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Prof. Dr. Zeynep Szen


Bir projenin uygulanmas srasnda kontratta zerinde mutabakata varlm sre eitli nedenlerle uzayabilir. Bu nedenler arasnda u faktrler saylabilir:
Yklenicinin ii kontrat ve eklerine gre yerine getirememesi;

verenin veya malsahibinin/ya da temsilcilerinin neden verdii gecikmeler;

ki tarafn da hatasndan ve kusurundan kaynaklanmayan faktrler; ki tarafn da hatasndan ve kusurundan kaynaklanan faktrler.


Nedenleri ne olursa olsun, gecikmeler, proje sresinde ve maliyetinde deiikliklere yol aarlar. Uyumazlklar, genellikle ek sre ve ek maliyetlerin hangi tarafa karlanmas gerektii hususunda kar. Uyumazlk kmas durumunda bavurulacak ilk merci,szlemenin kendisidir. Szkonusu durumla ilgili ak bir madde varsa, uyumazlk bu maddenin vazettii ekilde zmlenir.


Bu derste szlemelerde genellikle gecikmelere neden olan maddelere ve gecikmelerle ilgili uygulamalara arlk vereceiz.

Gecikmelerle ilgili maddeler

Hemen her szlemede , zerinde mutabakata varlan bir srenin almas durumunda uygulanacak yaptrmlarla ilgili bir veya birka madde bulunur.
Baz szlemelerde bu madde ceza art olarak anlr. FIDIC'in yeni edisyonlarnda , yklenicinin sre am nedeniyle demesi gereken miktar gecikme tazminat olarak adlandrlmtr.

Gecikme tazminat(szleme cezas veya cezai art)


olarak kararlatrlm bir tazminattr. Cezai art olarak adlandrlmasnn nedeni borcunu yerine getirmeyen borlu zerinde bir ceza etkisi yapmasdr. Aslnda ceza deil, bir tazminattr.

Gecikme tazminat

szlemede zerinde anlamaya varlm olan teslim gnnn geilmesiyle kendiliinden ilemeye balar. Bu gecikme cezasnn ilemesi iin iverenin (malsahibinin) gecikme nedeniyle zarara uram olmas gerekmez

rnek maddeler

Mukavelenin imzalandnn dare tarafndan Mteahhidin kendisine veya tebligat iin gsterdii adrese tebli tarihinden itibaren 5 gn iinde yer teslimi yaplarak ie balayacak ve mterek bir zabtla tesbit edilecektir. Mteahhit taahhdn 3. maddede anlan srede tamamlayp geici kabule hazr hale getirecektir. Aksi takdirde Mteahhit, ihale bedelinin onbinde (%003) TL tutarnda gecikme cezas deyecektir.

rnek maddeler

veren tarafndan tebli edilen Programnda ngrlen srelere uymad ve geciktii takdirde, geciktii her gn iin 500 USD/gn gecikme cezas TAARONun hakedi alacandan kesilir. Bu ceza, iin eksik kalan miktarnn %20sini geemez.

Gecikme tazminat

urad zarar ispatlamak yknden kurtulmutur. Cezai artn denmesi iin malsahibinin belirli bir zarara uramas gerekmez. Taraflar cezann miktarn tayinde serbesttirler. Ancak kararlatrlan ceza fahi ise, hakim fahi grd cezay indirebilir.

rnek maddeler

Mteahhit, Szlemenin imzalanmasndan sonra bu Szlemenin 5. ve 7. maddesinde gsterilen sreler iinde ie balamad veya sresi iinde ii bitirmedii takdirde her geen gn iin ihale bedelinin binde biri kadar gecikme cezas der. Bu gecikme 30 gn geerse, veren geciken her gn iin bu cezay alarak beklemekte veya Szlemeyi feshederek ii tasfiye etmekte serbesttir.

rnek maddeler

FIDIC Krmz Kitap: M.8.7 : Gecikme Tazminat

Yklenici alt madde 8.2'ye (Tamamlama Sresi), Yklenici alt madde 2.5'e (verenin Haklar) gre bu kusurdan dolay verene gecikme tazminat deyecektir.

