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Y ou have 1 m inute to write as m any words as you can about Buddhism 5s for the best!

Today we will
Know what the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are (AO1) Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail (AO1) i!e reasons wh" the Eightfold Path #a" or #a" not be rele!ant in "our own li!es (AO$)

Can you put The 4 Noble Truths in the right order?

A& The origin of suffering is atta)h#ent( B& There is an Eightfold Path to the end of suffering( *& The end of suffering is possible( +& %ife #eans suffering(
%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

Finished?? Do you think you can explain any of them??

The 4 Noble Truths

+& %ife #eans suffering( A& The origin of suffering is atta)h#ent( *& The end of suffering is possible( B& There is an Eightfold Path to the end of suffering(
%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

Does anyone think they can explain them??

The 4 Noble Truths !t helps some people to imagine the 4 Noble Truths like going to the Doctorexcept it applies to your whole life"
%ife #eans suffering( The origin of suffering is atta)h#ent( The end of suffering is possible( ,ou are feeling ill and go to the +o)tor( The +o)tor diagnoses the )ause of "our illness( The +o)tor reassures "ou that there is so#e #edi)ine "ou )an ta'e(

There are - different pills to There is an Eightfold Path ta'e that will #a'e "ou better( to the end of suffering(
%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

The 4th Noble Truth # The $ightfold %ath

The wa" to o!er)o#e the )ra!ing whi)h )auses our unhappiness is to follow the Noble Eightfold Path( This path is so#eti#es )alled The &iddle 'ay. it is a #iddle wa" between extre#es( The Buddha had on)e li!ed a life of luxur" as a prin)e( /e had also tried a life of extre#e hardship 0 the as)eti) life( /e taught that following the Noble Eightfold Path1 a #iddle wa"1 leads to happiness and freedo# fro# suffering(

The 4th Noble Truth # The $ightfold %ath

What 8 things do you think you should do to end suffering?

What do you think the

d l o f t h ig nd o f $ n ee ) a " g s i h n i t r e r o e t e f f h su (T path

%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

Noble Eightfold Path

a middle way, leads to happiness and freedom from suffering

%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

The +har#a 2heel is the 3"#bol for Buddhis#4wh" do "ou thin' that is5

%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

The - spo'es on the wheel represent The Eightfold Path(

%O1& To 'now what The 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are(

F*$$+$, F*-&$.
1( ,ou will be put in to groups of 6( $( ,our group will be responsible for teaching the class about / stage of the $ightfold %ath in detail( 6( 7ead the infor#ation "ou are gi!en and then de0ise a F*$$+$F*-&$ which shows someone following your stage of the eightfold path( 4( %ictures will be ta'en and used in next wee'8s lesson(
%O$& Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail(

1omework D
,ou will need to wor' with the people in "our group to prepare a presentation on "our stage of the Eightfold Path( 9sing paper onl"1 no Power0Points1 "ou ha!e 1 : $ #inutes to explain what "our stage is1 how "ou #ight follow it and what "our ;ree<e ;ra#e is tr"ing to show (it will be on an s)reen behind "ou)(
%O$& Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail(

Does the $ightfold %ath apply to you?

Thin' of a ti#e "ou1 or so#eone "ou 'now has suffered in so#e wa"( And answer these =uestions in ;9%% 3ENTEN*E3&

1( +o "ou thin' suffering )o#es fro# atta)h#ent5 2h"5 2h" not5 $( +o "ou thin' that following a #iddle path is the best wa" to o!er)o#e ti#es of suffering5 6( 2ould following an" of the steps on the Eightfold Path ha!e helped "ou o!er)o#e suffering5 2hi)h ones and wh"5
/" *esist e0il" 2" Control your thoughts" 3" Free your mind of e0il" 4" 'ork for the good of others" 4" *espect life" 5" 6now the truth" 7" .ay nothing to hurt others" 8" %ractice meditation. %O6& i!e reasons wh" the Eightfold Path #a" or #a" not be rele!ant in "our own li!es(

9earning 9og
.plit a fresh page in the back of your book in to 6 )olu#ns and write these headings& /" Topic 2" 'hat ! ha0e learnt" 3" &uddy areas" Ea)h lesson we will spend 3 minutes of silent refle)tion filling in this learning log( Ai# for at least 1 thing "ou ha!e learnt and 1 thing "ou need help on1 are )onfused about or would li'e to as'( ,ou )an write #ore if "ou would li'e(

9ast lesson
%oo' ba)' and "ou learning log and dis)uss with the person next to "ou what we alread" 'now about the Eightfold Path(
Know what the 4 Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path are (AO1) Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail (AO1) i!e reasons wh" the Eightfold Path #a" or #a" not be rele!ant in "our own li!es (AO$)

Today we will
Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail (AO1) To identif" a)tions Buddhists would and would not do toda" as a result of following the Eightfold Path (AO1) To prioritise one stage of the Eightfold Path in ter#s of how useful it is for our li!es (AO$)

Ea)h group will present their ;ree<e : ;ra#es fro# last wee'1 using their /o#ewor'( 2hi)h did "ou li'e best and wh"55 2hi)h did "ou learn the #ost fro#5
%O$& Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail(

>#ages here4
(or )ould re0ena)t their ;ree<e ;ra#es)

Ea)h group will present their ;ree<e : ;ra#es fro# last wee'1 using their /o#ewor'( 2hi)h did "ou li'e best and wh"55 2hi)h did "ou learn the #ost fro#5
%O$& Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail(

9sing what "ou ha!e ?ust learnt1 and the infor#ation on the next slide4 'rite a short explanation on your Dharma wheel for each stage" @%ea!e spa)e for $ #ore things& write s#all@
%O$& Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail(

/ow )an Buddhists put the Eightfold Path in to pra)ti)e5

On the )ards are so#e exa#ples of different a)tionsA thoughts( ,ou #ust split the# in to $ piles( / : Things a ;uddhist would do" 2 : Things a ;uddhist wouldn<t do" %oo' at "our +har#a wheel to help "ou de)ide( Now4pla)e the )ards around the wheel& there is 1 do and 1 don8t for ea)h stage of the wheel(
%O$& To identif" a)tions Buddhists would and would not do toda" as a result of following the Eightfold Path(

-dd the do<s and don<ts to your Dharma 'heel"

Challenge yourself

Can you think of any other examples of do<s

%O$& To identif" a)tions Buddhists would and would not do toda" as a result of following the Eightfold Path(

1omework $
=sing newspapers and maga>ines (use the internet if "ou don8t ha!e an" of these) find i#ages and headlines of exa#ples of people either following or going against the Eightfold Path ?/ image@ headline for each stageA" Cut these out@ print them off and stick them in a circle around a page of A4 paper1 using "our +har#a wheel to get the order right( Too tri)'"55 3o#e of us #a" want to pick / newspaper articleB print it off and write an explanation of how the people in the arti)le areA are not following the Eightfold Path(

AO6& To prioritise one stage of the Eightfold Path in ter#s of how useful it is for our li!es(

;inished55 2hi)h is least useful5

2hi)h stage on the Eightfold path would #a'e the biggest differen)e to "our life

9earning logs
Be able to explain one of the stages of the Eightfold Path in detail (AO1) To identif" a)tions Buddhists would and would not do toda" as a result of following the Eightfold Path (AO1) To prioritise one stage of the Eightfold Path in ter#s of how useful it is for our li!es (AO$)

0 Topi)& The Eightfold Path 0 2hat > ha!e learnt& 0 A #udd" area&

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