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What is your sexuality? 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.

5 0

These statistics suggest to me that folk is not just a male genre due to the fact there are nearly as many females as there are male. The reason I believe men are more attracted to this genre is due to the festivals incorporated within this genre. As festivals are known to be messy, dirty which is something that stereotypically women hate.

What is your age? 40

a g e

30 20 10 0

Looking at these results, its telling me that the majority of people who like folk genre are aged between 20-30. This represents why folk bands fan are so dedicated and can travel round the country to watch them play, also they have the resources to and money to watch them.

How often do you listen to music? These statistics tell me that I have given my questionnaire to the right audience and have managed to get the correct data return. The reason for this is because it shows that I have an active audience that enjoy the music experience.

3 2.5
2 1.5 1 0.5 0

What is your favourite music genre? 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 The statistics I have received from handing out my questionnaire tells me that I have targeted the correct audience as everyone who answered the question said they prefer indie/folk to any other genre. If I were to re-do the questionnaire and hand it out again I would give it to a wider audience to get a vast range of results.


What is your favourite sub genre? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%

These results tell us that we have managed to ask the specific audience we are targeting with our music video. This helps us even more because knowing they are the right audience we can use the information from all the other questions and include merge them within our production

From your favourite genre who is your favourite band/artist 2 1.8 1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Looking at the list of artists that our audiences have chosen, it is clear that they like the mainstream artists from the folk genre. What I mean by this is that the names of the artists/bands listed above are some of the most famous and well known within the folk genre. Ed Sheeran is the only artist listed above I would say does not fit in with the folk side of our production as I believe he is just an indie singer who plays a guitar. He does fit in perfectly with the indie side to our production.

What are your main hobbies?

2 1.5 1
0.5 0

Looking at all the hobbies listed above I would say they all fit in with the indie/folk genre and reflect the individuals personality. The main hobbies listed that I expected were; camping, traveling, festivals and art. These are all hobbies that reflect the outdoor and creative nature that we will try and represent through our production.

Do you use social networking sites? 5 0 Yes No

If so, state your main three

3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

blog/ create art and write about life. The only social networking site I did not expect was Facebook purely because it is the most mainstream website that I would have expected folk/indie fans would avoid.

Where do you listen to your music?

6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Looking at this data I did not predict that the most popular way to listen to music would be ITunes. Simply die to the fact you have to buy the songs, whereas YouTube; somewhere you can watch and listen to content free. This shows us that our audiences are prepared to spend money to listen to the right music.

If you have a listening devise what do you use? E.g. iPhone, iPod, MP3 3.5 3

2 1.5 1 0.5 0

car radio


cd player



These results tell me that our audiences are in with the now, in terms of having some of the latest gadgets and media products, like an iPhone. It also tells me that they are happy with the one product and dont feel the need to spend more money to upgrade or get the now products.

What attracted you to your favourite genre of music?

These are a few examples of the responses we got from our questionnaire: It made me happy, listening to it It was different

It allowed me to travel and see places I have never seen before and meet new enthusiastic folk fans and artists!
The curiosity of the genre and the happiness I get The style and unique sound..

Looking at these reasons for people choosing to switch from mainstream or any other genre to folk. They are all unique and individual answers that are personal to each person, yet they all reflect the special sounds that folk artists can produce.

Have you ever been to a gig? 5 0 Yes No This graph re-literates the fact we have targeted the perfect audience , from the fact that everyone we asked has been to a gig, which suggests to me it was either at a festival or a single gig, either way the fan paid money to watch.

Name some artists you have seen play live

2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0

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