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September 14,2004

Consolidated Plan
Reference Other Documents
Nonhousing CD Plan
Develop Own Formats
Enhance Citizen Participation
Develop Streamlined Templates
Coordinate with P! Plan
Develop"Test !utomated Tools
#seful Performance
$easurement Practices

Pilot %ocations

California (8)

Florida (3)

&eorgia (1)

'llinois (1)

$assachusetts (3)

$issouri (2)

New (or) (2)

Ohio (1)

Penns*lvania (2)

+ashington (1)

+isconsin (3)

'deas Tested ,* Pilots
Co!"#e, #$mm%r& '%t%
Cro## re(ere!") ot*er p+%#
,#e b$++et#, temp+%te#, t%b+e#,
-o#t p+%# %' report# o Iteret
Report %$%+ %' m$+t".&e%r )o%+#
De/e+op temp+%te# %' o$t!ome
A$tom%te tr%!0") o( per(orm%!e

Coordinate with other plans
'ntegrate Consolidated Plan with-
Comprehensive Plans
%and #se Plans
Site Plans
Regional"$etropolitan Plans
Neigh,orhood Plans
.udgeting Process
Reporting on Service E/orts and

Evaluation of Pilots
Shorter0 clearer
$ore reada,le
#ser friendl*
Fewer pages
Save preparation time
Save review time
Easier to assess progress

New F( 1223 !pproach
Stre%m+"e %++ t*ree 'o!$met#
L"0 Co#o+"'%te' -+% %' CA-ER
Comp%re 1o%+#2A!!omp+"#*met#
A$tom%te t*e -ro!e##
Opt"o%+ C- 3%%)emet Too+
Fo!$# o re#$+t#2o$t!ome#

!nnual !ction Plan &oals
Clearl* identif* performance measures
and units of measurement
Clearl* identif*
annual num,er of pro4ected units
completed ,* end of *ear
annual num,er of pro4ected units
target areas of concentrated assistance
!nnual goals include units ,ased on
prior *ear funding

5e* 'ssues for Performance
$easurement S*stems
'dentif* numeric goals and o,4ectives
%in) goals and o,4ectives with pro4ects
Cross reference pro4ects and o,4ectives
'dentif* pro4ects under each o,4ective
%ong6term numeric goals and o,4ectives
Short6term numeric goals and o,4ectives
!,ilit* to aggregate annual numeric goals
!nnual numeric goals in action plan

Some E7amples
Re8uire 92: of all new developments
include a/orda,le units
E/ective uses of 'nternet-
3%'"#o .. 1o%+# %' A!!omp+"#*met#
4e#t!*e#ter Co$t& 5. S+"'e S*o6
-o#t 'r%(t p+% (or !ommet
%in) goals and o,4ectives with pro4ects
Lo# A)e+e# 3%tr"7 o( )o%+# %'
S%/%%* Cro## Re(ere!e C*%rt

Matrix of Goals vs. Accomplishments by Priority
2000-2001 Program Year

Activity Local
Emergency Repair HS2.2 D, G, L Yes 250,000
Exterior Improvement HS2.1, 2.2 D, G, L Yes 50,000
Loan Processing HS1.2 D Yes 10,000
Housing Administration All HS D, Yes 747,615
CHSA HS1.1, 2.2, 4.1 D, G, K Yes 508,000
Neighborhood Housing Services HS1.1,1.2, 2.2 D, G, K Yes 215,000
Property Acquisition HS1.1, 2.1, 4.1 D, G, K Yes 45,000
Non-Profit Support HS1.1, 2.2 D Yes 150,000
SF Homeowner Rehab Program HS2.1 D, G, L Yes 150,000
TOTAL - CDBG Housing 2,125,615
Savannah Cross Reference Table

Savannah Local Housing Objectives
Objective HS1.1: Help 150 low or moderate-income families become first-
time homebuyers from 2000-2004
Objective HS1.2: Increase homeownership by 25 households per year in
neighborhoods with rate of homeownership under the city average
Objective HS1.3: Assist 100 low income families in avoiding foreclosure
Objective HS2.1: Increase percentage of standard structures from 74% to 79%
Objective HS2.2: Rehabilitate at least 274 rental and 450 owner-occupied
Objective HS4.1: Provide 175 additional standard affordable rental units
Objective HS4.2: Provide rental assistance to 2,390 very-low and low income
rental units per year. This includes 1,043 tenant-based units per year and
1,347 project-based units per year.

