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New Amazon Fire Phone? Should You Buy It?
New Amazon Fire Phone? Should You Buy It?
Amazon has released a ne phone !th man" specs
and features# some of h!ch are ne and others can
$e seen on other compet!n% phones. The &uest!on
that "ou could $e as'!n% !s# should "ou $u" !t( )s !t
$etter than other compet!n% phones such as *alax"
+, and !-hone ,s or !s !t .ust a a" for Amazon to sell
"our !tems !n pretense for a phone.
/or sure# the Amazon /!re -hone has features that are
not !n other phones such as the man" lenses that are
front fac!n%. These ena$le the phone to ta'e photos
e0en !n lo l!%ht. The $u!lt !n /!ref" !s another feature
that ma'es the phone un!&ue. )t reco%n!zes m!ll!ons
of th!n%s# from products to T1 ep!sodes# mo0!es and
son%s. The screen of the phone !s 2D and !t %ets the
e3ects from the D"nam!c -erspect!0e# h!ch ad.usts
the screen !ma%e to match !th the head pos!t!on of
the user.
The phone also has unl!m!ted space !n the
cloud for $ac'!n% up photos and 0!deos ta'en
us!n% !t. Th!s unl!m!ted photo shar!n% !s not
!th other phones. /or !nstance# Apple o3ers
onl" ,*4s free h!le *oo%le re&u!res one to $e
on *oo%le 5 to access the $ac'up.
The Amazon /!re -hone !s $r!n%!n% !n
compet!t!on !n the mar'et that !s usuall"
dom!nated $" Apple and +amsun%. +hould "ou
$u" the phone $ased on these and other
features of the phone(
6oe0er# there !s also the other s!de of the
Amazon /!re -hone. The so amaz!n% /!ref"
feature !s for not onl" reco%n!z!n% !tems# $ut
also !t !s a a" for Amazon to collect
!nformat!on a$out "ou. )t can reco%n!ze phone
num$ers# ema!l addresses# T1 ep!sodes# mus!c#
mo0!es# son%s# $oo's and m!ll!ons of other
The /!ref" allos the phone to reco%n!ze the
!tems surround!n% "ou such as the mo0!e "ou
are atch!n% or the $oo's that "ou read#
s!tes "ou see and places "ou 0!s!t amon%
others. Amazon then stores th!s !nformat!on
!n the data$ase to ena$le !t to 'no h!ch
!tems to sell to "ou. The phone !s therefore a
a" for Amazon to collect !nformat!on a$out
"ou to ena$le !t sell to "ou.
The pr!c!n% of the /!re -hone !s also h!%h#
!th a no contract pr!ce of 7 8,9. )t could
ha0e $een $etter !f Amazon could ha0e
char%ed less for the phone and remo0e the
!dea of contracts on the phones.
The dec!s!on to $u" the phone or not to $u"
!s "ours depend!n% on ho "ou e!%h the
$eneft pro0!ded $" the phone and the
/or More )nformat!on :;fort-lauderdale-f

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