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Indian food is the reflection of the heritage of its people. It represents its historical development, religious beliefs, cultural practices, and above all, its geographical attributes


North most Part of India

(Highland climate), valley of Kashmir with magnificent Persian gardens and terraced lakes, brisk, cool fresh air is lured with fragrance of pine and saffron flowers. Walnuts and fruit orchards, morels and black cumin seeds grow wild, cool climate for sheep, thus lamb forms the basis of many Kashmiri dishes. Long grain rice known as Basmati grow in the foothills of the mountain

- Northern plans, irrigated by the great rivers of Indus and Gonges, with soil extreme climate variation, fierce heat (120F) to subfreezing cold with dry chilly winds, wheat, corn, millet, barley, and innumerable variety of legumes and vegetable flourish. -Man are tall and hardy and diet rich (Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh) Clarified butter used as cooking oil, goat, chicken are common Bread is primary staple of the people

On the east, plains of

Bengal where Ganges flows into the Bay of Bengal. Climate is hot and human. Both freshwater and sea fish, shellfish, coconut palms, mustard plants are common Rice is abundant. Further northeast, cool air and seasonal rains create ideal conditions for cultivating tea (Darjeeling tea)

Great Deccan plateau lined on both sides by a chain of hills known as Ghat. Poor soil, lack of irrigation restrict agriculture. Northwest of Deccan lies Gujarat, rich soil for cotton, millet, barley, legumes, and varieties of vegetables Bread is staple, vegetarian population uses lentil purees and vegetable cooked in sesame oil are common food.

PART of WEST To the northwest is Maharashtra, Goa and Malabar, tropical climate and monsoon rains, wet and humid. Rice is staple, dish (white non-oily fish called Pomfret and a small transparent fish called Bombil is sun-dried and sold as wafers), variety of shellfish (prawn, shrimp, crab, lobster, clams, and mussels), banana, palm (coconut, dates) Common food: coconut and rice cooked with fish and seafood


Cooking style
North India has the most popular and refined style of cooking. Originated from Moghuls in sixteenth century. There are Turk-Mongols by origin and Moslem by religion. They admire most culture is Persian since they are influence by it on their way to India. Moghul food: lovers of nature and food life, keen sense of beauty, and a passion for elegance. Good for meat preparations and rice pilafs, delicate flavorings and superb silk sauces (often mistaken for Persian dish). Yogurt, cream, fruit and nut betters are incorporated into the food to mellow and velvetize the sauces Mild but fragrant spices: cinnamon, cardamom, mace, nutmeg and clove; saffron (especially in rice pilafs)

Tandoori oven

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