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Zaman Batu Pertengahan Di Asia Tenggara

Topik 4

Alat-alat batu Paleolitik-Eropah

Alat Batu Hoabinhian - A.T

Taburan Tapak Hoabinhian

red dots: Hoabinhian finds in kit hen midden red s!uares: Hoabinhian sites in a"es and ro k shelters

The Hoabinhian
# The Hoabinhian stone tool industr$ flourished from around %&'((( )formerl$ thought onl$ %('(((* to around +'((( $ears from the present. ,ts relationship to the Toalean stone industr$ is un lear but Hoabinhian ma$ ha"e been a forerunner' the trigger for other tool traditions. The people -ho used Hoabinhian tools li"ed in -idel$ different en"ironments' from oastal mangro"e s-amps' dr$ grass lands' dense forests to mountainous areas. There ma$ ha"e been man$ different and perhaps onl$ distantl$ related populations' all using their spe ialised "ersions of the original Hoabinhian tools. There is no e"iden e so far that .egrito groups used Hoabinhian tools. /u h tools ha"e not been found in asso iation -ith human remains. Ho-e"er' t-o sites on the map belo- )the red dots* are kit hen midden - and both are in -hat e"en toda$ is still .egrito territor$.

Hoa Binh

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# # A 1sumatralith1 is an o"al to re tangular shaped stone artefa t made b$ unifa iall$ flaking around the ir umferen e of a obble. ,t is often used to infer the Hoabinhian hara ter of a lithi assemblage. /in e the term -as first used the des ribe assemblages from sites in 2ietnam' man$ sites throughout mainland and island /outheast Asia ha"e also been des ribed as ha"ing Hoabinhian omponents. The apparent on entration of more than %3( Hoabinhian sites in 2ietnam refle ts intense resear h a ti"ities in this area rather the lo ation of a entre of the prehistori Hoabinhian a ti"it$. Ar haeologi al sites in /umatra' Thailand' 4aos' Burma and 5ambodia ha"e been identified as Hoabinhian' although the !ualit$ and !uantit$ of des riptions "ar$ and the relati"e signifi an e of the Hoabinhian omponent at these sites an be diffi ult to determine. Be$ond this ore area some ar haeologists argue that there are isolated in"entories of stone artefa ts displa$ing Hoabinhian elements in .epal' /outh 5hina' Tai-an and Australia )6oser 3((%*.

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# The term Hoabinhian -as first used b$ 7ren h ar haeologists -orking in northern 2ietnam to des ribe Holo ene period ar haeologi al assemblages e8 a"ated from ro k shelters. ,t has be ome a ommon term to des ribe stone artefa t assemblages in /outheast Asia that ontain flaked obble artefa ts. The term -as originall$ used to refer to a spe ifi ethni group' restri ted to a limited time period -ith a distin ti"e subsisten e e onom$ and te hnolog$. 6ore re ent -ork )e.g. /hoo ongde9 3(((* uses the term to refer to artefa ts and assemblages -ith ertain formal hara teristi s.

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# ,n %:3& 5olani published some details of her nine e8 a"ations on northern 2ietnamese pro"in e of H;a B<nh. As a result of her -ork the 7irst 5ongress of Prehistorians of the 7ar East in %:+3 agreed to define the Hoabinhian as
= a ulture omposed of implements that are in general flaked -ith some-hat "aried t$pes of primiti"e -orkmanship. ,t is hara terised b$ tools often -orked onl$ on one fa e' b$ hammerstones' b$ implements of sub-triangular se tion' b$ dis s' short a8es and almond shaped artefa ts' -ith an appre iable number of bone tools )6atthe-s %:>>*.

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# Despite the general terms of the definition' 5olani?s Hoabinhian is an elaborate t$polog$ as indi ated b$ the @3 artefa ts from /ao Dong that 5olani lassified into 3@ t$pes )6atthe-s %:>>*. The original t$polog$ is so ompli ated that most Hoabinhian sites are identified simpl$ b$ the presen e of sumatraliths )Ahite B Corman %:&:*. The hronolog$ of Hoabinhian artefa ts -as assumed to be Holo ene be ause of the e8tant fauna found in the assemblages and the absen e of e8tin t fauna b$ 5olani and others -orking before the a"ailabilit$ of radio arbon dating methods in the %:D(s.

