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How to get Fresher Jobs in IT

AdLeaf Technologies Pvt Ltd | 9654276200 |

Heavy Competition Less Job in Market

Education System

Lack of Awareness

Employable Skills

Our Efforts | 9654276200 |

Competition is a common factor which comes to

our mind whenever we think about jobs. But as a fresher competition is not a factor as you also have equivalent opportunities too. Research shows Competition only plays 10% if you are not getting job.
Hence its the time to think for some other

reasons too | 9654276200 |

Less Jobs in Market

We are not denying the fact, that world economy

is in a tight situation, but still companies are working. No work has been paused in any sector (Banking, Retail, Travel or any other) People are getting work done with lesser workforce now a days and still ample job in market. Research shows lesser job only impacts 5% over your job search as a fresher. | 9654276200 |

Our Education System

Whenever we talk about failures and job

opportunities we ended up by blaming wrong education system. I am not favoring it and also a part of it, but this system is serving huge mass and have many responsibilities to serve. Policy maker have higher skills than you and me. Still as a IT guy, you might curse our education system but its just upto 5%. | 9654276200 |

Lack of awareness
Now we are moving some realistic reasons and it

is the area where we have to hit the hammer. We even are not aware the latest trends in market and running like a sheep folk only. We are using Facebook, LinkedIn but not using them for gaining knowledge. Even there are a number of online university, managed by key players like FB, Apple and Microsoft viz Udacity, and many more. Still lack of awareness plays upto 20% in our failure. | 9654276200 |

Employable skills
Even we have overcome all the hurdles and

come to interview table. Now we lack with the employable skills and dont have the skills, employer is looking for. From the very first day of our studies, we emphasize over coding, coding and coding, but leave Data Structure basics, Database, Algorithm, Operating system and Programming concepts far behind. Frankly speaking: learning a language is just a 3three months task but making coding skills takes years | 9654276200 of time. | Lack of skills plays 20% part in our problem.

Our Efforts
Now we hitting the final nail.

Its all moves around our efforts to get a job and

plays vital 40% in our problems. Lets take an example: Resume plays a vital role in screening but we give 30 minutes to our resume or even less or just copy it from someone else. VERY BAD We spends hours on Facebook daily but not spend a single minute in searching communities and pages of programming interest. | 9654276200 |

Our Efforts
We spend time on LinkedIn for just joining one,

other and another person. Just remind the most common update on LinkedIn Mr. X is not a connect with Mr. Y on LinkedIn. Join groups of programming on LinkedIn and contribute there, contribution even with silly questions is counted there. Build network with the company peoples, you want to join and request them to guide you. | 9654276200 |

Our Efforts
What to do..

Just make your LinkedIn Profile complete and

follow companies, you want to join. Join some groups of your interest and take participation in discussion there. Now once you are well known in groups, make some connections and ask them to guide you. If you think connect is strong, then you might also ask for a small meeting outside his company. | 9654276200 |

Our Efforts
Meeting outside company, gives you confidence

and also gives some good references sometimes, but be very careful while requesting for such meeting. Join some freelancing sites like oDesk, Elance or Freelancer and do work there Who knows, your destiny wants something extra from you-and you will turn to entrepreneur. | 9654276200 |

45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0

Percentage | 9654276200 |

contact us
You can easily reach us for more details, guidance or counseling. AdLeaf Technologies Pvt Ltd Fourth Floor, Shree Ram Palace Near Vinayak Hospital Sector 27, Noida Or Call 9654276200/9311187731 | 9654276200 |

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