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No Outcast in Christs

6th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Great is Our God

Come let us sing to every
nation: "Great is our God and
King! He is the Rock of our
salvation! Lift up your hearts
and sing!"

Great is Our God

So sing, for we are God's

people; for he has shown us
his ways. He gathers us to
his table, to partake of his

Great is Our God

Come let us sing to every
nation: "Great is our God and
King! He is the Rock of our
salvation! Lift up your hearts
and sing!"

Great is Our God

So when the Lord's voice

you hear, don't fear or
harden your hearts. We
know that our God is
by the Word he imparts.

Great is Our God

Come let us sing to every
nation: "Great is our God and
King! He is the Rock of our
salvation! Lift up your hearts
and sing!"

I confess to almighty
God and to you, my
brothers and sisters,
that I have greatly
thoughts and in my
words, in what I have
done and in what I

through my fault,
Therefore I ask blessed
Mary ever-Virgin, all
the Angels and Saints,
and you, my brothers
and sisters, to pray for

Lord have mercy on us
Come and heal our land
Cleanse with Your fire
Heal with Your touch humbly
we bow
and call upon you now
Lord have mercy on us,
Christ have mercy on us,


Glory glory to God,
Glory to
God in the Highest.
glory to God and on


We praise You, we
bless You,
we adore You, glorify
You we
give You thanks for


Glory glory to God,
Glory to
God in the Highest.
glory to God and on


Lord Jesus Christ only

begotten Son Lord
God lamb
of God Son of the
Father, You
take away the sins of


world receive our

prayer, You are
seated at the right
hand of the Father
have mercy on us.


Glory glory to God,
Glory to
God in the Highest.
glory to God and on


For You alone are the

One, You alone are the
You alone are the
most high,


Glory glory to God,
Glory to
God in the Highest.
glory to God and on


I turn to You O
Lord, in time of
trouble, and you
fill me with the joy
of salvation!.


Gospel Acclamation

Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia.
Alleluia, alleluia,
alleluia, alleluia

Your words O Lord give joy to

my heart Your teaching is light
to my eyes

I believe in one God, the

Father almighty, maker of
heaven and earth, of all
things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus
Christ, the Only Begotten
Son of God, born of the
Father before all ages.

God from God, Light from

Light, true God from true
God, begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the
Father; through him all things
were made. For us men and
for our salvation he came
down from heaven, and by
the Holy Spirit was incarnate
of the Virgin Mary, and

For our sake he was

crucified under Pontius
Pilate, he suffered death
and was buried, and
rose again on the third
day in accordance with
the Scriptures.

He ascended into heaven

and is seated at the
right hand of the Father.
He will come again in
glory to judge the living
and the dead and his
kingdom will have no

I believe in the Holy

Spirit, the Lord, the
giver of life, who
proceeds from the
Father and the Son, who
with the Father and the
Son is adored and
glorified, who has

I believe in one, holy,

catholic and apostolic
Church. I confess one
Baptism for the
forgiveness of sins and I
look forward to the
resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to

Prayer of the

Lord, hear us.

One thing I Ask

One thing I ask:

To dwell in the house
of the Lord all my
To gaze on His

He will shelter me;

He will be my
In the triumph that
He brings me

In His house I shall

lift up my voice.
I will sing, I will
praise the Lord.

One thing I ask:

To dwell in the house
of the Lord all my
To gaze on His


Holy, Holy,
Holy, Lord God
of Hosts,
Heaven and
Earth are full of

Hosanna in the
highest, Blessed is
he who comes in
the name, of the
Hosanna in the

Memorial Acclamation

We proclaim
your death Lord
and profess


Amen, Amen,
Amen, Amen,

Our Father

Our Father, who art in

heaven. Hollowed be thy
name, thy Kingdom come, thy
will be done on earth as it is
in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread and forgive us
our trespasses.