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# Problems -ith 5olaniEs t$polog$ -ere e8posed b$ 6atthe-s )%:>4* -ho anal$sed metri and te hnologi al attributes of unifa iall$ flaked obble artefa ts from Hoabinhian le"els at /ai Fok Go kshelter' Han hanaburi Pro"in e' -est- entral Thailand. His aim -as to determine if Hoabinhian artefa t t$pes des ribed b$ 5olani ould be defined as lusters of onstantl$ re urring attributes su h as length' -idth' thi kness' mass' length--idth ratio and orte8 amount and distribution. 6atthe-s found that Hoabinhian t$pes did not reall$ e8ist and instead Hoabinhian artefa ts refle t a ontinuous range of shapes and siIes.

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# # # # # # 7ollo-ing his ar haeologi al e8 a"ation and sur"e$s in 6ae Hong /on Pro"in e' north-est Thailand' 5hester Corman )%:&(* proposed a more detailed definition as follo-s A generall$ unifa ial flaked tool tradition made primaril$ on -ater rounded pebbles and large flakes deta hed from these pebbles 5ore tools )1/umatraliths1* made b$ omplete flaking on one side of a pebble and grinding stones also made on rounded pebbles' usuall$ in asso iation -ith iron o8ide A high in iden e of utiliIed flakes )identified from edge-damage hara teristi s* 7airl$ similar assemblages of food remains in luding remains of e8tant shellfish' fish' and small-medium-siIed mammals A ultural and e ologi al orientation to the use of ro kshelters generall$ o urring near fresh -ater streams in an upland karsti topograph$ )though Hoabinhian shell middens do indi ate at least one other e ologi al orientation* Edge-grinding and ord-marked erami s o urring )though perhaps as intrusi"e elements*' indi"iduall$ or together' in the upper la$ers of Hoabinhian deposits

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# # CormanEs -ork in luded a number of radio arbon dates that onfirmed the Holo ene age of the Hoabinhian. The term -as redefined in %::4 b$ ar haeologists attending a onferen e held in Hanoi. At this onferen e 2ietnamese ar haeologists presented e"iden e of Hoabinhian artefa ts dating to %&'((( $ears before the present. A "ote -as held -here is -as agreed that J%K The on ept of the Hoabinhian should be kept The best on ept for 1Hoabinhian1 -as an industr$ rather than a ulture or te hno omple8 The hronolog$ of the Hoabinhian industr$ dates is from 1late-toterminal Pleisto ene to earl$-to-mid Holo ene1 The term 1/umatralith1 should be retained The Hoabinhian ,ndustr$ should be referred to as a 1 obble1 rather that a 1pebble1 tool industr$ The Hoabinhian should not be referred to as a 16esolithi 1 phenomenon

# # # # # #

Ceographi al distribution
# /in e the term -as first used to des ribe assemblages from sites in 2ietnam' man$ sites throughout mainland and island /outheast Asia ha"e also been des ribed as ha"ing Hoabinhian omponents. The apparent on entration of more than %3( Hoabinhian sites in 2ietnam refle ts intense resear h a ti"ities in this area rather the lo ation of a entre of the prehistori Hoabinhian a ti"it$. Ar haeologi al sites in /umatra' Thailand' 4aos' 6$anmar and 5ambodia ha"e been identified as Hoabinhian' although the !ualit$ and !uantit$ of des riptions "ar$ and the relati"e signifi an e of the Hoabinhian omponent at these sites an be diffi ult to determine. # Be$ond this ore area some ar haeologists argue that there are isolated in"entories of stone artefa ts displa$ing Hoabinhian elements in .epal' /outh 5hina' Tai-an and Australia )6oser 3((%*.

# /emen9ak istilah itu digunakan' ban$ak tempat di A.T $ang didak-a mempun$ai komponen Hoabinhian = tapak3 di /umatera' Tahiland' 4aos' 6$anmar' 5ambodia dan Tanah 6ela$u di sebuat sebagai tapak Hoabinhian kualiti dan kuantiti penemuann$a sukar dipastikan. # 6oser 3((% = iri3 hoabinhian 9uga terdapat di .epal' /elatan 5hina' Tai-an dan Australia.

