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1. ATTRIBUTIONS. It assigns to people different attributes as a result of differentiation 2. STEREOTYPE.

In this process, one assumes that person who fall into a particular category on the basis of certain characteristics also have many characteristics that we assume to belong to that category 3. SELF-FULFILLING PROPHECIES. As a consequence of our perceptions and attendant actions, the person may begin to act as we expect him or her to act. Thus, assigning a stereotype to a person may result in a self-fulling prophecy.

4. SOCIAL COMPARISONS Social scientists find that people need to compare themselves with others in order to establish for themselves for what kind of people they are. 5. A FAIR WORLD We often find that people are more concerned about establishing equity than equality. 6. JUST WORLD HYPOTHESIS People like to believe that there is justice, that people get what they deserve.

1. WEALTH AND INCOME Wealth what people own Income refers to how much people get; it is the amount of money one person or group receives. 2. INEQUALITIES OF POWER Power is a fundamental and inherent element in all human interaction at every social level. 3. INEQUALITIES OF PRESTIGE Prestige provides people with a sense of worth and respect, a feeling that somehow they are accepted and valued by others.

THE SUBJECTIVE METHOD Researchers using this method simply ask a random sample of the population to the class they belong to.
THE REPUTATIONAL METHOD Using this method, the researchers select a small town and ask a number of residents to assist them in their study. THE OBJECTIVE METHOD In this method, the researchers divides people into social classes according to their income, occupation, education and type of residence.

A.) THE CONFLICT THEORY stresses the link between stratification and an ongoing struggle among competing groups and classes over limited supply of reward and resources. An advocate of the conflict theory was KARL MARX who believed that all history has been the story of class conflict over material privilege and power. One group, the EXPLOITERS, strives to maintain its advantage over subordinate groups, the EXPLOITED. In a capitalist society, the struggle takes place between those who own the means of production--- the BOURGEOISIE (the capitalist), and those who sell their labor --- the PROLETARIAT (workers).

1. TO EACH ACCORDING TO NEED the basic economic

needs of all people are satisfied

2. TO EACH ACCORDING TO WANT wealth is distributed

according to what people desire or request


who live according in this system become themselves the source


everyone ruthlessly attempts to acquire as much wealth as possible without regard for the hardships that might be brought on the others bec of these actions.

B.) THE FUNCTIONALIST THEORY. KINGSLEY DAVIS elaborated the idea that stratification serves an important function in society.
Combining the two theories, Theodore D. Kemper finds common ground for the conflict and functional theories in the ff:
1. Both theories acknowledge that the evaluation of the contributions of jobs to society also determines unequal rewards. 2. The Marxist theory leans heavily on the significance of power in the distribution of resources, while the functionalists emphasize the necessity of assigning some positions or work higher status than others. 3. Both theories recognize that social power plays a part in determining the unequal distribution of rewards.

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