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Tang and Song China

Chapter 14 Section 2

Advances in Agriculture
Northern Farmers: -Wheat -Barley -Other Grains Southern Farmers: -Rice

Song Dynasty Farming

The Dragon Backbone Pump: -a new irrigation device that allowed one person to do the work of several

Song Dynasty Farming

-Increase in number of farms

-New fastripening rice crops

-New crops: cotton and tea

Tang Dynasty: 60 Million Song Dynasty: 100 Million Focus Question: Why did the population increase in the Song Dynasty? *hint: think about the last few slides

Tang Dynasty City Life

Changan: -Population of 1 million -Largest city in the world at the time -Huge trade city -Mix of people from China, Korea, Persia, Arabia, and Europe -Religious center for Buddhists, Daoists, and Asian Christians

Chang'an Video
Play from 1:00-2:15

Focus Question:
What does cosmopolitan mean?

Song Dynasty City Life

Kaifeng: (ky-fuhng) -Song Dynasty Capital City -Population of about 1 million -one of many large cities in the Song Dynasty

The Grand Canal: -a series of waterways that linked major cities and carried large amounts of trading goods (mostly food) -Construction began in the Sui Dynasty - expanded in the Tang Dynasty -Its the worlds longest human-made waterway


Trade: Tang Dynasty vs. Song Dynasty

Tang Dynasty Trade: -Mostly land routes west to India/Southwest Asia and east to Korea/Japan Song Dynasty Trade: -Sea Trade -development of PORCELAIN -development of world's first system of paper money in 900

Art: Tang Dynasty vs. Song Dynasty

Tang Dynasty -Wu Daozi: Mural Artist -Li Bo: Poet -Du Fu: Poet Song Dynasty -Li Qingzhao (Ching-ZHOW): one of Chinas greatest female poets -Porcelain -Celadon: a pale green glaze that covered porcelain

Important Inventions
The Invention of Paper: Cai Lun (Han Dynasty)

Important Inventions
Woodblock Printing

Important Inventions
Gunpowder (0:00-1:06)

Important Inventions
Magnetic Compass

Important Inventions
Movable Type Printing (0:15-1:35)

Confucianism and Government

Chapter 14 Section 3

Graphic Organizer

- Developed by Confucius - Lived 1,500 years before Song dynasty

The Five Virtues: Li = concern for others Ren = appropriate behavior Yi = righteousness Zhi = knowledge Xin = integrity

Decline of, Rise of Buddhism, and Return of...

The Period of Disunion Rise of Buddhism Neo-Confucianism Song dynasty

- Rose during Song dynasty - Chosen for ability rather than wealth or family connections - Responsibilities included... - Became very powerful people Bureaucracy = body of unelected government officials Civil Service = service as a government official, played major role for the Song

Civil Service Exams

- Extremely difficult - Based on Confucianism - Possibility of cheating
- Extremely difficult - Based on Confucianism - Possibility of cheating

Activity yet to be determined...

-The Tang and Song dynasties were periods of economic, cultural, and technological accomplishments 1. Advances in agriculture led to increased trade and population growth 2. Cities and trade grew during the Tang and Song dynasties 3. The Tang and Song dynasties produced fine arts and inventions - Confucian thought influenced the Song government 1. Confucianism underwent changes and influenced Chinese government 2. Scholar-officials ran China's government during the Song dynasty

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