The Hoabinhian and plant domesti ation

# Corman )%:&%* laimed that /pirit 5a"e in luded remains of Prunus )almond*' Terminalia' Areca )betel*' Vicia )broadbean* or Phaseolus' Pisum )pea* or Raphia Lagenaria )bottle gourd *' Trapa )5hinese -ater hestnut*' Piper )pepper*' Madhuca ) butternut*' Canarium' Aleurites ) andle nut*' and Cucumis )a u umber t$pe* in la$ers dating to . :@((-@D(( BP. .one of the re o"ered spe imens differed from their -ild phenot$pes. He suggested that these ma$ ha"e been used as foods' ondiments' stimulants' for lighting and that the leguminous plants in parti ular Epoint to a "er$ earl$ use of domesti ated plantsE )Corman %:>::>&3*. He later -rote )%:&%:+%%* that EAhether the$ are definitel$ earl$ ultigens )see Fen n.d.:%3* remains to be established... Ahat is important' and -hat -e an sa$ definitel$' is that the remains indi ate the earl$' !uite sophisti ated use of parti ular spe ies -hi h are still ulturall$ important in /outheast Asia.E

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# ,n %:&3 A.C. /olheim' as the dire tor of the pro9e t of -hi h /pirit 5a"e -as part' published an arti le in Scientific American dis ussing the finds from /pirit 5a"e. Ahile /olheim noted that the spe imens ma$ Emerel$ be -ild spe ies gathered from the surrounding ountr$sideE' he laimed that the inhabitants at /pirit 5a"e had Ean ad"an ed kno-ledge of horti ultureE. /olheimEs hronologi al hart suggests that Ein ipient agri ultureE began at about 3('((( B.5. in southeast Asia. He also suggests that erami te hnolog$ -as in"ented at %+'((( B.5. although /pirit 5a"e does not ha"e erami s until after >@(( B.5. # Although /olheim on ludes that his re onstru tion is Elargel$ h$potheti alE' his o"erstatement of the results of CormanEs e8 a"ation has led to inflated laims of Hoabinhian agri ulture. These laims ha"e detra ted from the signifi an e of /pirit 5a"e as a site -ith -ell-preser"ed e"iden e of human subsisten e and palaeoen"ironmental onditions during the Hoabinhian.

Geferen es
# # # # # # # # # # # # # # 5olani 6. )%:3&* 4ELge de la pierre dans la pro"in e de Hoa Binh. Mmoires du Service Gologique de l !ndochine 13 7lanner$' H2. )%:&+* The origins of agri ulture. Annual Revie" of Anthropolog# 2: 3&%-+%( Corman 5. )%:>:* Hoabinhian: A pebble tool omple8 -ith earl$ plant asso iations in /outheast Asia. Science 163: >&%-+ Corman 5. )%:&(* E8 a"ations at /pirit 5a"e' .orth Thailand: /ome interim interpretations. Asian Perspectives 13: &:-%(& Corman 5. )%:&%* The Hoabinhian and After: /ubsisten e Patterns in /outheast Asia during the 4ate Pleisto ene and Earl$ Ge ent Periods. $orld Archaeolog# 2: +((-3( 6atthe-s M6. )%:>4* The Hoabinhian in /outheast Asia and else-here. PhD thesis. Australian .ational Nni"ersit$' 5anberra 6atthe-s M6. )%:>>* A Ge"ie- of the EHoabinhianE in ,ndo-5hina. Asian Perspectives 9: @>-:D 6oser' M. )3((%* %oa&inhian' Geographie und Chronologie eines stein(eitlichen Technocomple)es in S*dostasien HOln' 4indensoft. Phukha hon /. )%:@@* Archaeological research of the %oa&inhian culture or technocomple) and its comparison "ith ethnoarchaeolog# of the Phi Tong Luang+ a hunter,gatherer group of Thailand- Tubingen: 2erlag Ar haeologi a 2enatoria: ,nstitut fur Nrges hi hte der Nni"ersitat Tubingen. /hoo ongde9 G. )3(((* 7orager 6obilit$ PrganiIation in /easonal Tropi al En"ironments of Aestern Thailand. $orld Archaeolog# 32: %4-4(. /olheim' A.C. )%:&3* An earlier agri ultural re"olution. Scientific American 226: +4-4% 2an Tan H. )%::4* The Hoabinhian in /outheast Asia: 5ulture' ultures or te hno omple8Q Vietnam Social Sciences 5: +-@ 2an Tan H. )%::&* The Hoabinhian and before. .ulletin of the !ndo,Pacific Prehistor# Association /Chiang Mai Papers+ Volume 01 16: +D-4% Ahite M5' Corman 5. )3((4* Patterns in 1amorphous1 industries: The Hoabinhian "ie-ed through a lithi redu tion se!uen e. ,. PaI' 2. )ed* Southeast Asian archaeolog#' $ilhelm G- Solheim !! 2estschrift Nni"ersit$ of the Philippines Press' RueIon 5it$. pp. 4%%-44%.

