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Karley Royal Unit Lesson Stansbury EDRL 451A


1/ )/ 3/ 4/ 5/ 2/ 3/



N.5.A.3. Record-keeping Students kno! "o! to dra! conc#usions $ro% scienti$ic e&idence. N.5.'.3. (o##aboration Students kno! t"e bene$its o$ !orking !it" a tea% and s"aring $indings. E.5.'.). (o%ponents o$ t"e Uni&erse Students kno! t"e so#ar syste% inc#udes t"e Sun* p#anets* and %oons. E.5.'.4. (e#estia# +otion Students kno! t"ere are cyc#ica# patterns o$ obser&ab#e ob,ects in t"e so#ar syste%. R-.4.1. Re$er to detai#s and e.a%p#es in a te.t !"en e.p#aining !"at t"e te.t says e.p#icit#y and !"en dra!ing in$erences $ro% t"e te.t. R-.4.4. Deter%ine t"e %eaning o$ genera# acade%ic and do%ain-speci$ic !ords or p"rases in a te.t re#e&ant to a grade 4 topic or sub,ect area.


Student !i## na%e a## $our o$ t"e terrestria# p#anets Student !i## identi$y key c"aracteristics o$ indi&idua# terrestria# p#anets Student !i## bui#d upon prior kno!#edge and ree&a#uate %isconceptions Student !i## connect prior kno!#edge to content re#ated &ocabu#ary Students !i## use tec"no#ogy to organi0e* researc"* and1or co%pose assign%ents. Students !i## acti&e#y participate in co##aborati&e assign%ents and discussions. Student !i## de%onstrate t"eir kno!#edge o$ !eek#y unit content t"roug" %easured assess%ent

4o! do terrestria# p#anets di$$er5 4o! are t"ey si%i#ar56 (o%pare and contrast c"aracteristics 4o! is a p#anet a$$ected by its position re#ati&e to t"e sun5 7"at $eatures are necessary on a p#anet to sustain "u%an #i$e5

Learning plan

Technology, O%&ec i'e e! "e , align$en hin#ing $ap" 1*)*3*4*5*2

Day 1

-ntroduction 9est Set Day 8re9ec"no#ogy reading acti&ity* "ook* &ocabu#ary pre&ie! During reading acti&ity* note%aking 8ost reading* RA:9 assign%ent researc" Ra$t %ode#ing* 9ec"no#ogy

Day )


Day 3


Day 4



9e .t S

?b,ecti&es 1* )


(ri en %y Joanna Cole Ill)" ra e* %y Br)ce Degen A## is going !e## $or +iss :ri00#e<s $ie#d trip into t"e so#ar syste%* unti# an asteroid da%ages one o$ t"e bus<s tai##ig"ts= A $un ro%p a## t"e !ay to t"e outer >and 8#uto/. (ri p#anets en %y +ile" Sparro, An i%aginary tour o$ t"e inner p#anets. 9"e book pro&ides statistics and diagra%s and discusses t"e p"ysica# properties and conditions o$ t"e inner p#anets o$ t"e so#ar syste% "ttp 11$unsc"oo#.kaboose.c o%1g#oberider1space1ga%es1ga%e@p #anet@pursuit."t%# 6 Educationa#6p#anet6tri&ia and space e.p#oration6on#ine ga%e6to "e#p kids #earn about t"e

(ri en an* Ill)" ra e* %y Chri" Van All"%)rg 9!o boys are dra!n into an interga#actic ad&enture !"en t"eir "ouse is %agica##y "ur#ed t"roug" space

S$ar Boar* -nteracti&e &ideo on "o! %o&e%ent o$ p#anets around t"e Sun is re#ated to gra&itationa# $orces

"ttp 11!!! e1space1so#arsyste%1pre&ie!.!e %# 'rain8op is an educationa# !ebsite t"at pro&ides ani%ated curricu#ar content t"at engages students and boosts ac"ie&e%ent.

Ac t

?b,ecti&es 1* )

i&i ty

8art - ;uess Eac" group is gi&en a bag $i##ed !it" s#ips o$ paper. ;roup %e%bers %ust go around taking turns reading c"aracteristics o$ t"eir A%ystery p#anet.B 7"en t"ey are $inis"ed* t"e group !i## predict !"ic" p#anet t"eir s#ips are describing. 8art -- Re&ea# Eac" group !i## se#ect one representati&e to dec#are t"eir groupCs guess and pu## out t"e %ystery p#anet $ro% t"eir sea#ed bag at t"e $ront o$ t"e c#ass. Eac" bag !i## contain a %ini p#anet re&ea#ing t"eir %ystery p#anet.

