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Internet Of Things (IoT)
Internet Of Things (IoT)
Prepared By: Virendra Singh Thakur
GTU PG School, Ahmedabad
Mo. +!"##$%&%'%
1. What is IoT ?
1. What is IoT ?
2. Web of Things
2. Web of Things
3. IoT Standardization
3. IoT Standardization
. !pp"i#ations
. !pp"i#ations
(ha) i* +n)erne) ,- Thing*
(ha) i* +n)erne) ,- Thing*
The +n)erne) o- Thing* .+oT/ i* )he ne)0ork o-
phy*ical ob1ec)* acce**ed )hrough )he +n)erne),
a* de-ined by )echnology analy*)* and
2i*ionarie*. The*e ob1ec)* con)ain embedded
)echnology )o in)erac) 0i)h in)ernal *)a)e* or )he
e3)ernal en2ironmen). +n o)her 0ord*, 0hen
ob1ec)* can *en*e and communica)e, i) change*
ho0 and 0here deci*ion* are made, and 0ho
make* )hem.
The Web of Things
The Web of Things
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n )he -u)ure, digi)al *en*ing, communica)ion, and
proce**ing capabili)ie* 0ill be ubi5ui)ou*ly
embedded in)o e2eryday ob1ec)*, )urning )hem in)o
)he +n)erne) o- Thing* .+oT/. Smar) de2ice* 0ill
collec) da)a, relay )he in-orma)ion or con)e3) )o
each o)her, and proce** )he in-orma)ion
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
An +oT *y*)em i* a ne)0ork o- ne)0ork* 0here,
)ypically, a ma**i2e number o-
ob1ec)*6)hing*6*en*or*6de2ice* are connec)ed
)hrough communica)ion* and in-orma)ion
in-ra*)ruc)ure )o pro2ide 2alue"added *er2ice* 2ia
in)elligen) da)a proce**ing and managemen) -or
di--eren) applica)ion* .e.g. *mar) ci)ie*, *mar)
heal)h, *mar) grid, *mar) home, *mar)
)ran*por)a)ion, and *mar) *hopping/.
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
Topic* 0ill include +oT *y*)em archi)ec)ure, +oT
enabling )echnologie*, +oT *er2ice* and applica)ion*,
and )he *ocial implica)ion* o- +oT. The -ield* o-
in)ere*) include, bu) are no) limi)ed )o:
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+oT *er2ice*, applica)ion*, *)andard*, and )e*)"bed*
*uch a* *)reaming da)a managemen) and mining
pla)-orm*, *er2ice middle0are, open *er2ice
pla)-orm, *eman)ic *er2ice managemen), *ecuri)y
and pri2acy"pre*er2ing pro)ocol*, de*ign e3ample*
o- *mar) *er2ice* and applica)ion*, and +oT
applica)ion *uppor).
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+oT enabling )echnologie* *uch a* *en*or*, radio
-re5uency iden)i-ica)ion, lo0 po0er and energy
har2e*)ing, *en*or ne)0ork*, machine")ype
communica)ion, re*ource"con*)rained ne)0ork*, real"
)ime *y*)em*, +oT da)a analy)ic*, in *i)u proce**ing,
and embedded *o-)0are.
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+oT archi)ec)ure* *uch a* )hing*"cen)ric, da)a"cen)ric,
*er2ice"cen)ric archi)ec)ure, 4PS and S4A7A
pla)-orm*, -u)ure +n)erne) de*ign -or +oT, cloud"ba*ed
+oT, and *y*)em *ecuri)y and manageabili)y.
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
+n)erne) ,- Thing* 4on)d..
$resentations from %&yers of the Internet of
Things by mar'et (erti#a"

4on*umer *er2ice* and *mar) home*

Au)omo)i2e and )ran*i)

8eal)h care

Smar) 9nergy: *mar) me)er* and grid*

:ogi*)ic*, *upply chain

,il, ga*, manu-ac)uring and indu*)rial

)ey IoT Standardization
)ey IoT Standardization

#:o(PA; (orking Group .+P2# any0here/

<,:: .<ou)ing ,2er :o0"po0er :oo*ely

;e)0ork*/ (G

4o<9 (G .<9ST -or +oT, 4oAP, <e*ource

7irec)ory e)c./

T:S (G .7T:S/
)ey IoT Standardization
)ey IoT Standardization

:igh)0eigh) M$M 9nabler S)andard .4oAP67T:S


7e2ice Managemen) $.& 9nabler S)andard

.8TTP6T:S ba*ed/
)ey IoT Standardization
)ey IoT Standardization
*TSI - One,2,

,ngoing 0ork on M$M *y*)em *)andardi=a)ion

.4oAP, 8TTP binding/
> W3C

9--icien) ?M: +n)erchange .9?+/ *)andardi*a)ion

> .ig%ee I$

An open"*)andard #:o(PA; *)ack -or e.g. Smar)

9nergy $.&
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
Smart *nergy 0 Lighting
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
1ea"th 0 +itness
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
%&i"ding !&tomation
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
*/amp"e !pp"i#ations
!sset ,anagement
Thank @ou..
Thank @ou..

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