/pirit 5a"e' Thailand

# Spirit Cave )Thai: * is an ar haeologi site in Pangmapha distri t' 6ae Hong /on Pro"in e' north-est Thailand. ,t -as o upied from about :((( till DD(( B5 b$ Hoabinhian hunter and gatheres. # The site is lo ated at an ele"ation of >D( m abo"e sea le"el on a hillside o"erlooking the Hhong Gi"er. ,t -as e8 a"ated in the mid %:>(s b$ 5hester Corman. # 5harles Higham )3((3*. 3arl# Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia. Gi"er Books' 4>-4:.

4okasi 6ae Hong /on Pro"in e

Perkampungan di Phang 6a-Pha

/pirit 5a"e
# ,n %:>D 5hester Corman' -ho -as -orking on his PH.D' arri"ed in Thailand hoping to find ar haeologi al e"iden e to support 5arl /auer?s h$pothesis of plant domesti ation b$ the Hoabinhiam people. Pn the side of a limestone out ropping o"erlooking a small stream in northern Thailand near the Burmese border' he found his e"iden e in /pirit 5a"e. Thousands of $ears ago a semi-permanent settlement of hunter-gatherers made tools from -ood and stone and supplemented their hunting b$ gathering plants and' perhaps' b$ planting their o-n.

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# As Corman e8 a"ated the floor of /pirit 5a"e' he made se"eral surprising dis o"eries. Amongst the dirt and stone la$ the remains of se"eral plant spe ies in luding t-o probable beans' a possible pea' a pepper' a 5hinese -ater hestnut' betel seeds' and bits of bottle gourd and u umber. 5arbon-%4 dating of these remains pla ed them bet-een :((( and >((( B5. /ome of these plants ould not be distinguished from -ild "arieties' but others su h as gourds' -ater hestnuts' and betel seeds had probabl$ been domesti ated. The earl$ dates of these plant remains pla es the domesti ation of plant life in /outheast Asia at least as earl$ as the domesti ation in the 6iddle East and possibl$ earlier.

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# ,n the midst of these remains la$ Hoabinhian stone tools and the remains of animal bones. These bones had been hopped into small pie es but had not been burned suggesting that instead of roasting their meat on or in a fire' the people of /pirit 5a"e had ste-ed their meat' probabl$ in a ontainer of green bamboo as is still done in /outheast Asia toda$. # Bersama3 dgn bi9irin tersebut di9umpai alat batu dan tulang3 binatang $ang dipe ah3kan = mungkin mereka telah memasakn$a.

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# ,n a la$er dated to appro8imatel$ >>(( B5' -ell-de"eloped potter$' stone tools' and small slate kni"es -ere found. The potter$ -as burnished and marked b$ the -o"en ords used to make it and man$ of the pots had plant fibers used as a temper to redu e breakabilit$ and impro"e -orkabilit$. The stone tools' alled adIes' -ere re tangular and partiall$ polished. These tools hallenged the then a epted theor$ that the 5hinese introdu ed polishing to their more primiti"e neighbors in /outheast Asia in +((( B5. The stone tools found at /pirit 5a"e' some dated as earl$ as &((( B5' predate dis o"eries from northern 5hina b$ se"eral millennium. This lead Corman to h$pothesiIe that the 5hinese ma$ ha"e learned stone polishing te hni!ues from the /outheast Asians and not the other -a$ around. The dis o"er$ of these tools also supported the h$pothesis of an earl$ agri ultural so iet$ as similiar tools -ere used else-here to har"est ri e.

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# The sophisti ation of the potter$ and stone tools found lead Dr. Ailhem /olheim ,, of the Nni"ersit$ of Ha-aii to spe ulate that earlier' ruder forms of these implements must ha"e been de"eloped at least +((( $ears before.

