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What is a CI ? How it works ? Why use CI ? CI Architecture How to create a CI ? Setting CI security Testing a CI Sample PeopleCode Building APIs Runtime considerations

What is a Component Interface ?

Used to integrate PeopleSoft with another PeopleSoft application or with external systems

How does a CI work ?

Enables exposure of a PeopleSoft component for synchronous access from another application ( PeopleCode, Java, C/C++, COM, or XML) Black boxes" that encapsulate PeopleSoft data and business processes, and hide the details of the underlying page and data

Why use CI ?
Loading data using CI mimicsonline data entry The data entered confirms to all PeopleSoft online validations and edits

CI Architecture
Component Component interfaces Component interface API

CI Architecture

How to create a CI ?
CI is a PeopleSoft definition that can be created in PeopleSoft Application Designer

Creating a new CI definition

File -> New -> Component Interface Prompts for the component name on which this CI defn. will be based CI properties may/may not be based on the default properties of the underlying component Standard methods Cancel, Find, Get, and Save - automatically created. Create method - available only if the underlying component supports the Add mode

Comparing CI & Component


Component (Search record) Search key fields Search key fields & Alternate Search key fields Physical key (provided the component has add-mode permissions)

Get keys Find keys Create keys

CI Definitions and Views


A function that performs a specific task on a component interface at runtime Standard methods - Find, Get, Save, and Cancel methods The Create method for components that have the Add action enabled User-defined methods - Functions that are made accessible through the component interface. Each function maps to a user-defined method

Properties and Collections

Properties - fields Collections - Scroll Standard properties InteractiveMode, GetHistoryItems, and EditHistoryItems

Enabling and Disabling Standard Methods

Creating User-Defined Methods

Setting Component Interface Security

Open the Permission list Component Interface

Validating the Component Interface

Validation ensures that a component interface definition has not deviated from its source component To validate a component interface Open the component interface in Application Designer Select Tools, Validate for Consistency Keys that no longer synchronize with their associated components are marked with an X icon

Test in interactive mode. Retrieve history items. Test the standard, custom, and collection methods.

Testing the Component Interface

Component Interface Tester

Testing the Component Interface

Programming CI in PeopleCode
Generating a PeopleCode Template

Open the desired component interface definition in Application Designer. Insert the component interface into a project. Save the project. Open the PeopleCode editor. You can associate component interface PeopleCode with a record, a component, an application message, or Application Engine. Select the component interface from the project workspace. Drag and drop the object from the project into the PeopleCode editor. Make any necessary changes to the PeopleCode in the PeopleCode editor window.

Generate PeopleCode template for CI

Sample PeopleCode template &oSession = %Session;

&oSession.PSMessagesMode = 1; &oHcompinterface = &oSession.GetCompIntfc(CompIntfc.HCOMPINTERFACE); If &oHcompinterface = Null Then errorHandler(); Exit; End-If; &oHcompinterface.InteractiveMode = False; &oHcompinterface.GetHistoryItems = True; &oHcompinterface.EditHistoryItems = False; If Not &oHcompinterface.Get() Then errorHandler(); Exit; End-If; rem <*> = &oHcompinterface.EMPLID; rem &oHcompinterface.EMPLID = <*>; rem <*> = &oHcompinterface.NAME; rem &oHcompinterface.NAME = <*>;

Sample PeopleCode template= rem &oHskillsetCollection

&oHcompinterface.HSKILLSET; rem For &<*> = 1 To &oHskillsetCollection.Count rem &oHskillset = &oHskillsetCollection.Item(&<*>); rem <*> = &oHskillset.HSKILLSET; rem &oHskillset.HSKILLSET = <*>; rem <*> = &oHskillset.RATING_SCALE; rem &oHskillset.RATING_SCALE = <*>; rem End-For;

/*If Not &oHcompinterface.Save() Then errorHandler(); Exit; End-If;*/ /*If Not &oHcompinterface.Cancel() Then errorHandler(); Exit; End-If;*/

Building APIs for C++ ,Java, COM

To build the component interface bindings
Open any component interface definition in Application Designer. Select Build, PeopleSoft APIs.

Runtime Considerations
Win Message() is unavailable -> Use MsgGet() function Email From a Component Interface To use a component interface to send email, use TriggerBusinessEvent PeopleCode event, not Send Mail.

Runtime Considerations Infinite Processing Loops

A component interface should not call itself in any of the PeopleCode included within its component definition which may result in an infinite loop A component interface also should not call itself from a user-defined method

Multiple Instances of a Component Interface Because of potential memory conflicts, COM or C++ applications shouldnt create multiple, simultaneous instances of the same component interface, either within a single procedure, or in both a parent and a child procedure.

CI is a powerful integration tool Exposes a PS component for access from other third party applications (Java, C++,COM) Data load using CI mimics online data entry

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