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By: Ar. Shubhi Sonal, Asst. Prof., School of Architecture, MSRIT, Bangalore

All Form Is Matter

Einsteins famous formula E=mc^2 very clearly defines all matter in terms of energy.

Every mass present in this universe can be associated with certain forms or levels of energy.


1. 2. 3.

What are earth energies? Do the earth energies affect us? How and in what measure do the earth energies affect us? Can we define and quantify their effects? Is it necessary to consider earth energies while designing buildings? How can an architect deal with the earth energies?




Earth energy is a general term being used to describe all energy fields which are present on the earth and hence affect the inhabitants of earth. These energies may be sourced into the earth or maybe present on the surface of the earth.
bioelectromagnetic radiations

geomagnetic energy

terrestrial electric fields

external electromagnetic fields



BIO ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS- The Natural Fields of Earth Radiations have the property of both electrical and magnetic fields differ in their width, intensity and internal distances There are three main grids which have been found to be important to man and are associated with very high energies. These grids are called major, principal and normal. intensity of the BEM grids in the Indian subcontinent is not consistent throughout the day and the year. There are cyclic variations but these have a fixed pattern, and these patterns exactly match the concept of kaal and ghadi in India The concept of bramhamuhurta , an extraordinarily auspicious time, is related to sudden , very high positive intensities of the BEM telluric grids between the period 0222 to 0500 hours every day. Similarly the hour after sunset, sandhya is related to high positive intensities of these grids.



BIO ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS- The Natural Fields of Earth Radiations

MAJOR: these grid lines have a distance of 16-20 m between them and are
associated with total 12 line of intensity. PRINCIPAL: the grid lines are 10-12m apart and have intensity of 10 counts. NORMAL: the lines are 5-6m apart and are associated with single intensity implying that there are no intensity lines in the area within the grid.



BIO ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS- The Natural Fields of Earth Radiations Hartmann Grid and Currie Lines According to the researches of Dr Hartmann the geomagnetic field is composed of active and neutral zones, the active areas being lines 21cm wide

with the neutral zone lying between the lines. These lines form a North - South and East - West grid, they are about 2.0m apart on the North - South axis and 2.5m apart on the East - West axis in the temperate zone. The Currie grid or the first diagonal is at diagonals to the cardinal directions and are known to be helpful for the growth of the cell. These lines were first discovered by Dr. Manfred Curry .



BIO ELECTROMAGNETIC RADIATIONS- The Natural Fields of Earth Radiations

Researchers have attributed the presence of this grid lines to various reasons. Some of the possible causes are: They could have been produced due to the electrical currents produced by moving mass in the core of the earth which is in molten state. According to K.Endrus, these are microwave radiations produced by neutrons, which originates in the process of radioactive decomposition in the earths crust and then changes into a microwave radiation underground. When these waves work together they form the natural radiation field of our living space.



GEOMAGNETISM Earths magnetism is due to the fact that it has an iron-nickel core. Both iron and nickel are good conductors of electricity. in this core, due to high temperature gradient, strong convection motion is set up, which when superimposed on the daily rotation of the earth, can form an ideal dynamo- an electrical conductor moving in a magnetic field will generate a flowing current and in consequence an associated magnetic field. Over the surface of the earth, the geomagnetic field varies from the vertical field strength of the geomagnetic poles of 0.63 Gauss (63999Nt) TO 0.36 Gauss directed horizontally at the equator. The average field strength is known to be 0.5 Gauss.



GEOMAGNETISM The natural earth magnetic field is an important orientation factor for all living beings. Many migratory birds and animals such as dolphins and bees use it to orient themselves. It has been scientifically proven that earths magnetic fields can be seen by migratory birds, as they have proteins sensitive to magnetism in their retina cells. We have been living in this natural field for millions of years. Hence it is obvious that every biological process, every cell is oriented to this magnetic field. Some scientists are of the opinion that since we have iron in our blood (as a component of haemoglobin), we are liable to get magnetized. Each iron particle would then act as a small compass needle and react to the unnatural external magnetic fields.




Research has shown that sleeping positions effect the pineal gland in the head, which is a magneto sensible gland effecting the secretion of melatonin. A very common way of distorting the natural magnetic field is by sleeping on a spring mattress, which may have many little metal springs inside them. By simply going over such a mattress with a compass one can observe if a distortion of the earths magnetic fields exists.
Another reason can be the reinforcement in the concrete floor or the wall. Normally such an anomaly reduces with a distance of 20-60cms.