$ore E7amples
Cincinnati !ction Plan
%os !ngeles Evaluation
Portland Service E/orts and
!ccomplishments Reporting
Rochester .enchmar)s
Charlotte ;ualit* of %ife 'nde7

%os !ngeles Evaluation
Fo#ter Se+(.S$8!"e!& 9 o( -ro)r%m# : o( Tot%+
-ro;e!t A!!omp+"#*met#
D"' Not 3eet 1o%+ 1 100:
3et 1o%+
E7!ee'e' 1o%+
1o%+ Not Reporte'
Tot%+ 1 100:

I/e#t " =$m% C%p"t%+ 9 o( -ro)r%m# : o( Tot%+

-ro;e!t A!!omp+"#*met#
D"' Not 3eet 1o%+ > 1?:
3et 1o%+ 2 ?:
E7!ee'e' 1o%+ 2@ ?8:
1o%+ Not Reporte' 3 >:
Ot*er > 1?:
Tot%+ 4? 100:

%os !ngeles Evaluation
De!et =o$#") 9 o( -ro)r%m# : o( Tot%+
-ro;e!t A!!omp+"#*met#
D"' Not 3eet 1o%+ 4 2A:
3et 1o%+ 0 0:
E7!ee'e' 1o%+ @ 43:
1o%+ Not Reporte' 3 21:
Ot*er 1 >:
Tot%+ 14 100:

Emp+o&met 9 o( -ro)r%m# : o( Tot%+

-ro;e!t A!!omp+"#*met#
D"' Not 3eet 1o%+ 3 13:
3et 1o%+ 0 0:
E7!ee'e' 1o%+ 1 4:
1o%+ Not Reporte' ? >:
Ot*er 14 @1:
Tot%+ 43 100:

'mpact on individuals
Reduction in cost ,urden
'ncreased self6su=cienc*
'ncreased feeling of securit*
'mpact on neigh,orhoods
'ncreased valuation of properties
'ncrease in homeownership
Reduction in a,andoned ,uildings
Reduction in crime

Rochester .enchmar)s
I!re%#e per!et%)e o( *omeo6er#*"p
Re'$!e !o!etr%t"o o( po/ert&, bot* "
"'"/"'$%+ e")*bor*oo'# %' !"t&
I!re%#e /%+$e o( re#"'et"%+ %'
!ommer!"%+ propert& " !o#t%t 'o++%r#
Re'$!e t*e $mber o( /%!%t !ommer!"%+
%' re#"'et"%+ #tr$!t$re#

Social Dimension
Percent of Persons over Age 64
Average Kindergarten Score
Percent of Children Passing Competency Exams
Percent of Births to Adolescents
Youth pportunity !ndex
Charlotte, NC 2002 Quality of Life Variables
Crime Dimension
"iolent Crime #ate
$uvenile Arrest #ate
Property Crime #ate
Crime %ot Spots
Physical Dimension
Appearance !ndex
Percent Su&standard %ousing
Percent %omeo'ners
Pro(ected !nfrastructure !mprovement Costs
Percent of Persons 'ith Access to Pu&lic )ransportation
Percent of Persons 'ith Access to Basic #etail
Pedestrian *riendliness !ndex
Economic Dimension
Percent of Persons #eceiving *ood Stamps
Percent Change in !ncome

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