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Chapter 1


Meaning of Organization
An Organization is called a group of persons working together to seek certain goals.

Two Perspectives of Organization

Micro Perspectives: In Micro perspective the focus of study is on the individual human being. Macro Perspective: The Macro view considers organization as the unit of analysis in place of an individual.

Meaning of Behavior
The manner in which people behave or respond to the environment is known as behavior. It means the action or reaction of people under different circumstances

Meaning of Organization Behavior

The term Organizational Behavior refers to the behavior of the people in the organizations.

Definitions of Organization Behavior

According to Fred Luthans, Organizational Behavior is directly concerned with the understanding, prediction and control of human behavior in organizations. According to Newstrom and Davis, Organizational behavior is the study and application of knowledge about how people act within an organization. It is a human tool for human benefit. It applies broadly to the behavior of the people in all organizations.

Nature of OB
Human Behavior in the organization Individual-Organization interaction

The Organization

Importance of Organization Behavior in Business Environment


2. 3.



The field of Organization behavior uses scientific research to help us understand and predict the Organizational life. It helps us to influence the Organizational events. It helps an individual understand himself/herself and others better. It helps the Managers understand the basis of Motivation and what he or she should do to motivate the subordinates It helps us understand the cause of a problem, predict its course of action and control its consequences

Role of Organizational Behavior

Understanding the Human Behavior

Individual Behavior Inter-individual behavior Group behavior Inter-group behavior

Influencing the human behavior

Leadership Motivation Communication Organization Change and Development Organization Climate

Contributing Disciplines of OB
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Psychology Sociology Anthropology Political Science Economics Science Technology Engineering Medicine

Challenges and Opportunities For OB

Managing Diversity Changing Demographics of Workforce

Ethical Behaviour

OB Challenges

Changed Employee Expectations

Technology Transformation


Chapter 2

Foundations of Individual Behavior

Individual Differences

Intelligence is one characteristic that people bring with them when they join an organization. In the foundations of individual behavior, we look at how individual differences in the form of

Ability (which includes intelligence) Biographical Characteristics (such as age, gender, race, tenure) affect employee performance & satisfaction.


Ability refers to an individuals capacity to perform the various tasks in a job. It is a current assessment of what one can do. An individuals overall abilities are essentially made up of two sets of factors: Intellectual abilities (thinking, reasoning, problem solving) Physical abilities (stamina, manual dexterity, strength)

Biographical characteristics


Race Tenure


All complex behavior is learned. If we want to explain & predict behavior, we need to understand how people learn.

Concept of Learning

Any relatively permanent change in behavior that occurs as a result of experience. So we can say that changes in behavior indicate that learning has taken place & that learning is a change in behavior. In other words, we suppose that learning has taken place if an individual behaves, reacts, responds as a result of experience in a manner different from the way he formerly behaved. Learning involves change. Change may be good or bad from an organizational point of view. People can learn unfavorable & favorable behaviors. Immediate changes may not represent learning. Some form of experience is necessary for learning.

Theories of Learning
Classical Conditioning

Operant Conditioning

Cognitive Learning

Social Learning

Theories of Learning

Classical Conditioning is a type of conditioning in which an individual responds to some stimulus that would not ordinarily produce such a response. Operant Conditioning is a type of conditioning in which desired voluntary behavior leads to a reward or prevents a punishment. People learn to behave to get something they want or to avoid something they dont want. Social learning theory is the view that people can learn through observation & direct experience. Cognitive theory assumes that organism learns the meaning of various objects and events and learned responses depending on the meaning assigned to stimuli.

Principles of Learning

Motivation : It is very important in learning because learning cant take place without motivation Reinforcement : It is an attempt to develop or strengthen desirable behavior. Positive Reinforcement : It is a reward for a desired behavior. Negative Reinforcement : It is also called Avoidance Learning. It takes place when an individual learn to avoid or escape from unpleasant circumstances. Thus it strengthens the behavior by terminating undesirable consequences.

Principles of Learning

Punishment : It is an attempt to eliminate or weaken an undesirable behavior. There are two ways to punish a person one way is to apply a negative consequence and other way is to apply a positive consequence. Extinction : It is a way to punish an undesirable behavior. It decreases the frequency of undesirable behavior. It means weakening a behavior by ignoring it or making sure that it is not reinforced. For eg. If rewards are withdrawn for behavior that were previously reinforced, the behavior will probably become less frequent.

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