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By Sabharish



Petroleum reservoir is a porous medium of hydrocarbons.


To predict the future performance of the reservoir To find ways to optimize the recovery of some hydrocarbons under various operating conditions


Analogical methods They utilize features of mature reservoirs that are similar to the target reservoir and we attempt to forecast the target reservoir based on this. Experimental methods Measure physical props. Like pressure, saturation etc. in a lab core and scale it up. Mathematical methods Use model equations to forecast reservoir performance


Widely used in the petroleum industry They include Material balance Decline curve Statistical Analytical


Based on mass conservation. = .


General decline curve form


Where C = decline rate parameter


q = production rate T = time b=0 Exponential 0 < b < 1 Hyperbolic b = 1 harmonic declines

Assumption All process occurring in the past will continue in future A proper form eqn. is chosen based on historical prodn. Data. Parameters C and b are such that it minimizes the error in matching historical data. The eqn. generated is extrapolated for future predictions.


Empirical correlations that are statistically obtained using the past performance of other reservoirs to forecast the performance of others. Correlation is developed with data from mature reservoirs in the same region, with same lithology, and under same operating conditions. To be confident, the properties must be within the limit of regression database used to develop model. Errors can be as high as 20-50%


Some types of analytical methods Pressure-transient Buckley-Leverett Model consists of set of differential equations that describe the flow and transport of fluids in a petro reservoir, together with initial and boundary conditions. Assumptions like ignoring gravity and capillarity are used in Buckley-Leverett to reduce the complexity.


They are often used to determine how various parameters influence reservoir performance Used to validate reservoir simulators


Used to obtain accurate performance predictions for a hydrocarbon reservoir under different operating conditions. Used to predict the feasibility of undertaking a reservoir project. Performing simulation gives us confidence in pursuing the project which usually involves very high investment. Risk such as complexity of hydrocarbon recovery, petro reservoir must be assessed and minimized.


Physical Model

Computer Algorithm

Mathematical model

Numerical method



Porosity: Total Includes both interconnected and isolated porosity Effective Includes only interconnected porosity. Only interconnected pores store/transmit fluids Generally varies form 0.1 to 0.25.


Homogeneous Property independent of reservoir location

Heterogeneous Property dependent of reservoir location


Capacity of a rock to conduct fluids through its pores. Dictates connectivity and fluid flow Generally permeability as porosity Varies with location and even at a location varies with flow direction


Normally = 11 = 22 = 33 Usually varies and is generally larger than 33 = 11 = 22 , the porous medium is isotropic, else anisotropic.




Dissolved oil/gas ratio Volume of gas (at STP) dissolved in a given reservoir temperature and pressure in a unit volume of stock tank oil.

W0 and WG are the weights of oil and gas components.


Ration of volume V of a phase measured at reservoir conditions to the volume of phase measured at standard conditions.

For oil formation volume factor (oil phase contains both oil and solution)


Affects the fluid displacement process


Measures the preference of the rock surface to be wetted by a

particular phase (eg water,oil,gas). Wettability determines the form of the relative permeability and capillary functions.

Water wet
Water is the preferred wetting phase. Water occupies the smaller pores and forms a film over all the rock

surface, even in pores containing oil. Water displaces the oil when the medium is flooded with water.

Oil Wet
Oil is the preferred wetting phase. Analogous to water wet.


Intermediate wet Some degree of both water and oil wetness is observed. Both water and oil may spontaneously imbibe into such a system.


Occurs when the wetting phase increases. Ex. In a water wet medium, imbibition will be water displacing oil.

Occurs when non-wetting phase increases. Ex. In a water wet medium, drainage will be oil displacing water.

Spontaneous imbibition:
Wetting phase invades a porous medium in the absence of any

external driving force and due to just surface forces. Ex. Water wet core at irreducible water saturation, may spontaneously imbibe and displace oil.


Oil recovery process


Primary depletion Secondary recovery (Water flooding) Tertiary recovery(Steam injection, microbes, chemical flooding etc.)


Interaction between Rock and fluid properties


Fluid saturation (S):

The saturation of a phase is the fraction of the pore space it occupies. for 2 phase flow
+ = 1 + + = 1

For 3-phase

Residual saturation
Amount of that phase(fraction of pore space) that is trapped or is

irreducible. Ex. After water displaces many pore volumes of oil, it reaches its residual saturation After relative saturation of phase is reached, the relative permeability of that phase becomes zero.

Residual saturation
Residual non-wetting phase is trapped in pores by capillary forces The amount of residual phase depends on the permeability and

wettability of rock.

Capillary pressure
In a 2 phase flow, discontinuity in fluid pressure occurs across an

interface between any 2 immiscible fluids. This is the consequence of the interfacial tension that exists at the interface.



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