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Business Plan
 Oomph Inc. is a technology startup
that aims to target the emerging
application development market for
iPhone in USA as well as the mobile
website market across the world. The
company will target individual
customers in the first year of
operations to gain experience and
skills in the business and then
expand to the business customer
Problem & Solution

 Extra Buck!
 Our Competitive Advantage
 User Experience
 Quality Assurance
 The complete iPhone experience
What are we selling?

 Thirdparty customer centric

 A few product ideas:
 iKaraoke
 Destruction
 iSurvey
 Mark Me
 Lists
Value Proposition

 “Our focus will be on quality and user

experience. Our applications will
manipulate all hardware and
software features of the device and
give the users a complete iPhone
experience through our products.”


 Free lancers
 Other IT companies in Emerging
 Ng:moco
 Smule
What is the Market?

 iTunes App Store

 July 2008
 25,000 applications
 500 million downloads
 Free, $0.99 - $69.99
 Success Stories

Our Offerings

 First Year:
 Web Applications
 Stand alone applications
 Second Year
 Business Solutions
Who’s our customer?
 160 million iPhone users and 50 million iPod Touch
users in the US only.

 Male/Female

Age: 23 – 45
Industry: Technology, Fashion, Advertising,
Education, Health

Social Class: Upper Middle – Upper
Social Nick Name: Geek, Yuppy, Tech Savvy
Nationality: Developing and Developed
Nation(USA, Western Europe, Asia Pacific)
Needs: Entertainment, Utility, Information,

Where are we going to

 iTunes App Store…OBVIOUSLY!!!

How are we going to
 Online Media Strategy
 Web 2.0
 Social Networking
 Freemium services

 Public Relations
 Web 2.0 Expo/Conference
 Mac World Conference
 Outsourced World

What’s our future?

Year 1  iPhone Applications (B2C)

Year 2  iPhone Mobile Solutions
(B2B & B2C)
Year 5  Expansion into other
platforms (Android, Palm etc)
Year 7  Expansion continues to
encompass all mobile platforms
Year 8  Turnkey mobile solutions
service provider
Year 10  Industry leader in mobile
solutions and computing

Who are the people?
Who are the people?

 Ammara Abdul Baqi (VP Branding &

Public Relations)
 Ahsan Nadeem (VP Operations)

 Aymen Abdullah (VP Human Resource)

 Fehmeen Ahmed Khan (VP Finance)

 Uzair Qazi (CEO, VP User Experience)

 Zareen Rizvi (VP Internet Marketing &

Business Development)
Key Employees

 Software Developers × 3

 Project Manager × 1

 Quality Assurance/Business
Analysts × 2
Future key employees and

 Need for locally relevant, globally

consistent employee training
 Effective Personnel recruitment
 Personnel development would have to
be carried out in order to motivate
and retain staff
 Project-team based structure
 More programming and development
 Increased workforce
 Quality issues
 Hire additional quality assurance
Showing YOU the
Table 2 : iPhone Application Development and Sales
Schedule ( Year 1 )
T im e (Y ea r 1)
M1 M2
D esign , D ev elo p & T est (DADuth
Assumptions T: ) oriza tion by A p ple (
A p p # 2 Average time to5 apps
develop one D D
iPhoneTApp: 4 to 6 weeks
in Yr 1; 9 in Yr 2
Experience curve and Mobile Website towards end of Yr 1

Table 3 : iPhone Revenue Timeline ( Yr 1 )

Income for Yr 1 (USD)

Sales Generated Assumptions :

Price: free or $3 (trial version vs. full version)
Volume-based model
Application Download and Revenue Calculations
Number of Total Downloads on App Store so far (since June 2008) 500,000,000.00
Total Number of Applications on App Store (since June 2008) 25,000.00
Avg number of downloads per application so far 20,000.00
Avg number of downloads per application so far, per month 2,500.00

Assumptions :
The firm performs at par to the market (average download of 2,500 per
application applies)
Table 4 : Mobile Website Development Schedule
( Year 2 )
Time (Year 2)
Product M1
Mobile Website # 2 Assumptions DDT :
Mobile Website # 3
Development time: between 2 to 3 months

Mobile Website # 4
Table 5 : Mobile Website Development Revenue
Timeline ( Yr 2 )

Product M1
Mobile Website # 2 25,000.0
Mobile Website # 3
Assumptions :
50% upfront, 25% after testing and 25% after
Mobile Website # 4
No. of Contracts : 12 to 15 in Yr 2; multiply 5 to 7 times in
following year
Table 6 : Profit and Loss Statement for
Yr1 , Yr 2 and Yr 3

P K R (R s . 8 0 :$ 1 )

R evenue
S a le s
iP h o n e A p p lic a tio n S a le s
Assumptions :
Learning curve

M o b ile W e b D e v e lo p m e n t
Sales commission: Apps store charges a 30% commission on all iPhone sales.
Remaining 70% belongs to the developer.
Table 9 : Profit and Loss Statement ( USD )

C o m m issio n p aid to Ap p
T o tal R ev en u e E arn ed
Income for Yr 1 on Quart
S ales
C om m ission P aid to A pple
T otal revenue earned
Table 11: Cap Table

S e e d In v e s tm e n t N o o f
Founder 1
Founder 2 Assumptions :
Business will support itself beyond Seed

Founder 3
Founder 4
Founder 5
 Other Assumptions:

 Furniture replacement expense will be 10% of Year 1 expense

 Maintenance cost to grow by 5% in Year 2 and 3% in Year 3
 Portal fee to grow by 2% annually
 Founders to perform content writing services for free
 Marketing expenses will increase by 10% in Year 2 (to increase
penetration for Mobile Website Development Market) and by 7% in
Year 3 (the firm’s popularity will be leveraged after that)

Table 7 : Balance Sheet
( Year 1 only )

T able 7: B alan

Free extra shares

Compensable factors such as performance, company profitability
Irregular feature dependent on prevalent conditions

Will not be limited to certain designations
Join us make more

 Questions/Feedback

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