# # # # # # # # # 1A 2isitorEs Cuide to Phuket' Thailand = An ient Histor$.1 A 2isitorEs Cuide to Phuket )Mul$ %4' %:::* http:SS---.di"easia. omSphuketguideShistan ient.html 3% P tober 3((( T5/P = UThe 4ost 5i"iliIations of the /tone Age? b$ Gi hard Gudgle$.V http:SS---. sp.orgS hrestomath$SlostW i"iliIations.html 3% P tober 3((( Ember' 5arol and 6el"in Ember. Anthropolog$: A Brief ,ntrodu tion. Npper /addle Gi"er' .M: Prenti e Hall' 3(((:pX TMane Eastman Department of Anthropolog$.V East 5arolina Nni"ersit$ http:SS ore.e u.eduSanthSeastman9Shonorsseasia.htm 3% P tober 3((( TGo k Art.V Nni"ersit$ of Te8as at Austin http:SS---.dla.ute8as.eduSdeptsSanthroS oursesS:&fallSdenbo-+(4So"erh eads.html 3% P tober 3((( /olheim' Ailhelm C. T.e- 4ight on a 7orgotten Past.V .ational Ceographi %+:-+)%:&%*: ++3-++@ Thiro' Gosal$n. E$e-itness Tra"el Cuides: Thailand. .e- Fork' .F: DH Publishing ,n ' %::&. TNntitled.V Nni"ersit$ of Hansas http:SS---.ukans.eduSYhoopesS%%(h+.htm 3% P tober 3((( B$' Tim Anderson

Hoabinhian 6ala$sia
Petikan daripada Thesis PhD Dr. Adi Taha berkenaan dengan Hoabinhian di 6ala$sia dan Asia Tenggara. Ha9ian ini adalah berasaskan kepada penemuan terbaru di Cua Peraling' Cua Batu 5ha-as dan Cua 5ha di Nlu Helantan = uba perhatikan dan fahami.

Hoabinhian .otes

Hoabinhian /ites in the 6ala$ Peninsular - Cunung /en$um

Pun ak Cunung /en$um

Hompleks Hota Celanggi

Cua Bama - 4ipis

Bukit horas - Tembeling

Cua Be-ah = Tasik Hen$ir

Cua Taat = Tasik Hen$ir

Cua He hil - Gaub

Cua Bkt. 5ha-as

Cua Tagut' Huala Bering

Cua Tamap!

6aterial 5ulture remains = Cunung /en$um

/isa-sisa Cigi 6anusia = Cunung /en$um

Alat batu - Hoabinhian

# Direpih di sekeliling batu # Permukaan asal batu masih kelihatan di bahagian tengah # Digunakan sebagai pengikis )/ rapper*

# Alat batu men$erupai bentuk beliung pada Iaman neolitik tetapi han$a direpih dan tidak di asah. # ,ni ialah alat batu pada akhir kebuda$aan hoabinhian = hampir neolitik

# Cambara9ah alat batu hoabinhian $ang direpih di sekeliling dan di kedua-dua belah

Alat $ang diperbuat daripada tulang = hampir Iaman neolitik

Mumpaan permukaan di Cua 6adu Nlu Helantan

# Bentuk pengebumian melentur )fle8ed burial* # 4utut dianggakt ke dagu # /ama ada diletak se ara mengiring atau menelentang # Diadaptasi daripada kedudukan ba$i dalam kandungan # 6ungkin penglahiran konsep keper a$aan baha-a akan ada kehidupan selepas kematian

# 6a$at disertakan dengan pelbagai 9enis barangan pengebumian seperti makanan dan alat-alat batu. # Ada ma$at $ang diberi bantal batu. # /emua alatan itu berkaitan dengan kehidupan di mati semasa ha$atn$a iaitu makanan $ang dimakan dan peralatan $ang digunakan # ,ni menggambarkan sebagai bekalan kepada si mati. Bermakna ada kehidupan semula.

# 5ontoh tinggaln kubur Hoabinhian di Cua 5ha

# /isa rangka hominid di Cua Peraling' Nlu Helantan

# Tengkorak kepala dari Cua Peraling = Australo 6elanesoid

Her9a-ker9a ekska"asi
# Dilakukan se ara sistematik dan teliti # Pemasangan grid untuk memudahkan ker9a-ker9a merekod se ara sistematik # Penelitian dan perekodan iri di setiap lapisan spit dan lapisan kebuda$aan # Her9a-ker9a penapisan tanah galian untuk mendapatkan data $ang maksimum # Penggalian se ara pemugaran

Cua Peraling

Cua Angin' Hompleks Hota Celanggi

Cua Peraling

Cua Tok Bidan' Tasik Hen$ir

5a"e paintings = Cua Batu 5in in

# Cambaran sebuah keluarga # Anak' ,bu )ada tetek* dan A$ah )anu $ang tegak*

Cua 4embing' Nlu Helantan

Cua Tambun' ,poh

Prg Asli Hg Huala Bering

/ekian lah -eii0 baliklah

Permisi dulu /ampai ketemu lagi0

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