brought Bengalis and Indians of India (now Pakistan, India and Bangladesh) into the nation with various intentions. There were some cases that the needy Bengalis were hired for farm works in Rakhine State where there was poor transport. Some Bengalis did not return to their natives and steadily lived in the region. In 1953 when the census was taken in the nation, Bengalis in Rakhine State forcibly asked officials concerned to officially include them in the countrys population as Rohinjas. The Myanmar Census Department refused their demand. Bengalis who had already arrived in Rakhine State harboured Bangali Muslims who illegally immigrated to the country through Buthidaung, Maungtaw and Rathedaung and abetted them in various ways. When the AFPFL was split into two, Thantshin AFPFL (then Pahtasa) granted the right to vote to Bangali Muslims in the region in order to win their ballots. Terming themselves as Rohinjas, the Bengalis were active and rose against the government to separate Buthidaung, Maungtaw and Rathedaung from the nation. During the World War II when Myanmar was under the Japanese subjugation, Bengalis in the border fled to the Bengal region. In 1945 when the British re-entered Myanmar the Bengalis stealthily crossed the Myanmar border again. At the instigation of the colonialists, the Bengali Muslims of Buthidaung and Maungtaw regions launched Mujahid armed insurgencies against the government to secede from the country in 1947. They set fire to villages of Rakhine nationals. The Bengalis who later entered the country even killed Muslims who were there early. Mujahid insurgents were taking a large number of Bengalis to Rakhine State and establishing villages for them while setting Rakhine villages on fire. At that time, the Union Government (AFPFL Government) had to face a series of attacks of various enemies as multicoloured insurgencies reigned in the nation. The British ruled Rakine State for 123 years from 1827 to 1948. During that period, Bengalis entered the nation en masse. In 1950-1951, the Myanmar Tatmadaw had to suppress Mujahid insurgents and it was able to put an end to the insurgency in 1954. Upon the request of the Myanmar government the Bangladeshi (the then East Pakistan) government arrested and jailed Kalar Karsin, the leader of Mujahid insurgents. The fifth conference of Rakhine National Unity Organization held in March 1959 passed a resolution to effectively deter the influx of East Pakistani (now Bangladeshi) nationals into Rakhine State with the help of some Muslims in the name of Myanmar citizens in Sittway, Buthidaung and Maungtaw regions. In 1960, due to canvassing for votes by Pahtasa (Thantshin AFPFL) the Bangali Muslims in Rakhine State formed the Rohinja Patriotic Front and were active again. Arab Muslims were stranded in Bengali region as their vessel crashed and got married to local Muslim (Bengali) women. Their offspring were called Rohant which was derived from Rohon, a word of Arabic. With the passage of time, they dubbed themselves as Rohinjas. As the descendents of Arab Muslims sailors from northern Africa and Bengali Muslims in Bengal region were named as Rohinjas, it is sure that they were not Myanmar nationals but Arab-Bengali Muslims who were those of mixed parentage. When the Revolutionary Council assumed the State responsibilities, steps were taken from October to December in 1966 to scrutinize and segregate Muslims who had already become Myanmar citizens from Bengali Muslims who later stealthily entered the nation under operation Kyigan. Under the operation, a large number of Bengali Muslims in Sittway, Myebon, Kyauktaw, Ponnagyun, Thandwe, Taungup, Kyeingyaung and Maungtaw regions were found to be those who illegally entered the nation. In February 1969, illegal immigrant Bengalis were scrutinized in Sittway and Kyaukphyu districts under the Myatmon operation. In 1971 when a conflict between East Pakistan (Bengal) and West Pakistan broke out over 10,000 Bengali refugees fled to Buthidaung and Maungtaw regions. Necessary measures were taken for them to be able to return to their native (Bengal) after systematic scrutiny. Starting from February 1974, illegal immigrants were scrutinized in Rakhine, Chin, Kachin and Shan states under the Sabai operation. Under the operation, it was found that there were 988 Bangladeshi citizens who illegally entered Rakhine State, 663 who breached the citizen registration act and 18,254 foreigners. Every time when operations were launched, the illegal Bengali Muslim immigrants fled to Bangladesh en masse. In 1978 when the Nagamin operation was launched those who illegally entered Rakhine State fled to their native nation. Some of those who fled to the native nation were scrutinized and accepted through the Hintha operation. In 1991-1992 when the Immigration Department scrutinized those who illegally entered Rakhine State they fled to the native nation en masse. Under the agreement of the Bangladeshi government and the Myanmar government those who met the four requirements were accepted. During 13 years from 1992 to 2005, 236,495 persons were scrutinized and accepted. The western media aired fabricated news over the matter and abetted those who illegally entered Myanmar. The US which harboured millions of expatriates and renegades from different countries was suffered severely on 11-9-2001. Therefore, it has had to tighten the immigration law. As it was vulnerable to the illegal influx of people from south Mexico, it had to set up the wall with steel fences at the border sharing with Mexico. It has to shoot the illegal immigrants to dead. Israel had to build a big wall in the west bank to deter the entry of Palestinians. Harbouring over 300,000 renegades, the US is making attempts to topple the Castro socialist government. In the time of President Clinton the US marines drove out boat people Cubans and Hispanics who attempted to enter the US. After the Vietnam war, boat people from south Vietnam fled the country. Hong Kong then belonged to the British did not accept the boat people and expelled them. Most recently, Indonesia and Australia drove out boat Muslims. It is obvious that no house owners want to accept any unscrupulous visitors. It is fair that Thailand didnt want to accept more Bengali Muslims (so-called Rohinjas) as there were Muslim insurgency in four Muslim provinces of south Thailand. In Myanmar there is no national race by the name of Rohinja. The destructive elements should be aware of the fact that the principle calling for no secession of any parts from the Union was included in the State constitution adopted by the people. (Translation: MS+TS)