Kabul edilebilir gecikmeler

Bir gecikmenin kabul edilebilir nitelikte olup olmamas kritere gre deerlendirilir: 1. Gecikmeye neden olan faktr yklenici tarafndan ngrlebilir miydi? 2. Gecikmeye neden olan faktr yklenicinin denetiminde miydi? 3. Gecikmeye neden olan faktr yklenicinin kusuru ya da ihmalinden mi kaynaklanyordu?

Kamu hale Szlemeleri Kanununa gre mcbir sebepler

Doal afetler
Kanuni grev

Genel salgn hastalk

Ksmi veya genel seferberlik hali Gerektiinde Kurum tarafndan belirlenebilecek benzeri dier haller

Gerek Zarar

Gecikme Tazminatyla farklar


zarar, bir szlemenin salad menfaatten mahrum olma dolaysyla uranan zarardr. Alacakl, malvarlnda ifann meydana getirecei fazlalktan mahrum olmaktadr Baka bir deyile beklenen bir kazantan mahrum olmas szkonusu olabili

veren tarafndan talep edilebilecek zarar


maliyetleri: Projenin finansman maliyeti zerinden faiz Genel giderler: Baka bir binann kiralanmas, stma, elektrik masraflar Denetim/Gzetim masraflar: in uzamasndan dolay katlanlan denetim ve gzetim masraflar

veren tarafndan talep edilebilecek zarar

rnekler: Gelir kayb(Sat kayplar, kpr gei cretleri...)

Tanma masraflar Malzeme fiyat artlar

Tazminatn belirlenmesi

amac, zarardan nceki durumu yeniden kurmaktr. Kural olarak zarara sebep olan taraf aynen tazminle ykmldr.,Baka bir deyile zarara sebep olan taraf, eski hali iade etmelidir.

Tazminatn belirlenmesi

eski halin iadesi pratikte mmkn olmayabilir. Bu nedenle tazminat, genellikle uranlan zararn para karl olarak belirlenir.

veren tarafndan talep edilebilecek zarar


maliyetleri:gecikme sresi iinde binann getirebilecei kira miktar Binann kiralk bir mlk olmamas durumunda (nkleer tesis, tnel, altyap) kullanlamamasndan doan zarar


domas iin zararla kusurlu fiiller arasnda illiyet bulunmas gerekir. Bu nedensel bir iliki ya da balant anlamna gelir.

rnek maddeler

A claim for delay will arise where Network and Carrier have agreed upon prearranged pick-up and/or delivery times and Carrier does no arrive within two (2) hours of the prearranged pickup or delivery time. The extent of the Carriers liability for delay claims shall be reimbursement of the actual labor cost of the crew if idle or the actual rental time of equipment if idle. Claim for reimbursement shall be made to the Carrier in writing at its principal place of business. The claim shall include the Networks shipment number, origin and destination, shipment date, a copy of paid invoice and/or work order from the company providing the crew and/or equipment, and
explanation of details. Carrier shall pay valid claims within 30 day

rnek maddeler

The liability, if any, of Carrier for loss of, damage to, or delay in the delivery of checked or unchecked baggage and/or its contents, with the exception of wheelchairs, mobility aids, and assistive devices used by an individual with a disability is limited to the proven amount of damage or loss, but in no event shall be greater than Two Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars ($2,800.00) Domestic or International per fare-paying passenger. Carrier will compensate the passenger for reasonable, documented damages incurred as a result of the loss of, damage to, or delayed delivery of such baggage up to the limit of liability or declared valuation, whichever is higher, provided the passenger has exercised reasonable effort to minimize the amount of damage. Actual value for reimbursement of lost or damaged property shall be determined by the documented original purchase price less depreciation for prior usage.


so if one pays a flooring company $2,468 to install a floor, but to no avail, and pays another contractor $1,311 to put in the correct floor, does the plaintiff get to recover $3,779 ($2,468 plus $1,311)? The Missouri Court of Appeal said NO...the correct measure of damages was $1,311 because the defendant restored the improperly installed floor, apparently back to its original the defendant only need paid for the new floor at $1,311. /index.html..