Evidently, it is better when man as a micro magnet lies in harmony with the earth as a macro magnet.



EXTERNAL ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS Human advances in the field of science and technology has led to the advent electrical equipments and instruments in our lives. Electromagnetic fields are generated in our environment due to these modern electrical instruments which surround us all the time. It has been found that a person walking on the beach or in the forests will have a body voltage in the range of 20 mill volts. Heated waterbeds and electric blankets raise the body voltage to as high as 87000 mill volts. Similarly the CAT scan machine, though immensely useful in disease diagnosis can itself cause harm as it emits a strong magnetic field of the order of 2 Tesla. Doctors affirm that at least two hours after such a CAT scan, it is not possible to get a normal ECG of the brain.



Upto 300 Hz extremely low (ELF) / voice frequency (VF) 3 kilohertz (kHz) to 300 kHz 3 megahertz (MHz) to 300 MHz 3 gigahertz (GHz) to 300 GHz terahertz (THz) band

Earths natural electromagnetic fields and all biological systems heating, radio-telegraphy and medium-wave broadcasting radio frequency and VHF broadcasting

satellite and military purposes, TV broadcasting, hi-tech medicine, mobile phone transmission and microwave ovens infrared light, visible light (the colours red, yellow, green, blue, violet), ultraviolet (UV) light, X-ray and gamma ray frequencies



Due to the virtue of the fact that we live on the earth, build our homes on the earth and are constantly associated with the earth, the earth energies are bound to affect us. Hence on a very rational level it can be concluded that the earth energies are bound to affect us.


Geopathic stress may be defined as "a geomagnetic disturbance which is geographically localized and which disrupts the homeostatic mechanisms of the sensitive patient." The word 'geopathic' is derived from two Greek words: geo, meaning 'of the earth' and pathos, meaning 'suffering' or 'disease'. Geopathic stress is the general term used for energies emanating from the earth which may cause ill health in human beings. The relatively new art and science of Geobiology strives to analyze age old building traditions and to support them with recent discoveries of science. It tries to understand the relationships between the local environment and the health of living organisms integrating the studies and discoveries of many specialized scientific subjects such as astrophysics, geophysics, geology, hydrology, biology, electronics, architecture and traditions both local and collective. Electro biology is a relatively new field which takes into account the plausible risks due to electricity in our vicinity. The subject concerns itself with the electromagnetic radiations generated by external sources such as high voltage transmission lines, x ray machines etc.



In 1928, Von Pohl studied the high incidence of cancer in Bilbiburg, Bavaria. He showed that dwellings where cancer deaths had taken place were located over malign veins and even claimed to be able to both predict the room and position of the bed used by the cancer patients. The effect of geopathic radiation on biological organisms became the subject of a Polish state financed central research programme co-ordinated by the Polytechnic in Szczecin (Stettin) which addressed the harmful effects of subterranean water veins and global grids to explore if there was a relationship with the position of the beds of patients who had died of cancer. At one hospital, a patients bed was located over the crossing of interference zones where tests identified a steep rise in the magnetic field. After removal of the spring mattress and iron bed frame with wire netting, the magnetic radiation was reduced by one sixth. The results, published in 1989, formed the basis of new guidelines for Polish town planners, architects and construction engineers.


In 1997, at the Ninth International Montreux Congress on the changing electromagnetic environment, Dr. Adey, referred to power-line magnetic fields and extremely low frequency and electromagnetic fields. He claimed there his findings were significant in four areas: 1. The effect of electromagnetic fields impedes the functioning of the immune system and in particular reduces the white blood cells. 2. correlation between abnormal foetal development and miscarriages with electrical blankets and other appliances such as home heating or night storage heater systems.

3. effect on control and regulation of cell growth.

