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Our idea, is to document the truth behind the story of Jack
The Ripper, and separate the truth from the µfairytale¶.

This will include interviews with historians who are experts

onathe matter, reconstructions, notes on common
film or TV program presenting the facts about a person or event
misconceptions and telling the „  story, as well as
disambiguation and myths that spread by word of mouth.

We shall analyse the evidence and see what is fact and

what is fiction. The whole reason of our documentary will
be to see if we could even solve the mystery once and
for all.
The Oxford Dictionary Definition of a
µDocumentary¶ is; ³A film or TV program
presenting the facts about a person or event.´
Documentaries, like every programme televised to
the general public may have specific goals or
objectives to reach and give to the audience.
However every TV programme has the same
aim. To make the production company money.
The more people watch their channel or
programme the more money the production
company gets, so for the Documentary to be a
success we will need to attract a lot of watchers.
Howw o 
    o of

Appealing to a wider target audience
Giving new information or results, to capture an audience attention
through their curiosity.
By making the documentary very entertaining and visually interesting
By making the documentary dramatic compared to standard TV
documentaries. This can be achieved by giving the piece a µdark
twist¶ and mimicking the cinematography and techniques used in
modern cinema. Contempory examples include Spiderman 3 and
Batman The Dark Knight. These films have incorporated a µdark
twist¶ in their squealed films in order to try and add drama to the film
to set it apart from the previous films. As we must do with ourselves
an other documentaries.
In short, by giving or adding something to the documentary that sets it
apart from others, a factor that makes our documentary so much
more interesting, new and exciting than any other in order to make it
so much more appealing to our potential audience.

Oow angle shots ± ominous and threatening

Extreme high angle ± 50-55 (if possible) view

Over the shoulder shots ± interview situations

Hyper-zoom ± move forwards, zoom out to give a nice

effect of the world moving around a stationary character

Tracking shot (backwards) ± equidistant from subject as it

tracks backwards down the road
We may need to add some effects such as darkening the
re-enactment scene or putting filters onto it such as
saturation or black and white to emphasise the point that
the re-enactment is set in the past.
We will also need to pay close attention to cuts and
different styles of cuts as the transition between shots in
our documentary will be very important to ensure our
audience can follow it easily and to ensure an
entertaining programme too.
Other editing factors we may need to talk into account will
include incorporating any non-diagetic sound as well as
non-diagetic music. These could include sound effects
as well as tense music for different intended purposes
throughout the documentary.
Tense music - will have to be either contemporary or
representative of the time period we are documenting.
The late 1800¶s.
Music will most likely be modern pieces of music that we
can use to represent the time of Jack The Ripper, doing
this will ensure that we keep with our modern audience
and modern outlook of Jack The Ripper.
We have a variety of music to choose from as it does not
matter so much to which genre the piece of music
belongs to, just so long as it creates the desired effect
upon an audience.
This effect is to create tension and suspense in our
Documentary to add to its dramatically effect and overall
entertainment value.
This will include every aspect of our reconstruction as
well as a lot of planning with present and past location

When thinking about Mise en scene for our documentary

we will need to plan and consider these aspects:
‡ Costumes
‡ Oocations
‡ Props
‡ Housing and background imagery (will be major part of
location setting)
‡ Background noises
o o
Ror our locations we have looked into some of present day
locations to film commentary about the murders that
happened about 200 years ago.
Ror our reconstruction however we are going to need a
place that will look authentic to the time period of 1888.
These places will have to include every aspect of 1888
street and no sign of any object or person that could be
related to modern day.
This could prove to be very complicated and difficult as
there are very few places still about today that will meet
such a criteria.
Some of the places we did find though include:
o o o 
Oeft and Rar Oeft:
These two locations
are both in the
same area which is
very useful,
Camden lock, not
far from us.

Oeft: And
Oeft: the
Apparently only other
this is a vaguely
street in near
Oondon street is
not far this one
from in York.
  o˜  u 
The text will hopefully remain factual throughout,
but wherever needed, we shall create
information as close to the truth as we can
imagine it being.

We shall make reference to:

Names of Victims
Oocation of Murders
Evidence Round
 o  o 
Rinding a location in which we can use that will be
a true representation of the time period of Jack
The Ripper when we are filming our
When we¶ve found the location we want to use too
use we will also need to be able to keep it
available only to us while we are filming, so we
don¶t have any one interrupting us during filming
and ruining the scene.

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