Dolayl zarar

ounda dolayl zararn tazminin yolu kapatlmtr Dolayl zararlar nelerdir? kayb Prestij kayb Ynetim ve alanlarn retkenlik kayb Pazar kayb (pazar pay kayb) Frsat kayb Kar kayb

Dolayl zararlar:Perini davas

1992 ylnda New York ta Perini irketi Greate Bay Hotel ve Casinonun aleyhine at davada 14,500,000 dolar demeye mahkum oldu. Bu miktar , kumarhanenin kr kayb karl olarak belirlenmiti.(Szleme bedeli, 24,000,000 dolard) Bu tarihi dava, AIAnin 1997 ylnda A201 Genel Koullarna karlkl feragat maddeleri yerletirmesine yol at.


X. Consequential Damages
Under the Contract, the terms "Consequential Loss" or "Consequential Damages" shall mean: consequential or indirect loss under English law; or loss and/or deferral of production, loss of product, loss of use, loss of revenue, profit or anticipated profit (if any), in each case whether direct or indirect to the extent that these are not included in (i), and whether or not foreseeable at the Effective Date.


. In no event, and notwithstanding any provision to the contrary elsewhere in the Contract, and except to the extent of any agreed Liquidated Damages or rates for delays (including without limitation any predetermined termination fees) provided for in the Contract, shall either Party be liable to the other Party, whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise, for any special, indirect, incidental or Consequential Loss or Consequential Damages of any kind or nature whatsoever





Article XV Waiver of Consequential Damages. In no event shall Seller [contractor] be liable to [owner] whether in contract, warranty, tort (including negligence or strict liability) or otherwise for any special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind or nature whatsoever


Section 4.3.10 of AIA Document A201-1997 waives the following consequential damages by both the Owner and the Contractor:
.1 damages incurred by the Owner for rental expenses, for losses of use, income, profit, financing, business and reputation, and for loss of management or employee productivity or of the services of such persons; and

.2 damages incurred by the Contractor for principal office expenses including the compensation of personnel stationed there, for losses of financing, business and reputation, and for loss of profit except anticipated profit arising directly from the Work


The owner hereby waives any form of consequential or indirect damages. Such prohibited damages include, but are not limited to, lost rent or revenue; rental payments for temporary offices; increased costs of administration or supervision; costs or delays suffered by others unable to commence work or provide services as previously scheduled, for which a party to this contract may be liable; increased costs of borrowing funds devoted to the project; delays in selling all or part of the project upon completion; termination, postponement, or other revision to agreements to lease or buy all or part of the project, whether or not suffered before completion of services or work; forfeited bonds, deposits or other monetary costs or penalties due to delay of the project; increased taxes (federal, state, local, or international) due to delay or re-characterization of the project; lost tax credits or deductions due to delay; impairment of security; or any other indirect loss arising from the conduct of the parties to this contract."


"The contractor hereby waives any form of consequential or indirect damages, as such damages. Such prohibited damages include, but are not limited to, lost profits, home office overhead or any form of overhead not directly incurred at the project site; wage or salary increases; ripple or delay damages; loss of productivity; increased cost of funds for the project; extended capital costs; lost opportunity to work on other projects; inflation costs of labor, material, or equipment; non-availability of labor, material, or equipment due to delays; increased cost of bonding due to delay; or any other indirect loss arising from the conduct of the parties to this contract."

