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Volume of liquid column, V=Ah Mass of liquid column, m=pV =Ahp Weight of liquid column, W=mg =Ahpg Pressure, P = Weight of liquid column Area of the base of liquid column =W A =Ahpg A P=hpg


Pressure in liquid
acts in all directions increases with depth is independent of the size and shape of the container.

Relationship between depth and pressure in liquid

Liquid exert pressure due to their own weight. Example: There are 3 hole of different depths. Hole P is the highest while, hole Q and S follows. Water streams come out through every hole on the tin. This means that the water in the tins exerts pressure in all directions. In all the holes, water stream that comes out of the lowest hole reaches the farthest. This shows that the pressure exerted but a liquid increases with depth. This stream that come out of hole P is the lowest.




Relationship of density and pressure in liquid

Pressure in a liquid can be measured by using a manometer. Figure below shows the manometer funnel placed at the same depths in 3 beakers, each containing water, salt solution and alcohol respectively. The pressure is the highest in salt solution and the lowest in alcohol. As salt solution has the highest density while alcohol has the lowest, we can say that pressure is dependent on the density of the liquid. The higher the density of a liquid, the higher the pressure. This is because a liquid with a higher density has a higher mass in a unit volume and thus exerts a higher pressure due to its weight.

Public Water Supply System

Dams and reservoir are placed in higher location, so that the water will have sufficient pressure to flow to consumers at lower levels. The pressure between the flowing water and our water tank is called water pressure.

Transfer of saline solution to patients

Intravenous infusion is when saline solution are infused into your blood stream. Saline bags/bottles are placed at an elevated position in order for there to be enough pressure to flow into our veins.





A boy swims at a depth of 1.5m in a swimming pool. Calculate the pressure of water experienced by the boy while swimming at that depth. [density of water = 1x106^3 kg m^-3] The density of oil is 900 kg m^-3. the pressure exerted by the oil at a height of 30 cm is? When the height of liquid x is 10 cm and the height of liquid y is 20cm, the distance of the liquid spurt for the two liquids are equal. [density of liquid x = 1.5g cm^-3] the pressure of sea water at the sea bed is 1.1x10^8 N m^2. Calculate the depth of the sea. [density of water = 1.02x10^3 kg m^-3] If the height of P from the bottom of a beaker is 8cm and the height of Q from the bottom of the same beaker is 10cm, at which point is there more pressure?

ANSWERS!! :D (prepared by Pak Cheng Theng)

1. p = 1000(1.5)(10) p = 15000Pa 2. p = hg p = 900(0.3)(10) p = 2700 N m^-2 3. 10(10) = 10(20) liquid x = 1.5g cm^-3 liquid y = 1.5 /2 = 0.75g cm^-3 4. 1.1 x 10^8 = (1.02 x 10^3)(h)(10) = 1.02 x 10^4(h) 5. ans : P because the depth of P is deeper.

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