As we forgive those
who trespass against
us and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver
us, deliver us from


For the Kingdom, the

power, and the glory
are Yours, now and

Lamb of God

//:Lamb of
God, you take
away the sin
of the world
have mercy on

Lamb of God,
you take away
the sins of the
world, Oh grant
us Oh grant us

Lord, I am not
worthy that you
should enter
under my roof,
but only say the
word and my soul
shall be healed

Be not Afraid
Be not afraid, I have
made you, I have
saved you, I have
called you. You are
mine, you are precious
to me and I love you.

1. When you pass

through waters that
rage I am with you. In
the rivers you shall
not drown.
Walk through the fire
and its flames will not

Be not afraid, I have
made you, I have
saved you, I have
called you. You are
mine, you are
precious to me and I

2. Even if you wander

away from my loving,
far away from home
you might stray. Still I
will seek you and
gently take you with
me and bring you

Be not afraid, I have
made you, I have
saved you, I have
called you. You are
mine, you are
precious to me and I

3. I will go before you

and level the
give you treasures
from out of the dark.
Long hidden riches
will stream at last

Be not afraid, I have
made you, I have
saved you, I have
called you. You are
mine, you are
precious to me and I

You are Mine

I am hope for all who are

hopeless I am eyes for
all who long to see In
the shadows of the
night, I will be your
light Come and rest in

You are Mine

Do not be afraid, I am
with you I have called
you each by name Come
and follow Me I will bring
you home I love you and
you are mine

You are Mine

I am strength for all the

despairing Healing for
the ones who dwell in
shame All the blind will
see, the lame will all run
free And all will know My

You are Mine

Do not be afraid, I am
with you I have called
you each by name Come
and follow Me I will bring
you home I love you and
you are mine

You are Mine

I am the Word that leads all

to freedom I am the peace
the world cannot give
I will call your name,
embracing all your pain
Stand up, now, walk, and

You are Mine

Do not be afraid, I am
with you I have called
you each by name Come
and follow Me I will bring
you home I love you and
you are mine

Your Heart Today

Where there is fear, I can

allay. Where there is
pain, I can heal. Where
there are wounds, I can
bind. And hunger, I can

Your Heart Today

Lord, grant me courage.
Lord, grant me strength.
Grant me compassion.
That I may be Your heart

Your Heart Today

Where there is hate, I can

confront. Where there
are yokes, I can release.
Where there are
captives, I can free. And
anger, I can appease.

Your Heart Today

Lord, grant me courage.
Lord, grant me strength.
Grant me compassion.
That I may be Your heart

Your Heart Today

When comes the day I
dread to see our broken
world. Compel me from
my cell grown cold that
Your people I may

Your Heart Today

Where there is fear, I

can allay. Where there
is pain, I can heal.
Where there are
wounds, I can bind.
And hunger, I can fill.

Your Heart Today

And when Ive done all

that I could, yet there
are hearts I cannot
move. Lord, give me

Your Heart Today

That I may be your heart


Through Your Word

Through your Word, we

come to know your love.
By your Word, we now
are healed. For your
Word, we praise and give
you thanks. Through
your Word, we all are

Through Your Word

Through your Word, we come to
know your love. By your Word,
we now are healed. For your
Word, we praise and give you
thanks. Through your Word,
we all are saved.
You speak of faith, Alleluia!
You speak of hope, Alleluia!
You speak of justice, Alleluia!

Through Your Word

Through your Word, we come to

know your love. By your Word,
we now are healed. For your
Word, we praise and give you
thanks. Through your Word,
we all are saved.
You sing of faith, Alleluia!
You sing of hope, Alleluia!
You sing of justice, Alleluia!

Give Thanks To Our God

Give thanks to our God
who is love. Whose
mercy endures, forever.
Give thanks to our God
whose faithfullness,
whose mercy endures

Give Thanks To Our God

Your ways oh Lord you

will make known to me.
And you will guide me
in your path. For your
compassion and your
mercy Lord, are from of

Give Thanks To Our God

Give thanks to our God
who is love. Whose
mercy endures, forever.
Give thanks to our God
whose faithfullness,
whose mercy endures

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