In Myanmar there is no national race by the name of Rohinja.

Leprosy Elimination Day observed
NAY PYI TAW, 7 FebOrganized by the Ministry of Health, the 6th Leprosy Elimination Day Commemorative Ceremony was held at the meeting hall of the ministry here this morning, with address by Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint. It was also attended by Deputy Minister Dr Mya Oo, Vice-President of Myanmar Maternal and Child Welfare Association Daw Aye Aye and member Daw Nilar Thaw, Head of Information Department under Myanmar Womens Affairs Federation Daw Kyi Kyi Win, Head of International Relations Department Daw Myint Myint Soe, the directors-general and officials of the ministry, the medical superintendents, responsible persons of social organizations, the resident representatives of UN agencies, representatives of IMCJ, JICA and TLMI and guests. After delivering address by Minister Dr Kyaw Myint, the prize presentation ceremony followed. The minister, the deputy minister, WHO Public Health Administer Ms. Margareta Skold and Director Dr. Norihisa Ishll of International Medical Center of Japan presented prizes to winners of essay contests to mark Leprosy Elimination Day 2009. Next, educative programme on elimination of leprosy was shown and the ceremony came to an end. This years motto of Leprosy Elimination Day is Treat Early: Prevent Disability.MNA

Minister Dr Kyaw Myint addresses the 6th Leprosy Elimination Day Commemorative Ceremony.MNA

