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TCP/IP protocol

Sumitted by:Nikhil Dosi 09ERCCS065 CS A 8th Sem


is TCP/IP protocol??? Layers of TCP/IP protocol. Applications of TCP/IP protocol. Conclusion

The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is one of the core protocols of the Internet protocol suite. TCP is one of the two original components of the suite, complementing the Internet Protocol (IP), and therefore the entire suite is commonly referred to as TCP/IP.

A full suite of protocols spanning layers 2 (Datalink) through 7 (Application) Informally named for Transmission Control Protocol (Layer 4 - Transport) and Internet Protocol (Layer 3 Network), it is comprised of many protocols

Layer Association of TCP/IP

ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) RARP (Reverse ARP) IARP (Inverse ARP)

Layer Association of TCP/IP

IP (Internet Protocol) IPv6 (IP Version 6) ICMP/ICMPv6 (Internet Control Message Protocol e.g., ping) RIPv6 (Routing Information Protocol) OSPF (Open Shortest Path First) Others

(Only underlined protocols will be discussed further.)

Layer Association of TCP/IP


(Only underlined protocols will be discussed further.)

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) Reliable, insequence delivery of data, connection oriented UDP (User Datagram Protocol) Connectionless, delivery and sequence not guaranteed RUDP (Reliable UDP) BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) Others

Layer Association of TCP/IP


DNS (Domain Name Service) LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) Others Presentation

LPP (Lightweight Presentation Protocol)

(Only underlined protocols will be discussed further.)

TCP in Practice

Connection-oriented In-sequence delivery guaranteed Rides on IP Header Fields in Network Byte Order Packet format:
0 16 32

Source Port (16) Destination Port (16) Sequence Number of First Data Octet (32) Next Expected Ack Number (32) Ofst(4) Rsvd(6) Flags(6) Window (16) Checksum (16) Urgent Data Pointer (16) Options + Pad (varies) Payload (varies)

TCP Header Fields Explained

Ofst - Data offset/length of header in 32-bit words Rsvd - Reserved Flags

Urgent Data Pointer Significant (URG) Ack Field Significant (ACK) Reset Connection (RST) Push Function (PSH) prompt forwarding Synchronize Sequence Numbers (SYN) seq # is initial No More Data (FIN)

Window - number of octets sender will accept Option - one octet OR one octet type + one octet length + n octets option information

Applications of TCP/IP

(Only underlined protocols will be discussed further.)

FTP (File Transfer Protocol) SNMPvX (Simple Network Management Protocol, versions 1-3) POP3 (Post Office Protocol, version 3) SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) Telnet DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) HTTP (HyperText Transfer Protocol) Others

TCP is the protocol used by major Internet applications such as the World Wide Web, email, remote administration and file transfer because of these application TCP/IP is very useful and important protocol. In future the use of internet is increases with that TCP/IP protocol become much more important.



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