rnek olay

The design-builder defended by pointing to its clause in the contract, which stated: in no event shall [design-builder] be liable for any compensatory or consequential damage in connection with the installation, use, or failure of the facility.
This clause looks good for the builder, doesnt it? In spite of this waiver, however, the court ruled in favor of the owner and required the design-builder to pay substantial consequential damages. How could this be? Because waivers of consequential damages are not as simple as they appear to be, thats how. The court determined that the waiver clause did protect the contractor against damages for faulty construction and installation, but not for faulty design. Since the owners claim was based on faulty design, the waiver didnt apply and the owner could exercise its full remedies against the design-builder.

rnek olay

The answer to all these questions is no. Design-builders should take one simple lesson from this case: an ounce of contract language prevention is worth a pound of litigation cure. Design-builders should recognize that waivers of consequential damages are much more difficult to negotiate in design-build contracts than in traditional owner/contractor construction contracts, especially when theyre dealing with well counseled owners. If designbuilders are able to negotiate a consequential damages waiver, they should make sure it says what they intend it to mean. Thats the job of the design-builders legal counsel, who should have experience in the construction industry and construction contract =1211


Aadaki gecikmelerin hangileri genel ilkeler asndan kabul edilebilir niteliktedir?

Mhendis tarafndan deiiklik talimatnn geciktirilmesi Frtnann maddi hasara yol amas

Alt yklenicilerin neden olduu gecikmeler

Sahaya ulamn yerel ynetim tarafndan engellemesi


Mhendisin hatal aplikasyon vermesi Bitmi bir iin stnn atrlp, yklenicinin kusurunun bulunamamas



KYY ile uyumazllarn zmne rnekler

Aada, i programlar KYY ile yaplm inaat projelerinde sre uzatm ile ilgili uyumazlklarn zmne gerek rnekler sunulmaktadr.


Taraflardan biri 28 gn iinde itiraz bildirirse, karar bir arbitrator tarafndan revize edilinceye kadar geerlilik tar.

Kaynak: Thomas, Reg, Construction Contract Claims,2nd edition, Palgrave, 2001 .

ekil listesi
Fig. 5.2, s.98

Fig. 5.3, s.99

Fig.5.4, s.100 Fig. 5.5, s.102

Fig. 5.7 , s.105

Fig. 5.8, s. 107 Fig. 5.9, s.108


Szlemenin, kullanlacak sre programyla ilgili maddesinin ak olmasnda yarar vardr: rnek mulak madde: The contractor shall complete the work so as to give beneficial occupancy and use to the owner in accordance with a schedule which best suits the owner's requirements and which shall be mutually agreed upon prior to the start of construction


The schedule shall show the order in which the contractor proposes to carry on the work, the dates on which he will start the several salient features (including procurement of materials, plant and equipment) and the contemplated days for completing same

lgili maddenin akl

Yukardaki maddelerde ebeke tekniklerinin kullanlp kullanlmayaca belli deildir. Program kimin yapaca belli deildir. Gecikmelerde ne gibi bir uygulama yaplaca belli deildir.


Schedule 3.1 The CM/GC in consultation with the Designer shall prepare, provide, and maintain appropriately detailed preconstruction phase Critical Path Method (CPM) schedules utilizing the same standard software that will later be used to develop the Project Construction Schedule. 3.2 The Project schedule shall be sufficiently detailed to allow for a realistic projection of design activity sequences and durations. Updated schedules will be required at the end of each Design phase established by the contract between the Owner and the Designer,and after major value analysis decisions.


The contractor is required to demonstrate that the delay occurred to an activity or activities on the critical path of the then current Contract Program (GC21/madde 54.1.4)


Within thirty (30) days from the execution of the Master Contract, the CM/GC is to establish a detailed CPM schedule of the pre-construction phase with the concurrence of the Owner and the Designer. The CM/GC is responsible to monitor this schedule during the pre-construction/design phases, and advise the Owner of any deficiencies in adhering to this schedule by any party


Dokmantasyon ve arivleme, hem yklenici, hem de malsahibi asndan byk nem tamaktadr Szlemenin Sre uzatm maddesi , bir Program zel artnamesiyle btnletirilmelidir.

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