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Interactional aspect of

Spoken Discourse
Presents by
1. Mazlan Kamil
2. Dwi Jayanto
3. Udin
4. Andri Sumaryono
5. Ld. Muhaimin
6. Asnawan

Interactional aspects in spoken

are consist of several points. One
of them
are linguistic and non linguistic
And turn taking activity. These
happen in our daily conversations
and It
cant be separated from human

Linguistic and Non Linguistic

Linguistic" means pertaining to
language. Or linguistic is the
study of human language.
"Nonlinguistic" means not using
language. The language may be
represented by gestures, written
symbols, or voice sounds

Linguistic in discourse

linguistics, discourse analysis

is concerned with the application
of language rather than the
formal elements of language.
Discourse can be understood as
language in action, such as how it
takes place during a
conversation. The scope of
discourse analysis on linguistic
consist of analysis of context,
conversation, textual linguistic,

Non linguistic in discourse


communication is the
imparting of information without using
language. Or in other words, sending
and receiving messages without using a
communication system that has the
characteristic features of a language as
identified by linguists. Gestures, written
symbols, or voice sounds don't
constitute "language" unless they take
place within a language framework.

Turn Taking

Goffman (1976:270-271)
refers to a turn at talk as "an
opportunity to hold the floor, not
what is said while holding it. A
floor may therefore consist of
several turns, just as it is possible
to take a turn without having the


study of turn taking includes,

1.Turn constructional component
2. Turn allocational component or
turn taking rules
3. Implicit and explicit markers.


Turn constructional component

describes out of which turns are
fashioned. These basic units are called
turn constructional units or TCUs. These
units are grammatically, pragmatically,
semantically, intonationally correct
units. In a particular context they
accomplish recognizable social actions
TCU is a stretch on speech at the end of
which another person could not start

Turn allocational component /Turn taking rules

The completion of a TCU results in a transition
relevance place or TRP. At that point it is possible
for another speaker to start speaking.
The rules are :
If the current speaker selects another speaker, that
speaker must speak next.
If the current speaker does not select another
speaker, someone may self-select as next speaker.
If nobody self selects, the current speaker may
it called local management system.


markers: These are paralinguistic features

such as body language and prosodic features. e.g.
falling tone and rising tone.


markers: These are linguistic features which

invite a response
a)clauses-A super ordinate clause allows turn taking. A
subordinate clause does not allow turn taking
b)suggestion - A speaker asks for suggestion. e.g. Shall
we go to picnic?
c) Request - A speaker request the other person. e.g.
Could you please open the door?
d) Question-A speaker asks question. e.g. What do you


and non linguistic are

combined by the humans in their
daily interaction in order to
transfer their idea or
Conversations need to be
organized therefore there are
rules or principles for establishing
who talks and then who talks
next. This process is called turn

Thank you

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