8-2-09 NL

1/4/32, 6:39 PM

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Friday, 6 February, 2009 7

Do not implicate Myanmar in irrelevant issue

Ko Myanmar
These days, foreign media are loud in their broadcasts of the news stories that Thai navy seized some Rohinjas trying to immigrate illegally into Thailand and droved them out of its soil. The broadcasts said that some of the Rohinjas were from Myanmar, and some radio stations fueled the situations, airing that the expatriates fled Myanmar out of desperation of human rights violation and discrimination against them committed by Myanmar authorities. It is clearly apparent that the issue is nothing to do with Myanmar, nor is a human rights problem. It was just a matter that took place when illegal migration of people of developing countries was coupled with the global financial crisis in the age of globalization. With a population of more than 150 million, Bangladesh is the most congested country in the world. It is a small country in size where water is scarce in summer and floods are common in the rainy season. So, it has to deal with constant battle against food supply. Many of the third class people with low incomes and less opportunity for jobs work abroad to earn money. The population of Bangladeshi people working in foreign countries is expected to be about 4.5 million, and the amount of money they remit to their country yearly is about eight billion US dollars, which is one of its main sources of earning foreign exchange. Of Bangladeshi workers in foreign countries, some are legal ones, whereas some are illegal ones. Some are working in the Middle East, and some in Southeast Asia. In Southeast Asian region, the country which is the most attractive to foreign workers is Malaysia. With a population of just over 25 million and per capita income of 15,700 US dollars, Malaysia is an economically strong country in the region. Oil palm farming is one of its lucrative businesses. Moreover, it has huge foreign investments from Japan and western countries, and enjoys industrial development. Therefore, cheap labour is in high demand in the country. Under the adverse effects triggered by the global financial crisis, Malaysian industries have to reduce expenses on productivity. So, it has to decide whether it will bring down foreign labour or salaries. Some foreign workers have to quit their jobs because they are no longer needed; and some have no choice but to return home because they cannot earn their living with the reduced salaries. So, Malaysia has to search cheap labour to fill the vacancies. The situation is attractive to Bangladeshi workers who are desperate to get any types of jobs irrespective of salary rates. The easiest way to illegally enter Malaysia that practises strict immigration laws is to go there via Ranong by sea, and then through the southern part of Thailand by land. Brokers for that sort of work are numerous. As a result, the number of illegal Bangladeshi immigrants to Malaysia through the Andaman Sea and through Thailand is getting higher in the cold season in which the sea does not see huge tidal waves and strong winds. According to the 29-1-2009 issue of the Economist Journal, Thailand had to detain about 5000 Bengalis in the last two years. The number represented just the ones who were arrested. Surely, there must have been a large number of the illegal immigrants that escaped arrests. The journal said that anarchic riots on Muslim liberation were running high in the southern part of Thailand, so Thai authorities feared that the illegal Bengali immigrants holding no document might merge with the terrorist groups of same faith in the southern part. It said that the Thai government decided to take tough action against illegal immigrants in order that such illegal immigrants from Bangladesh daren't enter Thailand in future; that Thai navy seized the boats that had entered illegally in December and held nearly 1000 immigrants captive in an island off Ranong. Some foreign media said that the outboard motors of the boats were removed and the boats carrying some bags of rice and drinking water tanks and the seized immigrants were set free in the sea. Of them, some floated to Arche island of Indonesia, and Indonesia gave them protective custody. And some reached near Andaman island of India in the early January, and Indian navy rescued them. Some victims got off into the sea just as they were close to the coast and they were drowned while swimming to the coast. That news became a hot item when it received international media coverage. The Thai Foreign Affairs Ministry announced that the illegal immigrants tried to enter the country due to financial basis. Thai Supreme Court judged that the illegal immigrants would have to leave Thailand because they illegally entered the country due to economic issues. In that regard, the root cause is economic crisis. In such a situation, those who want to trouble Myanmar politically took advantage of Rohinja issue. In like manner some who wanted to take refuge claiming political grounds and enjoy the rights of refugees, pretending themselves as Rohinjas said as though they had fled Myanmar due to Myanmar

The easiest way to illegally enter Malaysia that practises strict immigration laws is to go there via Ranong by sea, and then through the southern part of Thailand by land. Brokers for that sort of work are numerous.
authorities torture with the intention of attracting the sympathy of the international community. Daily newspapers have already stated that Rohinja is never included in the national races of Myanmar. Any government will have to keep a watchful eye to possible dangers caused by population explosion in the Bangladeshi border. India, for instance, planned to set up barbed wire fence along the border with Bangladesh to prevent illegal immigration. Myanmar governments of successive periods had to take preventive measures against illegal immigration from the other country. The census conducted in the 1960s showed unreasonable growth of population in the border areas if compared with that in the post-independence period. Accordingly, scrutinizing measures were taken, and many of the illegal immigrants fled to their native country. Under the agreements reached between Myanmar and international organizations and between Myanmar and Bangladesh, such people were received on certain conditions. Some failed to return here due to their desire, not because of Myanmars failure to receive them. According to the figures, only about 6000 have yet to return here. Here, it is very repugnant that some name all Bangalis Rohinjas and homeless refugees with the ill will of launching political attacks. There is a tale told by Venerable Monk Sangaja that says a woman was cheating on her husband. One day, her husband struck her paramour with a club to death. Then, she set the dead body against a jack fruit tree in the compound of a monastery. In fear of becoming implicated in the murder, the abbot shaved the head of the dead body and held final rites saying that a guest monk passed away. Inconsolably, the adulterer cried, claiming It was top-knot initially, but strangely changed into a shaved head just after being put against the jack fruit tree. In response, the abbot warned her, Hey, laywoman, you can say as you like, but dont mention my jack fruit tree. In like manner of the abbot in the tale, I would say do not implicate Myanmar which has nothing to do with the issue because of the economic, social and security problems of the nations concerned; it is not because of Myanmar. ***** Translation: MS

The census conducted in the 1960s showed unreasonable growth of population in the border areas if compared with that in the post-independence period.
6-2-09 NL 7 1/2/32, 5:27 PM

aMu;rHkowif;pm pmrsufESm 6


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