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Kuliah 4

Benefit mass production, Precast,

Prestressed, Pre tension, Post tension
1. Konstruksi lebih cepat assembling
mengurangi : - tenaga ahli di lapangan
- pekerjaan basah
- pekerjaan cast in situ
- lahan untuk mengerjakan in situ
2. Mengurangi biaya supervisi (waktu & bahan bangunan)
komponen dari workshop ke lapangan

Workshop Site
Konvensional 20 30% 70 80%
Advance 70 80% 20 30%

3. Balance of investment : - bahan bangunan
- tenaga
- lahan
- peralatan
4. Closer control - Pengawasan efisien terhadap komponen
- Adanya quality control untuk unit produksi
5. Kualitas komponen lebih baik - Standarisasi pada sistem advance
- Penyesuaian keahlian man power
6. Memungkinkan menggunakan tenaga ahli (skill labour) pada sistem
7. Dapat menggunakan tenaga non terampil dengan memberi sedikit training
pada industri sebagai operator
8. Mengurangi perancah (bekisting)
9. Bisa dibuat komponen dengan High Sophistication tekstur, warna,
bentuk, fungsi
10. Re-use of form works
11. Kontinuitas proses
12. Penerapan standarisasi & rasionalisasi
13. Tidak tergantung pada iklim/ cuaca
14. Program yang akurat (schedule) pada sistem konvensional banyak
kendala & variable
15. Waktu pelaksanaan konstruksi lebih pendek
16. Memungkinkan komponen sebagai bagian struktur
17. Metode ekonomi Akurat
pada sistem konstruksi/ konvensional bervariabel
pada sistem industri akurat
18. Simple production :
sederhana tetap indah
sederhana tetap fungsional
sederhana murah
19. Penyesuaian unit atas ruang dan lahan (dalam situasi terbatas)
20. Dapat diarahkan pada sistem prategang (prestressed concrete)
21. Operasional crane lebih sedikit
22. Dimungkinkan pembuatan komponen sekaligus dengan sistem :
- Isolasi noise dan vibrasi
- Isolasi termal
23. Precasting dalam beberapa tahap :
- Struktur utama
- Pengisi

a. Toleransi dan devisiasi
b. Tekstur dan warna
c. Contoh-contoh (persiapan) unsur-unsur yang dijadikan
d. Mock up sample model (skala 1 : 1) yang merupakan kunci
awal industri
e. QC untuk marking (alat pengontrol keseragaman produk)
f. Supervisi pengawasan produk (pemeriksaan random)
g. Standar detail joining
Tabel 6.1
Considerations necessary in selecting particular made of casting
Factor Considerations
Design Can the unit be cast as designed?
Would its performance as a structural component be upset by the particular
aspect selected?
What would be the cost of redesigning the unit to allow for a new casting
Accuracy Could deviations in profile be reduced by adopting the new position?
Would the accuracy of the unit be improved by adopting the new position?
Would all the critical faces be properly moulded?
Finish Would the unit meet the specification regarding finish if the revised aspect
were adopted?
Would the new aspect improve the opportunity to provide a satisfactory
finish more efficiently or more consistently?
Mouldwork Would the mouldwork be simplified be adopting the proposed method?
Could the re-use required be gained by casting in the new aspect?
Could the cost of forms be reduced?
Could the number of moulds or mould parts to be handled be reduced?
Could the mould/area cost be reduced by ganging?
Mould materials What materials would best suit the proposed method?
Could the mould be tilted or turned?
What mould design would best suit the new aspect?
Production Would the new aspect simplify production?
Would the overall time cycle be usefully reduced?
Would the aspect permit the adoption of improved techniques and pre-
Equipment Would the equipment be used to capacity?
Would the method proposed suit the existing equipment better?
What new equipment would be required?
Labour Could less skilled labour be used?
Safety What inherent hazards are involved with each method?
Would the handling methods proposed introduce new hazards?
Supervision Would the new method simplify supervision by making better use of
existing skills?
Would supervisors accept the technique and promote its use?
Casting Would space be available to cast the units as proposed?
Would casting be simplified?
Could the steel be accurately positioned?
Handling Would sufficient space be available for turning and stacking?
Wuold handling become unduly delayed?
Would some special provision for handling be necessary?

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