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Bioclimatic Design adalah filosofi yang di buat oleh Ken Yeang sebagai
solusi dari bangunan bangunan pencakar langit pada masa awal
modern building technology , yang pada saat itu bangunan pencakar
langit di buat hanya untuk kebutuhan markets, real estate, politics
and investment, belum memperhitungkan kehidupan kota dan
Bioclimatic Design
A bioclimatic design is, according to Ken Yeang, 'one which uses
passive low energy techniques to produce buildings which are
environmentally interactive, efficient and increase occupant comfort
Bioclimatic Design Ken Yeang sendiri terinspirasi dari beberapa teori
dari arsitek arsitek terdahulu

Vitruvius in his Ten Books On Architecture' describes the fundamental
relationships between climate, comfort and architectme in Iris model
of envitonment. This is illustrated
TIle influence oftechllology prompted Olgyay' in the 1960's to
propose a development of the Vitl1lvian model and a method of
achieving environmental control by working with climate. This is
shown in
Olgyay's method, for achieving environmental control by working with
climate, can be summarised as follows :'
Step 1. Survey the climate at the proposed building location. This shonld
include temperatUl'e, relative humidity, solar radiation and wind.
Step 2. Evaluate the climate and assess the relevant importance of each of
the various elements.
Step 3. Propose a technical solution to solve each of the climate - comfort
problems. The technical solutions shonld include site selection, site
orientation, shading calculations, building form and shapes, air movement
and indoor temperature balance.
Step 4. The ftrst three stages shonld be incorporated in to the architectural
This design process, as proposed by Olgyay is reflected in Ken Ye ang' s
philosophy for bioclimatic design as described in his introduction to '
The Skyscraper - Bioc1imatically Considered'
We can define the bioclimatic skyscraper as a tall building whose built
form is configured by design, using passive low-energy techniques to
relate to the site's climate and meteorological data, resulting in a tall
building that is environmentally interactive, low energy in
embodiment and high quality in pe~formance. 1
Prinsip Prinsip Bioclimatic Design
1. Service Core Positions
The core position affects the strnctural design and the thermal performance
of the bioclimatic skyscraper. Yeang identifies three core types. These are
central core, double core 31ld single sided core. The double core is
preferable in the tropics with the cores on the east and west side of the
building. That is, on the elevations receiving most solar gain. In this position
the cores provide a buffer zone
2. Lift Lobbies, Stairways and Toilet Positions
If on the periphery of the building the lobbies, toilets and stairways can be
naturally ventilated and have a view to outside then this is where they
should be located. Thus saving on mechanical ventilation and

3. Building Orientation
Tall buildings are exposed to the full impact of external temperatures
and radiant heat. The longest elevation should therefore face the
direction of least solar irradiation. (This is north and south in the
tropics.) This will reduce the ail' conditioning load.
4. Window Openings
Window openings should also be on the elevations with least solar
irradiation. Solar shading is required on the elevation receiving most
solar. (In temperate zones balconies or recesses on the elevations
receiving the least solar can act as 'sun spaces' and collect solar heat.
5. Deep Recesses
Deep recesses can provide shading to sides of the building receiving
the most heat. Altematively if the window is recessed skycourts or
balconies can be fonned to provide a flexible space.
6. Transitional Spaces
Transitional spaces are described as the zone in between the interior
and the exterior. These can either be just air spaces or unenclosed
al1iums. A 10uVl'ed roof over the top of the allium could act to
encourage air or wind flow through the internal spaces in the building.
7. External Wall Construction
Yeang describes external walls as acting as ' an enclosing filter between the
building's interior and exterior." In temperate climates eg the Uuited Kingdom, the
extemal wall should provide good insulation for winter use and openable parts for
ventilation in warmer periods. In the tropics the external wall should enable good
cross ventilation, protect from solar and wind driven rain and accommodate heavy,
rapid rainfall.
8. Building Plan
The building plan should incorporate both the culture and work style of
the place. It should allow air movement through the building and allow
sunlight in to the building. In the tropics the ground floor should be
naturally ventilated and make a connection to the street by being open to
the outside
9. Planting and Landscaping
Yeang states that plants should be used because of their ability to cool
the environment and not just because of their aesthetic or 'ecological'
qualities. Planting as vertical landscaping will provide benefit to the
surroundings by absorbing carbon dioxide and generating oxygen.
10. Solar Shading
Solar shading is essential for all glazing facing the sun. In the tropics
this is essential all year round and in the temperate regions it is
essential in the summer months.

11. Natural Ventilation
Good air circulation is essential for maintaining comfort in a building.
Cross ventilation allows fresh air in and exhaust air out. Air and wind
flow in to the internal spaces are encouraged by wind scoops, side
vents, SkyCOUlts, atrimns and transitional spaces

12. Thermal Insulation
Heat loss from the building and heat gain to the building can all be
reduced by good thermal insulation.
13. Building Mass
Wanuth or coolth can be stored in the building structural mass to
reduce the mechanical heating and cooling loads.
Bangunan-Bangunan Bioclimatic Design
The Roof Roof House - Selangor, Malaysia (1985)
Menara Mesiniaga Tower - Selangor, Malaysia
Ho Chi Minh Tower
the commerzbank tower frankfurt

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