5555555555 555

;roup D)

?b,ecti&es 1*)*

:a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se

9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 91: 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue

:a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se

Direc ion"

9"e c#ass !i## be gi&en 5 true and $a#se state%ents re#ating to t"e c"apter* A-nner 8#anets.B Eac" student %ust !rite do!n true or $a#se $or eac" state%ent. As a c#ass* students !i## s"are e.p#anations $or 9rue t"eir 91: 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue

?b,ecti&es 1*)*

:a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se

9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 91: 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue

:a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se :a#se

T-. S a e$en "


+ercury is t"e "ottest p#anet because it is c#osest to t"e sun


Eart" is t"e on#y p#anet !it" %ountains* &o#canoes* and !ater 8#anets< at%osp"eres ne&er c"ange 9"e eart" rotates t"e sa%e direction as a c#ock Eart" is t"e on#y p#anet kno!n to support #i$e

3. 4. 5.

91: 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue 9rue

?b,ecti&es 1*)*

(onte.t o$ "o! it !as used

7ord 7ord
E.a%p#e s or re#ated !ords

De$inition >based on De$inition >in o!n conte.t/ in your !ords/ o!n !ords


9"is 9"is&ocabu#ary &ocabu#aryacti&ity acti&ity !ou#d !ou#dbe beco%p#eted co%p#etedusing usinga a %odi$ied %odi$ied&ersion &ersionco%bining co%bining t"e t"e:rayer :rayer+ode# +ode#and and Step"enCs Step"enCsFocabu#ary Focabu#ary E#aboration. E#aboration. pl $ a o$ its E! e A'ecause ;aseous %ass t"inner
surrounding a at%osp"ere and great distance p#anet $ro% t"e sun* +ars is a co#d At%osp"er At%osp"er p#anet >pg 1E1/.B

Focabu#ary List Focabu#ary List 1/terrestria# p#anets 1/terrestria# p#anets )/period o$ rotation )/period o$ rotation 3/year 3/year 4/re&o#ution 4/re&o#ution 5/prograde rotation 5/prograde rotation 2/retrograde rotation 2/retrograde rotation 3/green"ouse e$$ect 3/green"ouse e$$ect G/NASA G/NASA H/at%osp"ere H/at%osp"ere 1E/sedi%ent 1E/sedi%ent

(#i%ate Stratosp"e re ?0one #ayer (#ouds

e e

7"at are t"e na%es o$ t"e terrestria# or inner p#anets5 7"at is t"eir order* $ro% c#osest to $art"est* to t"e sun5 7"at are so%e key c"aracteristics o$ +ercury5 Fenus5 Eart" +ars5 7"at is t"e ;reen 4ouse e$$ect5 7"y !ou#d t"in air be a prob#e% $or sustaining "u%an #i$e5 E&en t"oug" +ercury is c#osest to t"e sun* !"y isnCt it t"e "ottest p#anet in our so#ar syste%5 -n Ro%an cu#ture* Fenus is t"e goddess o$ #o&e. 'ased on t"e reading* !"y do you t"ink our second p#anet !as na%ed a$ter "er5 7"y are terrestria# >inner/ p#anets !ar%er t"an gaseous >outer/ p#anets5 Iey 9e.t e.p#icit"e i%p#icit 7"at !as t"e %ost e.citing t"ing you #earned $ro% E.perience-based reading5 7"y5

("apter 4.) 9"e -nner 8#anets

9opic +ercury (#osest to t"e Sun Fenus Eart"Cs 9!in5 Notes
9"e s%a##er t"e p#anet t"e #esser t"e gra&ity S#o! rotation 1 +ercurian dayJ 5H Eart" days S"ort years 1.5 +ercuriand days J 1 re&o#ution Rotates c#ock!ise At%osp"ere Dense +ost#y (arbon Dio.ide ;reen"ouse E$$ect 4ottest p#anetary sur$ace Fo#canic 8er$ect distance $ro% t"e sun Ab#e to retain !ater NASA Study space e.p#oration Eart" Science Enterprise Study "u%an a$$ect on g#oba# en&iron%ent At%osp"ere 9"in (o#d p#anet 7ater in t"e $or% o$ ice So%e e&idence o$ past #iKuid !ater Fo#canos Largest %ountains in t"e so#ar syste% 4u%an e.p#oration5

8ersona# (onnection

Eart" An ?asis in Space

;o#di#ocks Not too "ot not too co#d

+ars ?ur -ntriguing Neig"bor

Air pressure is t"ree ti%es #o!er on t"e sur$ace o$ +ars t"an t"e air pressure !"ere %ost p#anes $#y on Eart".

