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Chapter 5 – Part 3: Heaps

• A heap is a binary tree structure such

– The tree is complete or nearly complete.
– The key value of each node is >= the key value
of each of its descendents (max-heap).

Heap Properties
• Completeness:
Complete tree: N = 2H − 1 (last level is full)

Nearly complete: H = [log2N] + 1

All nodes in the last level are on
the left



Heap Properties
• Key value order:
12 24 44

12 8 18 23

6 10

Insert Heap
• Insert the new node into the bottom
level, as far left as possible
12 24 44

12 8 18 23

6 10

• and then reheap-up

Basic Heap Operations
42 42

21 32 21 32

16 12 20 30 16 25 20 30

13 15 10 25 13 15 10 12


Reheapup 25 32

16 21 20 30

13 15 10 12
Delete Heap
• replace the deleted value by the value X of the last
leaf (rightmost in the last level)
• delete the last leaf
78 10

21 32 21 32

16 12 20 30 16 12 20 30

13 15 10 13 15

• and then reheap-up, if X is ≥ its parent, or reheap-

down, if X is < either of its children
Basic Heap Operations
10 swap with the larger of 32
its children
21 32 21 10

16 12 20 30 16 12 20 30

13 15 13 15
swap with the larger of
32 its children

Reheapdow 21 30
16 12 20 10

13 15
Heap Data Structure

78 • Node i: left child 2i + 1, right 2i

[0 +2
56 32
] • Node i: parent [(i − 1)/2]
[1 [2
45 8 23 19
] ] • Left child j: right sibling j + 1
[3 [4 [5 [6
• Right child j: left sibling j − 1
] ] ] ]
• Heap size n: first leaf [n/2]
78 56 32 45 8 23 19
• First leaf k: last nonleaf k − 1
[0 [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6
] ] ] ] ] ] ]

ReheapUp Algorithm
Algorithm reheapUp (ref heap <array>, val newNode
Reestablishes heap by moving data in child up to its correct
Pre heap is an array containing an invalid heap
newNode is index location to new data in heap
Post Heap has been restored
1 if (newNode not 0)
1 parent = (newNode − 1)/2
2 if (heap[newNode].key > heap[parent].key)
1 swap (newNode, parent)
2 reheapup (heap, parent)
2 return
End reheapUp
ReheapDown Algorithm
Algorithm reheapDown (ref heap <array>,
val root <index>, val last <index>)
Reestablishes heap by moving data in root down to its correct
Pre heap is an array containing an invalid heap
root is root of heap
last is an index to the last element in heap
Post Heap has been restored

ReheapDown Algorithm
1 if (root*2 + 1 <= last)
1 leftKey = heap[root*2 + 1].data.key
2 if (root*2 + 2 <= last)
1 rightKey = heap[root*2 + 2].data.key
3 else
1 rightKey = lowKey
4 if (leftKey > rightKey)
1 largeChildKey = leftKey
2 largeChildIndex = root*2 + 1
5 else
1 largeChildKey = rightKey
2 largeChildIndex = root*2 + 2
6 if (heap[root].data.key < heap[largerChildIndex].data.key)
1 swap (root, largerChildIndex)
2 reheapDown (heap, largerChildIndex, last)
2 return
End reheapDown 11
Build Heap
Algorithm buildHeap (ref heap <array>, val size <integer>)
Given an array, rearrange data so that it forms a heap
Pre heap is an array containing an invalid heap
size is number of elements in array
Post array is now a heap
1 walker = 1 8 19 23 32 45 56 78
2 loop (walker <= size)
1 reheapUp (heap, walker)
2 walker = walker + 1
3 return 78 56 32 45 8 23 19

End buildHeap [0 [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6
] ] ] ] ] ] ]
Insert Heap
Algorithm insertHeap (ref heap <array>, ref last <index>
val data <data type>)
Inserts data into heap
Pre heap is a valid heap
last is index to last node in heap
Post data have been inserted into heap
Return true if successful; false if array is full
1 if (heap full)
1 return false
2 last = last + 1
3 heap[last] = data
4 reheapUp (heap, last)
5 return true
End insertHeap
Delete Heap
Algorithm deleteHeap (ref heap <array>, ref last <index>
ref dataOut <data type>)
Deletes root of heap and passes data back to caller
Pre heap is a valid heap
last is index to last node in heap
dataOut is reference parameter for output data
Post root has been deleted from heap
Return true if successful; false if array is empty
1 if (heap empty)
1 return false
2 dataOut = heap[0]
3 heap[0] = heap[last]
4 last = last - 1
5 reheapDown (heap, 0, last)
6 return true
End deleteHeap 14
Complexity of Heap
• ReheapUp: O(log2n)
• ReheapDown: O(log2n)
• BuildHeap: O(nlog2n)
• InsertHeap: O(log2n)
• DeleteHeap: O(log2n)

Heap Applications
• Selection Algorithms: to determine
the kth largest element in an unsorted
– Creat a heap
– Delete k - 1 elements from the heap
– The desired element will be at the top

Heap Applications
• Priority Queues: each element has a
priority to be dequeued
– Use a heap to represent a queue
– Elements are enqueued according to their
– Top element is dequeued first


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