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Background of Study There are many students that can be finding with different ethnics and different mother language. For student who want to learn English easly, its important to know their native language because as what as been mentioned above that by knowing the differences and similarities of two languages can be facilitate them to learn a language so base on these situations the researcher intresting to analize noun and verb phrases in English and Tanjungbalai malay

B. Identification of problem The problem of study is formulated as the following: 1. The similarities of noun and verb phrases between English and Tanjungbalai malay 2. The dissimilarities of noun and verb phrases between English and Tanjungbalai Malay

C. Scope and limitation

This study deals with the English and Tanjungbalai Malay language in Noun and Verb phrases in the form of describe the similarities and differences in the same words class of two language.

D. Formulation of the problem Based on the scope and limitation previously stated the problem is formulated as : 1. What are the similarities between English and Tanjungbalai Malay noun and verb phrases 2. What are dissimilsrities between English and Tanjungbalai Malay noun and verb phrases

E. The objective of the study To find out the similarities and differences between English and Tanjungbalai malay language Noun and Verb phrases.

F. The significance of the study The finding of this study is expected:

The student have good understanding of noun and verb phrases in English and Tanjungbalai malay
To make the readers understand the difference and the similarity between English and Tanjungbalai malay noun and verb phrases, To be useful for the teacher of English as a reference in teaching students in the future so the English teacher will anticipate the need of the students in relation to increase their knowledge in English language.

To be an input for other researchers who are interesting in similar research related to this study to get further information.

A. Research Design The descriptive qualitative design will be applied in this study of the research. Descriptive research involves the description, recording, and interpretation of condition that exist.

B. Source of Data As a library research, the data is collected from several books of English and Malay that relevant to the theme of research, namely noun and verb phrase and the writer also taken from internet posting and from several native speakers.

C. Technique of collecting the Data Several steps is used in the techniques of collecting the data as follows: 1.Looking for some books that are relevant with topic and studied the materials and jot down the appropriate one to make them as the evidence to the topic 2.Grouping the data according to what subtitle they fit to

3.Making the conclusion of the thesis

D. Technique of Anal yzing the data The data is analyzed and compare to find out the simmilarities and differences. The study use descriptive analysis to analyze the data. The data are choosen from the references. Then, the study compares the data to find out the similarities and differences of noun and verb phrases in English and Tanjungbalai Malay.

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