4. The effect on the central nervous system and brain controlling the hormonal mechanisms.


Recent studies by US researchers Dr Henry Lai and Dr. Narendra Singh found genetic damage done to the DNA of rat's brain cells due to magnetic fields. Lai and Singh propose that magnetic fields initiate an iron-dependent process that generates free radicals and leads to cell death. Different types of cells respond differently. "Cells with high rates of iron intake, eg proliferating cells, cells infected by virus and cells with high metabolic rates such as brain cells, would be more susceptible to the effects of magnetic fields. Studies carried out between 1950-73 in the Denver region of USA, have shown that approximately double the number of expected cases of leukaemia, cancer in the lymphonodes and tumors in the nervous system was observed in children who lived near high tension wires. In a similar study by Wertheimer and Leeper conducted between 1967-77, a similar connection between living near high tension lines and cancer was observed.


A study was carried out to evaluate the effect of Geopathic stress on blood pressure and heart rate. The results were published in , Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 1 (Jan 2010) .

The common effects of geopathic stress zone observed includes feeling run-down and exhausted, depression, nervousness, headaches, tingling in arms and legs etc. depending upon age group.

effect of geopathic stress on blood pressure and heart rate. Source: N.P.Dharmadhikari, Effect of geopathic stress on human heart rate and blood pressure, Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 3 No. 1 (Jan 2010) ISSN: 0974- 6846

As a result, different retardation of immune system and other organ may occur. Though GS doesnt cause any serious illness, it can be predicted that it may lower immune system and ones ability to fight off infections.


International EMF project by the world health organization: The project reviewed the health implications of high static field exposure and highlighted the importance of public health protection for medical staff and patients (particularly children and pregnant women) and workers in industries producing high field magnets (Environmental Health Criteria, 2006). WHO has also released handbook titled Establishing a dialogue on risks from electromagnetic fields, which discusses the risk due to electromagnetic radiations. In 2001, an expert scientific working group of whose International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) reviewed studies related to the carcinogenicity of static and extremely low frequency (ELF) electric and magnetic fields. Using the standard IARC classification that weighs human, animal and laboratory evidence, extremely low frequency magnetic fields were classified as possibly carcinogenic to humans based on epidemiological studies of childhood leukaemia.




It can be concluded that in most cases no single factor can be pointed out as a cause of disease. The fields existing in our environment and acting upon us are thus to be seen as one of the factors which influence the adaptive capacity of a living organism.


What capabilities/ knowledge must a good architect have? The building master should be able to convey himself through written works, should be well versed in the tools of designing, should be knowledgeable in the tools of geometry, should have heard diligent philosophers, and should be acquainted with astronomy and the laws of the omens in the skies. -Vitruvius

How can an architect deal with the earth energies?

electromagnetic radiations generated by external sources

natural electromagnetic radiations which are generated by the earth


How to deal with electromagnetic radiations generated by external sources These sources include, high tension overhead lines, electrical equipments, faraday cage generated by the jungle of reinforced concrete all around us etc. The medical evidences presented earlier, show that it would be of utmost importance to consider the location of a house or residential/office areas under a high tension line. (380kv-110kv). Overhead transmission lines which bring electricity directly to the roof should be definitely avoided. Technically faultless as well as properly earthed electrical installations are preferable.

While designing the electrical layout of individual rooms it should be considered that electrical wiring, sockets and appliances, where possible should be grouped together and not scattered throughout the room. This is especially important for rooms like the bedroom where one is likely to spend a lot of time.


How to deal with natural electromagnetic radiations which are generated by the earth These will include the bioelectromagnetic radiations, radiations due to underground water streams, earths magnetic field etc. Before selecting a building site, it would be advisable to check for magnetic anomalies due to the geological structure of the earth there. During the planning stage in construction of new buildings, the geopathy phenomenon should be taken into account, so as to consciously design and construct buildings and rooms in a manner that, in areas where people will stay for longer periods of time, geopathic exposure should be as low as possible. Within existing rooms, often a relatively little adjustment of beds and often used seats may contribute to better living quality and health (bedrooms / beds, offices / desk seats, living rooms / television seating; hospitals / sickrooms, surgical theatres, etc.).


Taking the earth energies as a design consideration is ultimately left to the architects discretion.
But, we can safely conclude that a space which responds to the energy fields around us will be in greater harmony with its surroundings and nature. the science of architecture has developed and evolved to cater to human needs of shelter and safety. In the end, nature is our yardstick. The more we live in harmony with nature, the more beneficial it is to our environment, our mental and physical health.

Whether people are actually conscious or not, they derive countenance and sustenance from the atmosphere of the thing they live in or with. Frank Lloyd Wright


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