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Derivation of the Dupuit

Equation - Unconfined Flow

Dupuit Assumptions
For unconfined ground water flow Dupuit
developed a theory that allows for a simple
solution based off the following assumptions:
1) The water table or free surface is only
slightly inclined
2) Streamlines may be considered horizontal
and equipotential lines, vertical
3) Slopes of the free surface and hydraulic
gradient are equal

Derivation of the Dupuit

Darcys law gives one-dimensional flow per unit
width as:
q = -Kh dh/dx
At steady state, the rate of change of q with
distance is zero, or
d/dx(-Kh dh/dx) = 0
(-K/2) d2h2/dx2 = 0
Which implies that,
d2h2/dx2 = 0

Dupuit Equation
Integration of d2h2/dx2 = 0 yields
h2 = ax + b
Where a and b are constants. Setting the boundary
condition h = ho at x = 0, we can solve for b
b = ho 2
Differentiation of h2 = ax + b allows us to solve for a,
a = 2h dh/dx
And from Darcys law,
hdh/dx = -q/K

Dupuit Equation
So, by substitution
h2 = h02 2qx/K
Setting h = hL2 = h02 2qL/K
Rearrangement gives

q = K/2L (h02- hL2)

Dupuit Equation

Then the general equation for the shape of the parabola is

h2 = h02 x/L(h02- hL2)

Dupuit Parabola

However, this example does not consider recharge to the aquifer.

Cross Section of Flow

Adding Recharge W Causes a Mound to Form


Dupuit Example
2 rivers 1000 m apart
K is 0.5 m/day
average rainfall is 15 cm/yr
evaporation is 10 cm/yr
water elevation in river 1 is 20 m
water elevation in river 2 is 18 m
Determine the daily discharge per meter width into each

Dupuit equation with recharge becomes
h2 = h02 + (hL2 - h02) + W(x - L/2)
If W = 0, this equation will reduce to the parabolic
Equation found in the previous example, and
q = K/2L (h02- hL2) + W(x-L/2)
L = 1000 m
K = 0.5 m/day
h0 = 20 m
hL= 28 m
W = 5 cm/yr = 1.369 x 10-4 m/day

For discharge into River 1, set x = 0 m
q = K/2L (h02- hL2) + W(0-L/2)
= [(0.5 m/day)/(2)(1000 m)] (202 m2 18 m2 ) +
(1.369 x 10-4 m/day)(-1000 m / 2)

q = 0.05 m2 /day
The negative sign indicates that flow is in the opposite direction
From the x direction. Therefore,

q = 0.05 m2 /day into river 1

For discharge into River 2, set x = L = 1000 m:
q = K/2L (h02- hL2) + W(L-L/2)
= [(0.5 m/day)/(2)(1000 m)] (202 m2 18 m2 ) +
(1.369 x 10-4 m/day)(1000 m (1000 m / 2))

q = 0.087 m2/day into River 2

By setting q = 0 at the divide and solving for x d, the
water divide is located 361.2 m from the edge of
River 1 and is 20.9 m high

Flow Nets - Graphical Flow Tool

Q = KmH / n
n = # head drops
m= # streamtubes
K = hyd cond
H = total head drop

Flow Net in Isotropic Soil

Portion of a flow net is shown below



Curvilinear Squares

Flow Net Theory

1. Streamlines and Equip. lines are .
2. Streamlines are parallel to no flow
3. Grids are curvilinear squares, where
diagonals cross at right angles.
4. Each stream tube carries the same

Seepage Flow under a Dam

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