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Teaching Writing in the

Primary ESL Classroom

Tutorial Task
Prepared by:
Nurain Sofiah
Arif Farhan
Muhamad Aziz
Nur Farhana Akmal
Question 1

4 ways how teacher can support spelling
development in the classroom. Provide specific
example pertaining to the KBSR/ KSSR syllabus

Students who need additional support in spelling
should be provided with a program that recognizes
their current developmental level and builds an
understanding of word patterns based on each of the
four forms of spelling knowledge.

Systematic teaching of spelling will involve initial
teacher modeling of strategies, followed by guided and
then independent practice. The teachers role is to
organize the examination of words in such a way that
students understand how particular spelling features
and patterns operate (Templeton & Morris, 1999).
Curriculum Content for Year 1,2 & 3
Special attention should be given in order to
strengthen the muscles of the hand, develop
visual skills, enhance gross and fine motor skills
as well as develop hand-eye coordination to help
pupils acquire penmanship.
Correct formation of letters of the alphabet is
important in order to help pupils write neatly
and later write words, phrases and sentences
Content Standard
3.2 By the end of the 6 year primary
schooling, pupils will be able to write using
appropriate language, form and style for a
range of purposes.
3.2.4 Able to spell common sight words.

Since writing is an ongoing process, children
need to master the spelling first
Word level > phrases level > sentences level >
paragraph form & etc
Student Centered Approach
Personalized spelling lists
Learning variety of words including those words
misspelt in their own writing
Selecting words they need to spell
Transferring words into a book
Learning selected words through variety ways. Eg:
Memorizing, exercises, tape.
Teacher monitors and check the spelling written
by the pupils
Example of activity
The teacher test the pupils spelling and correct them if there are any
mistake. Next, the teacher will repeat giving the pupils same words to
spell to see their development and understanding.
Break words into parts (Chunking)
Break the word into syllables.
Teach three words a day rather than four or
five, or fifteen at the beginning of the week
Repeated spelling and pronunciation
Provide enough practice to spell the word and
give feedback

Example of activity
Teacher can ask the pupils to complete the puzzle as a practise to test the
pupils understanding on the words that the teacher had taught.
Spelling games activity
Motivating students
Learning through fun activities
Board game, word puzzles, chaining puzzle,
spelling bee, cut it out.
Self testing, partner testing, teacher testing
Drill the words through the activities
Example of activity
The teacher divide the pupils into several groups and asks the pupils to
complete the task sheet below. The group that finished the task in the
shortest time will be a winner!
Look, say, cover, visualize, write, check
process (Exercises)

Look at the word, focusing on the spelling,
Say the word aloud
Cover the word so it cant be seen
Visualize the word, imagining it.
Write it down on a piece of paper
Check that the word has been spelt correctly.
Exemplar 1
We choose this activity for
because we believe that learning
should be fun and exciting which
was proposed by KSSR. We also
believe that pupils learn better
when they found the element of
fun in the learning process.

Exemplar 2 (Word Pyramid)

Since KSSR is learner centered, by
using this activity, pupils are
encourage to build their own
knowledge, contribute to the lesson
and we believe, more discussion will
be carried out in class where pupils
will be voicing out their ideas on what
alphabet can be add on to every word
pyramid their peers have done.

To us, this is something related to
constructivism approach. The role of
a KSSR teacher is more towards
facilitating the pupils and not spoon-
feeding them all the time.


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