Students !i## be gi&en ti%e to researc" out t"eir perspecti&e ro#e $or t"eir RA:9 acti&ity using a&ai#ab#e resources inc#uding internet. E.a%p#es Eart" Space 8ioneer +artian Sun Dear Abby :a%i#y E.p#orers Se#$ Artic#e Letter 'roc"ure Diary :ee#ing '#ue 9esti%onia# Loin us= -nner (irc#e

Dear Diary*



-nner (irc#e

- donCt kno! i$ it is ,ust %e* but t"ings !it" %y $riends see% to be c"anging. - used to $ee# #ike - !as t"e center o$ t"eir uni&erse but no! t"ey are $or%ing t"eir o!n Ainner p#anetB circ#e. - kno! +ercury is dense but "e used to %y c#osest $riend. No! "e is so t!o-$aced= 7"en "e $aces %e* "e is !ar% but !"en - turn a!ay "e is #ike a di$$erent p#anetMso co#d. Fenus is suc" a copycatN s"e is trying to be #ike Eart". Eart" gets a## t"e attention= And +ars* ug"= A#!ays c"anging. Do you !ant !ater or not5 9"ick to t"in at%osp"ere5 -t %akes %e "ead spin. donCt kno! i$ - #ike t"e e&o#ution o$ t"is $riends"ip re&o#ution. Sun

Students !i## be gi&en ti%e to co%p#ete t"eir RA:9 by typing up a $ina# dra$t* using grap"ic design $or t"eir broc"ure* or recording a song on garageband.

9ec"no#ogi es


!i## be gi&en %i.ed up tree %aps. 9"ey !i## be reKuired to reorgani0e t"e p#anetary order and c"aracteristics on t"e tree %aps.
9"ose !"o $inis" ear#y can study t"eir

notes and &ocabu#ary to prepare $or -nner 8#anet Leopardy

Students !i## be gi&en a coup#e %inutes to study notes and &ocabu#ary be$ore p#aying t"e ga%e. 9"e ga%e !i## be disp#ayed using a pro,ector or S%art'oard 9"e c#ass !i## be separated into tea%s and p#ay $or points.

(#ick 4ere to 8#ay

Tr)"e/ (irc#e !"et"er you t"ink t"e ans!er is A9B >true/ or A:B
>$a#se/ 9 1 : Eart" is t"e on#y p#anet !it" acti&e &o#canoes 9 1 : +ercury "as a t"icker at%osp"ere t"an Fenus 9 1 : Eart" and Fenus are si%i#ar in si0e 9 1 : A p#anet<s distance $ro% t"e sun "as a %a,or $actor in its !eat"er conditions

.ill in he Blan#/ :i## in t"e correct ans!er !it" t"e space pro&ided
@@@ +ercurian days J 5H Eart" days NASA stands $or @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ +ars "as a @@@@@@@ >t"in1 t"ick/ at%osp"ere 8rograde rotation spins in a @@@@@@@ >c#ock!ise1counterc#ock!ise/ direction Retrograde rotation spins in a @@@@@@@@@@@>c#ock!ise1 counterc#ock!ise/ direction

0)l iple Choice/ Se#ect t"e %ost correct ans!er to t"e $o##o!ing
Kuestions 6 7"ic" is t"e correct order o$ p#anets $ro% c#osest to $art"est $ro% sun5 a/ Fenus* +ercury* Eart"* +ars b/ +ercury* Fenus* +ars* Eart" c/ +ercury* Fenus* Eart"* +ars d/ Fenus* +ercury* +ars* Eart" Fenus "as t"e "ottest p#anetary sur$ace becauseM a/ it is t"e c#osest to t"e sun b/ its t"ick at%osp"ere traps "eat c/ ,ust be#o! its sur$ace is #iKuid #a&a d/ it "as t"e %ost &o#canoes 6 Shor An",er/ Ans!er t"e $o##o!ing Kuestions 7"at is t"e green"ouse e$$ect5 7"ic" p#anet "as t"e #argest %ountains in t"e so#ar syste%5

0a ch / Dra! a #ine to %atc" t"e $o##o!ing c#osest to t"e sun

ter%s +ars Fenus +ercury Eart" re&o#ution year terrestria# p#anets at%osp"ere sedi%ent t"e %otion o$ a body orbiting anot"er body in space s%a##* dense* rocky p#anets Eart"<s t!in gaseous %ass surrounding a p#anet an oasis in space %inera#6or6organic6%atter6deposited6by6!ater *6air*6or6ice our intriguing neig"bor t"e ti%e t"at a p#anet takes to go around t"e sun once

E""ay Q)e" ion/ 7rite your ans!ers in a co%p#ete

sentences 7"at !ou#d "appen i$ Eart" %o&ed c#oser or $art"er a!ay $ro% t"e sun5 4o! !ou#d t"is e$$ect t"e en&iron%ent5 E.p#ain.

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