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Mobile Application Development

Focus on Andriod Application development and

compare it with IOS.

Basic Topics covered Session 1
Fragments : slide 3
Activity Lifecycle : slide 4
Configuration Changes : slide 5
Starting activity and getting results: slide 6,7
Saving persistent State: Slide 7
Permissions: Slide 8
Process Lifecycle: Slide 9.
With Version Honeycomb Fragement class is optional for
Activity Class for modularization.
Scale application between small and large screen.
public class ArticleFragment extends Fragment {
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater,
ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return inflater.inflate(R.layout.article_view, container,

Activity Class
Activity- Any single focused thing User Does.
Create window using setContentView(View).
Full screen or Floating Window using theme
Can be Grouped using class ActivityGroup
Initialized using onCreate(Bundle) which call
setContentView() with layout resource defined to
create UI.
findViewById(int) :retireve widget in that UI.
onPause() deal with user leaving your activity &
changes commits ContentProvider holding data.
Configuration Changes
Resource.configuration Class allow UI
undisturbed in case of changes in
Even foreground activity visible to user killed
once onDestroy() called and new activity
created To allow Configuration driven resource
handling of files etc.
Special case usin bypass using

Starting Activity & getting result
startActivity(Intent): used to start Activity.
Placed in activity stack and intent describe
activity to be executed.
Activity Exits must return RESULT_CANCELED,
RESULT_OK or any custom value.

Saving Persistent State
Actvity deals with two major States:
Shared document like data( on SQLite
database using contentprovider)
Internal State: like user preferences.
While creating a new document a database
entry is created.
When onPause() called the state content
provider files of user is saved
Process Lifecycle
Application can have four states based on Activity
Lifecycle. (As shown in diagram in slide2)
If memory Not Available then All kinds of processes can be forced closed.
Foreground Activity: User interacts with user and
process has least priority to be killed.
Visible Activity: Visible not in foreground killed only
when conflict with foreground.
Background Activity: not visible or paused not critical
can be safely killed restarted with onCreate() with
savedInstanceState.(start from where left)
Empty process: hosting no activity killed highest
Abstract description of operation to be performed.
startActivity: launch Activity
BroadCastIntent(): send to Receiver
bindService(Intent, ServiceConnection,int): Bind to service
Action: To be performed
Data: data to be operate on.
Category: addition info for execution like launch as top level or
as alternative application
Type: Explicit typing of data intent (Normally MIME type).
Component: Component class for intent
otherwise(Action,Data/Type, Category) is matched.
Extras: Bundle Additional data Like subject, Body with email.

Example Operations spec as Intent
Launch Home screen:
Display people phone Number, browse & pick:
ACTION_GET_CONTENT with mime type Any
(*/*) and Category CATEGORY_OPENABLE.
ContentResolver.opemInputStream() pick &
attach data return URI to caller.
Mime Type list :

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